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Library and Archives Canada Services


Contact information is provided below for specific Library and Archives Canada services. Response times may vary depending on the volume of requests.

AMICUS Services
Telephone: 819-997-7227
Fax: 819-994-6835
E-mail: cic@lac-bac.gc.ca

Canadiana: The National Bibliography of Canada
Telephone: 819-994-6913
Fax: 819-953-0291
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca

Canadian Book Exchange Centre (CBEC)
Telephone: 613-952-8902
Fax: 613-954-9891
E-mail: cbecccel@lac-bac.gc.ca

Canadian Children's Literature Service
Telephone: 819-934-8341 or 1-866-578-7777 (Toll free in Canada and the U.S.)
Fax: 819-934-8333
E-mail: clsslj@lac-bac.gc.ca

Canadian Libraries and Librarianship
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Fax: 613-943-1112
E-mail: lissib@lac-bac.gc.ca

Canadian Literature Research Service
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E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca

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Cataloguing and Metadata
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Fax: 819-934-4388
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca

Electronic Collection: A Virtual Collection of Monographs and Periodicals
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Interlibrary Loan
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Fax: 613-996-4424
E-mail: illservicespeb@lac-bac.gc.ca

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Fax: 819-997-7517
E-mail: isbn@lac-bac.gc.ca

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Fax: 819-997-7517
E-mail: isbn@lac-bac.gc.ca

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Fax: 819-997-6209
E-mail: issn@lac-bac.gc.ca

Jacob M. Lowy Collection
Telephone: 613-995-7960
Fax: 613-943-1112
E-mail: lowy@lac-bac.gc.ca

Legal Deposit
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Fax: 819-953-8508
E-mail: legal.deposit@lac-bac.gc.ca

Literary Archives
Telephone: 819-934-8331
Fax: 819-934-8333
E-mail: reference@lac-bac.gc.ca

MARC 21 Standards
Telephone: 819-994-6936
Fax: 819-934-4388
E-mail: marc@lac-bac.gc.ca

Music Section
Telephone: 613-996-5115 or 1-866-578-7777 in the menu press 1, 9 (toll free in Canada and the U.S.)
Fax: 819-934-7272
E-mail: mus@lac-bac.gc.ca

MARC Records Distribution Service (MRDS)
Telephone: 819-994-6913
Fax: 819-934-6777
E-mail: mrds@lac-bac.gc.ca

The Rare Book Collection
Telephone: 613-992-6961
Fax: 819-934-8333
E-mail: rare.books.livres.rares@lac-bac.gc.ca

Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM)
(Bibliothèque, Université Laval)
Telephone: 418-656-2131, ext. 2871 (Jo-Anne Bélair, head RVM), 418-656-2131 ext 2164 (any question, request for translation or creation of new headings) 418-656-2131 ext. 6315 (subscriptions)
Fax: 418-656-3910
E-mail: rvm@bibl.ulaval.ca

Theses Canada
Telephone: 819-953-6221 or 1-866-578-7777 in the menu press 1, 9 (Toll free in Canada and the U.S.)
Fax: 819-997-2395
E-mail: theses@lac-bac.gc.ca

Union Catalogue
Telephone: 819-994-6985
Fax: 819-934-4388
E-mail: union.catalogue@lac-bac.gc.ca
