CCI Notes
CCI Notes deal with topics of interest to those who care for cultural objects.
Intended for a broad audience, the Notes offer practical advice about issues
and questions related to the care, handling, and storage of cultural objects.
Many Notes are illustrated, and provide bibliographies as well as suggestions
for contacting suppliers. Written by CCI staff, there are currently more than
100 Notes in this ever-expanding series.
CCI Notes can be purchased from our online
For orders in Canada
The full set of CCI Notes in a three-ring binder is available at a cost of
$97.00. If you prefer to purchase only selected Notes, they are available for
$2.00 each (if purchasing less than 10), $1.75 each (for 10-19 Notes), and
$1.25 each (for more than 20 Notes).
For orders outside Canada
The full set of CCI Notes in a three-ring binder is available at a cost of
$122.00. If you prefer to purchase only selected Notes, they are available for
$2.50 each (if purchasing less than 10), $2.25 each (for 10-19 Notes), and
$1.50 each (for more than 20 Notes).
Please note that prices are in Canadian funds.
For those who purchased a complete set of CCI Notes prior to 1996, special
packages are available to bring the collection up to date.
Sample CCI Notes in PDF Format
N3/3 Controlling Insect Pests with Low Temperature
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N8/1 Removing Mould from Leather
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N9/7 Silver – Care and Tarnish Removal
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N11/7 Basic Care of Books
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N13/4 Velcro Support System for Textiles
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CCI Notes Online
CCI Notes are available online to all registered e-Services clients. Access is
free for clients in Canada, and can be
purchased for a one-time fee of $80.00 for clients outside Canada.
To view CCI Notes online,
create an e-Services account, login to e-Services, and click the My CCI
Notes tab on your e-Services home page.