Immigrants at Grosse-Île Online Help
In the nineteenth century, an increasing stream of people was leaving Europe to rebuild their lives in North America. Around 1830, an average of 30,000 immigrants arrived annually in Quebec City, the main port of entry to Canada. Approximately two-thirds of these newcomers were from Ireland. This unprecedented immigration on the St. Lawrence River took place at a time when major cholera and small pox epidemics were sweeping through Europe. In order to help control the spread of the diseases, the quarantine station at Grosse-Île, located in the St. Lawrence River downstream from Quebec City, was established in 1832 and was in operation until it closed in 1937.
In 1974, the old quarantine station became a national historic site under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada.
More information on Grosse-Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site [www2.parkscanada.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/qc/grosseile/index_e.asp] of Canada is available on the Parks Canada Web site.
The Records
Data on immigrants was compiled by Parks Canada from a number of different records held in various archives. Under an agreement between Parks Canada's Quebec Office and the Canadian Genealogy Centre, this database regarding immigrants who passed through Grosse-Île is now available on this Web site.
One of the interesting aspects of this Grosse-Île database is the fact that it is possible to trace certain immigrants and members of their family, from their departure from Europe, during their voyage across the Atlantic, their stay at the Grosse-Île Quarantine Station, and then on their way to a destination within the continent. This database is an additional asset to help Canadians retrace their family roots.
This database contains information from the following sources:
List of Major Denis Mahon's Sharecroppers
Information on 1,431 tenants evicted in 1847 by Major Mahon, landlord of County Roscommon in Ireland.
Source: |
List of Tenants of Landlord Denis Mahon. The Famine Museum, Strokestown Park, County Roscommon, Ireland. |
Births at Sea
Information on 135 people born on ships during the Atlantic crossing between 1837 and 1913.
Source: |
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4, C1, Provincial Secretary's Office, volumes 399, no 2451 and 480, no 1265.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church House, Grosse-Île Anglican Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île Protestant Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Rivière-du-Loup-en-Bas.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île, St.Luc parish, 1834-1932.
Parks Canada, Register of Births at Sea 1869-1875. |
Deaths at Sea
Information on 4,936 people who died on ships at sea, on the St. Lawrence River or on quarantined ships at Grosse-Île, from 1832 to 1922.
Source: |
Library and Archives Canada, Sessionnal Papers, 1866.
Library and Archives Canada, Journaux de l' Assemblée Législative du Bas-Canada (JALBC), vol. 42.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 A1, volumes 430 and 431.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4, C 1, volumes 229, 230, 387, 399
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 29, volume 765.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 42, vol. 11, File 1.
Quebec City Archives (AVQ), Health Committee.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives of the Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Diocesan Archives, Register Church of England, Quarantine Station Grosse Isle, 1870-1890.
Parks Canada, Register of Deaths at Sea 1869-1875.
The Morning Chronicle (Québec) |
Hospital Registers
Information on 12,196 people who were treated in the Grosse-Île hospitals between 1832 and 1921.
Source: |
Library and Archives Canada, Journaux de l' Assemblée Législative du Bas-Canada (JALBC), vol. 42.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), PRO, MG 11, C.O. 42, Volumes 480, 514, 542
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 A1, volumes 419, 431, 444, 457, 459, 496, 514, 564, 596.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 C1, volumes 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 228, 340, 399, 427, 439, 458, 463.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG7 G20, volumes 34 and 41.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 17 AI, 1, volume 5.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 17 AI, 1, volume 896.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 19 D5, volume 2532.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 42, Volume 11, Files 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Parks Canada, Annual Report of Sick admitted during season 191(3), at Quarantine Hospital, Grosse-Isle.
Parks Canada, Québec: Hospital Admission Book, Grosse Isle, 2 volumes, 1878-1913.
Irish University Press (IUP), British Parliamentary Papers, Serie Colonies Canada, 1847-1848, vol. 17, app. B & C, pp. 32-33.
Irish University Press (IUP), Série Colonies Canada, vol. 14, p.66 |
Baptisms at Grosse-Île
Information on 554 people baptized at Grosse-Île between 1832 and 1937.
Source: |
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church House, Grosse-Île Anglican Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île Protestant Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Rivière-du-Loup-en-Bas.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île, St.Luc parish, 1834-1932. |
Marriages at Grosse-Île
Information on 46 marriages that were celebrated at Grosse-Île from 1832 to 1937.
Source: |
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church House, Grosse-Île Anglican Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île Protestant Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île, St.Luc parish, 1834-1932. |
Burials at Grosse-Île
Information about 4,871 people who were buried at Grosse-Île between 1832 and 1937.
Source: |
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church House, Grosse-Île Anglican Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île Protestant Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Rivière-du-Loup-en-Bas.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île, St.Luc parish, 1834-1932.
Archives of the Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Diocesan Archives, Register Church of England, Quarantine Station Grosse Isle, 1870-1890. |
The Grosse-Île and the Irish Memorial was erected in 1997 to commemorate the massive arrival of Irish immigrants who were victims of the Great Famine. It provides the names of 8,339 people of various nationalities who were buried in the Grosse-Île cemeteries from 1832 to 1937.
