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Canadian Conservation Insitute (CCI)
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Canadian Conservation Institute www.cci-icc.gc.ca
What's New
 With the introduction of e-Services in April 2007, clients can now request and track CCI services online, and access an electronic version of the CCI Notes in both html and pdf formats. (posted April 2007)
 Annual Review 2005 - 2006 (posted April 2007)
 CCI has developed a comprehensive services framework that includes clarification of clients eligible for our services, new criteria for assessing service requests, a new revenue generation policy, and an updated fee structure. Information on these policies is now available in the Services section of our Web site. (posted March 2007)
 Facing Digital Preservation Challenges - On March 28, 2007, CCI will be one of the co-presenters of a full-day workshop on preservation planning and long-term strategies for digital collections. This session is being offered as part of the Canadian Museums Association (CMA) annual conference in Ottawa. For more information, or to register, contact the CMA.
 Planning is currently underway for Symposium 2007 Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches. Registration fees are now posted, and registration will begin in March 2007. (posted January 2007)
 CCI Bookstore: In keeping with the policies of many other publishing companies, CCI has introduced a separate pricing structure for clients outside Canada. All prices are in Canadian dollars. (posted January 2007)
 On June18, 2007, CCI and ICCROM will offer a course in Romania to discuss and practice the risk management approach to conservation of collections. Application Deadline: 29 January 2007. (posted December 2006)
Information on CCI research and development projects 2006-2007 is now available. (posted November 2006)
 CCI Newsletter No. 37 is now available online! (posted September 2006)
CCI Newsletter No. 36 is now available online! (posted May 2006)
CCI is offering a two-day workshop Adhesives for Paleontology Collections in Ottawa on October 16–17, 2006. (posted May 2006)
Information on CCI research and development projects 2005-2006 is now available. (posted April 2006)

What's New Archives
Last Updated 2005-02-22