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 Adhesives for Paleontology Collections
In conjunction with the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2006 Annual Conference in Ottawa, CCI is offering a two-day workshop Adhesives for Paleontology Collections on October 16–17, 2006.

 ICCROM-CCI International Course in Ottawa
The 2006 session of the ICCROM-CCI course "Preventive Conservation: Reducing Risks to Collections" will be presented in Ottawa from October 16 to 27, 2006.

news 36 CCI Newsletter No. 36
Among the topics discussed in this latest issue of the CCI Newsletter are the measures being taken to protect Canadian archival collections from the hazards of iron gall ink, the use of the risk management approach in preventive conservation, and the impact that conservation can have on our understanding of history.

CCI Research and Development Projects 2005– 2006
CCI's research and development projects reflect the evolving needs of the conservation and heritage communities, and often lead to the development of new conservation treatment techniques. We are pleased to present information on projects carried out during 2005-2006.

CCI Newsletter No. 35 has just been posted online
Featured in this issue are articles about restoration work on a sculpture of Queen Victoria in the Library of Parliament, a workshop on integrated pest management in Japan, and the benefits of facilities upgrading, as well as a discussion on the ephemeral artwork of Christo and Jeanne-Claude.


Mould Outbreak — An Immediate Response
ICCROM-CCI Course on Preventive Conservation: Reducing Risks to Collections
An international course on Preventive Conservation co-organized with the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) began June 6, 2005 in Rome.

Mould Outbreak — An Immediate Response
Mould Outbreak — An Immediate Response
The detection of mould in a heritage collection requires prompt attention. CCI is pleased to provide a guide to help with immediate decisions and first steps to control the infestation and to protect people and the collection.

CCI Research and Development Projects 2003 – 2004
CCI Research and Development Projects 2003 – 2004
CCI's research and development projects reflect the evolving needs of the conservation and heritage communities, and often lead to the development of new conservation treatment techniques. We are pleased to present information on projects carried out during 2003-2004.

Web Site Usability Survey Web Site Usability Survey
CCI is in the process of redesigning our Web site! To ensure that our site continues to be a useful resource for conservation information, we are requesting your input. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. The feedback you give us over the coming weeks will help shape the new design of this site.

Treatment of a 16-century Spanish Panel Painting
Treatment of a 16-century Spanish Panel Painting
CCI recently completed treatment of Descente de croix, a 16th-century Spanish panel painting, in anticipation of it exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, June 11, 2004 to March 28, 2005.

Preventive Conservation: Reducing Risks to Collections
Preventive Conservation: Reducing Risks to Collections
On June 6-24, 2005, CCI and ICCROM will offer a course to discuss and practice the risk management approach to conservation of collections. Application Deadline: 20 December 2004.


New Director General CCI has a New Director General!
CCI was pleased to welcome a new Director General on June 21, 2004. Jeanne Inch brings to the Institute a strong background in management, a long professional interest in science, research and development, and a personal interest in cultural heritage.

CCI Library Re-opens
CCI Library Re-opens
CCI is pleased to announce the opening of its newly renovated library. At the same time, the library has eliminated all fees for loans and document delivery services within Canada.

The History and Treatment of Works with Iron Gall Ink
The History and Treatment of Works with Iron Gall Ink
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and CCI will present a three-day workshop (rescheduled to February 21-23, 2005) on the history and treatment of works containing iron gall ink for the professional development of conservators and collection managers. Workshop is full and registration is closed.

Last Updated: 2006-11-16

Important Notices

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