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Liste des périodiques de la bibliothèque philatélique

La revue philatélique Popular Stamps (Alton, Ontario), vol. 3, no 2, 1940.

La collection de périodiques sur la philatélie et la poste comprend plus de 1 500 titres différents publiés de 1863 à nos jours. Cette collection a été constituée au fil des années grâce à des legs, des dons et d'autres formes d'acquisition et représente la collection la plus importante du genre au Canada.

La collection comprend la plupart des périodiques philatéliques publiés au Canada et une grande variété de publications internationales. On y retrouve les publications en séries, les publications anciennes et courantes, les publications du Ministère des postes et de Postes Canada, les bulletins de clubs philatéliques locaux ou d'organismes nationaux et internationaux.

La liste, présentée par ordre alphabétique des titres, comprend un inventaire exhaustif des périodiques, les changements de titres s'il y a lieu et mentionne l'organisme responsable de sa publication. La plupart de ces titres sont aussi catalogués dans le catalogue national canadien Amicus et la base de données de la Bibliothèque philatélique.

Il est possible d'emprunter ces publications via le prêt entre bibliothèques.

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1898 Christmas Stamp Newsletter : The Journal of the 1898 Map Stamp Study Group [s.l.] : BNAPS 1999 Map Stamp Study Group v.1, #1 (Jan 2000) -
ABPS News : Official Newsletter of the Association of British Philatelic Societies [Sussex?] England : Association of British Philatellic Societies v.1, #1 (Jan 1995).
Académie de philatélie de Belgique. Bulletin L.De Clerc no 63, (avril 1987); no 64, (août 1988).
Académie européenne de philatélie : Annuaire
août 2001;
Academvs Madrid : Academia Hispanica de Filatelia v.1, #1 (Oct 2000); v.2, #2 (May 2001) -
Accademia Italiana di Studi Filatelici Enumismatici. Memorie Dell [Italy] v.1, #1 (Jan 1978).
Action : Canada Post's Sales and Service Newsletter Canada Post v.1, #2 (Apr/May 1987).
Actualidad Filatelica [Madrid] v.7, #108 (Sept 1974).
Adhesive United States : Henry A. Chapman, 1900-1904 v.1, #1-3, 7-10, 12 (Jan-Mar, Jul-Oct, Dec 1900); v.2, #1-3, 5-12 (Jan-Mar, May-Dec 1901); v.3, #1, 3-12 (Jan, Mar-Dec 1902); v.4, #1-11 (Jan-Nov 1903); v.5, #2, 3, 5-8 (Feb, Mar, May-Aug 1904).
Admiral's Log / Admiral Study Group of BNAPS Mississauga, Ont. : Bill Longley v.1, #1 (1996)- .
Advertiser Handsworth, Birmingham : Philatelic Publishing Co., 1898-1900. #82 (Mar 1898) - #125 (Dec 1900);
Advertiser's Digest San Francisco, Calif. : Publisher's Digest, 1935- v.6, #11 (Nov 1941); v.7, #2 (Feb 1942); v.9, #11 (Nov 1944); v.10, #2, 4 (Feb, Apr 1945).
Advertiser's Friend J.A. Richards, 1922-1927. v.1, #1, 2 (Aug, Oct 1922); v.2, #2 (Apr 1923) - v.3, #4 (Oct 1924); v.5, #4 (Oct 1926); v.6, #2, 3 (Apr, July 1927).
Aero Field West Midland, UK : Francis J. Field Ltd. v.1, #5, 7, 8 (1926); v.2, #7, 8, 12 (1927/28); v.3, #1-4 (1929/30). N.S. v.1, #1, 2, 6 (1937); v.2, #1, 2, 4, 5, 7 (1938); v.3, #1, 2, 6-8 (1939); v.4, #2, 3, 6-10 (1940/41); v.5, #2, 4, 6, 7, 10 (1941); v.6, #1, 2, 4, 6, 9 (1942); v.7, #8, 10 (1943); v.8, #5, 9 (1944); v.9, #1, 10 (1945); v.10, #2, 4, 8 (1946); v.11, #2, 4, 7 (1947); v.12, #1 (Jan 1948) - v.16, #8 (Oct 1952); v.16, #10 (Dec 1952) - v.47, #2 (June 1983).
Aero Philatelist Annals United States : American Air Mail Society, 1953-1982. v.1, #1 (July 1953) - v.12, #2 (Oct 1964); #4 (Apr 1965); v.14, #1 (July 1966); v.15, #4, v.16, #1 (Apr, July 1968); v.16, #3 (Jan 1969); v.17, #2 (Oct 1969); v.17, #4 (Apr 1970); v.19, #2 (Jan 1976); v.20, #1 (July 1976); #2 (Jan 1977); v.21, #2 (Jan 1978) - v.25, #2 (Jan 1982).
Afinsa Subastas [Auction Catalogue] Madrid : Filatelia Afinsa Apr 23, June 25, 1998.
Air Mail Collector [USA], 1929-1932. v.1, #7, 10-12 (May, Aug-Oct 1929); v.2, #2 (Dec 1929); #3, 4, 6, 7, 9-12 (Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul-Oct); v.3, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1931); #5, 8, 9 (Mar, Jun.Jul 1931); v.4, #4, 11 (Feb, Sept 1932).
Air Mail Entire Truth New York, N.Y. : Lava Inc., 1963-1980.After #59 see 'The Entire Truth' #4714 #7 (Jan 1963) - #12 (Sept 1964); #14, 15 (Jun, Nov 1965); #16, 18 (Apr, Nov 1966); #19, 20 (Apr, Aug 1967); #22 (Apr 1968); #29 (Aug 1970) - #59 (Sept 1980).
Air Mail Magazine London, [England], 1939? #4-6, 10 (June, July, Aug, Dec 1939); #12-14, 16, 19 (Feb, Mar, Apr, June, Sept 1940); #23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34 (Jan, Jun, Jul, Sept, Nov, Dec 1941); #35-45 (Jan-Nov 1942).
Air Mail News : Journal of the British Air Mail Society England : British Air Mail Society v.25-26, #117, #118 (May, Sept 1983).
Air Mail News Letter / Air Mail Study Group of the British North American Philatelic Society British North American Philatelic Soc. v.1, #1 (Dec 1992) -
Air Mail Northwest Portland, OR., USA : American Air Mail Society, Northwest Chapter v.4, #3 (Sept 1986); v.8, #1 (Mar 1990).
Airpost Journal Albion, PA : American Air Mail Soc., 1929- v.1, #5-10, 12; v.2, #1 (1930); v.2, #4, 5, 8 (1931); v.2, #9 (Jan 1932) - v.6, #9 (June 1935); v.7, #1 (Oct 1935); v.7, #5-7, 10, 12 (1936); v.8, #1 (Oct 1936) - v.44, #3 (Dec 1972); v.44, #5 (Feb 1973) - v.47, #8 (May 1976); v.47, #10 (July 1976) - v.64, #5 (May 1993); v.64, #7 (July 1993) - v.71, #12 (Dec 00) -
Ajax Philatelic Society [Newsletter] [Ajax, Ont. : Ajax Philatelic Society] v.1, #1 [1999] -
Alaskan Philatelist Sumner, WA : Alaska Collectors Club v.2, #1 (Jan 1960) - v.4, #2 (Apr 1962); v.5, #1 (Feb 1963) - v.19, #1 (Jan 1977); v.28, #2 (Jan/Feb 1992) - v.29, #1 (Nov/Dec 1992); v.37, #1-4 (2001).
Alberta District Happenings Edmonton, AL., : Alberta Postal District, 1973-1983 v.3, #4 (Dec 1973) - v.5, #6 (Aug 1975); [1976]; [1977]; ns. v.1, #2 (Sept 1978) - v.3, #6 (Feb 1983).
Album Page United States : Oregon Stamp Society, 1985 #54 (June 1985).
Alfred Smith and Son's Monthly Circular Great Britain : Alfred Smith and Son, 1875-1916. 1875 - 1888; 1890 - 1916; (Jan - Dec). Bound
Alhambra Spain : Club Internacional Alhambra, 1972- v.23, #266 (Mar 1972); Suppl. (1973).
All-Around Stamp Advertiser St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada : A.R. Vallée, 1896-1899. v.1, #0-7 (Mar.-Dec.1896); #8, 9, 11-13 (Jan, Feb, Apr-Jun 1897); v.2, #4-6 (Sept-Nov 1897); #7 (Nov 1898); #9, 11, 13 (Jan, Feb, Jun 1899).
Allegheny Philatelist Allegheny, PA : E.N. Kiefer, 1897-1900. Continues: Allegheny philatelist and stamp collectors guide, with v.2, #1 (Jan 1897). Continued by: Allegheny philatelist and herald exchange, with v.1, #1 (April 1900). v.2, #1 (Jan 1897) - v.6, #4 (Mar 1900).
Amateur Collector's Stamp Catalogue of Switzerland London : Amateur collector 1964; 1978; 1979; 1989; 2000;
American Aero Philatelic Digest and Canadian Stamp Journal Fenton, Michigan, USA v.1, #3-6, 9 (Oct, Nov, Dec 1930).
American Journal of Philately Scott Stamp & Coin Co., New York, USA 1888; v.4 (1891); 1893; v.8 (1895); v.10 (1897) - v.13 (1900); v.15 (1902); v.17 (1904). Microform: v.1 (Mar 1868) - v.19 (Mar 1906).
American Philatelic Congress. The Congress Book American Philatelic Congress 1956-1987; 1990-
American Philatelic Guide New York : H.C. Jones, 1880 v.1, #4-9/10 (Jan-June/July 1880).
American Philatelic Magazine Omaha, Nebraska : Saunders & Brown, 1893 v.1, #5 (Feb 1893).
American Philatelic Society. Directory U.S.A., 1966- 1966, 1968/69 - 1982;
American Philatelist United States, Pa. : American Philatelic Association, 1887- v.2, #1 (Oct 1887) - v.2, #12 (Sept 1888); v.3, #5, 6 (1889); v.5, #11 (Nov 1891); v.6, #6, 9-11 (1892); v.7, #1, 3 (1893); v.35, #4 (Jan 1922) - Author index and geographical index to v.1 (1887)-v. 100 (1986).
American Postcard Journal West Haven Conn., U.S.A, 1975- v.4, #5 (Sept/Oct 1978).
American Revenuer Rockford, IA : Lawrence, Kan. : American Revenue Assoc., [19--]- v.12, #10 (Dec 1958); v.31, #1 (Jan 1977) - v.46, #10 (Nov 1992); v.47, #1 (Jan 1993) -
American Society for Netherlands Philately. ASNP Newsletter Regina, Sask., Canada : American Society for Netherlands Philately, 1985-1989. v.10, #1 (Oct 1985) - v.14, #1 (Oct 1989); v.15, #1 (Oct 1990); v.15, #4 (July 1991) - v.19, #1 (Oct 15, 1994).
American Stamp Circular New York : American Stamp Co., 1877 June 1877.
American Stamp Dealers' Association. A.S.D.A. Bulletin United States : American Stamp Dealer's Assoc., 1955- . Continued by: American Stamp Dealers' Assoc. Bulletin Jan 1955; Dec 1956; May 1957.
American Stamp Dealers' Association. Bulletin United States : American Stamp Dealer's Assoc., 1976. Continues: American Stamp Dealers' Assoc. A.S.D.A. Bulletin Dec 1976.
American Stamp Digest New York : D.D. Runes, 1935-1937. v.1, #1-9 (Oct 1935-June/July 1936); v.2, #1 (Jan 1937).
American Stamp Journal Portsmouth, N.H., 1899-1890 v.1, #1-9 (Nov 1889 - July 1890).
American Stamp News Toronto, Ontario : Gray Stamp Company, 1950-1967 v.1, #1 (Feb/Mar 1950) - v.8, #2 (Mar 1957); v.9, #1 (Jan 1958) - v.12, #4 (Apr 1961); v.16, #2 (Feb 1965); v.18, #1 (Jan 1967).
American Stamp News Bulletin Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Gray Stamp Company, 1953? See also American Stamp News #8 (Jan); #11 (April) 1953?
Americana Philatelic News United States : Study Unit of the ATA, 1977-1979 v.7, #39 (Aug 1977); v.8, #43-46 (Apr-Oct 1978); v.9, #49, 50 (Apr, June 1979).
Amexfil Cuauhtémoc, México : Asociacion Mexicana de Filatelia #106-111 (Feb-Dec 2001).
Amicale philatélique France - Israel. Bulletin Paris : Amicale philatélique France - Israel #29 (Nov 1999) -
Andorra Philatelist Mexico : Etnesto Firek (?) #1-5 (Apr 1970-July 1973).
Anglo Boer War Philatelist Great Britain : Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Soc., 1959-1995 v.2, #1 (Mar 1959) - v.38, #4 (Dec 1995).
Annonce timbrologique Liège & Bruxelles, Belgique : Armand Dethier, 1890-1909. v.1, #1 (Mar 1890) - v.20, #236 (Déc 1909). Complet et relié.
Annual Report / Canada Post Office Ottawa : Canada Post Office. Continues: Canada. Post Office Dept. Report of the Postmaster General, 1967. Continued by: Canada. Canada Post. Annual report, 1979 1967-1977
Annual Report of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada Toronto : Royal Philatelic Society of Canada 1966-1968; 1970-1980; 1982-1983.
Anunciador Filatelico de Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela : E.H. Lugo & A. Ferrer, 1892-1983. v.1, #1, 2, 6 (Jan, Feb, June 1892).
Arab World Philatelist Illinois, United States : R. Howard Courtney, 1978-1980. #1 (July 1978) - #5 (Jan 1980).
Arc-En-Ciel. Société internationale des collectionneurs de timbres commémoratifs et de toutes vignettes non postales Paris, France : Société Internationale des Collectionneurs, 1945-1946 #1-4/5 (mai, juil, oct, déc 1945); #6-9/10 (avr, juin, sept, déc 1946);
Archiv fur das Post-und Fernmeldewesen Germany : Bundesministereiums für das Post-un Fernmeldewesen, 1973-1978 v.26, #1 (Jan 1974); v.27, #2 (Mar 1975); v.28, #7 (Dec 1976); v.29, #5, 6 (Sept, Nov 1977); v.30, #3, 4 (Aug, Nov 1978).
Archiv fur deutsche Postgeschichte Frankfurt, GR : Bundespostmuseum, 1965-1994 #1, 2 (1965); #2 (1966); #1(1967); #2 (1969); #1 (1970); #2 (1971) - #1 (1973); #2 (1974) - #1 (1987); #1 (1988); #1, 2 (1989); #1 (1991); #1 (1993);
Archives Erinnophiles. Bulletin France, Paris, 1945-1978 #1 (May 1945) - #84 (1961); #88 (1962) - #94 (1963); #96 (1964) - #140 (Sept 1978). Bound
Argosy Millertowen Junction, Nfld. : Colonial Press, 1928 v.1, #1 (Nov 1928).
Association de Periodistas Filatelicos Y Numismaticos del Uruguay Uruguay #14 (Aug 1977).
Astrophile : Journal of Astrophilately [Afton?, NY] : Space Topic Study Group, Space Unit v.46, #1-6 (2001).
ATA Christmas Study Unit Chicago, Illinois, 1977-1979. v.3, #10, 11 (Nov, Dec 1977); v.4, #1-6 (Mar-Aug 1978); v.5, #1-3, 5, 7 (Mar, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov, 1979).
ATA Handbook Milwaukee, Wisc. : American Topical Association. Continues: American Topical Association #1 (15), #4 (32). #1-8 also have title Topical Digest see #5246
Atalaya Sweden, 1979. v.4, #2 whole #9 (Apr 1979).
Ataya Filatelica Sevilla, Spain : Sociedad Filatélica Sevillana, 1986-1987. #32, 33, 34 (Apr, Jul, Oct 1986); #35 (Jan 1987).
Atlantic Post / Canada Post-Atlantic Division Halifax, Nova Scotia : Canada Post-Atlantic Division, 1983- v.1, #2, 4-8 (May, July-Nov 1983).
Atlantic Post / Post Office Dept., Atlantic Postal Region Halifax, N.S. : Atlantic Postal Region, Canada Post, 1974-6 v.1, #1 (Sept 1974). Bound
Atlas Bulletin Mannilantie, Finland : A. Leppa, 1976. #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1976); v.6 (Mar 1977); v.7 (Jan 1978).
Attualita Filatelica & Numismatica Italy : Ricardo Orecchia, 1970 #5, 6 (Feb, Mar/Apr 1970).
Australasian Informer New Zealand, [U.S.A.] : Society of Australasian Specialists, 1976. v.40, #1-11 whole #451-461 (Jan-Dec 1976).
Australia Post Melbourne, Australia : Australian Postal Commission, 1975 #2 (Oct 1975).
Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue Dubbo, N.S.W. : Seven Seas Stamps Pty Ltd. 1960; 1962; 1975/1976; 1978; 1981-1982
Australian Stamp Bulletin [Melbourne : Australia Post], 1979-1985. Before Jan 1979 see 'Philatelic Bulletin (Australia)' #5165 After Oct 1985 no.180 see 'Stamp Bulletin (Australia)' #2097 #138 (Jan 1979) - #156 (Sept 1981); #158 (Jan 1982) - #180 (Sept-Oct 1985).
Australian Stamp Monthly Carlton Melbourne, AU : Australian Stamp monthly, 1944- v.15, #11 (Nov 1944); v.28, #4-8, 10-12 (1957); v.29, #1-2, 6-12 (1958); v.30, #1-12 (1959); v.31, #2, 4, 5, 7, 8 (1960); v.42, #8 (Aug 1971); v.46, #9, 10 (1975); v.48, #2, 8-10 (1977); #12 (Dec 1977) - v.53, #12 (1982); v.54, #1-5, 9, 12 (1983); v.55, #1-4, 6-7, 9, 10 (1984); v.56, #2-6 (1985); #8 (Aug 1985) - v.61, #10 (Oct 1990); #12 (Dec 1990); v.62, #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1991);
Austria : Journal of the Austrian Stamp Club of Great Britain London, England : Austrian Stamp Club of Great Britain, 1966- #13 (Apr 1969); #22 (July 1972) - #102 (Winter 1992); #105 (Autumn 1993) - #124 (1998) -
Austria Philatelist : Osterreichische Briefmarken-Zeitung Vienna : Verlag Adolf Kosel, 1977- v.33, #3 whole #347 (Mar 1977); v.34, #1 whole #349 (Jan 1978) - v.46, #4 whole #405 (Oct 1991);
Aviette postale Paris, France, 1926-1952 v.2, #4 (mars 1926) - v.3, #25 (déc 1927); v.4, #27, 36 (fév, nov 1928) - v.15, #146 (juin/juil 1939); janv, fév 1944; janv 1945; v.22, 147/8 (janv/fév 1946) - v.24, #172/173 (mar/avr 1948); v.24, #176/177 (juil/août 1948) - v.24, #179/181 (oct-déc 1948); #183 (nov 1949) - #204 (mar 1952); #207-209 (juil-nov 1952). relié.
Avion constellation Paris, France : Frank Muller, 1948-1949. v.1, #3 (mar 1948); v.1, #6/7 (juin/juil 1948) - v.2, #22/24 (oct/déc 1949).
B.N.A Record. Jarrett's B.N.A. Record Toronto : F. Jarrett, 1930- . After Nov 1930 changed to Jarrett's B.N.A. Record. November 1930 - April 1931.
B.N.A. Collectors Club of Montreal Montréal, Québec : British North American Philatelic Society, 1949-1953 v.1, #1 (jan 1949) - v.3, #2 (nov 1951); v.4, #1 (mar 18 1953).
B.N.A. Revenue Newsletter Texas : Canadian Revenue Study Group, 1962-1967. v.1, #1-3(June, Sept, Dec 1962); v.2, #1-3 (Feb, Sept, Oct 1963); v.3, #1 (May 1964); #2, 3 (Mar, Aug 1965); v.4, #1, 2 (Sept, Nov 1966); #3 whole #12 (Apr 1967).
B.S.C.C. Bulletin Calgary, Alberta, Canada : British Stamp Collector's Club, 1960- Aug, Nov 1960; Feb, May, June, Aug, Nov 1961; Feb 1962.
Balasse magazine Belgique : Willy Balasse, 1948-1986. #59/60 (déc 1948) - #214 (juin 1974); #230 (fév 1997) - 289 (déc 1986). relié.
Bale Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps Negev Holyland Stamps Ltd. 1992 ed.;
Balloonpost Bulletin Netherlands : International Society of Balloonpost Specialists; 1970-1976 #3, 4 (Feb, Aug 1970); #8 (June 1972); #11 (Mar 1974); #12, 13 (Mar, Dec 1975); #14 (Aug 1976).
BAPIP Bulletin United Kingdom : British Assoc. of Palestine Israel Philatelists, 1977 #88, 89 (Jan, Feb 1977).
Barclay (Canada) Wholesaler Montréal, Québec : Barclay Press Co., 1949- v.1, #1 (Nov 1949) - v.4, #7-8, (Oct-Nov 1953); #12 (Apr 1954); v.8, #6-8, 11, 12 (Mar-May, Sept, Oct 1958); v.9, #1 (Nov 1958) - #4 (Feb/Mar 1959).
Barred Numeral Cancellations. Update J. Parmenter v. 1-6 1st. Update (July 1991)
Barrel Rollers Bulletin Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Postal History Society of Canada, 1981- #1 (Mar 1981) - #5 (Oct 1982); #7 (July 1983) - #16 (Oct 1989);
Barr's News United States, 1978 v.3, #24 (Feb 1978).
Bashi's Stamp Mart Great Britain : N.S. Bashi, 1946-1949 v.1, #12 (Nov 1946) - v.2, #23 (Dec 1947) - #35 (May 1949) -
Basketball Philatelic News Colorado Springs, CO : George E. Killian v.15, #1, 2 (March, Dec 2001).
Batavo News Scheveningen-Holland : Gem Batavo Union, 1923 v.4, #1 whole #15 (1923).
Baton : Magazine of the Philatelic Music Circle [s.l.] : Philatelic Music Circle, 1986- #86 (Nov 1996) - #99 (Mar2001); #101 (Nov 2001) -
Bay Phil Sunnyvale, CA : United States : Friends of the Western Philatelic Library, 1972-1994 v.1, #11 (July 1972); v.2, #2 (Nov 1972); v.3, #1 (Sept 1973); v.5, #1 (Jan 1976) - v.24, #6 (Nov 1994).
Bay State Philatelist (Boston) Boston, United States : Boston Philatelic Society, 1895-1896. v.1, #1 (May 1895) - v.2, #2 (July 1896). Bound.
