The Course
The purpose of this course is to focus on the risk management approach
to preventive conservation of collections. Risks can be not only due
to rare and catastrophic events, such as fire or flood, but also to
continual hazards, such as incorrect relative humidity or lighting,
and to everything in between. Risk management is an integrated view
of all expected damage and losses to collections and provides a reliable
tool to establish priorities and design strategies. The course will
review the risk concept in general, and its current interpretations
and applications in the field of cultural heritage. It will examine
the best available research for estimating all types of risks. Participants
will practice each stage of this approach in teams, from the risk assessment
of a real museum or archive collection, to the development of options
for risk mitigation. This course will especially consider the concerns
of institutions with limited resources. It will emphasize risk communication
and give participants various opportunities to exercise this skill.
Course Methodology
The course builds on the successes of the three former ICCROM-CCI courses,
using workshops, case studies, seminars, and presentations. Participants
will share in a variety of large and small group activities. Significant
time will be allocated for independent consultation with the course
team members, and for individual research.
The course is designed for collection managers, curators, registrars,
conservators, and also directors of small- to medium-sized museums,
galleries, libraries and archives, from all regions of the world. The
course will also interest educators and professionals who teach collection
management and preventive conservation, in either an academic or a vocational
environment. Candidates must submit, with their formal application,
a 500-word summary of their experience and the way in which the course
relates to their current or future projects. A maximum of 22 participants
will be selected from among the applicants.
Teaching Team
CCI, ICCROM, ICN, CMN and associated professionals.
Working Language
English. Course notes in English and French.
Course Fee
Euros 900
Travel, Accommodation and Living Expenses
Participants will be responsible for their round trip travel costs to
and from Sibiu. In order to cover living costs in Sibiu during the course,
participants should plan for a minimum total allowance of 1,200 €
(Euro). This sum would include the costs of accommodation in moderately
priced hotel rooms (which the course organizers will locate for participants).
Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek financial support from sources
such as governmental institutions, employers and funding agencies. ICCROM
may be able to offer a limited number of scholarships to selected candidates
who have been unable to secure funding.
Please use the ICCROM course application
form. Mail to the following address, which should be used for all
correspondence relative to the course:
PC 07 - Collections Unit
13, via di San Michele
Tel (+39) 06 585531 Fax (+39) 06 58553349
E-mail: collections (at)
Application Deadline
29 January 2007