Source: |
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), Journaux de l' Assemblée Législative du Bas-Canada (JALBC), volume 42.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), PRO, C.O. 42, Volumes 542 and 551.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 1 E1, State Books H and I.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 A1, volumes 419, 431, 438, 440, 444, 468, 514, 528.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 C1, volumes 34, 228, 230.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 7 G20, volume 41.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 19 D5, vol. 2533.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 19, E2a1, vol. 2745.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 29, vol. 765.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 42, Volume 11, Files 1, 7, 8.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Anglican Travelling Missionaries District of Quebec: 1826-1848.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church House, Grosse-Île Anglican Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Notary Saxton Campbell.
Archives nationales du Québec à Québec (ANQQ), Register of the Travelling Missionary of the Church of England for the District of Quebec, 1854.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île Protestant Chapel.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Rivière-du-Loup-en-Bas.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Church Records, Grosse-Île, St.Luc parish, 1834-1932.
Quebec City Archives (AVQ), Health Committee.
Archives of the Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Diocesan Archives, Register Church of England, Quarantine Station Grosse Isle, 1893.
Parks Canada, Register of Deaths in Quarantine Grosse-Île, 1866-1903.
The Morning Chronicle (Québec) |
Inventory of the Personal Belongings of Deceased Immigrants
Information on 528 inventories of personal belongings of deceased immigrants from Grosse-Île or Quebec City in 1834-1835, 1837, 1841, 1847, 1849 and 1851.
Source: |
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 19 D5, volumes 2532 and 2533.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 A1, volumes 468, 514, 518, 528.
Library and Archives Canada (ANC), RG 4 C 1, volumes 34 and 300.
Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City (ANQQ), Notary Saxton Campbell. |
Search Screen
The search screen allows you to explore the database using four fields:
Name (surname and/or given name)
Year (year of birth, death, marriage, hospitalization)
Ship (name of the ship)
Origin (city, country or place)
To search the database, enter one or more of the above items in the appropriate field.
Enter a surname and/or given name in any order. Expect spelling variations. Use the wildcard character $, for example, Sm$th for Smith/Smyth, Fred$ for Fred/Frederick/Fredrick. Remember that certain references only contain the first initial and not the entire given name.
You can narrow the search by including additional search terms but keep in mind that if your request is too specific you may rule out possibilities of which you are unaware.
If you are certain of the year of arrival, enter that year in the search field. If it is a range of years, for example the 1890s, write 189$ to search the entire decade.
If you know the name of the ship on which your ancestor arrived, enter the ship's name in the search field. But try also to search without the ship's name.
When you have entered your search terms, click on "Submit query." The number of hits found will be shown at the top of the results screen.
How to Interpret the Search Results
Your search results will be posted as a summary list from which you will be able to obtain more detailed descriptions.
Results Summary List
The results summary list, sorted by column, contains identification elements that will allow you to rapidly assess how relevant the documents are that you found. The identification elements are: name, year, age, ship, origin and database title.
Click on the icons on the left for more detailed descriptions of items of interest to you.
Detailed Description
The content of the database entries reflect the original language used in the documents. This information was not translated.
Important note: Given that some of the original documents are very difficult to read, some information in the database may be incorrect and/or incomplete.
The archival reference to the original document appears at the end of each description. The documents are held in various archives, mainly at Library and Archives Canada, Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City Office, or at Parks Canada's Quebec Office.
How to Consult the Document or Obtain a Copy
All information contained in the actual documents was transcribed and entered in the database with the exception of sensitive information such as cause of death. If you still want to view the original record or obtain a copy, note the reference at the bottom of the page and consult the relevant section below.
- Library and Archives Canada
Most documents held at Library and Archives Canada (formerly National Archives of Canada/Archives nationales du Canada) are available on microfilm.
How to Access Library and Archives Canada Records
- Newspapers
Newspapers are available on microfilm and can be consulted in a number of public libraries or through interlibrary loan. We suggest that you consult the List of Canadian Newspapers on Microfilm Held by the National Library of Canada.
- Archives nationales du Québec
For documents held at the Archives nationales du Québec [www.anq.gouv.qc.ca/] in Quebec City (ANQQ), please contact:
Archives nationales du Québec
Centre d'archives de Québec
Pavillon Louis-Jacques-Casault
Cité universitaire, PO Box 10450
Sainte-Foy, QC
G1V 4N1
Tel.: 418-643-8904
Fax: 418-646-0868
- Parks Canada
It is not possible to obtain copies of documents in the custody of Parks Canada's Quebec Office because the information is contained in fragile oversize registers, which would be damaged by photocopying.
- Bishop's University
For documents held at Bishop's University please contact: Library, Bishop's University Quebec Diocesan Archives Anglican Church of Canada Lennoxville, QC J1M 1Z7 Tel.: 819-822-9600, ext. 2567 jsweeny@ubishops.ca