Bay State Philatelist (Melrose Highlands) Melrose Highlands, Mass., USA : Herbert Gile, 1895-1902. Restarted numbering in 1898. Became organ of the Dominion Philatelic Association in Oct 1901. Merged with the Canada Stamp Sheet and Energy, April 1902 v.1, #1-12 (May 1895-May 1896); v.2, #1 (Jun 1896); ns. v.1, #2-4 (Jul, Sep, Nov 1898); v.2, #1-5, 10-12 (Jan-May, Oct-Dec 1899); v.3, #3 (Mar 1900) - v.5, #3 (Mar 1902).
BCPSG Auction / British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group May 2, 1992; #12 (1993);
Beacon. Official Bulletin Vancouver, B.C. : Airmail and Ship Cancellation Society, 1935-1936 v.1, #6 (Dec 1935); #7, 9, 10 (Jan, Mar, Apr 1936).
Belgapost : Journal of the Belgian Study Circle Birmingham, UK : Great Britain : Belgian Study Circle, 1981- v.1, #1 (Mar 1981) - v.2, #2 (Aug 1986); #4 (Sept 1988) - v.7, #4 (Dec 1994).
Belgica Ed Raassens, 1982- . Continues: Revue postale with # 113; Ceased publication 1992 #113-116 (Nov 1982 - Juil-Sept 1983; #118 (Jan-Fév 1984) - #151 (Avr-Mai 1992).
Belgique : Bulletin bibliographique / Ministère des communications Bruxelles : Bibliothèque Centrale, 1957-1962 #313/315 (janv 1957); #319/321 (juil 1957) - #361/362 (janv 1958); #363/364 (juil 1961) - #369/370 (juil 1962).
Bélyeg Vilag : Filatéliai Szemle : A Magyar Bélyeggy"Ujt"Ok Orszagos Szövetségének Lapja Budapest : A. Szövetség. Continues: Filatéliai szemle, 1993. 1994 (Bound).
Berck [Paris], 1943? #443 (jan 1970) - #537 (déc 1977)
Berichte der Schriftleitung und Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter. [Frankfurt am Main] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neues Handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde. 1953-1980. v.1, #1 (1953) - v.4, #13 (1956); Index: #1-13 (1953-1956)
Bermuda Post : Journal of the Bermuda Collectors Society USA : Bermuda Collectors Society, 1986-1987 #1 (Oct 1986); #2 (Jan 1987); Cumulative index: #1-27 (1986-1993)
Berner Briefmarken Zeitung Switzerland : Zumstein & Cie; 1949-1979 #5/6 (May/June 1949); #10 (Sept 1952); #12 (Dec 1957); #2, 4 (Feb, Apr 1959); #1 (Jan 1960); #5/6 (May/June 1961); #12 (Dec 1963); #1-3 (Jan-Mar 1964); v.59, #1 (Jan 1967) - v.68, #1, 5/6 (Jan, May 1976); v.69, #4 (Apr 1977); v.71, #1 (Jan 1979); v.85, #1-12 (Jan-Dec); v.86, #1-3 (Jan-Mar).
Berufs-Philatelic Berlin, 1961-1963. #8 (Aug 1961); #9-11 (Sept-Nov 1962); #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1963)
Biblical Philately New York, U.S.A. : Biblical Topics Study Group, 1985 v.1, #4 (Dec 1985); v.7, #1-4 (Feb, May, Aug, Nov 1992).
Bibliotheek van het Staatsbedrijf der Ptt 's Gravenhage Amsterdam, 1959 Jan-Apr 1959.
Bibliothek der deutschen Bundesport. Hauptabteilung Bonn no.1 (Jan 1958) - no.1 (Jan 1959).
Bibliothek der Post-und Telegraphenverwaltuung Germany, 1956-1965 June, Dec 1956; Jan 1958; Jan 1959; Jan 1960; Jan 1961; Jan 1962; Jan 1963; Jan 1964; Jan 1965.
Bill Olcheski's Stamp Newsletter [Falls Church, Va. : Olcheski Enterprises], 1974- v.3, #35 whole #83 (June 1977); v.9, #7 whole #154 (May 1983).
Billig's Philatelic Handbook Jamaica, N.Y. : Billings Stamp Co. 1942- v.1 (1943); v.1 (3rd ed.); v.2; v.2 (2nd ed.); v.3; v.3 (2nd ed.); v.4; v.4 (2nd ed.) - v.44 (1980). copy 2: v.1; v.1 (3rd ed.); v.2 (2nd ed.); v.3 (2nd ed.); v.4 - v.44 (1980).
Biuletyn Filatelistyczny Poland, 1985. #91-94 (Jan-Apr 1985)
Blotter U.S.A. : Law Enforcement Study Group, 1986. v.3, #1-4 (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec 1986).
Blue Star Bulletin St. John's Newfoundland, Canada : Blue Star Service, 1937 v.1, #5 (Oct 1937).
Bluenoser Bedford, Québec, Canada : L.A. Martin, 1942-1943. v.1, no.1-5 (May-June 1942 - Jan-Feb 1943).
Bluss Philatelic Literature News United States, New York : Paul Bluss, 1942- v.1, #1 (Aug 1942); #2 (May 1943); #3 (July 1944); v.2, #1 (Apr 1947).
BNA Perforator Calgary, Alberta, Canada : British North America Philatelic Society Perfin Study Group, 1980- v.1, #1 (Jan 1980) - v.11, #6 (Nov 1990); v.12, #2 (Mar 1991) - v.13, #2 (Mar 1992); v.15, #1-6 (1994); v.16, #1, 2 (Mar, May 1995) -
BNA Portraits Ottawa : British North American Philatelic Society, 1993- v.1, #1 (Sept-Dec 1993) -
BNA Topics Toronto : British Noth American Philatelic Soc., 1941-, . v.1, #1 (Mar 1944) -
BNAPS Fancy Cancel Study Group Newsletter British North America Philatelic Society #1 (June 1988) - #25 (May 2000) -
BNAPS Squared Circle Newsletter Winnipeg, Manitoba : Glenn Hansen, 1979- v.2, #6 (Nov 1979); v.3, #4 (Oct 1980); v.17, #1 (Jan 1994).
Boîte aux lettres Québec, P.Q. : Club Philatélique "Le Castor", 1980- v.2, #2-5 (fév-mai 1980).
Boletim do Brasil Filatelico Brasil, 1969- v.6, #56, 57 (Apr, May 1969); v.16, #173-183 (Jan-Dec 1979); v.18, #186 (Feb 1980) - v.19, #197 (Jan 1981); #199-204 (Mar-Aug 1981); #206 (Oct 1981) - v.19, #215 (July 1982); #217 (Sept 1982) - #239 (Nov-Dec 1984); v.21, #242 (Oct-Dec 1985) - v.25, #251 (Feb 1988); #253 (July-Aug 1988); v.26, #255 (Jan-June 1989). n.s. v.4, #1, 4 (Jan-Feb, Oct-Dec 1994).
Boletin de la Academia Ibero Americana Filipina de Historia Postal Madrid, Spain : Academia Iberoamericana y Filipina de historia Postal, 1973-1985. Continues: Academia Iberoamericana de Historia Postal. v.29, #102, 104 (Jan, July 1973); v.35-42, #126-157 (Dec 1986).
Boletin del Museo Postaly Filatelico del Peru Lima, Peru : Museo Postal y Filatelico del Péru, 1989-1990 v.1, #4, 5 (May, Nov 1989); v.2, #6 (May 1990);
Boletin Filatelico Montevideo Oct 1987.
Bolivia Filatelica Bolivia, 1984-1992. v.7, #42 (May 1984); v.9, #68, 69 (July, Aug 1986); #126 (Mar/Apr 1992).
Bollettino Filatelico Italy : Amedeo Palmieri, 1953-1959. Continued by: Bolletino Filatelico d'Italia, with #569 (Jan 1960) #2357 v.43, #488 (Jan 1953) - v.44, #500 (Feb 1954); #503 (May 1954) - v.45, #520 (Dec 1955); v.46, #522-525 (Feb-May 1956); v.49, #568 (Dec 1959).
Bollettino Filatelico d'Italia Italy : Amedeo Palmieri, 1960- . Before 1960 see Bolletino Filatelico (Il) #2337 v.50, #569, 570, 572-579 (Jan, Feb, Apr-Nov 1960); v.51, #583, 584, 586-591 (Mar, Apr, June-Nov 1961); v.52, #593, 595 (Jan, Mar 1962).
Bollettino Prefilatelico e Storico. Postale Italy : Assoc. per lo Studio della Storico Postale, 1981-1994. v.4, #20 (June 1981) - v.17, #86 (Nov 1994). bd.
Booklet United States : The Booklet Pane Society, 1961 v.5, #12 (Aug 1961).
Borek Bericht Germany : Verlag Richard Borek, 1970-1977. Superseded by: Brief Marken Welt, with Jan 1978. #3272 v.65, #443 (Jan 1970) - v.66, #458 (Apr 1971); #461-463, 465, 466 (Jul-Sept, Nov, Dec 1971); v.67, #467-476 (Jan-Oct 1972); v.72, #529-537 (Mar-Nov 1977).
Boston Stamp-Book Boston, Mass. : A.L. Cassino & Co., 1898 v.4, #1-6 (Jun-Nov 1898).
Boston University Philatelic Library. Bulletin Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 1968-1970. Continues: Friends of the Boston University Philatelic Library Bulletin, with #35 (Dec 1968). #3268 #35 (Dec 1968); #36 (May 1969); #37 (Aug 1970).
Boule Monaco collections Paris : Boule 54ième (20 mai 1998).
Boy's Journal Kenora, Ontario, Canada, 1914 v.2, #1-3 (May-July 1914).
Boy's Own Philatelist Berlin, Ontario, Canada : The Ontario Philatelic Co., 1897-1898. Continues: Canadian Philatelic Weekly. London. #3983 After v.2, #4 continued as Canadian Philatelic Weekly. v.1, #1 (Dec 1897) - #6 (Jul-Aug 1898); v.2, #1-4 whole #7-10 (Oct-Nov 1898).
Brasil Filatelico Brazil : Club Filatélico do Brasil, 1949-1988 v.18, #84, 85 (Sept, Dec 1949); v.27, #117-119 (Mar, June, Sept 1958); v.28, #122 (Apr/June 1959); v.29, #125, 128 (Jan/Mar, Nov/Dec 1960); #134-136 (Apr/June-Oct/Dec 1962); v.31, #141 (Jan/Feb 1964); v.32, #148 (Oct/Dec 1965); v.35, #158 (Dec 1968); v.46, #179-182 (Jan/Mar, Apr/Jun, Jul/Sep, Oct/Dec, 1977); v.47, #186 (Oct/Dec 1978); v.48, #187-189 (Jan/Mar, Apr/Jun, July 1979); v.49, #191-193 (Jan, Apr, July 1980); v.50, #195 (Jan 1981) - v.51, #203/204 (Jan 1983); v.55, #207 (Jan 1986) - v.57, #211 (Feb 1988).
Brief Marken Spiegel Dusseldorf, GR : Ulrich Felzman Briefmarken-Auktionen, 1971- v.11, #3, 5, 7-12 (Mar, May, July-Dec 1971) - v.13, #10 (Oct 1973); v.16, #5 (May 1976); v.27, #4, 7 (Apr, July 1987) - v.32, #9, 11 (Sept, Oct 1992) -
Brief Marken Welt Germany : Verlag Richard Borek, 1978-1986. Supersedes: Borek Bericht, with Jan 1978. #3273 v.1, #1-6, 9-12 (Jan-Jun, Sept-Dec 1978); v.2, #1-3, 9 (Jan-Mar, Sept 1979); v.4, #7-9 (Jul-Sept 1981); v.5, #2-12 (Feb-Dec 1982); v.6, #1-5 (Jan-May 1983); v.9, #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1986).
Briefmarken Post Germany, 1970- v.12, #5 (May 1970); v.13, #5, 8, 9, 11, 12 (May, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1971); v.14, #1, 2, 4-12 (Jan, Feb, Apr-Dec 1972); v.15, #1-8, 11, 12 (Jan-Aug, Nov, Dec 1973);
Briefphila Germany, 1974- Jan 1974.
Brigham Auctions Ltd. Premier Auction Mississauga, ON : Brigham Auctions Ltd Feb 1999 -
Bright & Son's Abc Descriptive Priced Catalogue of the World's Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Post Cards, etc. Bournemouth, England : Bright & Son 1896-1897;1900; 1905; pt.1-2 (1909/10); pt.3 (1919/20); pt.3 (1923); pt.1 (1924).
British American Stamp News Starbuck, Manitoba, Canada : M.W. Cryderman, 1951-1957. v.1, #1-5 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec 1951); v.2, #1-4 (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec 1952); v.3, #1-3 (Jan, May, Nov 1953); v.4, #1-3 (Jan, May, Nov 1954); v.5, #1, 2 (Mar, Dec 1955); v.6, #1, 2 (Apr, Oct 1956); v.7, #1, 2 (Jan, Dec 1957);
British Caribbean Philatelic Journal United States : British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group, 1961- v.1, #1 (May 1961) - v.34, #4 (Dec 1994); v.37, #3 (Sept 1997) - v.40, #3 (Sept 2000); v.41, #1 (Jan 2001) -
British Columbia Philatelic Society Fortnightly Review Vancouver, B.C., Canada : British Columbia Philatelic Society, 1937-1939. Continued by : British Columbia Philatelic Society Bulletin. v.2, #3-7 (Sept-Dec, 1938); v.3, #1, 2, 4 (Jan, Feb, Mar 1939).
British Columbia Philatelic Society. Annual Review Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada : British Columbia Philatelic Society, 1937-1938 1937 ed (2 copies); 1938 ed.
British Columbia Philatelic Society. Bulletin Vancouver : British Columbia Philatelic Society, 1957-. Before March 1939. Continued by : BCPS Monthly Bulletin v.3, #1-(Mar 1939) - v.5, #1 (Feb 1940); July-Oct, Dec 1940; Feb 1941; v.6, #1 (Mar 1941) - Jun, Sept 1941; #11 (Jan 1942); v.7, #3, 10 (May, Dec 1942).
British Columbia Philatelic Society. Monthly Bulletin Vancouver, B.C., Canada : British Columbia Philatelic Society, 1957-1989. Before 1957 see B C P S Bulletin. Continued by : B C P S Newsletter v.40, #1. v.6, #2, 5 (Jan, Nov 1957); v.9, #9 (Mar 1961) - v.10, #6 (Dec 1961); v.11, #1-3 (Jan-Mar 1962); v.12, #2-12 (Feb 1963-Apr 1964); v.13, #1-10 (May 1964-Apr 1965); v.14, #1-12 (May 1965-Jun 1966); v.15, #1-10 (Sep 1966-Jun 1967); v.37, #2 (Jan-Mar 1989).
British Columbia Philatelic Society. Newsletter Vancouver, B.C., Canada : British Columbia Philatelic Society, 1990- . 2 issues v.49, #1, different dates. Before 1990 see BCPS v.40, #1 (Sept/Dec 1990) - v.42, #3 (Apr/Aug 1993); v.44, #3 (Apr-June 1995) - v.45, #3 (Apr-June 1996); v.46, #2 (Jan-Mar 1997) -
British Columbia Postal History Research Group [Newsletter] British Columbia Postal History Research Group v.1, #1 (Mar 1992) -
British Columbia Stamp Collector Vancouver, B.C., Canada : F. Holgate, 1922 v.1, #4-6 (Sept, Oct, Dec 1922).
British Guiana Philatelic Journal British Guiana : British Guiana Philatelic Society, 1907-1926 #2 (June 1907) - #40 (June 1926).
British Journal of Russian Philately Hants, UK : British Society of Russian Philately, 1952-1995. #10 (Nov 1952); #25 (June 1959) - #27 (Mar 1960); #29 (May 1961) - #39 (Oct 1966); #55 (Nov 1978); #60 (Sept 1990) - #79 (Oct 1995).
British Mailcoach Great Britain : Great Britain Group of the Postal History Society, 1974-1981. #1 (Mar 1974) - #29 (June 1981).
British Philatelic Bulletin London, UK.Continues: Philatelic bulletin, with v.20, #7 v.20, #7 (Mar 1983) - v.33, #5 (Jan 1996); v.35, #8 (Apr 1998) - v.37, #2 (Oct 1999); v.37, #4 (Dec 1999).Supplement: Commemorative Covers Review (Dec 1993)
British Philatelic Federation. Congress Handbook London : British Philatelic Federation Ltd., <1977->. Continues: Philatelic Congress of Great Britain Yearbook, with 1977 ed. #2191. Enter year and place of congress 59th ed. (1977) - 1991 (Cardiff);
British Philatelic Federation. Newsletter Great Britain : British Philatelic Federation, 1988 Jan 1988.
British Philatelist Great Britain, 1912-1954. v.5, #1-12 (Mar 1912 - Feb 1913); v.10, #6, 8 (Aug, Oct 1917); #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1918); v.11, #1, 3 (Mar, May 1918); #5 (Jul 1918) - v.16, #6 (Aug 1923); #8 (Oct 1923) - v.18, #3 (May 1925); #5 (July 1925) - v.20, #10 (Dec 1927); v.21, #1 (Mar 1928) - v.26, #7 (Sept 1933); #9 (Nov 1933) - v.37, #3 (May 1944); #4 (June 1946) - v.38, #6 (Aug 1947); #8 (Oct 1947) - v.43, #10 (Dec 1952); #12 (Feb 1953); v.44, #1, 4-10 (Mar, June-Dec 1953); #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1954).
British Postmark Society. Quarterly Bulletin London, England : British Postmark Society, 1958-1979. v.1 (1958) - v.22 (1979). Complete and Bound. v.43, #1-4 (2000);
British Private Post Study Group. Newsletter Great Britain : British Private Post Study Group, 1982- . It is a part of 'Cinderella Stamp Club'. #21 (July 1982).
British West Indian Philatelist Jamaica : E.F. Aguilar, 1949-1958 v.1, #1 (Sept 1949) - v.9, #4 (June 1958). Bound.
Buckeye Ohio, USA : Central Ohio Precancel Club, 1961 v.17, #205 (Sept 1961); v.35, #364 (Mar 1978); v.43, #419 (May/June 1986).
Buffalo Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : Winnipeg Philatelic Society, 1972- v.7, #3, 5 (Oct, Dec 1972); #6 (Jan 1973) - v.17, #4 (Dec 1982); #6, 8 (Feb, Apr 1983) - v.20, #3 (Oct 1985-Jan 1992); v.24, #6 (Mar 1990); v.25, #5-10 (Feb-July/Aug 1991); v.26, #1-4 (Sept, Oct, Nov/Dec 1991-Jan 1992);
Bull Moose. Official Newsletter of the Money Order Office Study Establishment Charlottetown : Doug Murray, 1991- v.1, #1 (Nov 1991)-
Bulletin - Windsor 'Y' Stamp Club Riverside, Ontario, Canada : Windsor 'Y' Stamp Club, 1956-1959 #1 (Nov 1956) - #12 (Dec 1959). Bound.
Bulletin / Canada Post = Bulletin / Postes Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post, 1970- . Continues: Post Office Weekly Bulletin. Continued by: Bulletin / Canada Post Corp = Bulletin / Société canadienne des postes, 1981. v.51, #2691-2698 (1972); v.52, #2715, 28, 36 (1973); v.53, #2762-64, 66-70, 72, 79-80, 86-90, 92-2800, 2802-07 (1974); nos. Restarts: v.54, #1-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14, 15, 17-21, 23-51 (1975); #52-55, #6-19, 21-31, 33-35, 38-48, 50-52 (1976); v.56, #1-3, 6-11, 14-52 + special (1977); v.57, #1-52 + special (1978); v.58, #1-53 + special (1979); v.59, #1-51 (1980); v.60, #1-36 + special (1981).
Bulletin / Canada Post Corp = Bulletin / Société canadienne des postes Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post, 1981-1992. Continues: Bulletin / Canada Post = Bulletin / Postes Canada. Continued by: CMS bulletin, 1992. v.60, #37 + special (1981); v.61, #1-47 + special (1982); v.62, #1-51 + special (1983); v.63, #1-52 + special (1984); v.64, #1-49 + special (1985); v.65, #1-49 + special (1986); v.66, #1-20, 22-50 (1987); v.67, #1-9, 11-36 (1988); v.69, #5, 6, 8-19 + special, 21-23 (1990); v.70, #1-7, 9-25, 28 (1991); v.71, #1, 4, 6-12 (1992). c.2 #30, 39, 50, 27 (v.67).
Bulletin / Edmonton Stamp Club Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : Edmonton Stamp Club. Apr, Sept-Dec (1982); Jan-Mar, Oct-Dec (1983); Jan, Mar-July, Oct-Dec (1984); Jan 1985-June 1986; Sept 1986-Apr 1987; June 1987-June 1988; Sept 1988-Apr 1989; Sept, Oct, Dec 1989; v.78, (Jan 1990) - v.80, #11 (Nov 1992); v.81, #1 (Jan 1993) - v.88, #3 (Mar 1999) -
Bulletin and General Advertiser McBride, British Columbia, Canada : James Mewhort, 1934 v.l, #1 (Apr 1934).
Bulletin Confidentiel Paris, Société des amateurs de timbres Français, 1900-1901 #1-4 (avr-oct 1900); #6-11 (jan-août 1901).
Bulletin de la Société l'union des échangistes Paris, France, 1897-1901 janv-juil, sept-déc 1898; janv, fév, avr 1899 - juil 1900; sept 1900 - déc 1901.
Bulletin d'histoire postale et de marcophilie / Société d'histoire postale du Québec Montréal : Société d'histoire postale du Québec, 1992- . Auparavant: Société d'histoire postale du Québec. SHPQ Bulletin, avec #42 (Jan 1992). #42 (jan 1992) - #64 (4e trimestre 1997); #68 (4e trimestre 1998) -Index cumulatif: Bulletins 1 à 49 (1980-1993)
Bulletin d'information / Cercle aérophilatélique français Le Pecq, France : Cercle Aérophilatélique Français #15 (mars 1998) - #21 (mars 2000).
Bulletin hebdomadaire des postes Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Ministère des Postes, 1921-1969. Suivi de: Bulletin / Postes Canada. English equivalent: Post Office Weekly Bulletin v.1, #39-43 (1921); v.2, #44-54, 56-60, 79-87, 89-91 (1922); v.3, #100-103, 105, 136-141, 143-145 (1923); v.6, #256 (1926) - v.9, #460 (1929); v.13, #618, 620-632, 636-653, 655-668 (1933); v.14, #671, 673, 676, 678-694, 696-700, 702-712, 714-721 (1934); v.15, #722-728, 730-740
Bulletin Le mécanotéliste Montréal, Québec : Association Le Mécanotéliste, 1985 v.1, #1 (déc 1985).
