Library and Archives Canada would like to thank all of its staff who contributed to Framing Canada: A Photographic Memory. In particular, we would like to thank the following individuals, who were generous with their knowledge and expertise of the photographic collections and wrote content for this Web exhibition:
Photography Acquisition and Research, Multimedia and Special Collections
Jim Burant, Director
"Sense of Space"
Jill Delaney, Archivist
"Photographic Collections"
"Nation Building"
Andrew Rodger, Archivist
"Commercial Photography"
"War and Conflict"
"Evolution of Photography"
Sarah Stacy, Archivist
"The Canadian Mosaic"
"The Weird and Wacky"
Guy Tessier, Archivist
"Amateur Photography"
Portrait Gallery of Canada
Johanna Mizgala, Curator
"Aboriginal Peoples"
Thanks are also extended to Anne Becker, who wrote the thematic captions that accompany each of the essays.
Library and Archives Canada is grateful to the Canada Science and Technology Museum [], and in particular to Bryan Dewalt and Helen Graves Smith, for allowing LAC to photograph cameras in their collection and for making the cameras available to the Framing Canada exhibition.
Web design, Flash animation, additional photography, photomontage and music were provided by Luc Bouvrette, PhD., of design nouveaux médias [] in Montréal.
We also gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage, whose financial assistance through Canadian Culture Online (CCO) [] made this work possible.