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Counting Books: 1 2 3Arnold, Rist (Art). Ebbitt Cutler (Text). If I Were a Cat I Would Sit in a Tree. Montreal: Tundra Books, c1985. 24 p. Ballint, Anna Maria (Art). Michel Cailloux (Text). Avec Bobinette j'apprends à compter. Saint-Lambert, Qué.: Héritage, [1991?]. 4 p. Béha, Philippe (Art). Combien? Sillery, Qué. : Ovale, [1985?]. 20 p. Béha, Philippe (Art). How Many? Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1985. 20 p. Beeson, Bob (Art). Sheila Dalton (Text). Bubblemania. Victoria, B.C.: Orca Book Publishers, c1992. 32 p. Blais, Hubert (Art). Claudine Vallerand (Text). Les Animaux fantasques. Montréal: Fides, [1963?]. 16 p. (Collection Contes de Maman Fonfon) Brookes, Diane (Art and Text). Passing the Peace. Waterloo, Ont.: Penumbra, 1990. 29 p. Carter, Andrea (Art). Barbara Smith (Text). Countosaurus: The Dinosaur Picnic Counting Book. Edmonton: Plains Publishing, c1990. 23 p. Children of La Loche and Friends (Art). David C. May (Text). George Montgrand (Translation into Chipewyan). Byron and His Balloon: An English-Chipewyan Counting Book. Edmonton: Tree Frog Press, 1984. 28 p. Daigle, Gisele (Art). Barbara Wilson (Text). A B C et and 1 2 3: A Bilingual Alphabet and Counting Book. Victoria, B.C.: Press Porcepic, 1980. 48 p. Dawe, Pamela (Art). Tom Dawe (Text). Lings 'n' Things: A Count and Colour Book. St. John's, Nfld.: H. Cuff Publications, 1986. 21 p. Dirksen, Helen (Art). Selma Hooge (Text). More Than a Number Book. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, [1990?]. 32 p. Dupas, Philippe (Art). Pierre Mathieu (Text). Le Boulier magique. Saint-Boniface, Man.: Éditions des Plaines, [1990?]. 56 p. Fernandez, Kim (Art). Katherine Burton (Text). One Grey Mouse. Toronto: Kids Can Press, c1995. 22 p. Fraughton, Carol (Art). Kim Marriott (Text/Concept). 1-10. Hubbards, N.S.: Aurora Press, c1994. 20 p. Gay, Marie-Louise (Art and Text). De Zéro à minuit. Montréal: Les éditions la courte échelle, 1981. 22 p. Hammond, Franklin (Art and Text). Marie-Andrée Clermont (Translation). Dix petits canards. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Scholastic Canada, c1992. 23 p. Hammond, Franklin (Art and Text). Ten Little Ducks. Vancouver: A Groundwood Book, Douglas & McIntyre, 1987. 24 p. Helmer, Katherine (Art). Robert Priest (Text). Ten Big Babies. Windsor, Ont.: Black Moss Press, 1989. 24 p. Henderson, May (Photos). Jocelyn Graeme (Text). One Nose, Two Hands = Un Nez, deux mains = Una nariz, dos manos = I pi, liang shou. Don Mills, Ont.: Addison-Wesley, c1990. 22 p. Hone, Christine (Art). Marianne Kugler-Gagnon (Text). Le Lac aux chiffres. Québec: Diffusion nouvelle, c1982. 10 p. Johnson, Odette and Bruce Johnson (Art and Text, Shared). One Prickly Porcupine. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. 32 p. Krykorka, Vladyana (Art). Michael Kusugak (Text). My Arctic 1, 2, 3. Toronto: Annick, 1996. 24 p. Nidenoff, Michele (Art). bp Nichol (Text). A Number of Numbers. Windsor, Ont.: Black Moss Press, 1991. 22 p. O'Halloran, Tim (Art and Text). Know Your Numbers. Burlington, Ont.: Hayes Publishing, c1983. 38 p. Paré, Roger (Art and Text). Les Chiffres. Montréal: Les éditions la courte échelle, [1994?], c1986. 24 p. Paré, Roger (Art and Text). David Homel (Translation). One, Two, Three: Play with Me. Montreal: Héritage, 1988. 1 book, 4 games, 10 puzzle pairs, 1 parents' guide in box, 23 x 23 x 2 cm. Patkau, Karen (Art). Celia Barker Lottridge (Text). One Watermelon Seed. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989, c1986. 24 p. Reid, Barbara (Art and Text). Christiane Duchesne (Translation). Deux par deux. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Scholastic Canada, c1992. 29 p. Reid, Barbara (Art and Text). Two by Two. Richmond Hill, Ont.: North Winds Press, c1992. 29 p. Shields, Jocelynne Louise (Art and Text). Numbers. London, Ont.: Write Hand, c1989. 9 p. Thornhill, Jan (Art and Text). The Wildlife 1 2 3: A Nature Counting Book. Toronto: Greey de Pencier Books, 1994, c1989. 30 p. Van Kampen, Vlasta (Art and Text). ABC, 1 2 3: The Canadian Alphabet and Counting Book. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1982. 47 p. Winik, J. Terry (Art and Text). Fun with Numbers. Burlington, Ont.: Hayes Publishing, 1985. 32 p. Wood, Angela (Art and Text). Kids Can Count. Toronto: Kids Can Press, c1976. 28 p. Wyse, Anne and Alec Wyse (Compilers). The One to Fifty Book. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. Circa 100 p. Zimmermann, Heinz Werner (Art and Text). Zero Is Not Enough. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990. 24 p. ABC, 1, 2, 3. Saint-Lambert, Qué.: Héritage, c1994. 1 case, 19 x 19 x 4 cm.
ABC, 1, 2, 3. Saint-Lambert, Que.: Héritage, c1994. 1 case, 19 x 19 x 4 cm. Les Animaux: je compte. Saint-Lambert, Qué.: Héritage, c1994. 1 2 3. Toronto: General Publishing, 1994. 25 p.