Bulletin of the Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain London, England : Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain, 1986- v.17, #61 (Jan 1986) - v.19, #69 (Jan 1988); #71 (July 1988) - v.21, #77 (1990); #79 (1990) - v.24, #94 (1995); v.27, #1-4 (1 issue - 1998);
Bulletin philatélique Amos, Québec, Canada : Club Philatélique d'Amos, 1965-1966 v.1, #2 (jan/fév 1966).
Bulletin philatélique Bourcevet Paris, France, 1935-1936. Avant no 26 voir Province philatélique (La) v.6, #27 (août 1935) - v.7, #30 (déc 1936).
Bulletin. Canadian Forces Philatelic Society Ottawa : Canadian Forces Philatelic Society. 1975- v.1, #1 (Sept 1975) - v.15, #3 (Mar 1990) -
Bull's Eyes : Journal of the Brazil Philatelic Association Brazil : Brazil Philatelic Association, 1978-1994 v.9, #3 whole #34 (July 1978) - v.11, #4 (Oct 1980); v.16, #4 (Oct 1985) - v.21, #1 (Jan-Mar 1990); #4 (Jan-Mar 1990) - v.22, #2 (Apr-June 1991); v.23, #1 (Jan/Mar 1992) - v.25, #4 whole #99 (Oct-Dec 1994);
Bund Deutscher Philatelisten Frankfurt, Germany : Frankfurt am Main Bundesnachrichten, 1966-1971 #74 (Oct 1966); #75-78 (Jan, Apr, July, Oct 1967); #79-82 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Nov 1968); #83-86 (Jan, Apr, July, Oct 1969); #87-88, 90 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1970); #91-93 (Jan, Apr, July 1971);
Bureau Specialist United States : Bureau Issues Association, Inc., 1930-1965. Continued by: From v.37, #1 (1966) as United States Specialist v.1, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1930) - v.36, #12 (Dec 1965). Bound
Burma Peacock Edmonton : Burma Philatelic Study Circle, 1979-1995. v.1, #1 (Sept 1979) - v.11, #2 (Summer 1990); #4 (Winter 1990) - v.15, #4 (Winter 1994).
Businessline Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1984- v.2, #8-10 (Aug-Oct 1984); #6, 7 suppl. v.3, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1985).
BWI Study Circle. Bulletin London, England : British West Indies Study Circle, 1954- #1-7 (Apr 1954-Oct 1955) abridged. #8 (Jan 1956) - #146 (Sept 1990); #148-151 (Mar-Dec 1991); #153 (June 1992) - #163 (Dec 1994); #166 (Sept 1995) - #177 (June 1998); #179 (Dec 1998) - #184 (Mar 2000); #192 (Mar 2002) -
Bytown Stamp Club News Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : By-Town Stamp Club, 1952-1954. v.1, #1-4 (Oct 1952 - Feb 1954).
C P P C / Canadian Pen Pal's Club Joliette, P.Q. : Club Philatélique et Postal Canadien, 1963. #2 (mai/juin 1963).
C.A.F.I.P. Bulletin / Canadian Association for Israel Philately Willowdale, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Association for Israel Philately, 1967-1984 Dec 1967; v.2, #3 (Mar 1968) - v.5, #8 (Apr 1971); v.5, #10 (Jun 1971) - v.6, #9 (May 1972); v.7, #1, 3, 4 (Sept, Nov, Dec 1972); v.7, #6-8 (Feb-May 1973); v.8, #1 (Sept 1973) - #7 (Mar 1974); #9 (May 1974); v.9, #2 (Nov 1974) - v.17, #3 (Apr 1983); v.18, #2 (Feb 1984).
C.P.S. Bulletin (Canadian Philatelic Society) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Philatelic Society, 1946-1949. Continues: Canadian Philatelic Society Official Bulletin, with July 1946. Superseded by: C.P.S. Newsletter, June 1950 v.2, #11 (July 1947) - v.3, #3 (July 1949).
C.P.S. Newsletter Toronto, Ontario, Canada : The Canadian Philatelic Society, 1950-1953. Supersedes: C.P.S. Bulletin, June 1950. v.1, #1, 2 (June, Sept 1950); v.2, #1-11 (Jan-Dec 1951); v.3, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1952); v.4, #1-8 (Jan-Sept 1953).
C.S.P.M Bulletin United States : Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Inc., 1972-1973. Before 1972 see Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Inc. Newsletter. Continued by: Museum Post (1978). v.13, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1972); #5-7 (Jan-Mar 1973).
Cachet postal [Ottawa, Canada : Ministère des postes], 1939-1969 v.1, #1 (août 1939) - v.20, #1 (janv 1966); v.20, #3, 7-9 (mar, juil-oct 1966); v.21, #2, 4-7, 9 (fév, mai-oct, déc 1967); v.22, #1-8, 10 (jan-sep, déc 1968); [v.23, #3] (mar 1969).
Cachets : Newsletter of BNAPS First Day Cover Study Group Aurora, ON : Pierre Ethier v.1, #1, 3 (March, August 1998).
Cahiers de L'Académie [Montreal] : Académie Québecoise d'études Philatéliques Opus 1 -
Cahiers philatéliques Paris, France, 1945- #1 (janv 1945); #2-6 (fév, mai, juil, sept, nov 1946); #7, 8 (janv, sept 1947); #9 (mai 1948);
Cahiers thématiques France : Association Française de Philatélie, 1985-1986. Suivi de: Philatélie Thématique (La) #1 (mai 1985); #2 (avril 1986);
Calgary Philatelist Calgary, Alberta, Canada : Calgary Philatelic Society, 1997- . Continues: Calgary Stampede. #25 (Aug 1997) -Index: #1-32.
Calgary Stampede Calgary, Alberta : The Calgary Philatelic Society, 1978-1992. Continued by: Calgary Philatelist. v.1, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1978); v.2, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Mar, Apr 1979); May, June, Aug, Nov, Dec 1981; Apr 1982; v.9, #2 (Apr 1989) - v.10, #1-3 (Jan, Apr, June 1990);
Camaguey Filatelico (Cuba) Cuba : Publicado en Camagüey, 1975-1981 v.1, #2 (Jul/Aug 1975); v.2, #1-4, 6 (Jan-Aug, Dec 1976); v.3, #1, 2 (Jan, Apr 1977); #12, 13/14 (July, Oct 1977); v.4, #16 (July/Sept 1978); v.5, #17, 18 (Oct/Dec 1978); v.6, #19 (Mar/Apr 1980); #20 (Jun/Dec 1980); v.6/7, #21-24 (Jun/Jul 1981).
Cana-Ads Castlegar, B.C : Gustav Hagen, 1951 April (1951).
Canada & Newfoundland Postal Stationery Catalogue Hornby, Ont. : J.F. Webb 1st ed. 1971 - 4th ed. 1983
Canada First Day Cover Specialist Châteauguay, Québec : Marcel Cool, 1984-1986 v.1, #1 (July 1984) - v.2, #10 (June/July 1986).
Canada Meter Stamp Newsletter Guelph, ON : R.W. Irwin, 1988-1993. Continues: Canada Meter Study Group newsletter, with #19. #3311 Continued by: Canadian Meter Stamp News, with #40 (Summer 1994). Title varies: #38 - see Canadian Meter Stamp News. See/Voir : Canada Meter Stamp Newsletter, with #19 (1986). #19 (Mar 1988) - #39 (Fall 1993).
Canada Meter Study Group Newsletter Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Meter Study Group, 1981-1986 #1 (June 1981) - #18 (Mar 1986).
Canada Post Corporation. Annual Report = Société canadienne des postes. Rapport annuel Ottawa : Canada Post Corporation. Continues: Canada. Canada Post. Annual report. 1982/83 -
Canada Post Corporation. Canada Postal Guide. Pt. 1. Postal Law and Regulations Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Corporation, 1981- . Continues: Canada Postal Guide. Pt.1. Postal Law and General Regulations. 1981 ed. (Jul 1981); #1-82, 2-82, 3-82 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1982); #4-83, 5-83, 6-83, 7-83 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Dec 1983); #8-84, 9-84 (Mar, Jul 1984); 1985 ed. (Jun 1985); #1-85 (Apr 1986); #2-85, 3-85 (Apr, Jun 1987); 1988 ed. (Jan 1988); 1989 ed. (May 1989); 1990 ed. (Jan 1990); 1996 ed. (Jan 1996).
Canada Post Corporation. Canada Postal Guide. Pt. 2. International Mails, Rates and Conditions. Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Corporation, 1981- . Continues: Canada Postal Guide. Pt.2. International Mails, Rates and Conditions. 1981 ed. (Jul 1981); #1-82 (Jan 1982); 1983 ed. (Jan 1983); #2-83, 3-83 (Apr, Dec 1983); #4-83, 5-83 (Mar, Jul 1984); 1985 ed. (Jun 1985); 1986 ed. (Feb 1986); 1987 ed. (Jan 1987); 1988 ed. (Jan 1988); 1989 ed. (Jan 1989); 1990 ed. (Jan 1890); 1996 ed. (Jan 1996).
Canada Post Corporation. News Release Ottawa, Ontario : Information and Public Branch, 1966- . Voir aussi Postes Canadiennes. Communiqué. July 1966 -
Canada Post Employees Philatelic Society. Newsletter [Bulletin] Ottawa : [Canada Post Employees Philatelic Soc.] #1, 2 (Apr-June, July-Sept 1990); Fall 1991; Fall 1992.
Canada Postal Guide. Pt.1. Postal Law and General Regulations Ottawa, Ontario : Queen's Printer, 1965-1980. Superseded by: Canada Post Corporation. Canada Postal guide. Pt.1. (b) Postal Law and Regulations. #1, 2 (Jun, Nov 1965); #3-6 (Jan, Apr, Jun, Sept 1966); #7-9 (Jan, Jun, Oct 1967); #10-13 (Jan, Apr, Jun, Nov 1968); #14-19 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Jul, Sept, Oct 1969); #20-24 (Jan, Feb, Jun, Sept, Dec 1970); #26 (Jul 1971); #29 (Jul 1972); #30, 31 (Jan, Oct 1973); #32, 1-74 (Feb, Nov 1974); #2-74, 3-74 (Feb, Mar 1975); 1976 ed. (Jan 1976); #1-76 - 5-76 (Mar, Jul, Sept, Oct 1976); #6-76 (Jan 1977); 1977 ed. (Mar 1977); #1-77 - 3-77 (Apr, Jul, Nov 1977); #4-77 - 6-77 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1978); 7-77 - 9-77 (Apr, Jul, Nov 1979); #10-77, 11-77 (Sept, Oct 1980); 12-77 (Jan 1981).
Canada Postal Guide. Pt.2. International Mails, Rates and Conditions. Ottawa, Ontario : Queen's Printer, 1963-1980. Continued by: Canada Post Corporation. Canada Postal Guide. Pt.2. International Mails, Rates and Conditions. #1 (Oct 1963); #19, 21 (Apr, Oct 1969); #22-24 (Jan, Feb, May 1970); #25 (Sept 1970); #26 (Jan 1971); #28 (Jan 1972); #29, 30 (May, Jul 1972); #31/32-34 (Mar, Aug, Oct 1973); #35-37 (Feb, May, Dec 1974); #38, 39 (Feb, May 1975); 1976 ed., #1-76 - 3-76 (Jan, Mar, Jul, Sept 1976); #4-76, 5-76, 7-76, 8-76 (Jan, Mar, Jul, Sept 1977); 1978 ed., #1-78 (Apr, Jul 1978); 1979 ed. (Apr & Jul 1979); #1-79 (Nov 1979); #2-79, 3-79 (Sept, Nov 1980); #4-79 (Feb 1981).
Canada Stamp and Coin Journal Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : J.R. Findlay, 1888-1889. v.1, #1-11 (July 1888-May 1889).
Canada Stamp Sheet Québec & Toronto, Canada : W.G.L. Paxman; C.W.N. Ussher, 1900-1901. May 1901 - Nov 1902 known as Canada Stamp Sheet and Energy. v.1, #1 (Sept 1900) - #8 (Apr 1901); v.4, #4 (Jan 1903) - v.6, no.4 (Apr 1905).
Canada Stamp Sheet and Energy Québec, Canada : W.G.L. Paxman, 1901-1902. Continues: Canada Stamp Sheet, with May 1901. Continued by: Canada Stamp Sheet, with Jan 1903. v.2, #9 (May 1901) - v.3, #5 (Jan 1902); #7 (Mar 1902) - v.4, #3 (Nov 1902).
Canada. Canada Post. Annual Report = Canada. Postes Canada. Rapport annuel Ottawa : Queen's Printer; Information Canada. Continues: Canada. Post Office Dept. Annual Report. Continued by: Canada Post Corporation. Annual Report = Société canadienne des postes. Rapport annuel. 1979-1981
Canada. Department of Public Works. Annual Report Ottawa : Public Works Canada. Continues: Canada. Department of Public Works. Report of the Minister of Public Works on the works under his control, 1954. Continued by: Canada. Dept of Public Works. Report for the fiscal year ..., 1972 1954-1970/71.
Canada. Department of Public Works. Report of the Minister of Public Works on the Works under His Control Ottawa [etc. : s.n.]. Continued by: Canada. Dept. of Public Works. Annual report, 1954 HE6516 C36 1883-1929; 1931-1953.
Canada. Deptartment of Public Works. Annual Report Ottawa : Public Works Canada. Continues: Canada. Department of Public Works. Report of the Minister of Public Works on the works under his control, 1954. Continued by: Canada. Dept of Public Works. Report for the fiscal year ..., 1972 1954-1970/71.
Canada. Deptartment of Public Works. Report for the Fiscal Year - Dept. of Public Works [Ottawa] : Dept. of Public Works. Continues: Canada. Dept. of Public Works. Annual report, 1972. Continued by: Canada. Public Works Canada. Report for the fiscal year = Canada. Ministere des travaux publics. rapport pour l'annee financiere, 1973 1972
Canada. Post Office Department. Annual Report of the Postmaster General Québec : John Lovell. Continued by: Canada. Post Office Dept. Report of the Postmaster General, 1856-1966. HE 6507 C36 1852-1966
Canada. Post Office Department. Canada Official Postal Guide. TORONTO : Maclean, Roger & CO., 1882-1961. Quarterly, Oct 1882-Oct 1888; annual, 1889-1934; biennial, 1936/37-1961. Continues: Canadian Official postal guide. Continued by: Canada postal guide. Oct 1882-Jan 1885; Jan 1886-Oct 1888; 1889-1961 c.2: Oct. 1882-April 1888; 1890-1901; 1903-1904; 1906-1961
Canada. Post Office Department. Canadian Official Postal Guide. Toronto: Hunter, Rose and Co., 1875-1882. Continues: List of Post Offices in Canada, with the names of the postmasters. Continued by: Canada Official postal guide. Oct 1875-Jan 1880; Jul 1880-Oct 1882.
Canada. Post Office Department. Report of the Postmaster General Ottawa : Hunter Rose & Co. ; I.B. Taylor ; Maclean Roger & Co. ; Queen's Printer ; King's Printer. Continues: Canada. Post Office Dept. Annual report of the Postmaster General. Continued by: Canada. Post Office Dept. Annual report. 1856/57-1966, 1896 suppl.
Canada. Public Works Canada. Report for the Fiscal Year = Canada. Travaux Publics Canada. Rapport pour l'année financière Ottawa : Public Works Canada. Continues: Canada. Department of Public Works. Report of the Minister of Public Works on the works under his control, 1954. Continued by: Canada. Dept of Public Works. Report for the fiscal year ..., 1972 1972/73 - 1981/82.
Canada. Revenue By Post Office = Recettes par bureau de poste. Postes Canada Ottawa, Canada : Treasury Operations Branch, 1978- . Text in English and French. Before 1977-78, see List of Post Office with revenue 1978/79 - 1981/82
Canada. The Collection of ... Stamps = Canada. La collection des timbres de � Ottawa : Canada Post Corporation = Société canadienne de postes. Continues = Fait suite à: Collection of the postage stamps of Canada = Collection des timres-poste du Canada, 1995. Continued by = Suivi de: Collection Canada : The Collection of Canada's Stamps = Collection Canada : la collection des timbres du Canada, 1996. 1995
Canada's Mail Service : A Performance Achievement Report = Le service postal canadien : Rapport de rendement Toronto : Ernest & Young Oct/Dec 1990 - Oct/Dec 1991; Apr/June 1992 - Jan/Mar 1994.
Canada's Postal Code Directory Ottawa : Canada Post Corp. 1987-1988; 1990; 1996-1997
Canada's Stamp Details = En detail : Les timbres du Canada [Antigonish, NS?] ; [Ottawa?] : Canada Post Corporation #1 (1991) -
Canada's Stamp Images Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1989- #1, 2 (June, Oct 1989);
Canadian Aerophilatelist Nepean, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, 1985- v.1, #2 (Sept 1985); v.2, #2 (May 1986); v.2, #2? (or 11?) (Oct 1986); v.3, #2 (Oct 1987); v.5, #1 (June 1989); v.6, #2 (Nov 1990); v.7, #1, 2 (Mar, Sept 1991); v.8, #1 (Mar 1992); v.8, #2 (Aug 1992) - v.9, #1 (Feb 1993); v.10, #1, 2 (Apr, June 1994); v.10, #3 (Sept 1994) - v.11, #4 (Dec 1995); v.12, #2 (Jun 1996); v.12, #4 (Dec 1996) - v.14, #4 (Dec 1998); v.15, #1, 2 (Mar, June 1999); v.15, #3, 4 (Sept, Dec 1999); v.17, #4 (Dec 2001) -
Canadian Air Mails Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada : Colin A. Manlove, 1925 v.1, #1 (Jan 1925).
Canadian Airways Limited. Bulletin Winnipeg, Canada : Canadian Airways Limited, 1930-1937 #7-9 (Dec 1935 - Apr 1936).
Canadian Antiquer and Collector [Toronto : Canadian Antiquer Pub. Co., 1986- v.10, #11 (May 1985); v.12, #11 (May 1987) - v.13, #10 (Apr 1988); v.14, #5 (Nov 1988); v.14, #7 (Jan 1989); v.15, #6 (Dec 1989);
Canadian Collector (Berlin [Kitchener], Ont.) Berlin [Kitchener], Ont. : Findlay Iriving Weaver. Continued by: Canadian collector and philatelic punch, with v.1, #2 (Apr 1899) v.1, #1 (Sept 1898).
Canadian Collector (Mcbride, B.C.) McBride, British Columbia, Canada : Canadian Philatelic Society, 1932. Continues: Western Collector, with v.3, #11 (Apr 1932). Bound with Western Collector. v.3, #11 (Apr 1932) - v.4, #1 (June 1932).
Canadian Collector (Toronto) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : R.A. Austin, 1908. Continues: Post Card Echo, with v.1, #1 (Jan 1910). v.1, #1 (Sept-Nov 1908). (as Canadian Collector) v.2, #1 (Jan 1911). (as Post Card Echo).
Canadian Collector and Philatelic Punch Berlin [Kitchener], Ont. : E.A. Giller, [1899]. Continues: Canadian collector, with v.1, #2 (Apr 1899). Ceased publication with v.1, #3 (June 1899). v.1, #2, 3 (Apr, June 1899).
Canadian Connection : The Journal of Canadiana Philately London, ON : Canadiana Study Unit, 1987- v.1, #1 (Mar 1987)-
Canadian Cover Club. Monthly Bulletin Vancouver, B.C. : George Faukes, 1939 Jan-June 1939.
Canadian Flag Cancel Bulletin. The Canadian Flag Cancel Study Group (BNAPS), 1975- v.1, #1-6 (Jan-Sept 1975); v.2, #1-6 (Jan 1976-Sept 1978); v.3, #1 (Nov 1978); v.4, #1-3 (1980-1981).
Canadian Journal of Philately (Toronto) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : H.A. Fowler, [1893]. v.1, #1-2 (June, July 1893).
Canadian Mail Advertiser Anhorn's, Alta., Canada, 1963 April 1963.
Canadian Meter Stamp Newsletter Guelph, Ont. : Ross Irwin, 1993- . Continues: Canada Meter Stamp Newsletter, with #38 (Summer 1993). Title varies: #39 - see Canada Meter Stamp Newsletter. #38 (Summer 1993) -
Canadian Military Mail Study Group. Newsletter Kelowna, BC : British North America Philatelic Society, 1973- #1 (Oct 1973) - #97 (1990); #99 (Mar 1991) - #110 (Mar/Apr 1993); #112 (Aug 1993) -
Canadian News Letter - Canadian Press [Canada] : Canadian Press, [19---19--] #1, 2, 4-6 (Jun, Jul, Sept, Oct, Dec 1948); #8, 11-14, 19 (Jan, Apr-Jul, Dec 1949); #20, 23-26, 28, 29 (Jan, Apr-Jul, Oct, Nov 1950); #32-34, 36, 38 (Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Oct 1951); #1 (July 1953) - #90 (July 1968).
Canadian Philatelic and Curio Advertiser Montréal, Québec, Canada : A.L. Hamilton, [1886?-188-?] v.1, #1-4 (Jan-Apr 1886).
Canadian Philatelic and Numismatic Leader Winnipeg, Man. : Gordon K. Weldon, [1960?]- . Before v.2, #1 (13) see Philatelic Leader v.2, #1-6 (Jul-Dec 1961); #7-9 (Jan/Feb, Mar, Apr 1962);
Canadian Philatelic Journal [St. Catharines, Ont] : H.E. French v.2, #1 (Dec 1888).
Canadian Philatelic Journal (Merritton, Ont.) Merritton, Ont. : Canadian Pub. Co., [1894]. "Originally printed for January but issued under Feb. date". v.1, #1 (Jan 1894).
Canadian Philatelic Magazine Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : A.M. Muirhead, [1893-1901]. v.1, #1-5 (Nov 1893-Mar/Apr 1894) - v.3, #12 (Feb 1897); v.4, #1, 2 (Jun, Jul 1989); v.5, #1, 3 (Sept, Nov 1900); v.6, #1-6 (Mar-Aug 1901); v.7, #1 (Sept-Oct 1901).
Canadian Philatelic Review. Berlin, Ont., F.I. Weaver, 1899. Before v.4, #3 see Canadian Philatelic weekly. Berlin. v.4, #3 - v.5, #1 whole #21-25 (Feb-Apr 1899).
Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Convention Auction Berkshire, UK : Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain OCT 19, 1968; Oct 14, 1972, Oct 04, 1975; Sept 11, 1976; Aug 20, 1983; Oct 4, 1986; Oct 07, 1989; Oct 06, 1990, Aug 10, 1991; Oct 03, 1992; Oct 02, 1993;
Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Members Handbook Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain 1990/91 ed.; 1995 ed.; 1998 ed.;
Canadian Philatelic Society. Bulletin Toronto, Ontario, Canada : The Canadian Philatelic Society, 1935- . Continued by : Canadian Philatelic Society Official. Bulletin #3873 from 1938 #1-4 (Mar-Jun 1935).
Canadian Philatelic Society. Official Bulletin Toronto, Ontario, Canada : The Canadian Philatelic Society, 1937- . Continues: Canadian Philatelic Society. Bulletin. #3872 After 1940 see C.P.S. Bulletin May, Jul, Aug/Sept, Nov, Dec, (1938) - Dec (1940).
Canadian Philatelic Weekly Berlin, Ont. : F.I. Weaver, [1898-1899]. Continues: Boy's own philatelist. (v.2, #4) Continued by: Canadian philatelic review. (v.4, #2) v.2, #5 (Nov 1898) - v.4, #2 (Jan 1899).
Canadian Philatelic Weekly. London London, Ontario, Canada : L.M. Staebler, 1894. Continued by : The Boy's Own Philatelist. v.1, #1-8 (Jan-Feb 1894).
Canadian Philatelic Weekly.Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Philatelic Weekly, 1898-1899. v.1, #1-4 (Nov-Dec 1898); v.2, #1 (May 1899).
Canadian Philatelist = Philatéliste canadien Toronto, Ontario : Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, 1950- v.1, #1 (Mar 1950); v.2, #1 (Feb 1951) - v.49, #1 (Jan/Feb 1998); v.49, #3 (May/June 1998) -
Canadian Philatelist. (London, Ont.). Official organ of the Philatelic Society of Canada. London, Ont., Canada : L.M. Stoebler, [1891-1896]. Amalgamated with the 'Collector'. New Chester, Pa., in March 1895, with the 'Collector'. Minneapolis, Minn., in September 1895, and then restarted in April 1896. v.1, #1 (Apr 1891) - v.4, #2 (May 1896).
Canadian Philatelist. (Niagara Falls, Ont.) Niagara Falls, ON : Canadian Philatelic Co. v.1, #1-6 (Jan-June 1988).
Canadian Philatelist. (Québec) Québec, Québec, Birt William & Co., 1872-1874 v.1, #1-3 (Sept, Oct, Dec 1872); #4 (Jan 1873).
Canadian Philatelist. (Rouleau) Rouleau, Saskatchewan, Canada : P. Andrew King, 1910-1911. v.1, #1-9 (Apr-Dec 1910); #10, 11 (Jan, Feb 1911); v.2, #1, 2 (Mar, Apr 1911).
Canadian Philatelist. (Toronto. 1886) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : G.A. Lowe, [1886]. v.1, #1 (Sept 1886).
Canadian Philatelist. (Toronto. 1928) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Philatelist Pub. Co., 1928-1929. v.1, #1-4 (Sept-Dec 1928); #5-9, 10, 11 (Feb-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec 1929). Bound.
Canadian Philatelist. (Whitby, Ont.) Whitby, Ontario, Canada : L.F. Barker, [1884?-1885]. Description based on: v.1, #2 (Jan. 1885) v.1, #1-5 (Jan-May 1895).
Canadian Plate Block Journal Toronto, Ontario [etc., G.J. Rogers], 1966-1968. Continued by: After May/Jun 1968 see Canadian Stamp Journal. v.1, #1-11/12 (Sept 1966-Jul/Aug 1967); v.2, #1-6 (Sept 1967-May/Jun 1968).
Canadian Postal Worker Vancouver, Vancouver Local : Canadian Union of Postal Workers [etc.], 1965- v.1, #2-4, 6, 7 (Apr-June, Nov, Dec 1965); v.2, #1-5, 8-10 (Jan-May, Sept-Nov/Dec 1966); v.3, #1-4 (Jan-Apr 1967);
Canadian Postmaster Ottawa, Ont., Canadian Postmasters Association, 1926- v.2, #6 (Feb 1928) - v.3, #5 (Dec 1928); v.5, #10 (Apr 1931); v.7, #8 (Feb 1933); v.15, #3 (Oct 1940).
Canadian Postmaster = Maître de poste canadien Ottawa : Canadian Postmasters Association v.1, #1 (Dec 1961); v.2, #2-4 (May-Dec 1962); v.3, #7 (Sept 1963); v.6, #21 (Sept 1966); v.7, #3, 6, 7 (May, Aug, Nov 1967); v.8, #4, 5, 7 (June, Sept, Nov 1968); v.9, #1, 2, 4, 5 (Jan, Mar, July, Aug 1969); v.10, #2 (Apr 1970); June-Aug/Sept, Nov 1971; Jan-May, Nov/Dec 1972.
Canadian Precancelled Postage Stamp Catalogue / By Frank S. Thompson Winnipeg : Philatelic Pub. Co.. Continued by: Official Catalog of Canada Precancels 1923; 1925.
Canadian R.P.O. Study Group. R.P.O. Newsletter Vancouver, B.C., Canada : Canadaian R.P.O. Study Group, 1973- v.1, #1 (Nov 1973); v.2, #1, 2 (Jan, Aug 1974); v.3, #1, 3-5 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1975); v.4, #1-3 (Feb, Jul, Nov 1976); v.5, #1 (Feb 1977) - v.7, #4 (Aug 1979); v.8, #1 (Feb 1980) - v.12, #1 (Feb 1984); v.13, #1 (Feb 1985) - v.18, #4 (May 1990); #6-7 (July, Oct? 1990); v.19, #1 (Dec 1990) - v.21, #3 (Feb 1993) -
Canadian Re-Entry Study Group [Newsletter] Scarborough, ON : Canadian Re-entry Study Group v.1, #1 (Oct 1981) -
Canadian Revenue Newsletter Toronto, Ont. : Canadian Revenue Group of BNAPS, [196-]-. Numbering restarting with #1 (Aug 1993). #1 (Apr 1971) - #189 (1990); #191-193 (1990); #195 (Feb 1991) - #204 (Mar 1992); #206 (May 1992) -
Canadian Revenue Society. Bulletin. Montreal : Canadian Revenue Society. v.1, #1 (Feb 1938) - v.8, #10 (Mar 1946); i.e. whole #1-74; #75 (Apr 1946) - #142 (Jan 1954).
Canadian Stamp Collector. (Brockville) Brockville, Ont. : Canadian Philatelic Association, 1920-1923. v.1, #1 (Apr 1920) - v.3, #9 (May 1923).
Canadian Stamp Collector. (Toronto) Toronto, Ont. : Arthur J. Francis, 1932-1933. v.1, #1 (Dec 1932) - #8 (July 1933).
Canadian Stamp Journal [New York, etc., G.J. Rogers], 1968-1976. Continues: Canadian Plate Block Journal. (June 1968) v.2, #7/8 (July/Aug 1968) - v.7, #4 (Jul 1974); v.8, #1-3 (Jan, Mar, Jun 1975); v.9, #1 (Jan 1976).
Canadian Stamp News North York, Ontario, Canada : Metroland Printing, 1976- v.1, #1 (June 1976) - v.6, #2 (June 1981); v.6, #6 (Aug 1981) - v.7, #17 (Jan 1983); v.7, #20-25 (Mar-May 1983); v.8, #1 (June (1983) - v.15, #9 (Aug-Oct 1990); v.15, #11 (Nov 1990) - v.16, #1 (1991); v.16, #3 (1991) - v.17, #17 (Jan 1993); v.17, #19 (Feb 1993) - v.26, #22 (Mar 2002); v.27, #19 (Feb 2003) - Directory 1992. Collectors guide 1996-1997
Canadian Weekly Stamp News Toronto, Ont. : W.R. Adams, 1896-1897. v.1, #1-18 (Aug-Dec 1896); v.2, #1-3 (May-June 1897).
Canadiana: Revue mensuelle du journal et du timbre canadiens = A Monthly Devoted to Canadian Papers and Stamps Mariahilf, Grenfell, N.W.T., Canada : O.H. Tielemans, 1902 v.1, #6-12 (June-Dec 1902).
Canal Zone Philatelist / Canal Zone Study Group Richardson, TX : Canal Zone Study Group v.35, #1-4 (1999);
Captain Cook. (Newsletter) Christchurch, New Zealand : Christchurch Philatelic Society Inc., 1986 v.14, #1-11 (Jan-Dec 1986); + Captain Cook's Log (75th Anni).
Card Talk Toronto : Toronto Postcard Club, 1980- v.1, #1 (Jan 1980) - v.10, #1 (Mar 1989); v.10, #3 (Sept 1989) - v.14, #3 (Winter 1993).
Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Inc. Newsletter Weston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. : Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, 1962-1972. Continues: After 1972 see CSPM Bulletin. v.2, #8, 10 (Apr, Jun 1962); v.4, #1/2, 3 (Sep/Oct, Nov 1963); #5-10 (Jan-Jun 1964); v.5, #2-4 (Oct-Dec 1964) - v.7, #4 (Dec 1966); #6, 8-10 (Feb, Apr-Jun 1967); v.8, #2 (Oct 1967) - v.11, #6 (Feb 1971); v.12, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1971); #5/6, 8, 9 (Jan/Feb, Apr, May 1972).
Catalogue de timbres-poste. Tome 1. France / Yvert et Tellier Amiens : Yvert & Cie. Tome 1. Continué par Catalogue prix-courant de timbres-poste. 1900; 1948; 1950-1953; 1955-1956; 1961; 1963-1964; 1966-1969; 1971-1973; 1978-1980; 1982; 1984; 1986-1990; 1992-1995
Catalogue de timbres-poste. Tomes 2-7 / Yvert & Champion Amiens : Yvert & Cie. Tomes 2-7. Continué par Catalogue prix-courant de timbres-poste 1934; 1939; t.2 (1950); t.2-3 (1961); t.6 (1983); t.2-5, 7 (1984); t.3-4, 6-7 (1985); t.3, 5, 7 (1986); t.2-3, 6-7 (1987); t.3-4, 7 (1988); t.3 (1989); t.3-4 (1992);
Catalogue des timbres canadiens / Par Lyse Rousseau-Darnell et Emanuel Darnell = The Canadian Stamp Market Guide / By Lyse Rousseau-Darnell and Emanuel Darnell Montréal : Editions La Presse. Continué par Rousseau-Darnell, Lyse. Catalogue des timbres du Canada 1980/1981.
Catalogue des timbres du Canada Darnell 1985, 1987, 1990, 1994; Millenium ed (2000);
Catalogue descriptif de tous les timbres-poste et timbres-télégraphe parus depuis leur invention ... / par Arthur Maury Paris : A. Maury 4e ed. (1870); 6e ed. (1872); 9e ed., pte. 2 (1875); 13e ed. (1881); 15e ed. (1882); 17e ed. (1884); 19e ed. (1888); 20e ed. (1889); 21e ed. (1889); 23e ed. (1889); 29e ed. (1893); 31e ed. (1894); 35e ed. (1897); 39e ed. (1899); 40e (1900); 43e (1903).
Catalogue prix-courant de timbres-poste / Yvert & Tellier Champion Amiens : Yvert et Tellier. Suivi de: Catalogue de timbres-poste 1934; 1939; 1950; 1961; 1983-1989
Cavendish Chronicle London : Cavendish House #23, 24 (May, Aug 1998); #27, 28 (May, Sept 1999); #30 (Feb 2000) - #34 (Feb 2001); #36 (Aug 2001) -
Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Cavendish, UK : Cavendish Philatelic Auctioneers #351, #352, #354 (1982); #374-#378 (1984); #380-#389 (1985); #395, 398-399 (1986); #409 (1987); #414 (1988); #424, 425, 427 (1989); #439 (1990) - #442 (1991); #444 (1991) - #447 (1991); #440-#450 (1991); #452-#454 (1992); #457-459 (1992); #492 (Jan 1995); #517 (Dec 1996); #539 (Apr 1998); June 12, 1998 -
CBC International Stamp Corner Gord P. Rick Aug 1971.
Cee-Jay Stamp Auctions Waldorf, MD : Cee-Jay Stamp Auctions Inc. #76 (Mar 18, 1991) - #85 (Sept. 12, 1993);
Centennial Definitive - Elizabethan II Joint Study Group Mail Sale Kitchener, ON : Scott Traquair #7 (Mar 1998) -
Centennial Definitive Study Group Newsletter Winnipeg, Manitoba : Leonard Kruczynski, 1981- no.1 (June 1981) -Index v.1-12;
Central Florida Stamp News Winter Park, Florida, 1990- v.6, #11 (Apr 1990); v.7, #5 (Oct 1990); v.7, #10 (Apr 1991) - v.8, #1 (July 1991); v.8, #3 (Sept 1991);
Central Post Toronto, Ont. : Central District Postal Employees, 1972- v.1, #1 (May 1972) - v.3, #2 (Feb 1974).
CEPT. Bulletin Suisse, 1979 #1 (Juin 1979);
Chairman's Chatter Lisbon, MD : U.S. Philatelic Classics Society Inc., 1991- #143 (Jan 1991) - #148 (July 1992); #150 (Dec 1992) -
Chambers Stamp Journal Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States : Chambers Publishing Co., 1934?-1957 v.13, #7 (Dec 1940); #23 (Sept 1944); v.24, #8-26 (June-Oct 1946); v.25, #2-6 (Oct-Nov 1946); v.37, #4 whole #879 (Jan 1953) - v.40, #3 whole #896 (Jun 1954); #5 whole #898 (Sept 1954) - v.41, #2 (Dec 1954); #4 whole #903 (Feb 1955) - v.45, #6 whole #928 (May 1957).
Charles G. Firby Auctions Pontiac, MI : Charles G. Firby Apr, Sept 1985; Jan, Mar, June, Sept 1986; Mar, Oct 1987; Aug, Oct 1988; Feb, June, Sept, Oct 1989; Feb 1990 -
Charnière / Académie Vasophil Jeunesse Soulanges, Québec : Académie Vasophil, [1988?]- [No] 1-3;
Cheng's Stamp Journal [Tapei, Taiwan, Republic of China], 1976-1979. v.1, #1 (Sept 1976) - v.4, #1 (Sept 1979).
Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers. Catalogue. New York : Cherrystone Auction Galleries 1973-2001 [incomplete]
Chesin (Communications) Seoul, Korea, 1986 #10 (Oct 1986).
Chicago Philatelist Chicago, Ill. : Oakley Publishing Co., 1893 v.1, #7 (Sept 1893).
Chile Filatelico Santiago, Chile : Sociedad Filatélica de Chile, 1970- v.14, #177, 178 (Mar, June 1970); #181 (Mar 1971) - #185 (Mar 1972); v.16, #199 (Sept 1975) - #207 (Sept 1977); #213/214 (Mar 1979); v.19, #221, 223, 224 (Mar, Sept, Dec 1981); #252 (Aug 1992-Dec 1993) - #255 (Jan-June 1995).
Chin Jih Yu Cheng = Postal Service Today [Taipei] : Yu cheng tsung chü, Min kuo 47- [1958- . Chin jih yu cheng = Postal service today. #270, 272 (Jun, Aug 1980); #274-294 (Jun 1982); #296 (Aug 1982) - #315 (Mar 1984);
China Clipper Bettendorf, IA : China Stamp Society, Inc., 1936- v.19, #3 (Mar 1955); v.32, #1 (Nov 1967) - v.43, #4 (May 1979); v.49, #1 (Nov 1984); v.50, #3 (Mar 1986) - v.55, #1 (Nov 1990); #3 (Mar 1991) - v.59, #6 (Sept 1995).
China Philately Beijing, China : China Philately, 1982- . Cover title: China stamp catalog illustrated in colors. #1 (Apr 1982); #1-5 (Jan-Sept 1983); v.3, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1984); v.4, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1985); #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1986); #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1987); v.7, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1988) - v.10, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1991); v.11, #1-3 (Jan-May 1992).
Chinese Stamp Catalog : People's Post ... Tokyo : Japan Philatelic Co. Ltd. 1978; 1988-1992; 1994-1996; 1999-
Christian Wapler [Auction Catalogue] Berlin : Christian Wapler #39 (Aug 1999);
Christie's Catalogue of Postal Stamps of the British Empire Christie's July 1991 - June 1993; March 1997;
Christie's East New York : Christies #7445 (May 6-7/93); #7485 (Oct. 28-29/93); #7625 (Nov 1994);
Christie's Robson Lowe. Bournemouth Christie's - Robson Lowe #8001, 8003, 8007, 8013, 8034, 8049, 8052 (1984); #8054, 8057, 8061, 8066, 8075-8076, 8084, 8088-8089, 8092, 8096, 8102 (1985); #8105, 8112, 8115, 8118, 8125, 8130, 8133-8135, 8148 (1986); #8153, 8155, 8157, 8160, 8169, 8171, 8174-8175, 8177, 8180, 8187 (1987); #8189, 8191, 8193, 8195, 8199, 8206, 8208, 8211-8212, 8215, 8217, 8222 (1988); #8227, 8228, 8232, 8235, 8238, 8244 (Jan-June 1989); #4100, 4114-4115, 4134, 4188, 4198 (July-Dec 1989); #4357, 4457, 4468, 4494, 4561 (1991).
Christie's Robson Lowe. London Christie's - Robson Lowe #1 (1939) - #69 (1942); #72 (1942) - #78 (1943); #80 (1943) - #90 (1945); #93 (1946) - #167 (1954); #172 (1955) - #484 (1983); #8002 - #8023 (Jan-May 1984); #8035 (Sept 1984) - #8065 (Mar 1985); #8073 - #8078 (May, June 1985); #8085 (July 1985) - #8087
Christie's Robson Lowe. Melbourne Christie's - Robson Lowe #8198 (May 1988); #034 (May 1991); #50 (May 1992); #68 (Oct 1993); #88 (Nov 1994); #102 (Oct 1995).
Christie's Robson Lowe. South Kensington Christie's - Robson Lowe. Ceased June 1996. #4906 (Jan 1993); #6614 (June 1994); Feb 10, June 16, 1995.
Christie's Singapore Christie's #5025 - #5026 (May 27/93); #5358 (Mar 1995); #5631 (Mar 1996);
Christie's Swire. Hong Kong Christie's #28 (Sept 1991); #1050 (Sept 1992); #1070-1071 (Oct 1993); #1092 (Nov 1994); #1108, #1122 (May, Nov 1995); #1147 (Nov 1996);
Christie's Zurich Christie's #1-4 (1983) #8015, 8016 (Apr 1984); #8041 - #8046 (Oct, Nov 1984); #8068 - #8083 (Apr-June 1985); #8097-#8099 (Nov 1985); #8119-#8124 (May 1986); #8140-#8147 (Nov 1986); #8163, #8165 (May 1986); #8181-#8185 (Nov 1987); #8121? (May 1988); #8200 (May 1988); #8205 (May 1988); #8240-#8241 (May 1989); #8243 (May 1989); #1050-#1051, #1053 (Nov 1989); #1187, #1188 (Apr 1995); #1207-#1209 (Mar 1996);
Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues Canton, OH : U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, 1963- . Continues: Three cent '51-'57 chronicle, with #46 (1963) v.16, #45 (July 1963) - v.48, #2 (May 1996) - v.52, #2 (May 2000) -Index: whole no. 45-151 -
Cinderella Philatelist London, England : Cinderella Stamp Club, 1961-1996. v.1-9, Bound. v.10, #1 (Jan 1970) - v.21, #1 (Jan 1981); v.22, #1 (Jan 1982) - v.36, #1 (Jan 1996).
Cinderella Stamp Club. Newsletter Dartford, Kent, G.B. : Cinderella Stamp Club, 1982- . See also 'British Private Post Study Group. Newsletter'. #20, 21, 23 (May, July, Oct 1982); #27, 28, 30 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1984) - #34 (Oct 1985); #37, 38 (Jul, Oct 1986); #41 (Jan 1988) - #45, 47 (Jan, July 1989) - #70 (Jan 1996);
Circuit [United States : International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors] v.19, #3 (May/June 2001) - v.20, #2 (Mar/Apr 2002);
Circulaire mensuelle / Division des mandats. Canada. Ministère des postes [Ottawa] : La Division #9 (sept 1915); #13 (janv 1915); #15-21 (mars-sept 1916); #55 (mars 1919) - #63 (mars 1920); #65 (mai 1920) - #77 (mai 1921).
Civil Censorship Study Group Bulletin Dollar, Scotland : The Group v.28, #1-4 (2001);
Clip-Clip Société canadienne des postes, Québec, 1984-1985 v.2, #13 (oct 1984) - v.3, #2 (avr 1985).
Clipper Sioux city, Iowa : Clipper Publishing Co., 1899-1900 v.1, #1 (Dec 1899) - v.2, #1 (June 1900).
CMS Bulletin = Bulletin du SMS Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post Corp, CMS Group = Société canadienne des postes, Groupe du SMS, 1992- . Continues : Bulletin / Canada Post Corp = Bulletin / Société canadienne des postes, 1992. v.71, #13, 14 (1992); #16-19, 21-23, 25-29, (1992); v.72, #1-22 (1993);
Coin and Stamp Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Greenslade Bros., 1882 v.1, #1 (May 1882).
Coin and Stamp Hobbyist Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada : JPW Publications, 1980-1981 v.1, #1-6 (Oct 1980-Mar 1981). Whole #22-28.
Coin, Stamp, Antique News Mississauga, Ontario, Canada : Offset Make-up Inc., 1973- . Split into: Canadian Stamp News and Canadian Coin News. v.10, #19 (Feb 1973); v.13, #24, 25 (May 1976); #26 (Jun 9, 1976); v.14, #1 (June 19, 1976).
Collect British Stamps : A Stanley Gibbons Checklist of the Stamps of Great Britain London : Stanley Gibbons Publications 10th ed. (1971) - 11th ed. (1972); 18th ed. (1976) - 26th ed. (1980); 29th ed. (1981); 32nd ed. (1983); 36th ed. (1985) - 38th ed. (1986)
Collection Canada : The Collection of Canada's Stamps = Collection Canada : La collection des timbres du Canada Ottawa : Canada Post Corp. Continues = Fait suite à: Canada. Collection of ... stamps of Canada = Canada. Collection des timbres de ... , 1996. 1996 -
Collection of the Postage Stamps of Canada = Collection des timbres-poste du Canada Ottawa : Canada Post Corp. Continues = Fait suite à: Souvenir collection of the postage stamps of Canada = Collection-souvenir des timbres-poste du Canada, 1993. Continued by = Suivi de: Collection Canada : The Collection of Canada's Stamps = Collection Canada : la collection des timbres du Canada. 1993, 1994.
Collectionneur (Montréal) Montréal, Québec, Canada : J. LeRoux, 1886 v.1, #1-2 (mai, juin 1886).
