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Military Medals

The Veterans Affairs Canada Web site provides descriptions and illustrations of Canadian Military Medals and Decorations [].

Research at Library and Archives Canada

Medal Registers (RG 9 IIA5)

Library and Archives Canada holds the registers of medals awarded to individuals who saw active service in the:

  • Fenian Raids (1866, 1870) and Red River Rebellion (1870): Canada General Service Medal Registers.
  • North West Rebellion (1885): North West Canada Medal Register.
  • South African War (1899-1902): Queen's South African Medal Register.

A nominal card index is available onsite. The names of the recipients of the Queen's South African Medal are indexed in our South African War database. To request a search of the other medal registers and citations, please use our online Genealogy Inquiry Form.

Canada General Service Medal Register, 1866-1870. Library and Archives Canada, RG 9 IIA5, vol. 10, p. 80, reel C-1863

Canada General Service Medal Register, 1866-1870. Libray and Archives Canada, RG 9 IIA5, vol. 10, p. 80, reel C-1863.

Personnel records for those who served in the First and Second World Wars indicate which medals were awarded.

Research in Other Institutions

For information about medal entitlements and replacements, contact the appropriate office:

Korean, First and Second World Wars:

Honours and Awards Section
Veterans Affairs Canada
66 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0P4

United Nations and Long Service Medals:

National Defence Headquarters
Director History and Heritage
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0K2

Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea:

The Chancellery
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1A1

Research Online

First World World Campaign Medals (British Army and Royal Flying Corps) [www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/browse-refine.asp?CatID=10&searchType;=browserefine&pagenumber;=1&query;=*&queryType;=1]

Air Force Honours and Awards [www.airforce.ca/index2.php3?page=honours]

Awards to the Royal Canadian Navy [www.rcnvr.com/]

Use AVITUS to find other Web sites about military medals, including Victoria Cross winners.

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