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Message from the Council

In February 1997, Chile and Canada signed a Free Trade Agreement, which includes two parallel agreements: one on labour and one on the environment. The agreements entered into force in July 1997. The Agreement on Environmental Cooperation demonstrates the importance given to environmental considerations in Canada and Chile.

The main objectives of the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation are to strengthen both the environmental cooperation between the two countries, and the effective enforcement of domestic environmental laws and regulations. Other objectives include: the promotion of sustainable development; cooperation to better conserve, protect and enhance the environment; and the promotion of economically efficient and effective environmental measures.

One of the fundamental aspects of the Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation is the promotion of transparency and public participation in environmental management. Guided by this principle, a web site for this agreement has been developed in each country, with a view to providing the public with clear and current information in this area.

The web site has been structured in such a way that you will be able to find answers to questions on the agreement in a rapid and efficient manner.

Welcome to our web site and feel free to share with us any comments, or questions, that you might have.

John Baird, Minister of Environment, Canada
John Baird
Minister of Environment

Ana Lya Uriarte, Directora Ejecutiva, Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente, CONAMA - Chile
Ana Lya Uriarte
Directora Ejecutiva
Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente
CONAMA - Chile


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