Collectionneur (Stoneham, Qué.) Stoneham, Québec, Canada : A.R. Daignault, 1961-1963 v.1, #1 (mai 1961) - v.2, #4 (janv 1963).
Collectionneur de timbres-poste (France) France : A. Maury, 1937- v.73, #600, 601 (avr, mai 1937); v.74, #609-614, 616-618 (janv-juin, août-oct 1938); v.76, #633-637 (jan-mai 1940); v.103, #726 (janv-mars 1967); v.110, #747 (janv-fév 1974).
Collectionneur de timbres-poste (Montréal) Montréal, Québec, Canada : Louis-Philippe Beaudin, 1962- . Après décembre 1962 voir timbres-poste et monnaies, janv 1963-dec 1964 v.1, #1-4 (sept-déc 1962); v.4, #1-4/5 (janv-mai/juin 1965); aussi numérotés (19-22); #23 (avril 1966).
Collectionneur philateliste et marcophile Montpellier, France : Circle Lyonnais d'études philatéliques et marcophiles, 1985- #66 (avr 1985); (jan 1988) - #87 (juil 1990); #89 (jan 1991) - #116 (oct 1997).
Collections of Canada = Collections du Canada Antigonish, NS : National Philatelic Centre, 1989- v.1, #1 (July 1989) -
Collector. (London, Ont.) London, Ontario, Canada, 1976-1977 #1 (Oct 1976) - #7 (Jan 1977); #9 (Feb 1977) - #13 (Apr 1977).
Collector. (New Chester, Pa) New Chester, Pa. : Collector Publishing Co., 1891- v.2, #1, 3 (Oct, Dec 1891); #4-8 (Jan-May 1892); v.3, #4-7, 9 (Jan-Apr, June 1893).
Collectors Club Bulletin New York, N.Y. : Collectors Club, 1938- v.1, #1 (Jan 1938) - v.4, #3 (Mar 1941); #7-9 (Oct-Dec 1941) - v.5, #1-6 (Jan-Jun 1942).
Collectors Club Philatelist New York, N.Y. : Collectors Club, 1922- v.1, #2, 4 (Apr, Oct 1922); v.2 (1923); v.3, #1, 3, 4 (1924); v.4, #2, 3 (1925); v.5, #2, 4 (1926); v.6, #4 (1927); v.7, #1, 4 (1928); v.8, #1 (Jan 1929) - v.30, #1 (Jan 1951); v.30, #4 (Oct 1951); v.31, #2 (Mar 1952) - v.79, #4 (Jul/Aug 2000) -
Collectors Companion Red Creek, N.Y. : Walter C. Wendover, 1899- v.1, #1, 4 (May, Aug 1899); #5 (Nov 1899) - #11 (Aug 1900); v.2, #2 (Nov 1900).
Collector's Digest Buffalo, N.Y. : Index Service Co., 1918- v.1, #1 (Jan/Feb 1918); v.4, #1-9 (Jan-Dec 1922) whole #6-12.
Collectors Guide Trail, British Columbia, Canada : Gustav Hagen, 1953-1954. Continues: Collector's Stamp Guide, with v.1, #5 (Jan 1953) #1910 v.1, #5-11 (Jan-Jul 1953); v.2, #1-4 (Sept-Dec 1953); #5, 6, 9 (Jan, Feb, Jun 1954).
Collector's Guide St.Catharines, ON : Trajan. Continues: Insight 1997 ed. -
Collectors Magazine Montréal : Collectors Magazine v.1, #1-4 (sept-déc 1930); v.2, #1-8 (jan-août 1931).
Collector's Magazine = Le Collectionneur Québec, Québec, Canada, 1933-1934. Before 1933 see "Collectors Magazine" v.1, #1-3 (oct-déc 1933); #4 (jan 1934) - v.2, #3 (déc 1934).
Collectors Opportunity Rotterdam, Holland, 1980- v.1, (Nov/Dec 1980); v.2, #5 (Oct/Nov 1981); v.3, #1 (Jan/Feb 1982).
Collector's Stamp Guide Castlebar, British Columbia, Canada : Gustav Hagen, 1952- . Continued by: Collectors Guide, with v.1, #5 (Jan 1953) v.1, #1-4 (Sept-Dec 1952).
Collector's Surplus List LeMarque, Texas : Ed Richardson, 1959- #19 (Oct 1959) - #24 (May 1960).
Collegium Philatelicum Frankfurt, Germany, 1957-1975 v.5, #14 (Mar 1957) - v.7, #23 (Dec 1959); v.9, #24 (Jan 1962) - v.19, #48 (Oct 1971); v.21, #50 (Feb 1973) - v.23, #53 (June 1975).
Collezionista Italy : Bolaffi, 1955-1989. Numbering changed to "Continual Numbering", with v.32, #546 (Jan 1976). v.11, #4 (Apr 1955); v.12, #4 (Apr 1956); v.13, #1 (Jan 1957) - v.14, #12 (Dec 1958); v.15, #2 (Jan, Feb, Aug 1959); v.16, #1 (Jan 1960); v.27, #4, 6, 11 (Feb, Mar, May 1971); v.28, #22-24 (Nov-Dec 1972); v.29, #3, 8, 9, (Feb, Apr 1973); v.30, #2, 5 (Jan, Mar 1974); v.31, #10, 13, 17 (May, July, Sept 1975); v.32, #546 (Jan 1976) - v.33, #591 (Dec 1977); v.34, #594, 600, 608 (Jan, Apr, Sept 1978); v.35, #621, 622, 625-629, 632 (Mar, May-July, Sept 1979); v.45, #762 (Jul 1989).
Colomphil / Colombian Philatelic Research Society Bogata : Colombian Philatelic Research Society #9 (julio 2000) - #12 (Feb 2002).
Columbian Philatelist New Oxford, PA., 1896-1898 v.1, #1-6 (Feb-Jul 1896); v.2, #1(Nov 1896) - v.5, #1, 3-4 (May, Jul-Aug 1898).
Commerçant de timbres-poste Geneve, 1985- v.1, #1-10 (fév-déc 1885); v.1, #11, 12 (jan/fév 1886); v.2, #1-3 (avr, juil, déc 1886).
Commonwealth Philately United States : Commonwealth International Society, 1980-1983.. v.1, #1 (Nov/Dec 1980) - v.3, #4 (July/Aug 1983).
Communication / Canada Post Ottawa : Canada Post Office Headquarters, 1970-1976. Continual numbering 1970 - 1975, then numbering restarts each year. #1 (Aug 1970) - #51 (Dec 1974); n.s. #1-9, 11 (Jan/Feb, Nov, Dec 1975); #1-6 (Jan-June 1976).
Compulatelist : Quarterly Publication of the Philatelic Computing Study Group Oxnard, CA : Philatelic Computing Study Group, 1992- v.3, #1 (Jan 1992) -
Comtel News : Monthly Summary = Nouvelles Comtel : Résumé mensuel Canada Post Corporation Aug 1983 - Jan 1985;
Comunicazioni Postali con l'Estero Roma, Italie, 1974-1977 v.22, #8, 9, 11, 12 (Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec 1974); v.23, #2, 4, 5, 8 (Feb, Apr, May, Aug 1975); v.25, #6-11 (June-Nov 1977).
Concordia Post Germany : International Exchange & Correspondence Club, 1924 #13 (Mar 1924).
Confederate Philatelist United States : Confederate Stamp Alliance, 1960- v.5, #5, 10 (May, Oct 1960); v.6, #8 (Aug 1961); v.7, #3-8 (Mar-Aug 1962); v.8, #3 (June 1963) - v.9, #3 (Oct 1964); v.10, #1 (Jan 1965) - v.12, #6 (July 1967); v.13, #2-5 (Mar 1968); v.14, #2 (May 1969) - v.15, #1 (Jan 1970); v.15, #4/5 (July/Oct 1970); v.16, #4, 6 (July, Nov 1971); v.17, #1-5 (1972); v.18, #3 (May 1973) - v.24, #5 (Sept/Oct 1979);
Confederation : The Newsletter of the Large and Small Queens Study Group Fort Lauderdale : R. Ribler #1 (Jan 1997) -
Contact / Canada Post Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post, Marketing Div.. v.5, #7 (June/July 1986) is bilingual; all others are English only. v.4, #2, 6 (Feb, Nov 1983); v.4, 10, 11 (Oct, Dec 1984); v.5, #1 (Apr 1985) - v.5, #7 (June/July 1986).
Continental Stamps Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada : Eldon Decker, 1961-1968. v.1, #3-7 (Mar-Nov/Dec 1961); v.2, #2-6 (Jan-Sept/Oct 1962); v.3, #2, 3, 5, 6 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, July/Aug, Sept/Oct 1963); v.4, #1 (Nov/Dec 1963) - v.6, #3 (Sept/Oct 1966); v.7, #1, 3 (Jan/Feb, May/Aug 1967); v.8, #2 (Mar/Apr 1968).
Cook's Log [Ipswich, Suffolk, UK] : Captain Cook Study Unit v.23, #1-4 (2000). CD ROM: v.1-24
Corgi Times : the Elizabethan II Study Group Newsletter Colbert, WA : John D. Arn v.1, #1 (jul 1992) - v.3, #5 (mar 1995);
Coros Chronicle United States, 1953-1983 v.5, #4 (Oct 1953); v.8, #5 (Oct 1956); v.10, #1 (Feb 1958) - v.31, #5 (Oct 1979); v.32, 1, 2, 4 (Feb, Apr, Aug 1980); v.33, #1 (Jan 1981) - v.35, #2 (Apr 1983).
Correio Filatelico Brasilia : Asociacio Filatélico de Administraçao Central, 1977- v.1, #7-9 (Sept-Nov 1977); v.2, #24-30 (Feb-Aug 1979); v.3, #45 (Nov 1980); v.4, #48, 51-57 (Feb, May-Nov 1981); v.5, #59, 60, 62 (Jan, Feb, Apr 1982); v.6, #75, 77 (May, Jul 1983); v.7, #90 (July 1984). v.13, #117 (Mar-Apr 1989).
Costa Rica Filatelica San José : Asociacion Filatélica de Costa Rica, 1974- v.39, #1 (June 1974).
Courier / Letter Carriers' Union of Canada = Courier / Union des facteurs du Canada Ottawa : Letter Carriers' Union of Canada v.6, #1, 3 (Mar, Dec 1976); v.7, #1-3 (May-Dec 1977); v.8, #2-3 (Apr-Dec 1978); v.10, #2-3 (July-Dec 1980); v.11, #103 (May-Dec 1981); v.12, #1-2 (Mar-Sept 1982); v.13, #1-4 (Feb-Dec 1983); v.14, #1, 3 (Mar, Dec 1984); v.15, #1-2 (Mar-June 1985); v.16, #1-2 (Apr-Oct/Nov 1986); v.19, #2-3 (May-Sept 1990).
Courrier de la poste = The Postal Journal. Organe officiel des employés des postes Montréal : Impr. de L'Eclaireur, 1927- v.1, #5 (nov 1927); v.1, #10 (avr 1928); v.3, #5 (nov 1929); v.3, #10 (avr 1930).
Courrier du timbrophile Bruxelles, Belgique : L. Dehenain, 1890- . Suivi de: Courrier timbrophilique v.4, #43 (sept 1890).
Covers Albany, OR : Van Dahl Publications, [1939]-1968. Incorporated into: Western Stamp Collector, after 1968. v.6, #1 (Sept 1942); v.8, #4 (Apr 1949); v.10, #4 (Apr 1950) - v.11, #12 (Dec 1951); v.12, #1, 7-11 (Jan, July-Nov 1952); v.13, #2-7, 11 (Feb-July, Nov 1953); v.14, #2 (Feb 1954) - v.26, #3 (Mar 1966); v.26, #5-12 (May-Dec 1966); v.27, #1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 (Jan, May, July, Aug, Oct, Dec 1967); v.28, #8 (Aug 1968).
CPC Cartes postales et collection Suisse : Cartes Postales et Collection, 1987 #118 (Nov-Dec 1987).
Cronaca Filatelica Italy, 1977- v.7, #5, 8, 13-15 (Jan, Apr, Oct-Dec 1977); v.8, #25, 26 (Nov, Dec 1978); v.9, #28, 30, 31, 33, 34 (Feb, Apr, May, July/Aug, Sept 1979); v.10, #39, 41, 44-48 (Feb, Apr, July/Aug-Dec 1980); v.11, #49-52 (Jan-Apr 1981); #54 (Jun 1981) - v.13, #71 (Jan 1983); #74, 75, 77 (Apr, May, July/Aug 1983); v.14, #85, 89 (Apr, Oct 1984);#90; v.16, #105, 107-110 (Feb, Apr-July/Aug 1986) - v.33, #131 (Mar 1996) -
Cronica Filatelica Madrid : Cronica Filatelica #0 (Apr 1984)
Crown Agents Stamp Bulletin Great Britain : Crown Agents for Overseas Government & Administrations, 1963-1971 #368, 369 (Sept, Oct 1963); #372-377 (Jan-Jun 1964); Jul-Nov 1964; Jan-Sept, Nov, Dec 1965; Mar 1966; June-Aug, Oct-Dec 1968; Jan-Dec 1969; Jan-Mar, May-July, Sept-Dec 1970; Jan, Apr 1971.
Cruzada Spain v.14, #1 (Mon & Yr.)?
Cuadernos Filatelicos Uruguayos [Montevideo] : s.n., 1985? v.2, #4, 5 (Jul, Nov 1986); #6 (Mar 1987).
Cuban Philatelic Society of America (N.J.Chapter) Boletin United States : Cuban Philatelic Society of America (N.J.Chapter), 1982-1985. #1 (Dec 1982) - #16 (June 1985).
Cuban Philatelist Miami, Florida, 1976- v.5, #3 (Jan 1976).
CUPW Perspective = Perspective SPC Ottawa : Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Continues: CUPW Perspective, with v.18, #1 (Jan/Feb 1988). v.18, #1-5 (1988); v.18, #2, 5, 7 (1989); v.19, #1-4 (1990);
Curiosité universelle Paris, France, 1891- v.5, #250 (nov 1891).
Cursores Italy : Paolo Volmeier, 1980-1982 #1 (Nov 1980); v.1, #1 (Feb 1981) - v.2, #12 (Dec 1982).
Czechoslovak Specialist [Lancaster, PA, etc.] : Society for Czechoslovak Philately, 1964 v.26, #240, 243, 244, 246, 247 (1964); v.27, #250, 251, 253, 254, 257, 258 (1965); #259 (Jan 1966); v.28, #260, 262, 264, 265, 267, 268 (1966); #269 (Jan 1967); v.29, #270, 272-276 (1967); v.30, #288 (Dec 1968); v.32, #302, 303, 305, 307 (1970); v.33, #309-311, 314 (1971); v.34, #317, 318, 322-325 (1972); v.35, #331 (1973); v.38, #362 (1976) - v.40, #380 (1978); v.46, #442, 443 (1984); v.48, #455 (Jan 1986) - v.55, #503 (Dec 1993); v.60, #548, 550 (Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug 1998);
D & J Ritchie Toronto : D & D Ritchie Ltd. #122 (Dec 1984); #157, 158 (June 1986); #176, 178 (Mar, Apr 1987); #203, 206, 224 (Apr, May, Dec 1988); #227 (Dec 1988); #311 (June 1992 incl. afternoon session).
Daily Telegraph and Morning Post Stamp Supplement [London, England] : Daily Telegraph, 1937- . Formed by the merger of: Daily Telegraph, and Morning Post, Oct 1, 1937. Continued by: Daily Telegraph, with Oct 21, 1969. Oct 16, 1937.
Daily Telegraph Supplement [Stamps] [London] : s.n. Continues: Daily Telegraph and Courier, with Oct 28, 1856. Merged with: Morning Post; to become: Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, with Oct 1, 1937. Oct 17, 1936.
Dansk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift Danemark, 1981- #7 (Oct 1981); #5, 7, 8 (Aug, Oct, Nov 1982); #1-6, 8-9 (Jan-Apr, Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec 1983); v.47, #1-9 (Jan 1986-1995);
David Feldman Auction Catalogue David Feldman Oct 1976; June 1977; June 1978; Sept 1979; May 1980; Sept 1981; May 1982; Apr, Oct 1983; Mar, Oct 1984; #38 (Apr 1985) - #45 (July 1986); May, Nov 1989; May 1990 - Oct 1995.
Deltiology Newtown Square, Pa., 197? Continued by: Postcard Classics v.12, #4 whole #105 (July/Aug 1971) - v.15, #4 (July/Aug 1974); #6 whole #125 (Nov/Dec 1974) - v.17, #2 (Mar/Apr 1976); v.17, #4 whole #135 2July/Aug 1976) + special edition.
Detroit Philatelist United States : A.H. Crittenden, 1892-1894. v.1, #1 (Apr 1892) - v.3, #1 (May 1894).
Diligence d'Alsace Strasbourg, FR : Amis de l'Histoire des P.T.T. d'Alsace, 1974- #11 (1974) - #14 (1975); #16 (1976); #17 (1977) - #19 (1978); #21 (1979) - #38-39 (1988); #40 (1989) -
Directory / Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association = Annuaire / Association des négociants en timbres-poste Toronto : Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association 1984-1987; 1992; 1996; 1997
Directory / Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association = Annuaire / Association des négociants en timbres-poste Toronto : The Association. Issued as an insert in Canadian Stamp News. 1984-1985; 1987; 1992
Dispersion Filatelica Buenos Aires : Sociedad Filatelica de la Republica Argentina #257 (July 12/91?);
Distribution postale rurale au Canada. Publication approuvée par le Ministre des postes [Ottawa : Imprimeur de la reine, 19--?-]. Texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche (1968-). Variations de titre: Règlements concernant la distribution rurale des correspondances au Canada 1947. 1947, 1968, 1969 (pt.3), 1975, 1977;
Dixie Philatelist. Newsletter U.S.A. : Southern Philatelic Federation, 1977 v.11, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1977).
Documentation philatélique France : Societé philatélique franco-britanique, 1957-1961. v.4, #17 (nov/déc 1957); v.5, #18, 19, 21 (jan-avr, mai, oct-déc 1958); v.6, #22, 23 (jan-mai, juin 1959); v.8, #25, 27-29 (mars, mai, juil-août, sept-oct 1961).
Documents philatéliques France, Paris : Académie de philatélie, 1959- v.1, #1 (avr 1959) - v.9, #43 (mar 1970); v.14, #64 (juin 1975) - v.29, #126 (sept 1981); v.35, #147 (jan 1996). Sommaire 1959-1980.
Dominion Bazaar Yorkville, Toronto : Dominion Bazaar co., [1877?-1881?]. v.1, #2 (June 1877); v.3, #13, 14, 16 (Aug, Sept, Nov 1879); v.5, #1 (Jan 1881).
Dominion Philatelist. (Belleville, Ont) Belleville, Ontario, Canada : H.F. Ketcheson, 1889-1897.Not published Apr 1895 - Nov 1897 v.1, #1 (Jan 1889) - v.7, #75 (Mar 1895); #76 (Dec 1897).
Dominion Philatelist. (Toronto) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : A.M. Muirhead, 1903-1909 v.1, #1 (Dec 1903) - v.3, #6 (Jun 1906); v.4, #1/2 (Jan/Feb 1907); v.5, #1-7/8, 11/12 (Jan-July/Aug, Nov/Dec 1908); v.6, #1-4/6 (Jan-Apr/June 1909).
DTS International. Mail Auction Gatineau, Que. : DTS International #7 (Oct 1998).
Eagle Philatelist Kansas City, Mo. : Eagle Stamp & Publishing Co., 1891- v.1, #4 (Nov 1891); v.2, #4-6 (Apr-June 1892); v.3, #2, 22 (Feb, Dec 1893).
East Toronto Stamp Club News Toronto, Ontario : East Toronto Stamp Club, 1960-1974 v.7, #1, 3, 4 (Sept, Nov, Dec 1960); #7 (Mar 1961); v.10, #9, 11 (May, July 1965); v.11, #5 (Jan 1966) - v.18, #6 (June 1973); Oct 1973 - Mar 1974; Oct 1974.
Eastern Auctions Ltd. Public Auction Bathurst, NB : Eastern Auctions Ltd. Mar 1980 - Feb 1988; Mar-Aug 1989; Feb 1990 -
Eastern District Postal Employees Journal Ottawa, Ontario : Eastern District, 1977- . Bilingual. v.1, #1, 2 (Feb, Mar 1977); #4 (June 1977) - #15 (Jan 1979); #32 (Feb 1982?).
Eastern Philatelist Fitchburg, Mass. : Eastern Philatelic Publishing Co., 1891-1899. v.7, #2, 3 (Apr, May 1891); v.8, #3, 4 (Nov, Dec 1891); v.10, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1892); #5, 6 (Jan, Feb 1893); v.11, #1-6 (Mar-Aug 1893); v.12, #3, 4 (Nov, Dec 1893); v.13, #1 (Mar 1894) - v.20, #6 (Feb 1898).
Eastern Stamp Worcester, Mass. : A.H. Eklund, 1892 v.1, #2 (Feb 1892).
Eaton & Sons Vancouver Stamp Auctions Ltd. [Catalogue] Vancouver : Eaton & Sons Feb, Sept, Nov 1971; Apr, Sept, Oct 1972; Mar-June, Sept-Oct 1973; Feb 1974 - Apr 1975; Oct 1976 - June 1992; Oct 1993;
Échangiste universel Paris, France, 1960-1978 v.58, #768, 769 (mai, juin 1964); v.59, #777 (fév 1965); v.61, #801, 802 (fév, mars 1967); v.62, #812 (jan 1968); v.67, #881 (nov 1973); v.68, #883, 884, 891 (jan, fév, nov 1974); v.69, #897 (avr 1975); v.70, #905-908, 910, 912 (fév-mai, juil, sept 1976); v.71, #920 (juin 1977) - #926 (jan 1978).
Écho de la philatélie / Journal du collectionneur et du marchand Luzarches, Seine-et-Oise, France, 1897-1898. v.1, #1-12 (Jan 1897 - Jan 1898).
Écho de la timbrologie Paris, France : Yvert et Tellier, 1887-1995 v.1, #1 (nov 1887) - v.2, #26 (déc 1888); v.3, #28 (fév 1889) - v.6, #65 (déc 1892). Second series: v.7, #1 (jan 1893) - v.11, #120 (déc 1897); v.12, #126 (mar 1898) - v.23, #393 (mai 1909); v.25, #449 (sept 1911) - v.28, #504 (déc 1914); v.81, #1357, 1358, 1366, 1368 (1967); v.82, #1369, 1370, 1372-1374, 1377, 1378 (1968); v.84, #1394 (Feb 1970) - v.88, #1443 (avr 1974); v.88, #1449 (nov 1974) - v.90, #1472 (déc 1976); v.91, #1474, 1483 (fév, déc 1977); v.92, #1488, 1491 (mai, sept 1978); v.93, #1497, 1499-1502 (mar, mai-sept 1979); no.1509, 1513, 1514 (avril, sept, oct 1980); no.1528 (jan 1982) - no.1588 (juin 1987); v.102, #1594 (jan 1988) - no.1682 (jan 1996).
