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July 22, 2003 (Ottawa) — The Canadian Genealogy Centre, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal, and the Jewish Genealogical Society of Ottawa announce the release of a new database on the Canadian Genealogy Centre Web site. Of interest to a wide number of Canadians, this database contains the names of thousands of immigrants to Canada who became naturalized in the early 20th century.

This new genealogical resource was created by the Jewish Genealogical Societies of Ottawa and of Montreal. A partnership concluded with the Canadian Genealogy Centre allows the Societies to give the widest possible access to this resource through the Centre's Web site. This kind of partnership is an example of how the Canadian Genealogy Centre is working in cooperation with genealogical and other societies to develop new content online.

Lists of immigrants who became Canadian citizens and received Canadian naturalization certificates between the years 1915 to 1951 were published in two, until now, rarely-used sources for genealogy research: the Secretary of State sessional papers and the Canada Gazette. The database contains the first phase of the project and presents the lists of immigrants from 1915 to 1932. The new database will be a treasure-trove for those doing family research because it is one of the few Canadian genealogical resources specifically designed to benefit researchers with roots outside the Commonwealth, for example, from the countries of Eastern Europe.

"Without the help of its many partners, the Library and Archives Canada would not be able to provide all the programs it offers to the public today," said Ian Wilson, National Archivist.

The Canadian Genealogy Centre Web site, providing access to genealogical resources in Canada or of interest to those with roots in Canada, is made possible in part by the Canadian Culture Online Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Launched in March 2003, the Web site is already receiving more than 750,000 hits a month. It was recently named one of 101 best family history Web sites by Family Tree Magazine due to its appeal to a wide audience, ease of use, available resources and clear design.

Visit the Canadian Genealogy Centre Web site at: and use the genealogical research section.

For more information, please contact:

Louisa Coates
Media relations officer
Library and Archives of Canada
Telephone: (613) 992-9361 / cell 295-5516