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Create Account

To create an e-Services account, please complete the form below. More detailed information about e-Services accounts can be found under Help.

Clients that have a Bookstore account with CCI may login to e-Services using it, although they will be asked to validate some information before gaining access to e-Services.

Account Information
: Note: If you do not belong to an organization or wish to create a personal account, leave the organization field blank. You will automatically be assigned an organization name of First name Last name.
Web site (if applicable):

If you have named an organization, pick the category that best describes it:

Note: Please select a category even if you are uncertain that it is correct. CCI will review your choice to ensure that it is accurate. More information on the client categories and services available to each can be found in the Services section of the site.

Museums, Art Galleries, Archives, Libraries, and Historic Sites in Canada
public, not-for-profit, with an operating budget less than $100,000
public, not-for-profit with an operating budget between $100,000 and $999,999
public, not-for-profit, with an operating budget $1,000,000 or more
under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada (other than those with Canadian Heritage)
the "Nationals" (Portfolio Agencies of the Department of Canadian Heritage): National Gallery of Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature, Canada Science and Technology Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Canadian War Museum, Canada Agriculture Museum, Canada Aviation Museum, Portrait Gallery of Canada, Canadian Postal Museum

Heritage and Conservation Associations
Canadian (e.g. CMA, CAC, CAPC, etc.)
international (e.g. ICCROM, ICOM Conservation Committee, etc.)

Government and Public Authorities in Canada
Department of Canadian Heritage and Portfolio Agencies
other federal departments
provincial/territorial governments
municipal governments

Educational and Training Programs in Canada
heritage related (e.g. museology, archaeology, etc.)

National, Regional, and Community-based Organizations in Canada
representing Aboriginal communities and societies
representing ethno-cultural communities and societies
representing religious communities and societies

Canadian private sector/general public (e.g. commercial art galleries, businesses, etc.)  
Foreign — heritage and conservation   
Foreign — other  
Briefly describe the organization:
Shipping Information

Your shipping information is used for Bookstore purchases and some selected e-Services.


Last Updated: 2007-4-3

Important Notices

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