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The AMICUS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) sets guidelines for the appropriate use of the AMICUS system.


Guideline 1: Clients are encouraged to use AMICUS and other systems of the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) responsibly to enable the community as a whole to benefit from these resources. Responsible use includes taking reasonable steps to inform oneself about the system, its contents, functionality and developments.

Clients using AMICUS regularly are expected to acquire training and read the communications, documentation and other information provided for use of AMICUS. AMICUS communications are regularly posted on AMICUS News and other means deemed appropriate. AMICUS information is available at the following address: www.collectionscanada.ca/amicus.

Guideline 2: Robots and other means of harvesting are not permitted without the express written permission of the LAC. These technologies should never be used from 09:00 to 17:00 ET Monday to Friday. For more information, please contact the AMICUS Client Information Centre (cic@lac-bac.gc.ca).

Guideline 3: LAC reserves the right to prevent or stop irresponsible use of the AMICUS system. If LAC, in its judgement, determines that the system or its services to its clients are being affected by the actions of one or more clients, LAC will take action to stabilize the system and to restore service to the client community. LAC will attempt to communicate with clients to inform them of actions affecting the system or its services.

For more information, please contact the AMICUS Client Information Centre (cic@lac-bac.gc.ca).