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Government Information

Foreign Government Information and Intergovernmental Organizations

Australian Government

Australian Government
Arranged by topic and information provider, for individuals, students, businesses, and non-residents.

Australian Government: Selected Websites -- National Library of Australia
Includes GovPubs, the Australian Government Publications Guide to selected Australian Commonwealth and State Government publications located in Australia's national and state libraries and on the Internet.

Australian Politics: Sites Specializing in Politics and Government --University of Sydney Library
Includes links to a guide to Australian government publications produced by the State Library of Victoria and a law Internet guide from the University of Sydney Law Library.

Access to Australian Government Publications -- Australian Government
A search engine for finding publications in Australian government Web sites.

Great Britain Government

BOPCRIS: The British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service
BOPCRIS is a Web-based bibliographic database with references for key British government publications from 1688 to 1995.

18th Century British Parliamentary Papers
Led by the University of Southampton as part of the BOPCRIS consortium, this digitization project will deliver up to 1 million pages from all surviving 18th century British parliamentary papers, bills, journals and reports.

The United Kingdom Parliament
Includes an agenda of current and future parliamentary business; a searchable database of Hansard from 1988; the status and text of bills before Parliament; the text of judgments delivered by the House of Lords; a directory of MPs, peers and offices; and information on current parliamentary committees with links to reports and publications, and to archived pages of some defunct committees. The Parliamentary Publications and Archives page includes the weekly information bulletin from 1995 to the present; House of Commons fact sheets; House of Lords briefing papers; the full text of public general acts as of 1988 and of private acts as of 1991; House of Commons Library research papers; statistics on parliamentary business; and standing orders and other information relating to parliamentary procedure.

POLIS: Parliamentary Online Indexing Service
POLIS provides an index to the proceedings and publications of both houses of Parliament and includes the full text of early day motions since May 1997. The database is maintained and updated by House of Commons Library staff.

Cabinet Office - Office of Public Sector Information
Replaces the HMSO Online Web site. It provides full-text access to UK legislation since 1988, and command papers since 2001, and includes a guide to finding and obtaining British official publications.

Official Documents -- TSO: The Stationery Office
Official Documents is the official reference facility for command and departmentally sponsored House of Commons papers. From May 2005 onwards, all command papers and House of Commons papers, as well as key departmental papers, are available for free on the site in PDF format, along with a selection of key papers published before that date.

Public Services All in One Place -- Directgov
Provides access to UK government information and services by keyword and audience group. Includes a guide to British government.

The London Gazette
As one of the official newspapers of record in the United Kingdom, this site provides online access to the London Gazette from 1900 to 1979. Access is also provided to the Belfast Gazette and the Edinburgh Gazette.

Publications -- National Assembly for Wales
Provides access to official publications, statistics, annual reports, assembly committees, resolutions and records of proceedings. The "Publications List" section collects official publications concerning Wales. Documents are listed alphabetically by subject and appear in the language in which they were originally published.

Northern Ireland Assembly
Includes information on committees and publications as well as the history and status of the Assembly.

Parliamentary Business -- The Scottish Parliament
The "Parliamentary Business" section of this Web site provides access to parliamentary resources including annual reports, bills, the Business Bulletin, official reports, committee papers and reports, written answers, fact files and research.

Arctic Blue Books Online -- University of Manitoba, Archives and Special Collections

Dating from between 1818 and 1878, the Arctic Blue Books are volumes of British parliamentary papers relating to arctic exploration. Includes a searchable index with links to the digitized text.

UK Government Web Archive -- The National Archives
A selective collection of UK Government Web sites, archived at regular intervals from August 2003 onward and developed by the National Archives using the services of the Internet Archive.

United States Government

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1875 -- The Library of Congress
Provides online access to the records and acts of Congress from the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention through the 43rd Congress. Includes congressional journals, debates, bills, statutes, state papers and the Serial Set, which contains the House and Senate documents as well as the House and Senate reports.

OSTI - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific & Technical Information
This site provides access to a wealth of energy, science, and technology research and development information from the Manhattan Project to the present.

First Gov - The United States Government's Official Web Portal
Official gateway to all U.S. government information: federal government, local and tribal governments. The "Reference Shelf" provides links to a wide range of information, including laws and regulations, statistics and publications.

GODORT- Frequently Used Sites Related to U.S. Federal Government Information
A directory of links from the Federal Documents Task Force (FDTF) and the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) to popular U.S. government sites on the Internet. The links are organized by topics including crime, census, consumer information, education, health, natural resources and law.

Liber8 - An economic information portal for librarians and students
An economic information portal for librarians and students. Includes IES, the International Economic Statistics Database.