Écho philatélique Rimouski, Québec : Union philatélique du Grand Rimouski, 1971- v.4, #5 (mai 1971).
Écho postal Paris, France, 1927- v.13, #101 (mai 1927); v.14, #114-116 (sept, oct/nov, déc 1928); v.15, #117 (jan 1929).
Échophil Belgique : Fédération Belge de Philatélie, 1967-1984. #182 (fév 1967); #205 (oct 1968); #224-235 (mars-nov 1970); #244-247 (juil-oct 1971); #249 (déc 1971) - #257 (juin 1972); #259 (sept 1972); #270, 273, 275 (juin, sept, oct 1973); #279 (jan 1974); #298-301 (août-nov 1975); #304/305, 312/313 (mar/avr, nov/déc 1976); #318 (juin 1977) - #327/328 (mar/avr 1978); #335 (nov 1978); #339 (avr 1979) - ##359/360 (mar 1981); #363/364 (juin 1981) - #388/389 (jan 1984); #392/393 - 397/399 (mai/juin-oct/déc 1984).
Échos Montréal, Québec, Canada : Union Philatélique de Montréal, 1941-1966. Suivi de: Philatelic Echos Philatéliques, avec le v.33 (1965) v.1, #1 (jan 1941) - v.10, #7 (sept 1950); juin 1954; v.33 (1965/66);
Échos philatéliques Montréal, Québec : Union philatélique de Montréal, 1979-1984. Fait suite à: Philatélic Echos philatéliques, with v.47, #2 (nov 1979) v.47, #2 (nov 1979) - v.50, #6, 7 (avr, mai 1983); v.1, #1-3 (sept-déc 1984). c.2: v. 47, #7 (juin 1980); v.48, #2-3 (janv 1981); v. 48, #10 (oct 1981); v. 49, #2 (janv 1982); v. 50, #1-4 (sept-déc 1982); #6, 7 (avr, mai 1983); v.51, #1-3 (sept, oct, déc 1984).
Edmonton Stamp Club Bulletin Edmonton : Edmonton Stamp Club v.2, #[8] ([Oct] 1966); v.3, #3 (Mar 1967); v.4, #3 (Mar 1968); v.8, #4 (Apr 1972); v.9, #1-6 (Jan-June 1973); v.9, #9-11 (Nov 1973 - Feb 1974); v.10, #6-8 (Sept-Nov 1974); v.10, #10 - v.12, #2 (1975); v.12, #4 (Mar/Apr 1976) - v.14, #3 (Nov 1977); v.14, #5 (Jan 1978) - v.16, #6, 8, 9 (1980); v.17, #1-5 (Nov 1980 - March 1981).
Edward's Philatelic Press List Montréal, Québec, Canada : John Edwards, [1896?-1898]- v.1, #1 (Mar 1896) - v.2, #3 (July 1898).
Eesti Filatelist = Estonian Philatelist Society of Estonian Philatelists (Sweden) and Estonian Philatelic Society (New York), 1974-1983 #15 (Jan 1974) - #20/21 (1977); #29 (Jan 1983).
EFO Collector Albany, California, U.S.A. : EFO Collectors Club, 1982- v.4, #3, 4 (Apr, June 1982); v.5, #4 (Mar 1983);
Eisenhower Philatelist United States : Dwight D. Eisenhower Philatelic and Historical Society, 1977-1981 Sept/Oct 1977 - Sept/Dec1979; Mar/Apr - Nov/Dec 1980; Mar/Apr 1981.
El Filotelico Santo Domingo, DR : Sociedad Filatélica Dominicana Inc., 1977-1989 v.1, #3 (Nov/Dec 1977) - v.4, #18 (May 1980); #20 (Sept 1980) - v.5, #30 (May/June 1982); v.6, #33 (Nov 1982) - v.8, #49 (July/Aug 1985); v.9, #51 (Nov/Dec 1985) - v.11, #64 (Jan 1988); v.11, #66, 67 (May/June, July/Aug 1988); v.12, #70 (Feb 1989) - #74 (Sept/Oct 1989); v.13, #76-77 (Jan-Apr 1990); #79 (July/Aug 1990) - #83 (Mar/Apr 1991); v.14-15, #84-90 (May/June 1991-May/June 1992); #92 (July/Aug 1992); #94 (Jan/Feb 1993);
El Quetzal Philadelphia, Pa. : International Society of Guatemala Collectors, 1951- . Continues: News letter (International Society of Guatemala Collectors) v.27, #212 (May-Jun 1976);
Emco Journal Toronto : Marks Stamp Co. Continues: Emco Monthly journal. Continued by: Emco monthly journal; then continued again by Emco journal. #252 (Jan 1940) - #267 (Apr 1941); #397 (1952) - #398 (1953); #400 (1953).
Emco Monthly Circular Toronto : Marks Stamp Co. Continued by: Emco Monthly Journal. #31 (Sept 1921); #41, 43 (Aug, Oct 1922); #49, 57 (Apr, Dec 1923); #62 (May 1924); #82, 85-87, 90, 92 (Jan, Apr-Jun, Sept, Dec 1926); #95-97, 99, 100, 103 (Feb-Apr, Jun, Jul, Oct 1927); #106, 110, 114, 115 (Jan, May, Sept, Oct 1928).
Emco Monthly Journal : Official Organ of the Canadian Philatelic Society Toronto : Marks Stamp Co., Limited. Continues: Emco Monthly Circular. Continued by: Emco Journal; then changes back to Emco Monthly Journal; then continued again by Emco Journal. #131 (Feb 1930); #268 (May 1941) - #299 (Dec 1943); #360-363, 368, 370 (Jan-Apr, Sept, Nov 1949); #384, 387, 393 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1951).
Empire State Exchange Water Valley, N.Y. : Perrine Bros & Co., 1891-1892. v.3, #2 (Dec 1891); v.3, #3 (Jan 1892).
Empire State Stamp Journal and Brooklyn Philatelist Trumansburg, N.Y. : L. Rappleye, 1891-1892. v.2, #5 (Dec 1891); v.3, #1 (Jan 1892).
Energy Berlin, Ontario : F.I. Weaver, 1899-1901. Amalgamated with 'Canada Stamp Sheet' in May 1901, under the title 'Canada Stamp Sheet and Energy'. v.1, #1-6 (June-Oct 1899); v.2, #1-6 (Nov 1899-Jul 1900); v.3, #1 (Feb/Mar 1901). (Some supplements).
Enterprise Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1986- v.3, #2 (Jun/Jul 1986); #3 (Sep/Oct 1986).
Entier postal Paris, Bruxelles : L'association des collectionneurs d'entiers postaux, etc., 1939-1976 v.1, #1-9 (jan-nov/déc 1939); #1 (jan 1946) - v.25, #3 (mars 1963); v.29, #1/2 (jan/fév 1970); v.30, #9/10 (sept/oct 1971) - v.31, #9/10 (sept/oct 1972); v.32, #1/2-7/8 (jan/fév-jul/août 1973); #11/12 (nov/déc 1973) - v.35, #7/8 (jul/août 1976);
Entire Truth New York, United States : Classic Philatelists, 1980-1983. Continues: Air Mail Entire Truth (The). #60 (Dec 1980) - #68 (Aug 1983).
Entrain et entraide Montréal, Québec : Cercle des philatélistes et numismates, 1963- avril 1963;
Equator Berlin, 1949 #1 (Jan 1949).
Essay Proof Journal United States, New York : Essay-Proof Society, 1944-1993 v.1, #1 (Jan 1944) - v.50, #3/4 (1993).
Essex County Philatelist Lawrence, Mass., U.S.A. : The Essex County Philatelic Publishing Co., v.2, #9 (Jun 1891); v.3, #1, 3 (Oct, Dec 1891).
Essor philatélique Gendbrugge, Belgique, 1899-1900 #1-12 (Nov 1899 - Oct 1900).
Ethiopian Philatelist Chicago, Ill., 1974-1975 (Oct 1974 - Mar 1975).
ETS Willy Balasse, S.A. Bruxelles : Willy Balasse, S.A. #1367-1369 (1990); #1379-1381 (1991) - #1405/1406 (1992?); #1430-1432 (1994);
Études philatéliques et annales internationales de la timbrologie Paris : D. Darteyre, 1928. (Jan 1928 - Dec 1930); (Jan - Dec 1942); (Jan 1948 - Dec 1961).
Europa News United States : Europa Study Unit (ATA), 1965-1988 #70 (June 1965); #202-204 (Aug-Dec 1977); #205, 207 (Feb, Aug 1978); #212-221 (May-Nov 1980); #256 (Sept 1986) - 260 (May/Jun 1987); #265 (Mar/Apr 1988);
Evergreen State Philatelist Hartland, Washington : R.W. French, 1894-1899. v.1, #1 (Jan 1894) - v.11, #6 June 1899).
Ewen's Weekly Stamp News Great Britain : H. L'Estrange Ewen, 1902-1912 v.8 (Jan 1902) - v.19 (Dec 1910).
Excelsior New York, N.Y. : Empire State Postal History Society, 1977 v.5, #1 (Apr 1977).
Exchange International Bombay, India : Nations League of Pen-Friends, 1961 v.3, #4 (Apr 1961).
Execusketch. A Supplement To Businessline Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1984- #3, 4 (Sept, Oct 1984); #6, 7 (Jan, Feb 1985);
Explanatory Canada. The only paper published without a name. v.1, #1 (Jul 1911).
Facit Special [Catalogue] Leksand, Sweden : Frimärkshuset AB, [1947?] - .Title varies: Facit specialkatalog. Text in Swedish and English. 1957, 1962, 1966-1983, 1986, 1989;
Fakes, Forgeries, Experts. (Journal) Castagnola, Switzerland : F.F.E., 1998- #1 (Oct 1998) -
FAP Journal : Journal of Fine and Performing Arts Philately Chilton, WI., 1970- . Continues: Fine Arts Philatelist, with v.16, #1 (1970). v.16, #1 (1970) - v.23, #4 (1977) Bound; v.30, #5 (Nov 1984); v.29, #4 (Dec 1983); v.32, #1 (Mar 1986) - v.38, #4 (Dec 1992); v.46, #1 (Mar 2000) - v.47, #4 (Dec 2001);
Federacion Interamericana de Filatelia. Boletin South America, 1972-1976. Edicion en Espanol #1-7 (Jan 1972 - Feb 1976).
Federation of New Zealand Philatelic Societies Inc. Newsletter New Zealand, 1984- . Continued by: New Zealand Philatelic Federation. Newsletter #4 (Dec 1984); #7 (Sept 1985).
Fesofi Spain : Federacion Espanola de Sociedades Filatelicas, 1975- v.11, #6 (Apr-Jun 1975).
Feuilles marcophiles : Revue française de marcophilie et d'histoire postale France : Union Marcophile et de la Société des collectionneurs d'estampilles et d'obliteration réunies, 1966- #170 (déc 1966); #200 (juin 1975); #209 (avr 1977); v.56, #228 (jan 1982); v.60, #247 (oct 1986) relié; v.61, #248 (jan 1987) -
Feuillets philatéliques Montréal : Denis Masse, [1980-1986]. Publié sur feuillets mobiles réunis dans une pochette. (mar 1980) - #55 (jan 1986).
Fiches thématiques Mas-No de la philatélie canadienne Montréal : Fiches thematiques MAS-NO 1994-
Filabasket Review [Rome?] : I.FI.S. #4-6 (2001).
Filateli Denmark, 1970- #4 (Sept 1970).
Filatelia Brazil, 1976- #23 (Jan 1976); #26-30 (Jan 1977-Feb 1978).
Filatelia Cubana Cuba : Fedracion Filatélia Cubana, 1972- v.8, #1/2 (Jan-May 1972); v.9, #1, 2 (Jan-Apr, May-Aug 1970); v.10, #3 (Sept-Dec 1975); v.11, #2 (May 1976); v.12, #1-3 (Jan, May, Sept 1977); v.13, #2 (May 1978) - v.15, #3 (Sept 1980); v.16, #2 (May 1981); v.l7, #1-3 (Jan, May, Sept 1982); v.20, #1, 2/3 (Jan, Feb 1985); v.21, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1986); v.23, #2 (May-Aug 1988); v.24, #1-3 (Jan, May-Aug, Sept-Dec 1989);
Filatelia Italiana Italy : Michele Picardi, 1970- v.11, #1-11 (Jan-Nov 1970); v.12, #1-3, 8 (Jan-Mar, Nov 1971); v.?, #9 (Sept 1977).
Filatelia Lusitana Lisbon : Radacçao Administraçao et Publicidade #jun 2001
Filatelia Peruana Lima, Peru : Asociacion Filatélica Peruana, 1949-1989 v.1-12, #1-48 (1949-1960) bound; #116 (Feb-May 1977/79); #117 (Feb-May 1980); #123 (June 1989).
Filatelia. (Finland) Denmark, Finland, 1959 #1 (Feb 1959).
Filatelia. (Roumania) Roumania : Asociatiei Filatelistilor Din Republica Socialista Romania, 1982-1989 v.31, #3-5 whole #310-312 (Mar-May 1982); #7 whole #314 (Jul 1982) - v.33, #3 whole #334 (Mar 1985); #5 whole #336 (May 1985) - v.36, #3 (Mar 1987); v.34-35 Bound; v.38, #9 (Sept-Nov 1989);
Filateliai Szemle Budapest : Hongrie. Continued by: Bélyeg vilag Dec 1977 - Jan 1978; Jan 1979 - Oct 1988; Feb-Jul 1989; Sept 1989 - June 1993;
Filatelic Facts and Fallacies : A Monthly Magazine for Stamps Collectors and Dealers San Francisco, California : W. Sellschopp & Co., 1893- v.1, #7, 10 (Apr, July 1893); v.2, #4, 6, 7 (Jan, Mar, Apr 1894).
Filatelico Italie, 1970-73. v.19, #1-3, 5, 6 (Jan-Mar, May, Jun 1970); v.20, #3-6, 12 (Mar-Jun, Dec 1971); v.21, #5, 6, 7/8 (May, Jun, Jul/Aug 1972); v.22, #2, 11 (Feb, Nov 1973).
Filatelie (Czechoslovakia) Czechoslovakia : Fédération des Philatélistes Tchécoslovaques, 1972- v.22, #8 (Apr 1972); v.33, #7 (July 1983).
Filateliia SSSR = (CCCP) Moscow : Vseso i uznoe obshchestvo filatelistov, 1968-1990 #8, 10 (Aug, Oct 1968); #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1969); #9, 11, 12 (Sept, Nov, Dec 1970); #1-3, 5, 8, 9 (Jan-Mar, May, Aug, Sept 1971); #5-8, 10 (May-Aug, Oct 1972); #3 (Mar 1973); #4 (Apr 1974) - #1 (Jan 1977); #3 (Mar 1977) - #1 (Jan 1985); #3 (Mar 1985) - #12 (Dec 1990);
Filatelija Zagreg, Yugoslavia, 1977- #1-12 (Jan 1978 - Nov 1986) bound; #12 (Dec 1989) - 1990;
Filatelista Sweden : Gunn Nordquist, 1971- v.2, #6 (Nov/Dec 1971).
Filatelista Casopis Saveza Filatelista Srbije Jugoslavija, 1969-1974 #125, 127, 128 (Mar, Oct, Dec 1969); #130 (May 1970) - #135 (May 1971); #137 (Sept 1971) - #149 (Jan 1974);
Filatelista Dwutygodnik Polskiego Zwiazku Filatelistow Poland, 1973-1985 v.20, #429 (Sept 1973); v.25, #532, 534 (Jan, Feb 1978) - v.26, #579 (Dec 1979); v.32, #687-710 (Jan-Dec 1985);
Filatelista Guayaquileno Ecuador : Centro Filatélico y Numismatico de Guayaquil, 1977- #1 (Apr-June 1977).
Filatelistychni Visti Soiuzu Ukraïns'Kykh Filatelistiv New York : Society of Ukrainian Philatelists. Continued by: Ukraïns'kyi filatelist : zhurnal soiuzu ukraïns'kykh filatelistiv = Ukrainian Philatelist : Journal of the Society of Ukrainian Philatelist, Inc., with #1-63 (June 1963). v.1 (1925) - #4-62 (Nov/Dec 1962).
Filba Colombia : Club Filatélico de Barranquilla, 1969-1971 v.9, #40 (Dec 1969); v.10, #43, 44 (Oct, Dec 1970); v.11, #45/46, 47/48, 49, 50 (Jan, Apr, Aug, Dec 1971).
Filigrana Argentina : Centro Filatélico Buenos Aires, 1971-1978 v.37, #82 (Aug 1971); v.38, #83 (Mar 1972); v.40, #84, 85 (Oct, Nov 1974); v.43, #87-89 (Apr, Jul, Sept 1977); v.44, #91 (Mar 1978).
Filoteliki Lesvos [Mytilene, Greece : Société philatélique de Lesvos #181 (Jan/Feb 1999) - #187 (Jan/Feb 2000).
Fine Arts Philatelist Muskogee, Okla., U.S.A., 1955-1969. After 1969 see FAP Journal. v.1-15 (Jan 1955 - Nov/Dec 1969) bound.
Fireside Chats Hydepark, Dutchess County, New York : The Franklin D. Roosevelt Philatelic Society, 1974- v.9, #2 (Feb 1974).
First Days : Journal of the American First Day Cover Society Brick, NJ : American First Day Cover Society, 1955- v.1, #1 (Sept 1955) - v.2, #6 (July 1957); v.3, #5 (May 1958) - v.5, #1 (Sept 1959); #3, 4 (Jan, Mar 1960); v.6, #1 (Sept 1960) - v.7, #2 (Nov 1961); #6 (Jul 1962); v.8, #1 (Sept 1962); v.10, #5 (May 1965); v.11, #1, 2 (Sept, Nov 1965); #4 (Mar 1966); v.12, #3 (Jan 1967) - v.14, #6 (Nov 1969); v.16, #1 (Jan 1971) - v.17, #6 (Nov 1972); v.22, #1 (Jan 1977) - v.35, #2 (Feb 1990) - v.38, #1 (Jan 1993); v.40, #1 (Jan 1995) - v.45, #7 (Oct 2000) - Cumulative index: vol. 1-36.
First Issues Bloomington, IN : First Issues Collectors Club v.9, #1-4 (2001).
FISA Bulletin / Fédération internationale des sociétés aérophilatéliques London, England : Fédération internationale des sociétes aérophilatélique, 1979- . Continued by: Bulletin (International Federation of Aero-philatelic Societies). #39 (July 1975); #41, 43 (Mar, Dec 1976) - #55 (Dec 1980); #57 (July 1981) - #59 (Apr 1982); #63 (July 1983) - #87 (Dec 1991); #88, 89 (Apr, Aug 1992); #92 (July 1993);
Fiscal Philatelic Society. Bulletin of the Cinderella Stamp Club Great Britain, London : Cinderella Stamp Club, 1908-1928 v.1, #1-33 (Oct 1908 - Sept 1916) Bound. Index v.1-2 1908-1928.
Fiscal Philatelist and Revenue Stamp Guide London, England : Walter Morley & Fred. Geo. C. Lundy, 1892-1893 v.1, #1-12 (Dec 1892 - Dec 1893) bound.
Flag Pole Reading, UK ; Toronto : British North America Philatelic Society Flag Cancel Study Group, 1987- v.1, #1 (June 1987) - v.4, #2 (Sept 1990); v.4, #4 (Mar 1991) -
Flash : FIP Information Zurich, Switzerland : Fédération Internationale de Philatélie, 1974- #1-5 (jan-déc 1974); #1 (jan 1975); #1-2 (jan, fév 1976); #1 (jan 1977); #1, 2 (jan, fév 1978); #1 (jan 1981); #2, 3, (fév, mar 1982); #4, 8 (avr, nov 1984); #12-33 (avr 1985-sept 1990); #34 (déc 1991) - #57 (sept 1996) - #74 (déc 2000) -
Florida Philatelist Thonotosassa, Florida : D.E. Hazen, 1892-1893 v.1, #1-6 (Jul 1892 - Jan 1893). Bound
Florida Philatelist (FFSC) Florida, U.S.A. : Florida Federation of Stamp Clubs Inc., 1983 v.33, #2 whole #294 (Mar/Apr 1983).
Focus (Canada Post-Foothills Division) Edmonton, Alta., Canada : Foothills Division, 1983-. Before v.1, #5 see 'Foothills'. v.1, #5 (Aug 1983); v.2, #3, 6, 8, 10-16 (May, Jun, Aug, Sep-Dec 1984); #17-20 (Jan, Feb 1985); v.3, #16-18 (Nov-Dec 1985); #21, 23, 24 (Feb, Mar 1986);
Focus On Stamps : The Collector's Magazine Berne, Switzerland : Swiss Postal Service, 1996- #3, 4 (July, Oct 1996); #1, 2 (Jan, Mar 1997);
Fonds pour le développement de la philatelie. Rapport annuel et compte-rendu Suisse, 1965-1976 jan 1965 - jan 1976.
Foothills Philatelic Exchange Calgary, Alberta, 1949. After #3 see Foothills Philatelist v.1, #1-3 (Feb, Mar, Aug 1949).
Foothills Philatelist Calgary, Alberta, Canada : Foothills Stamp Service, 1950- . Before #4 see Foothills Philatelic Exchange. v.1, #4 (May 1950).
Forces Postal History Society. Newsletter Great Britain : Forces Postal History Society, 1977- v.15, #5-7 whole #145-147 (Jul, Sept, Nov 1977) + supplement v.19, #10 (Oct 1986);
Foreign Stamp Collectors Journal London, England : C.H. Nunn, 1880-1881. v.3, #25 (Nov 1880) - #36 (Oct 1881).
Foundation Bulletin New York, N.Y, The Philatelic Foundation, 1979- Mar 1979.
France & Colonies Philatelic Society [Catalogue] France & Colonies Philatelic Society Aug, Nov 1988; #20 (May 1989); v.42, #4 (Dec 1992).
