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Royal Caledonian Curling Club, Canadian branch fonds

[textual record, graphic material, object]


3.54 m of textual records.
3 photographs: b&w.;
2 pins: gilt enamel, silver.


In 1838, the Grand (later Royal) Caledonian Curling Club was founded in Scotland with the purpose of uniting curlers throughout the world. In 1852, representatives of the Quebec, Stadacona, Montreal, and Montreal Thistle curling clubs met in Montreal to establish the Canadian Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club in order to promote the game in Canada. Curling clubs from Ontario and Quebec joined the Branch, but as the game became increasingly popular in Ontario, where clubs predominantly used granite stones rather than the irons employed by Branch clubs, other curling associations were organized. The Branch's membership became restricted to parts of Quebec and Eastern Ontario.

In 1904, a group of women curlers met to form a permanent organization for yearly bonspiels, and the following year their committee adopted the name Ladies Curling Association. The Granite Curling Association was established in 1924, to encourage the granite game within the Canadian Branch. In 1950, the operations of the Granite Curling Association and the Canadian Branch were amalgamated. In 1956, the Canadian Branch became affiliated with the Dominion (later Canadian) Curling Association which included all other provincial curling organizations in Canada.


Fonds consists of club records, comprising minutebooks, letterbooks, incoming correspondence, financial material, and other records of the Canadian Branch, 1852-1962; minutebooks of the Granite Curling Association, 1924-1950; minutes, letterbooks, scrapbooks, club histories, and other records of the Ladies Curling Association, 1904-1986; historian's files, n.d., 1940-1986; scrapbook, 1929-1930, 1941-1948.

The fonds also consists of 3 photographs, which are a group photograph of members of the Victoria Curling Club who won the Clyde Park Cup, Brookline, Mass., 13 March 1937; a group photo of officials of the Heather Curling Club and members who won the Governor General's Trophy, Montreal, Que., 1939, photo by Associated Screen News; and a photo of the General Dyde Trophy, Royal Montreal Curling Club, Que., n.d.

The fonds also consists of 2 pins: one pin commemorating the 75th anniversary (1979) of the Ladies Curling Association of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club - Canadian Branch and the other pin, a District 2 L.C.A. Centre Winner medal for 1971-1972.

MG28-I229 — Club records [textual record] ( Série)
MG28-I229 — Granite Curling Association [textual record] ( Série)
MG28-I229 — Ladies Curling Association [textual record] ( Série)
MG28-I229 — Historian's files [textual record] ( Série)
MG28-I229 — Scrapbook [textual record] ( Série)

NOUVEAU : R2801-0-0-E
ANCIEN : MG28-I229

Objet      90: Ouvert
Documents textuels      90: Ouvert
Documents iconographiques (photo)      90: Ouvert

Textual records: Volumes 1 to 8 and 10 to 12: Withdrawn from circulation. Researchers must use the microfilm copy.

Pins: No restriction on use. Copyright belongs to the Royal Caledonia Curling Club. Credit the National Archives fo Canada.

Photographs: No donor restrictions. Copyright: Expired. Credit: Name of photographer / National Archives of Canada.

Papier - Textual records: Finding aid 1854 is a file list. No. MSS1854

Électronique - Textual records: Finding aid. No. MSS1854 p000000429.pdf

Papier - Pins: Medal serial numbers 14082 and 14083.


Club Records (volumes 1 to 8 and 10 to 12 only) and Granite Curling Association minute book for 1931-1950 (volume 9): available on microfilm: reels C-13620 to C-13622.

Photocopies of information about the Canadian Branch in the Annuals of the RCCC are included in volume 30.

Club Records and minute books of the Granite Curling Association acquired in 1976 and 1977 from the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, Canadian Branch, Montreal. Records of the Ladies Curling Association acquired in 1981, 1985 and 1986 from the Canadian Branch through Mrs. Wesley Johnston of Ottawa. Historian's files acquired in 1987 and in 1990 from the Canadian Branch through its Historian, R. Wesley Johnston of Ottawa.

Scrapbook in volume 27 acquired in 1986 from the Curling Hall of Fame and Museum, Baie d'Urfé, Quebec. Correspondence and other Club Records in volume 28 acquired in 1988 from the Canadian Branch through R.W. Johnston. Ladies Curling Association records in volumes 28 and 29 acquired in 1988 from the LCA through Mrs. Johnston.

Photographs acquired from R.W. Johnston of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, Canadian Branch, Ottawa, Ont.

Royal Caledonian Curling Club. Canadian Branch /


Curling - Canada, 1840-1989
Granite Curling Association, 1924-1950
Sports - Canada, 1840-1989
Ladies Curling Association, 1904-1986
Recreation - Canada, 1840-1989
Dominion Curling Association, [between 1840 and 1989]
Winter sports - Canada, 1840-1989
Canadian Curling Association, [between 1840 and 1989]
Three Rivers Curling Club, 1875-1885



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