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The Glenn Gould Foundation

Provides information on the work of the Glenn Gould Foundation. This site includes, among others, the following sections:

GlennGould Magazine

First issued September 25, 1995, it is released biannually on March 25th and September 25th. The magazine features unpublished writings by Gould. Subscribe through the Glenn Gould Foundation.

The Glenn Gould Prize

This prize is awarded to an individual who has earned international recognition as the result of a highly exceptional contribution to music and its communication, through the use of any communication technology.

Friends of Glenn Gould

Members share interest in Gould's visionary ideas and accomplishments, and information about special events, new publications and audio & video releases.

Sony Classical: GlennGould.com

This site includes news releases (www.glenngould.com/392news_archive1.html), a discography (www.glenngould.com/albums.html), a selective list of books (www.glenngould.com/books.html) and some digital samples of Glenn Gould's work.

Fminor, the Glenn Gould Mailing List

A mailing list of over three hundred participants, devoted to the discussion of Glenn Gould.

Glenn Gould: A Perspective

This is a fan site compiled by Michael Davidson that includes a Glenn Gould tour of Toronto (www.uottawa.ca/~weinberg/tour.html), liner notes to both the 1954 Goldberg Variations and the Hallmark Recital Series of 1953 as well as links to other resources.

Glenn Gould: The Recordings

A database of commercially available recordings by Glenn Gould, compiled by Marius Coomans.

National Film Board of Canada:

With a collection of over 10 000 English and French titles, there are a few Glenn Gould items in this rich resource. The following lists Glenn Gould films and / or documentaries found in the National Film Board collection:

Glenn Gould - On the Record (1959)

Glenn Gould - Off the Record (1959)

Glenn Gould - On & Off the Record (1987)

Glenn Gould - On & Off the Record (1999, DVD with additional special features)

Spheres (1969), music by Glenn Gould

The Wars (1982), music by Glenn Gould

Music Library Association's Glenn Gould Obituary Citations

A list of various journals that mentioned Gould's death.

Peter Gutmann's Classical Notes

Reviews of Gould's recordings provide insight on the man and the performer.

Glenn Gould Celebration on CBC Radio; September 22 -
October 1, 1999


In 1999, three hundred Gould devotees from around the world gathered for five days in Gould's hometown of Toronto, to celebrate his birthday and exchange impressions of his extraordinary life, career and legacy. Includes concert schedules, photo gallery, and articles on Gould and the CBC.

The Glenn Gould Professional School of the Royal Conservatory of Music

Includes information on the Royal Conservatory of Music's special music program for young performers.

CBC's Glenn Gould Studio

Provides information on the CBC's concert venue in Toronto.

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