NTIS - U.S. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Service
NTIS is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information by or for the U.S. government, and complementary materials from international sources. Information on more than 750,000 of these products can be accessed from this Web site and thousands of new products are added each week. Additionally, many records now include free links to the full-text publication on an agency's Web site, or can be downloaded directly from the NTIS archival document for a nominal charge.

THOMAS -- The Library of Congress
Provides access to legislation, the congressional record and committee information. Offers links to Library of Congress Internet resource pages on the legislative branch, federal government Web sites, and the Library's Guide to Law Online. Includes "Frequently Asked Questions."

GPO Access - A Service of the U.S. Government Printing Office
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) provides electronic access to legislative, executive, and judicial information. It is possible to search many of these individual resources and also to search across multiple databases.

Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects (GPO Access)
Serves as a locator tool for publicly accessible collections of digitized U.S. Government publications

LSU Libraries Federal Agencies Directory -- Louisiana State University Libraries
This keyword-searchable directory, produced by Lousiana State University in partnership with the Federal Library Depository Program, lists current U.S. federal government agencies as represented in the U.S. Government Manual.

Intergovernmental Organizations

International Organizations and Related Information -- Library and Achives Canada
Library and Archives Canada's Government Information site links to international organizations and related information.

G8 Information Centre -- University of Toronto
The University of Toronto offers links to information pertaining to the G7, G8, and G20 summits, as well as links to summits, meetings, official documents, etc.

EUROPA - Gateway to the European Union
This portal site of the European Union gives information on EU activities, institutions, documents and services.

EUROPA - European Governments On-line
Presents links to the main governmental sites of EU member states and other European countries.

European Information -- University of Exeter - Library and Information Service
Collects resources on the European Union and research sponsored by the European Community.

GODORT - International Documents Task Force
Links to lists of foreign governments, international governmental organizations (IGOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and Web guides on a variety of research topics, including IGOs, foreign governments and subject-based research guides.

International Documents -- Northwestern University Library
Easy-to-use alphabetical listing with direct links to main government pages as well as to legislative bodies, ministries and agencies.

GATT Digital Library: 1947-1994 -- Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources
Provides access to documents of and information about the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), an organization that promoted international commerce and the reduction of trade barriers among member states from 1947 to 1994.

Government Information -- University of Waterloo - the Library
Contains well-organized links to worldwide government and legal information, including the texts of the constitutions, treaties and other agreements.

Governments on the WWW: Table of Contents
Comprehensive database of governmental institutions on the Internet. Includes parliaments, ministries, offices, law courts, embassies, city councils, public broadcasting corporations, central banks and multinational organizations. Also includes political parties. Contains more than 11,000 entries from 216 countries and territories. Frequently updated.

International Governmental Organizations -- Northwestern University Library
Maintained by the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) International Documents Task Force (IDTF). Metasite for international governments. Features direct links to documentation of the organization. Listings include links to press releases, publications catalogues, resolutions, documents and other publications.

The University of Michigan Library Documents Center
Extensive central reference and referral point for government information (including local, state, federal, foreign and international.) Useful for research in government, political science, statistical data and news.

Government Gazettes Online -- University of Michigan
To aid researchers, this website attempts to list, and provide links to, all online government gazettes. A description of the contents and coverage are included for each gazette.

World World
Contains comprehensive links to world government and international government. Also contains excellent links to online journals pertaining to world government issues.

ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law -- ASIL: The American Society of International Law
Helpful guide from the American Society of International Law. Includes information on accessing official United Nations Web sites, statistics, resolutions and documents, international courts and tribunals.

ODS: Official Document System of the United Nations
Covers all types of official United Nations documentation. Includes full text of United Nations parliamentary documents (including resolutions and decisions) issued at United Nations Headquarters in New York and the United Nations Office in Geneva since 1993 as well as at the United Nations Office in Vienna since 1997. The official record version of older United Nations resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards (until 1996 for the General Assembly) are stored separately on ODS in the "Resolutions" database, accessible only from the advanced search screen. ODS Training Guide available.

United Nations Studies - United Nations Scholars' Workstation Home Page
Contains a collection of texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and references to print and electronic information. Subject coverage includes disarmament, economic and social development, environment, human rights, international relations, international trade, peacekeeping, and population and demography.

United Nations System Pathfinder -- United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library
Excellent tool to aid in the identification of major publications (print and electronic) of the organizations of the United Nations system. Other helpful tools from the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library are the United Nations Bibliographic Information System [http://unbisnet.un.org/] and the United Nations Documentation Research Guide. [www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/]