France & Colonies Philatelic Society. Newsletter Guildford, Surrey, U.K. : G.E. Barker, 1944- . Continued by: France and Colonies Philatelic Society. Bulletin, with v.17, #1 (Jan/Feb 1967), then reverts back to newsletter. v.4, #4 (Jul 1954); v.5, #1, 3-5 (Jan, May-Sept 1955); v.6, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1956); v.7, #2, 4-6 (Mar, Jul-Nov 1957); v.8, #2-6 (Mar-Nov 1958); v.9, #2-6 (Mar-Nov 1959); v.10, #1, 4-6 (Jan, Jul-Nov 1960); v.11, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1961) - v.15, #4 (Apr 1965); v.16, #1, 3-5, 6 (Jan, Mar-May, Nov/Dec 1966); N.S. #23 (Mar 1977) - #30 (Dec 1978); #33 (Oct 1979) - #38 (Dec 1980); #40, 41 (Jun, Sept 1981);
France and Colonies Philatelic Society. Bulletin [London?] : France and Colonies Philatelic Society. Continues: France and Colonies Philatelic Society. Newsletter, with v.17, #1 (Jan/Feb 1967), which then reverts back to Newsletter. v.17, #1 (Jan/Feb 1967) - v.18, #4 (Oct/Dec 1968).
France and Colonies Philatelist Bloomfield, N.J. : France and Colonies Philatelic Society, 1941- v.1, #1 (Nov 1941) - v.17, #4 whole #100 (Jun 1958); v.18, #1, 2 (Jan, Mar 1959); v.19, #1 whole #103 (Jan 1960) - v.21, #5 whole #117 (Apr 1963); v.21, #1, 2 (Sep, Dec 1964); #3 whole #120 (Mar 1965) - v.43, #2 whole #208 (Mar 1987); #4 (Oct 1987) - v.55, #2 (Apr 1999); v.57, #1-4 (2001);
France-U.R.S.S. Philatélie France, Paris : Cercle philatélique France-U.R.S.S. #40 whole #80 (oct 1973) - #51 whole #91 (juil 1976);
Francobolli Italy : Sassone. #60, 61 (Nov, Dec 1975); #62 (Jan 1976); #76, 77 (Apr, May 1977); #88 (May 1978); #104 (Nov 1979); #109, 110, 113-116 (Apr, May, Aug-Dec 1980); #117-121, 123-125, 127 (Jan-May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Dec 1981);
Franquia Portugal : Redaccao E Administracao. #16 (Apr 1976).
Fraser Valley Philatelic Club. Newsletter. Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, 1988- v.3, #3, 9-11 (Jan, July/Aug-Oct 1988); v.4, #2 (Dec 1988) - v.6, #2 (Dec 1990); #11 (Oct 1991); v.10, #3 (Jan 1995) - v.11, #2 (Dec 1995);
Frazier's Stamp Paper Toronto, Ontario, Canada : W. Frazier, 1945- v.7, #118 (Aug/Sep 1945);
French Philatelic Facts United States : Kremer, Brainerd, 1951 v.3, #2 (Jun 1951).
French Polynesia Newsletter Zeist, Holland : R.H. Houwink. #56 (Feb 1968) - #61 (Apr 1969); #63 (Jan 1970) - #81 (Jun 1975);
Friends of the Boston University Philatelic Library. Bulletin Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 1956-1968. Continued by: Boston University Philatelic Library Bulletin, with no.35 (Dec 1968). #5 (Sept 1956); #7 (Apr 1957); #14 (Jan 1960) - #20 (Mar 1962); #22 (Mar 1963); #24 (Feb 1964) - #34 (May 1968).
Frimarksnytt Abo, Finland : K.E. Stenberg, 1938- #1, 2 (Sep, Oct 1938);
Frimerke forum Stockholm v.5, #1, 2 (Jan, May 1974).
Frimerker Som Hobby Oslo #3 (June 1980).
Frontiersman Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada : Seneca Stamps. Dec 1964.
G.B.C.C. Chronicle [Merrimack, N.H.?] : Great Britain Collectors Club #79 (Apr 1999) - #82 (Jan 2000); #86-89 (Jan-Oct 2001).
G.P.S. Philatelic Map Study Group. Bulletin Parkdale Avenue, Clayton : Phil R. Becker. #1-3 (Apr-June 1961).
G.U.V.F. Bulletin Paris, France : Groupement Ultra-Voilet de France. #25, 26 (Jan, Dec 1983).
Gabriel Great Britain : Guild of St. Gabriel, 1969- v.25, #1, 3 (Jan, July 1969).
Gaceta Filatelica Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1980- v.2, #7 (Jan-Feb 1980);
Garfield-Perryscope Cleveland, Ohio, United States : Garfield-Perry Stamp Club, 1976- #352 (Apr-June 1976).
Gazette / Académie québecoise d'études philatéliques [Montréal?], Québec : L'Académie, [1984-1992]. Continué par Gazette philatélique, 1993-1995 et repris sous ce nom depuis. #1 (janv 1984) - #18 (août 1985); #20 (oct 1985) - #23 (janv-fév 1986); #27 (juin 1986) - #36 (fév 1987); #38 (mai 1987) - #53 (déc 1992); #67-70; #72-81(dec 1996)
Gazette philatélique. (Canada) [Montreal?] : Académie québécoise d'études philatéliques. Fait suite a: Gazette / [Montréal?] : L'Académie, [1984-1992]. Poursuivi par: Gazette / [Montréal?] : L'Académie, [1995] - #54 (juillet 1993) - #64 (oct 1994); #66 (juillet 1995).
Gazette philatélique. (France) Paris, France : L'Union des Philatélistes des PTT et des Cheminots Philatélistes, 1983- #15, 16 (jul, oct 1983); #20 (oct 1984); #25 (janv 1986) - #33 (janv 1988);
Gazzetta Filatelica Milano, Italy. v.31, #8/9 (Sept 1977).
GB Journal Great Britain : Great Britain Philatelic Publications Ltd., 1956- v.1, #1 (Dec 1956) - v.18, #4 (July 1980); v.19, #1 (Jan 1981) - v.22, #1 (Jan 1984); #3 (May 1984) - v.33, #6 (Nov/Dec 1995).
Gem News Montréal, Quebéc, Canada : The Gem Postcard Exchange Inc., 1917-1920. v.1, #1-4 (avr 1917 - avr 1918); v.2, #5-8 (mai 1918 - jun 1920).
Geo-Philatelist / Journal of the Geology Study Unit of the American Topical Association White City, Oregon. v.1, #1 (Feb/Mar 1963); v.2, #5 (Oct/Nov 1964).
George Alevizos : Rare Stamps and Postal History : Public Auction [Catalogue] George Alevizos. #11 (1977); #16-19 (1979); #21, 23, 24, 26, 27 (1980); #28, 29, 32 (1981); #34, 35, 37 (1982); #40, 41 (1984); #43 (1984) - #60 (1987); #63 (1987) - #96 (Mar 1997); #100 (Dec 1997) -
Geosix : Newsletter of the King George VI Collectors Society Great Britain : King George VI Collectors Society. #68 Mar 1972); #73-75 (Jan, Mar, May 1973); #119 (Jan 1981); #151 (Mar 1989);
German Philatelic Review London. 1953- v.1-3, #1-3 (Jan 1953 - Feb 1956); v.4, #1-5 (Jan 1956 - Sep 1957) bound.
German Postal Specialist Chicago : German Philatelic Society, 1950- v.1, #1 (Feb 1950) -
Germania : Journal of the Germany and Colonies Philatelic Society Great Britain : Germany and Colonies Philatelic Society, 1964- v.1, #1 (Feb 1964) - v.19, #6 (Dec 1983); v.22, #1 (Feb 1986) - v.27, #1 (Jan 1991);
Germany Philatelic Society Study and Research Group United States. v.2, #1 (Jan/Feb 1969); #5 (Nov/Dec 1969); v.3, #3-5 (May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept-Dec 1970); v.4, #2 (Jul/Aug 1971).
Germany Post - War Local Study Group. Bulletin Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 1968-1971. v.1, #1-3 (Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec 1968); v.2, #2-4 (Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul-Oct 1969); v.3, #1, 2 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1970); v.4, #3 (Sept-Dec 1971).
Germany Stamp News Kitchener, Ontario, Canada : Germany Philatelic Society, 1961-1968. v.1, #1-9 (Sep 1961 - June 1962) - v.5, #9 (Jun 1966), v.6, #1 (Dec 1966) - v.7, #8 (May/Jun 1968).
Gibbons' International Stamp News Hampshire, UK : Stanley Gibbons Ltd Nos 11 (April 1999); #12 (June 1999)
Gibbons Stamp Monthly Hampshire, UK : Stanley Gibbons Magazines Ltd., 1927- . Continues: Stamp Monthly, with v.8, #1 (June 1977); which had superseded former publication of Gibbons Stamp Monthly, in 1970. v.1, #1 (Oct 1927) - v.4, #12 (Sep 1931); v.7, #1 (Oct 1933) - v.43, #9 (May 1970); (After this changed to Stamp Monthly); Restarted again under the previous title. v.8, #1 (June 1977) - v.20, #2-8, 10, 12 (July 1989-May 1990); v.21, #1, 4-5, 7-10 (June 1990-Mar 1991); v.22, #4 (Sept 1991); v.22, #6 (Nov 1991) - v.23, #7 (Dec 1992); v.23, #9 (Feb 1993) -
Gibbons Stamp Weekly London, England : Stanley Gibbons Limited, 1905-1910. v.1-12 (Jan 1905 - Dec 1910). bound
Gibbons-Whitman Stamp Monthly Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [1967-1969?]. v.1, #1-3 (Sep-Nov 1967); #9 (May 1968); v.2, #7 (Mar 1969).
Global Stamp News Sidney, OH : Global Stamp News Nov 1990 (Premier issue); March 1991; #11, 13, 14 (Sept, Nov, Dec(?) 1991); #21-22, 24-25 (June-July, Sept-Oct 1992); #31 (Apr 1993) - #41 (Jan 1994); #46, 48, 49 (May, July, Aug 1994);
Godden's Gazette London, England : Frank Godden's Ltd., 1933-1940. v.1, #1 (Nov 1933) - v.7, #8 (Jun 1940). Bound
Golden Horseshoe Regional Group. Newsletter Hamilton, Ontario, Canada : Golden Horseshoe Regional Group. Nov 1982 - Dec 1983; May, Sept 1984; May, Sept, Nov 1985; Mar, Sept 1986; Feb, Mar, May, Sept, Nov 1987; Jan, Mar, Apr, Oct 1988; Jan, Mar, Aug/Sept, Nov 1989; Jan 1990;
Golden Star Taunton, Mass., USA : Golden Star Pub. Co. v.2, #1-2 (Jan/Feb 1892); v.3, #1, 2 (Jul, Aug 1892); #17, 18 (Nov-Dec 1892); #20 (Feb 1893).
Gossip. A Canadian Society Journal with Philatelic Numismatic Departments. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Gossip Publishing Co. v.2, #1 (May 1887).
GPS Reference Manual of Forgeries / Germany Philatelic Society Longwood, FL : Dr. W.M. Bohne #1-36
Grand News Guelph, ON : Grand River Valley Philatelic Assoc., 1969- v.1, #1 (Sept 1969) - v.13, #7 (May 1982); v.14, #1 (Jan 1983) - v.15, #4 (Apr 1984); #6 (Aug 1984); v.16, #1 whole #135 (Sept 1984) - #5 (June 1985); v.17, #3-5 (Jan, Mar, Jun 1986); v.18, #1 (Sept 1986) - #3 whole #147 (Jan 1987); #5 (June 1987); v.20, #1 (Sept 1988) - v.21, #5 (May 1990); v.22, #1 (Sept 1990); v.23, #3 (Jan/Feb 1992) -
Gray Weekly Stamp Bulletin Toronto, Ontario : Gray Stamp Co., 1928? #118 (Jan 1928?).
Great Britain Philatelic Society. Newsletter London, England : The Great Britain Philatelic Society. #90, 91, 94, 96 (Jan, Feb, May, Jul/Aug 1975); #150, 153 (Mar, Nov 1981); #154-157, 159 (Jan-Mar, Sept, Nov 1982); #160 (Jan 1983) - #202 (Ma/Apr 1990); #205 (Sep/Oct 1990); #208, 210, 212 (MAY/Apr, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1991); #214, 216, 217 (Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct 1992); #219, 221-223 (Jan, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1993); #228-230 (Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1994); #234-236 (Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1995);
Great Britain Philatelist London, England : Robson Lowe, 1961-1965. v.1, #1-4 (Feb-Nov 1961) - v.5, #1-4 (Feb-Nov 1965).
Great Wall. Quarterly Journal of the China Stamp Collectors' Club of Australasia Fairfield, Australia [etc.], 1956-1962 v.1, #1 (Oct 1956) - v.5, #2 (Apr 1962).
Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance Journal [Toronto : Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance] v.1, #1 (Fall 2002) -
Grupo Filatelico Tematico de Uruguay. Boletin Informatio Montevideo, Uruguay, 1984? 19/20, 21/22 (Mar, Oct-Dec 1984); #23/24 (Jan-Jun 1985);
Guia de Information Madrid : Direccion General de Correos y Telecomunicacion, 1972- v.18, #198 (Jan/Feb 1972).
Guide des postes. Pt. 1. Lois et règlements généraux Ottawa : Société canadienne des postes, 1981- . Fait suite à: Guide des postes. 1981 éd. (juil 1981); #1-81 - 3-81 (jan, avr, juil 1982); #4-81, 6-81, 7-81 (jan, avr, déc 1983); #8-81, 9-81 (mars, juil 1984); 1985 éd. (juil 1985); 1986 éd. (avr 1986); #2-85, 3-85 (jan, juil 1987); 1988 éd. (jan 1988); 1996 éd. (jan 1996);
Guide des postes. Pt. 1. Lois et règlements généraux Ottawa : Ministère des postes, 1965-[1980?]. Suivi de: Société canadienne des postes. Guide des postes. Pt. 1. Lois et règlemets généraux #3-6 (jan, avr, juin, sept 1966); #7-9 (jan, juin, oct 1967); #10-12 (jan, avr, juin 1968); #14, 15, 17-19 (jan, fév, juil, sept, oct 1969); #20, 21, 24 (jan, fév, déc 1970); 1971 éd. (juil 1971); 32 éd. (fév 1974); #1-74 (nov 1974); 1976 éd. (jan 1976); #1-76 - 5-76 (mars, juil, sept, oct 1976); #6-76 (jan 1977); 1977 éd., #1-77 - 3-77 (mars, avr, juil, sept 1977); #4-77 - 6-77 (jan, avr, juil 1978); #7-77 - 9-77 (avr, juil, nov 1979); #10-77, 11-77 (sept, oct 1980); #12-77 (jan 1981).
Guide des postes. Pt. 2. Régime international - Taxes et conditions d'admission. Ottawa : Société canadienne des postes, 1981- . Fait suite à: Guide des postes. Pt. 2. 1981 éd. (juil 1981); 1982 éd., #1-82 (jan, juil 1982); 1983 éd., #2-83, 3-83 (jan, avr, déc 1983); #4-83, 5-83 (mars, juil 1984); 1985 éd. (juin 1985); 1986 éd. (avr 1986); 1987 éd. (avr 1987); 1988 éd. (jan 1988); 1992 éd. (jan 1992); 1996 éd. (jan 1996).
Guide des Postes. Pt. 2. Regime International - Taxes et Conditions. Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine, 1963-[1980?]. Suivi de: Société canadienne des postes. Guide des postes. Pt. 2. Régime international #26, 27 (jan, fév 1971); #37 (déc 1974); #1-76, 3-76 (avr, sept 1976); #4-76 - 8-76 (jan, sept, 1977); 1978 éd., #1-78 (avr, juil 1978); 1979 éd. (avr 1979); 1979 éd., #1-79 (juil, nov 1979); #2-79, 3-79 (sept, nov 1980); #4-79 (fév 1981).
Guide du collectionneur Montréal, Québec, Canada : L'Union Philatélique de Montréal Inc., 1969-1971. v.1, #1-12 (sept 1969 - août 1970); v.2, #13-15 (sept-nov 1970); #17, 18, 23, 24 (jan, fév, jul, août 1971).
Guide Line Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. v.3, #9-12 (Jun-Sep 1943); v.4, #1-2 (Oct/Nov 1943); #4, 6-8 (Jan, Mar-May 1944); v.5, #1 (Oct 1944); #4 (Jan 1945); v.8-20 (?); n.s. v.54, #5 (May 1984); v.59, #10 (Dec 1989); v.60, #4 (Apr 1990);
Guide officiel du service postal canadien. Canada. Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine, 1875-1961. 1932, 1936-37, 1944-45, 1952-53 (partie I, II) - 1961.
Guide officiel du service postal canadien. Canada. Ministère des postes Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine, 1875-1961. avr 1876 - sept 1961 [inventaire à confirmer].
Guide officiel du service postal canadien. Supplément mensuel / Canada. Ministère des postes. Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine, 1915-1965. Fait suite à: GOPC (supplément trimestriel). Canada. Ministère des postes Guide officiel du service postal. Monthly supplement to Canada Postal Guide juin 1915 - nov 1965.
Guide officiel du service postal canadien. Supplément trimestriel / Canada. Ministère des postes. Ottawa : Imprimeur du Roy, [1896?-1914?]. Suivi de: Guide officiel du service postal canadien. Supplément. mars 1905; jan 1909; jan, avr, juil, oct 1914.
H.P.S.A. News Bulletin New York : Hellenic Philatelic Society of America v.57, #1-4 (1999); v.61, #1-4 (2001).
H.R. Harmer, Inc. [Auction Catalogue] New York : H.R. Harmer, Inc.. Numbering skipped #67-133 (incl.) in 1943. Continues : Harmers of New York #5-7, 11 (1941); #14, 22, 23, 34-38, 40, 43 (1942); 45, 47, 53-55, 57-59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 134-139, 145, 146 (1943); #149, 150, 153-187, 191-198, 201-205, 209-212, 215, 216, 237-242, 260-263, 279, 280 (1944);
Halifax Philatelic Magazine / Halifax Philatelic Pub. Co. Halifax, N.S. : Muirhead & Van Malder, [1897?] v.1, #1-6 (Jan-Jun 1897); v.2, #1-3 (Jul, Sep, Oct 1897).
Halifax Philatelist Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : The Halifax Philatelic Co.; 1887-1889. Amalgamated with the 'Dominion Philatelist'. v.1, #1 (Jan 1887) - v.3, #7 (Jul 1889). Bound.
Hamilton Philatelic Society. Newsletter Hamilton, Ontario : Hamilton Philatelic Society, 1981- #1 (Oct 1981).
Hamilton Stamp Advertiser Hamilton, Ontario : Brown Mailing Service, 19? Jan 19?
Hans R. Schwarzenbach. Auktion [Catalogue] Zurich, SW Nov 1981; Nov 1982; Mar 1985; Nov 1986; Nov 1987; Mai, Dezember 1989; Mar 1991; Dec 1991; Oct 1992;
Harmer, Rooke and Co. Inc (London) London : Harmer, Rooke and Co. Inc. #2655, 2667, 2675-2680/2681, 2684/2685, 2687/2688, 2689/2690, 2693/2694, 2696/2697-2700/2701, 2705/2706-2711/2712, 2715/2716 (1935); #2739/2740, 2741/2742, 2753/2754-2757/2758, 2763/2764, 2765/2766, 2770, 2780/2781, 2782/2783, 2802/2803, 2804/2805 (1936);# 2820/2821
Harmer, Rooke and Co. Ltd. (New York) [Auction Catalogue] New York : Harmer, Rooke and Co. Ltd. Sept 24, 25/26, Oct 3, 15/17, Nov 7/8, 26/27, Dec 2/5, 1940; Jan 8/9, 13, 22/23, 24, Feb 28, Mar 24/25, May 19/22, July 29/31, Sept 17, 24/25, Oct 8/10, 16, Nov 18/19, 25, Dec 11/12, 1941; Jan 14/15, Feb 18, Mar 18/19, 25/26, May 28/29, June 25/26, July 29/30
Harmers of London [Auction Catalogue] London : Harmers of London Stamp Auctioneers Ltd. Feb 1924; #671-674, 678-680, 684-692, 706-708 (1934); #713-715, 747, 748, 760, 761, 768-771 (1935); #934, 935 (1937); #983, 984, 1028-1031, 1042-1071 (1938); #1072-1112, 1118-1123 (1939); #1144, 1145, 1152, 1153, 1166, 1167, 1185, 1186 (1940); #1345-1347 (1941); #1833 (1947); #2119, 2120 (1950); #2224-2255 (1951); 2256-2309 (1952); #2432-2437; #2478 (1954) - #2735 (1957); #2802, 2814-2819, 2824-2842 (1958); #2843 (1959) - #2976 (1960); #3095, 3096, 3109, 3110, 3113, 3114, 3146-3151, 3153-3159 (1962); #3160 (1963) - #3390 (1966); #3418, 3419, 3425-3428, 3432-3443, 3447-3495 (1967); #3496 (1968) - #3787 (1972); #3792 (1972) - #3946 (1975); #3849 (1975) - #4050 (1977); #4054 (1977) - #4214 (1979); #4218 (1980) - #4553/4554 (1989); #4556 (1999).
Harper's Weekly New York, N.Y. : Harper and Brothers, 1906. v.1, (Mar 1906).
Hawaiian Philatelic Society. [Bulletin] Honolulu, United States : Hawaiian Philatelic Society. Dec 1980; Jan, Mar-Jun, Aug 1981 - Dec 1982; Mar 1983 - Jan 1984; Mar 1984 - Jan 1987; Mar 1987 - Dec 1989; Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun 1990 - Sept-Nov 1991;
Heinrich Kohler Versteigerung Wiesbaden, GR : Briefmarkenauktionshaus Heinrich Kohler #268-269 (1990); #271 (1991) -
Heinrich Stamp Auctions. Public Auction Portland, OR : Heinrich Stamp Auctions Nov 10, 1996; May 25, 1997.
Hejnat Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.: The Polish Philatelic Society of Canada, 1971- #1 (Feb 1971) - #6 (Jul 1977).
Helvetia Philatelic Society. Newsletter London, England : Helvetia Philatelic Society. v.19/20, #7, 8, 11 (Jul, Aug, Nov 1966) - v.42, #12 (Dec 1988).
