Archives nationales du Canada. La gestion des documents photographiques au gouvernement du Canada, Ottawa, Archives nationales du Canada, 1993. Aussi publié en anglais : Managing Photographic Records in the Government of Canada.
Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, New York, Hill and Wang, 1982.
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing, London, Penguin Books, 1972.
Bolton, Richard, dir. The Contest of Meaning: Critical Histories of Photography, Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press, 1989.
Borcoman, James, et collab. Karsh : l'art du portrait, Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1989. Aussi publié en anglais : Karsh: The Art of the Portrait.
Burgin, Victor, dir. Thinking Photography, Londres, Macmillan Press, 1982.
Burke, Peter. Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2001.
Chisholm, Barbara, dir. Castles of the North: Canada's Grand Hotels, Toronto, Lynx Images, 2001.
Cooper, Cynthia. Magnificent Entertainments: Fancy Dress Balls of Canada's Governors General, 1876-1898, Fredericton (N.-B.), Goose Lane, 1997.
Dessureault, Pierre, et collab. Photographie canadienne contemporaine de la collection de l'Office national du film, Edmonton, Hurtig, 1984. Aussi publié en anglais : Contemporary Canadian Photography from the Collection of the National Film Board.
Edwards, Elizabeth, et Janice Hart, dir. Photography, Objects, Histories: The Materiality of Images, Londres, Routledge, 2004.
Fischer, Doug, et collab. Our Times: A Pictorial Memoir of Ottawa's Past, Ottawa, Ottawa Citizen, 2000.
Francis, Daniel. The Imaginary Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture, Vancouver, Arsenal Pulp Press, 1992.