CHAPTER XXIIISCIENTIFIC research UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT*[364]1. We have already discussed the extensive research, fundamental, basic and applied, in widely different fields now conducted in many departments and laboratories of the Government. These include the laboratories of the National research Council in Ottawa and elsewhere, and the laboratories of various government departments, notably Agriculture, Mines and Technical Surveys, Fisheries and Defence. Problems of duplication may not yet be serious and there is now much co-operation, but we are of the opinion that the increasing number and complexity of these activities may make necessary in the future some centralized controlling agency. We do not think that a detailed recommendation on this matter would be warranted by our Terms of Reference, but we do consider that an investigation of this problem should be made in the near future by suitable persons. We therefore recommend:
* From: Canada. Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters, and Sciences. Report. Ottawa : King's Printer, 1951. By permission of the Privy Council Office. |