- Help with searching this website
- Help with using the advanced search
- Help with searching Adobe PDF files
- Explanation of the sidebar elements
- Using the Public Registry (A Guide) (PDF Format)
- Glossary of commonly used terms
- Frequently Asked Questions
Help with searching this website
Basic Search
To enter a query into the Public Registry, go to the "Search button," type in a few descriptive words and hit the "enter" key (or click on the "Search" button) for your list of relevant results. The Search function searches only for pages that exactly match your search terms, so it can be helpful to try using different versions of your terms. For example, if a search for "recovery strategy" didn't turn up what you were looking for, try "recovery strategies" instead. You might also try rephrasing your query. For example, searches on "environmental conservation" and "conservation of the environment" return different sets of results.
Boolean Search
The Public Registry is a vast computer database. As such, its contents must be searched according to the rules of computer database searching, which are based on the principles of Boolean logic. Boolean logic refers to the logical relationship among search terms, and is best explained as a way to combine terms using operators such as "AND," "OR," "NOT" and sometimes "NEAR." AND requires that all search terms appear in a record. OR retrieves records with either of two terms. NOT excludes terms. Parentheses and brackets may be used to sequence operations and group words (always enclose terms joined by OR with parentheses or brackets). The question mark (?) may be used to replace single characters, and the star symbol (*) replaces multiple characters. The following table gives examples of Boolean search operators.
Operator or scope | Examples |
and | one two one & two one and two |
or | me | you me or you |
not | ^him not him her^him |
exclusive or (xor) | apples~oranges apples xor oranges |
phrase | "to be or not to be" (to be or not to be) |
single character wildcard | wom?n g??d?l |
multiple character wildcard | work* cl*mat* |
ordered proximity | "British Columbia"/10 (i.e., find words in typed order within 10 words of each other) |
unordered proximity | "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms"@7 (i.e., find words in any order within 7 words of each other) |
Help with using the advanced search
The advanced search tool, allows you to search the Public Registry for both species and documents using a variety of combinations. This is helpful when your search criteria are difficult to formulate or when you would like your search to include certain information.
The species search includes parameters such as ranges, taxonomy group, and risk categories. For example, you could search for species at risk in Alberta, that are birds, and listed as endangered.
The document search includes parameters such as document type, status, and date published. For example, you could search for current regulations that were published between a certain time period.
Please note that in the event you do not find any search results, try broadening your search by using the select "All" parameter. If you do not select any search criteria, the search results will return all species and documents located in the Public Registry.
Help with searching Adobe PDF files
Most versions of Acrobat Reader allow you to search for text within a PDF document. The Find and Find Again icons are not enabled for versions that do not support text search.
- Open the PDF Document in your web browser
(click on the link to the PDF Document). - Click on the Find button at the top of your browser
(the Find button is represented by a pair of binoculars and is located in the browser window). - You will then be presented with a small find window. Type the term you wish to search for in the box provided then click on Find. To find other instances of the term, simply continue to click Find Again
(the Find Again button is represented by a pair of binoculars with a small arrow). - A successful search will show the items found by highlighting them in the document.
N.B. Truncation (wild card searching) is not supported in Adobe PDF documents, neither is stemming or Boolean searches.
Explanation of the sidebar elements
This section provides background information related to SARA. It includes Canada's Strategy for the protection of species at risk and a summary of the Act's history, purpose, process, and responsible authorities.
General Information
This section relates to the overall delivery of SARA. It contains information such as news releases, factsheets, COSEWIC and SARA annual reports, roundtable recommendations, and the general reports on wildlife species.
The Act
The full text of the Act is available for viewing and downloading. A search function is also available to assist you in finding specific information.
Species List
The official list of species at risk is available for viewing. A search function is also available to assist you in finding a particular wildlife species.
Species Assessment
This section provides information related to wildlife species assessment. This includes the classification criteria, status reports, species assessments, and response statements.
Strategies / Plans
This section provides access to the strategies and plans associated with recovering wildlife species under SARA. It includes recovery strategies, action plans, and management plans, as well as progress reports on the protection of critical habitat.
Regulations / Orders
Provides ready access to the full text of proposed and current regulations and orders, as well as orders in council and emergency orders. It also provides a brief summary of the regulations or orders and a link to related documents.
Agreements / Permits
This section provides descriptions and links for all agreements entered into under SARA. This includes those for delegation of authority, administrative, alternative measures, permits, and related international agreements.
Public Consultations
Provides timely notice of current public consultation opportunities, and links to relevant documents and contact information.
E-Mail Newsletter
This section provides users with the opportunity to subscribe to our E-Mail Newsletter and receive future monthly updates on new items that were added to the Public Registry.