Selected Almanacs in the National Library of Canada's Collection
Ward's almanack. Halifax : E. Ward, 1823.
The national almanac and annual record (Philadelphia) |
- AY 64 N25
- 1863/64 (v.1 of 2)
National calendar, or, Herrick's almanac (New York) |
- AY 81 P3 N3
| OOA: AY 81 P3 H4 |
- 1872
Neuer calender fur nord-amerika (Philadelphia) |
- AY 73 P5 N4
| OOA: AY 73 P5 N48 |
- 1849
The New Brunswick almanac and register (Saint John, N.B.) |
- AY 420 N4 N4
| OOA: AY 410 N4 A41 |
- 1849-54, 1864-65
- Continues:
| The New-Brunswick almanack |
- Continued by:
| Der Hochdeutsche neu-schottländische Calender |
The New Brunswick calendar (Saint John, N.B.) |
- AY 420 N4 N395 1820-21
| OOA: AY 420 N4 A4 |
- 1822
The New Dominion calendar (Montréal) |
- AY 420 Q8 N48 xxfol.
- 1869
The New-England almanac, or, Lady's and gentleman's diary (Providence, R.I.) |
- AY 291 P7 N4
| OOA: AY 291 N4 |
- 1779-81, 1812-14
The Newfoundland almanac (St. John's, Nfld.) |
- AY 420 N5 N52
| OOA: AY 420 N49 N4 |
- 1858, 1859, 1861-62, 1864-68, 1869, 1871, 1873-78, 1880-84, 1885-86, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1891-92
The new Jamaica almanac, and
register (Kingston, Jamaica) |
- AY 425 J4 N4
| OOA: AY 425 J4 N4 |
- 1805
The new Quebec almanack (Québec) |
- AY 420 Q8 N4
| OOA: AY 420 Q4 N4 |
- 1839
Le nouvel almanach du Bas-Canada (Québec) |
- AY 420 Q8 N69
- 1861
Le nouvel astrologue universel : almanach de la température (Montréal) |
- AY 417 G95
- 1843-1844
- Continues:
| Le guide du cultivateur |
The Nova-Scotia calendar for town and country (Halifax, N.S.) |
- AY 420 N69 N55
| OOA: AY 420 N6 N6 |
- 1815-16, 1825-28
The Nova-Scotia calender, or, An almanack (Halifax, N.S.) |
- AY 420 N69 N6
- 1770, 1780, 1793, 1799, 1800
- Continued by?:
| Astronomical calculations |
Nova-Scotia temperance almanack (Halifax, N.S.) |
- AY 419 T3 N6
| OOA: AY 419 T4 N6 |
- 1835-1837
Nugent's Nova-Scotia people's almanack (Halifax, N.S.) |
- FC 2301 .5 N8
| OOA: AY 420 N6 N8 |
- 1852-53