Heritage : People Helping People / Canada Post Corporation = Héritage : L'entraide à son meilleur / Société canadienne des postes Ottawa : Canada Post Corp. = Société canadienne des postes v.1, #1, 2 (1989); v.2, #1, 2 (1990); v.3, #1 (1991) - v.4, #3 (Dec. 1992); v.5, #1 (1993) - v.9, #1 (Aug 1997);
Heritage Post : A Newsletter for Teachers = Courrier du patrimoine : Un bulletin destiné aux professeurs Antigonish, NS : Canada Post Corp. no number (no date); #2 (1990/91) - #6 (1991/92); #16 (1995/96) - #18 (1995);
Herst's Outbursts New York, United States : Herman Herst Jr. v.21, #4 whole #99 (Dec 1962); v.27, #2 (Jun 1967) - v.30, #3 whole #130 (Sept 1970); v.31, #1 (Mar 1971) - v.32, #3 (Sep 1972); v.33, #1 whole #138 (Dec 1972); #2 whole #139 (Mar 1973);
Het Ptt-Bedrijf denkbeelden Methoden Onderzoekingen Netherlands : Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Services, 1973- Dec 1973; July 1977; index (Oct 1961 - Jul 1977); June 1978.
HH Sales Ltd : Philatelic Literature Specialists & Publishers HH Sales Ltd.. Continues: Harry Hayes, with no.90 (July 1987) #90 (July 1987) - #93 (July 1988); #95-98 (Feb-Dec 1989); #104-106 (Apr-Sept 1991); Stamps of Egypt (1991); #107-108 (Dec 1991-Feb 1992); #110 (July 1992); #112-114 pt.2 (Nov 1992-July 1993); #117 (Mar 1994); Jan 1998. Index (Vol.1): Publications of the 1980s
Histophilia Genève, 1976. #1 (Jan-June 1976).
HJMR Newslist. (Philatelic Literature Postal History) North Miami, Florida : HJMR Co., 1971- v.1, #1 (Mar/Apr 1971) - v.11, #2 whole #45 (Jul/Aug 1981); v.12, #1 whole #47 (Dec 1981) - #4 whole #50 (Nov/Dec 1982);
Hobby News Auckland, New Zealand. "Official organ of the Kiwi Exchange Club." v.5, #2 (Jun 1935).
Hobbyist Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1909-1913. v.1, #1 (Jan 1909) - v.3, #5 (May 1911); v.4, #1 (Aug 1911) - v.5, #9 (Apr 1913).
Holy Land & Middle East. Philatelic Magazine London, England, 1957. v.1, #2 (Mar 1957).
Holy Land Judaica Philatelist Redwood City, California. v.2, #1 (Sept/Oct 1976).
Holy Land Philatelist [Tel Aviv, Holy Land Philatelist Ltd., etc.], 1954-1961. Frequency: Bimonthly to Monthly (irregular). Cumulative index: Vols.1-7. v.1, #1 (Nov 1954) - v.7, #81/82 (Aug/Sept 1961). Cumulative index: v.1-7.
Hong Kong Study Circle. Bulletin Great Britain : Hong Kong study Circle, 1922-1990. Continued by: Hong Kong Study Circle. Journal Also contains a Journal...see title. #1-65 (Aug 1922) - #165 (May 1970); #175 (Jan 1972) - #273 (Mar 1990) - #319 (Oct 2001);
Hong Kong Study Circle. Journal Continued from : Hong Kong Study Circle. Bulletin #274 (Jun 1990) -
Hong Kong Study Circle. Newsletter Hong Kong Study Circle #274 (June 1990); #291 (october 1994); #307 (Oct 1998);
Hongkong Philatelic Journal. Hong Kong, 1895. v.1, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1895).
Hoosier Stamp Indianapolis, Indiana : W.H. Seaton, 1891-1893. v.1, #2 (Jun 1891); #4, 5 (Apr, May 1892); #8 (Mar 1893).
Hulak Kathmandu, Nepal. Jan 1971.
Hunters Fine Stamp Collections of the World Bollington, England : Hunters #49-#52 (July 2-Sept 24, 1997);
Huronpost : Canada Post Employee Journal. Huron Division. London, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post-Huron Division, 1983-1986. Continued by: Performance, Canada Post Employee Journal--Huron Division. v.1, #3 (Jun 1983) - v.3, #1 (Apr 1985); #6-13, 16 (Jun-Oct, Nov 1985); #23 (Mar 1986);
Huys-Berlingin Ag : Briefmarken & Philatelistische Literatur-Auktion Triesen, Liechtenstein : Huys-Berlingin 25-27 April 1997;
Ian Kimmerly Stamp Auctions Ian Kimmerly, Ottawa, ON. Ceased publication with #111/113 (Nov 2001). 2 issues (n.d.); April (2c.), May, June, Oct., Dec. 1986; no. 21 (Jan 1988); no. 25 (June 1988); no. 1 (Feb 1990)- no.12 (May 1991) - no.20 (Jan 1992); no.21 (Mar 4 1992); no. 22 (Mar 25-29 1992); no.23-24 (May 12-13 1992) #25/26 (June 1992)- no. 27-28 (Aug 19-20 1992); #45/47 (Jan 26-29 1994) - #111-113 (2001)
IATM Newsletter / International Association of Transport and Communications Museums International Association of Transport and Communications Museums #5(1990?)-
Ice Cap News New York, United States : American Soc. of Polar Philatelists, 1956- v.1, #1 (Jan 1956) - v.33, #4 (July 1988); v.33, #6 (Nov 1988) - v.35, #2 (Mar 1990); v.36, #1 (Jan 1991) - v.40, #4 (Oct/Dec 1995).
Illinois Postal Historian Illinois, United States : Illinois Postal History Society. v.1, #3 (Oct-Dec 1974).
Illustrations of Postage Stamps Issued In Kuwait [Kuwait] : Ministry of Communications, Post Office Department 1958/64; 1965/70; 1971/75.
Illustrierte Schweizer Schulerzeitung Genève #8 (Dec 1970).
Important Stamps and Covers of the World Christie's Robson Lowe May 7, 1992; May 5, Dec 14-16, 1993.
In Touch with Canadian and British North America Philately Magazine Bathurst, New Brunswick : Philatelic Sidelines, 1985-1987. Running title: In Touch. v.1, #1 (Oct 1985) - v.3, #4 (Apr 1987), bound in 2 volumes.
Ind Dak. Journal Devoted to Philately and Postal History Bangalore, India, 1977-1983 v.1, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1977) - v.7, #5 (May 1983).
Indent. Quarterly Journal of the Postal Mechanisation Study Circle. Pinner, U.K. v.9, #1-4 (Jan-Apr 1986).
Index of American Philatelic Publications Lemont, PA, United States : Lea & Meadows Books, 1998-2000. Ceased publication Dec 2000. Jan 1998 - Dec 2000.
India Post U.K. : The India Study Circle for Philately, 1967- v.1, #1 (Jan 1967) - v.16, #4 (Oct-Dec 1982); v.20, #1 (Jan 1986) - v.30, #1 (Jan 1996); v.33, #1 (Jan 1999) - v.34, #3 (Aug 2000).
Indian Philatelist New Delhi, India : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Publisher varies...v.1 to next. Place as well..Bombay to New Dehli. v.1, #1 (May 1894); v.3, #2 (Apr 1976); v.6, #1 (Jan 1979); July 1984.
India's Stamp Journal India : Jal Cooper. v.17, #10, 12 (Oct, Dec 1954); v.18, #1, 7 (Jan, Jul 1955); v.26, #11, 12 (Nov, Dec 1963) - v.28, #6 (June 1965); v.30, #9 (Sept 1967); #12 (Dec 1967) - v.32, #5 (May 1969); #9-12 (Sept-Dec 1969); v.33, #10, 11 (Oct, Nov 1970); v.34, #1, 2, 4, 5 (Jan, Feb, Apr, May 1971); v.40, #8 (Aug 1977);
Indicador del Servicio Postal Mexicano Mexico. v.68, #7-12 (July-Dec 1969).
Inflation Study Group Bulletin United States : Inflation Study Group of the German Philatelic Society. #26-29 (Mar-Dec 1986);
Informacion de Filatelia e Historia Postal Spain : Seccion Filatélica del Circulo Filatelico y Numismatico de Bercelona, 1973- . From 1977 continued by 'Y' Numismatica, little title change. Jan, June 1973; Jan 1974; Sept 1976; New title (Y Numismatica), Jan 1977; Jan, Sept 1980; Jan, Sept 1981; Jan 1982 - Jan 1986;
Information : Bulletin de Union philatélique de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada : Union Philatélique de Montréal, 1962-1963-1965. Suivi de: Philatelic Echos philatéliques a partir du v.33, nov.1965. #1-4 (oct-nov 1962); #5-7 (jan-fév 1963); #10-46 (mar 1963 - avr 1965); #48, 50 (juin, sept 1965);
Inside Coverage : First Day Cover Newsletter Lemont, Pa., United States, 1982 #1 (Jan 1982?);
Insight St.Catharines, ON : Canadian Coin News and Canadian Stamp News. Continued by: Collector's Guide, with 1996 ed. 1986 ed. - 1995 ed.
Inter Echange : International Club Exchange Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil, Québec, Canada : Augustin Guèvremont, 1967-1968. Voir aussi Inter Exchange v.1, #1 (jan-mar 1967); #2 (mai-juil 1967); #3 (août-oct 1967); v.2, #7 (oct 1968).
Inter Exchange : International Philatelic Magazine Bon-Conseil, Québec, Canada : Augustin Guèvremont, 1967. Voir aussi Inter Echange v.1, #4, 5 (Oct, Dec 1967).
Interaction / Canada Post Corporation Ottawa : Canada Post Corporation, 1995-. Supersedes: Manager Newsletter v.1-5: biligual. Starting v.6, published separately in French and English. v.1, #2 (Fall 1995); v.1, #3 (Winter 1996); v.3, #3-5 (Aug/Sept 1997) - (Dec 1997/Jan 1998); v.4, #5 (Oct 1998) -
Interaction / Postes Canada Ottawa : Société canadienne des postes. Beginning with v.6, published separately in French and English; v. 1-5: bilingual. v.6, #4 (0ct.-nov. 2000)-
Intermédiaire de la timbrologie Paris, France : L'Intermédiaire de la Timbrologie, 1893-1904. v.1, #1 (Apr 1893) - v.6 (Apr 1898); v.10/11 (Nov 1901-1904).
International Collector and Victor Stamp News Toronto, Ontario, Canada : G.H. Crouch, 1911- . Continues: The Victor Stamp News Before 1911 see Victor Stamp News. v.1, #11, 12 (Apr, May 1911); v.2, #1, 2 (June, Dec 1911) - #3-10 (Jan-Nov/Dec 1912); #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1913).
International Hobby News Montréal, Québec, Canada. v.7, #115 (Mar-Apr 1939).
International Hobbyist Johannesburg, South Africa v.3, #2 whole #8 (Aug 1923).
International Philatelic Journal Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Sun Publications Limited, 1930-1932. Later it was published in Syracuse, N.Y. v.1, #1-7 (Apr-Aug, Oct, Dec 1930); #8 (Feb 1931); v.2, #1-9 whole #9-17 (Apr-Dec 1931); #10, 11 whole #18, 19 (Jan, Feb 1932).
International Philatelist Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : Hugh C. Gourlay, 1947 v.1, #1-3, 4 (Jan-Mar, Aug 1947).
International Philatelist (Toronto) Toronto, Ontario, Canada : W.S. Weatherston, [1892-1893]. "A monthly for stamp collectors." v.1, #1-3 (Oct-Dec 1892); #4-8 (Jan-May 1893). bound 2nd series v.1, #1-2 (Sep-Oct 1893).
International Society for Japanese Philately. Bulletin Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1946-1954 v.1, #1-4 (Jul-Dec 1946); v.2, #1, 2, 3, 6 (Apr, May-Jun, Sept-Dec 1947); v.3, #1-4, 5-8 (Jan-Jun, Sep-Dec 1948); v.4, #1-5, 6-9 (Jan-May, Sep-Dec 1949); v.5, #1-3, 4, 5, 6-7 (Jan-Mar, May, Jun, Sep-Nov 1950); v.6, #1, 2-4, 5, 6-8 (Jan, Mar-Jun, Aug, Sep-Dec 1951); v.7, #1-8 (Jan-Dec 1952) - v.9, #9 (Dec 1954);
Investment Bulletin St-Thomas, Ontario, Canada : T.H. Nixon, 1947 v.2, #10 (June 1947); v.3, #2-3 (Sep, Oct 1947);
Iran Philatelic Study Circle. Bulletin Upton-upon-Severn, UK : Iran Philatelic Study Circle #33 (Dec 1975) - #75 (Dec 1989) -
Irish Stamp News Dublin, Ireland : Ian Whyte (Ireland) Ltd. #19 (Sep 1984); #20, 21 (Jan-Mar, Sept 1985); #22 (Jun 1986); #25 (June 1987); n.s. v.2, #1 (Jun 1991);
Island Hero Summerside, P.E. Island, 1873. v.1, #1 (May 1873).
Isle of Man Post Office. Newsletter Douglas, UK : Philatelic Bureau. #41 (May 1985); #49 (Feb 1988) - #57 (Oct 1990); #62, 63 (May, Oct 1992); #76 (Sept 1996); #77 (Feb 1997);
Israel Philatelic Monthly Tel Aviv, Israel : Israel Philatelic Society, 1986. #1/2 (Jan/Feb 1986) - #11/12 (Nov/Dec 1986).
Israel Philatelist : Journal of the Society of Israel Philatelists New York : Society of Israel Philatelists. Continues: Israel Palestine Philatelist, with v.11, #1 (Sept 1959). v.11, #1 (Sept 1959) - v.43, #9-10 (Sept/Oct 1992); v.44, #1/2 (Jan/Feb 1993) - v.47, #11/12 (Dec 1996); v.48, #3/4 (Apr 1997); v.50, #1-6 (1999);
Israel-Palestine Philatelist New York : Israel-Palestine Philatelic Society of New York. Continued by: Israel Philatelist, with v.11, #1 (Sept 1959). v.1, #1 (Sept 1949) - v.10, #9 (May/June 1959).
Italian Philatelist Burlington, Vermont, United States : P. Ostrow, 1960-1961. Includes separate sheets as 'Market Place'. v.5, #2 (Feb 1960); #5-9, 12 (May-Sep, Dec 1960); v.6, #3-6 (Mar-Jun 1961).
Ivy, Streve & Mader [Catalogue] New York 1991 ASDA Interpex Sale (Mar 14-16, 1991) - June 2-5, 1997;
J.Garvey & Sons Private Treaty Sale Edmonton : J.Garvey & Son Philatelists Ltd. #2 (June 1980); #4 (Mar 1977) - #19 (Apr 1980); #21 (Oct 1980) - #30 (July 1982); #32 (Nov 1982) - #33 (Feb 1983); #35 (July 1983; #37 (Jan 1984) - #42 (Jan 1985); #58 (Jan 1989) - #65 (Fall 1990);
Jack Knight Air Log & AFA News Illinois, United States : Jack Knight Collectors Club Federation, 1944- v.3, #1, 2, 4 (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Oct-Dec 1946); v.4, #1 (Jan 1947) - v.5, #4 (Oct 1949); v.6, #2 (Apr 1949) - v.13, #4 (Oct 1956); v.19, #3, 4 (Aug, Dec 1962); v.20, #1, 3 (Feb, Aug 1963); v.30, #1 (Jan 1973); v.32, #1 (Jan 1975) - v.35, #1 (Jan 1978); v.36, #2-4 (Apr/June-Oct/Dec 1979); v.37-39, #1-3 (Jan/Mar 1980 -July/Sept 1982); v.40, #1 (Jan 1983) - v.42, #1-3 (Jan-July 1985) - v.43, #4 (Oct/Dec 1986); v.44, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Jul, Oct-Dec 1987); v.45, #2-4 (Apr, Jul, Oct-Dec 1988); v.46, #2, 3 (Apr/Jun-Jul/Sep 1989) - v.48, #3-4 (Jul/Sept-Oct/Dec 1991); v.49, #1 (Jan-Mar 1992);
Jamaica Philatelic Society's Quarterly Bulletin Kingston, Jamaica : H. Cooke, 1941- v.1, #1, 2, 3 (Mar, Sept, Dec 1941); v.5, #20 (July 1946).
Jamaica Study Group Texas, United States : O.K. Eden, 1962- v.2, #2, 3 (June, Oct 1962); v.4, #1-3 (Feb, June, Nov 1963); v.5, #1 whole #14 & #1 whole #15 (Feb, Oct 1964); v.6, #1, 2 whole #16, 17 (Mar, Dec 1965);
Japan & Stamps Japan : Japan Postal Culture Association, 1952-1955. #1, 3 (Feb, Nov 1952); #4, 5, 6 (Mar, Jul, Nov 1953); #7, 8 (Mar, Aug 1954); #9 (Feb 1955); Plus annual issue 1955.
Japan Philatelist Tokyo, Japan : Japan Philatelic Society, 1977. Continues as: The Japan Philately . v.9, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1977). bound
Japan Philately. Monthly Philatelic Magazine. Tokyo, Japan : Japan Philatelic Society, 1986. Continues: The Japan Philatelist. v.18, #1-12 whole #205-216 (Jan-Dec 1986). Bound
Japanese Philately [Silver Spring, Md., etc., : International Society for Japanese Philately], 1973- . Continues: International Society for Japanese Philately. Bulletin (?) v.28, #1 whole #183 (Feb 1973) - v.31, #1 (Feb 1976); #5 (Oct 1976) - v.32, #3 (June 1977); v.33, #3 (June 1978) - v.34, #4 (Aug 1979); #6 (Dec 1979) - v.35, #4 (Aug 1980); v.40, #6 whole #257 (Dec 1985) - v.50, #1 (Feb 1995); v.54, #1 (Apr 1999); v.55, #1, 3 (Feb, Aug 2000); v.56, #2 (Jun 2001); v.56, #3 (Aug 2001) -
JAPOS Bulletin. Journalists, Authors and Poets On Stamps Bulletin [Chicago, Il?] : J.A.P.O.S. Study Group. #13 (July 1977).
Jarrett's B.N.A. Record Toronto, Ontario, Canada : F. Jarrett, 1930-1931. Note: Nov. 1930 published as B.N.A. Record (Nov, Dec 1930); (Jan-May 1931).
Jellypad Special. Monthly Newsletter Stratford, Ontario, Canada : The Stratford Stamp Club. v.4, #10 (June 1973); v.5, #6 whole #46 (Feb 1974).
Jersey Stamp Bulletin Jersey, (Channel Islands) : Jersey Postal Administration, 1971- #2 Spring 1971; #73 (Sept 1990); #75 (Jan 1991);
Ji You (Monthly) China : All China Philatelic Federation, 1986. #1-12 whole #195-206 (Jan-Dec 1986). Bound
Jim A. Hennok Ltd. Public Stamp Auction Toronto : Jim A. Hennok Ltd. Nov, Dec 1979; Feb, June, July 1980; Jan, Summer 1981; Apr, Nov 1982; July, Dec 1983; June, Oct 1984; #1 (Jan 1985) - #67/69 (Oct 26, 1991); #70/71 (Jan 18, 1992) - #76/77 (Sept/Oct 1992); #79/80 (Dec 1992) - #96 (Oct 1994); #101/102 (June 1995); #103/104 (Sept 1995); #108/109 - #112/113 (Mar - Oct 1996); #115/116, 117/118 (Jan, May 1997); #122/123 (Feb 1998) -
JLM Négoce [Enchères] Villeurbanne, France : JLM Négoce Dec 1995;
John H. Talman Auctions. Coin and Stamp Auction [Catalogue] Toronto : John H. Talman Auctions #10 (Mar 1977); #1 (Aug 1977) - #101 (June 1987); #103 (Aug 1987) - #115 (Feb 1989); #117-119 (Mar-May 1989); #121 (Aug 1989) - #132 (Dec? 1990); #134 (Feb 1991) - #148 (Oct 1992); #150 (Jan 1993) -
John H. Talman Auctions. No Buyer's Premium Stamp Auction John H. Talman Auctions #125 (Jan 1990); #127-129 (Apr-June 1990); #137-143 (Aug 1991-Feb 1992); #146-150 (July 1992-Jan 1993); #155, 157, 160 (May, June, Sept 1992); #164, 167, 170 (Feb, June, Sept 1993); #180 (Aug 1994);
John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. Public Stamp Auction [Sale Catalogue] Lambeth, ON : John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. #9 (Jan 1982); #13 (Sep 1982); #26, 29 (Mar, July 1984); #52 (Nov 1988); #68 (Mar 1991); #70 (May 1991); #73/74 (Nov 1991); #75 (Mar 7, 1992); #78 (July 1992) - #90 (May 1995);
Joint Stamp Issues [Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse, FR : International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors #16 (May 2001) - #19 (Feb 2002).
Jornal do Selo Rio de Janeiro, Brasil : Jornal da Elite Filatélica. #40, 42 (Jan, Mar 1987).
Journal / United Nations Philatelists, Inc. Clear Lake, Iowa ; Chicago : United Nations Philatelists, Inc., 1977 v.1, #1 (Aug 1977) - v.14, #1 (Oct? 1990); v.15, #1 (Feb 1991) - v.18, #2 (Apr 1994);
Journal de la poste aérienne France, Paris : Aéro Philatélic Club de France, 1947-1948 v.1, #1, 2 (juin, oct 1947); v.2, #3, 4 (jan, sept 1948).
Journal de l'A.P.O. Hull-Gatineau, Québec, Canada : Amicale des philatélistes de l'outaouais. #1 (oct 1985); #2 (jan 1986);
Journal laurentien Bon Conseil, Québec, Canada : Augustin Guèvremont, 1966-1967. nov/déc 1966 - jan 1967.
Journal of Chinese Philately Great Britain : China Philatelic Society of London. v.6, #1, whole #77 (Jul 1958) - v.26, #4, whole #201 (Apr 1979). Bound.
Journal of Philately. A Monthly Magazine for Stamp Collectors. Toronto. Canada, 1892. v.1, #1 (May 1892).
Journal of Precancels. Supplement to Postal Markings Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A : George H. Emmons, 1931-1933. v.1, #1 (Dec 1931-Jan 1932); #3 (Oct 1932); #6 (Feb 1933).
Journal of the France and Colonies Philatelic Society Surrey, GB : France and Colonies Philatelic Society of Great Britain v.26, #1 (1976) - v.30, #3/4 (Oct 1980); v.37, #1 (Apr 1987) - v.50, #4 (Dec 2000) -
Journal of the Philatelic Literature Society London, England : The Philatelic Literature Society, 1908-1918. v.1, no.1 (Jan. 1908)-v.11, nos. 3-4 (July-Oct. 1918) Bound + one vo. of Supplements and Wrappers. Cumulative Index v. I-XI (1908-1918). List of Members. Publications.
Journal of the Rossica Society of Russian Philately Maryland, United States : Rossica Society of Russian Philately, 1954- . #1-40 published in Russian; #41-43 printed in Shanghai, bilingual; #44 - published in U.S.; #41-69 published in Russian. #44 (1954) - #85 (1973) bound; #89 (1975); #90/91 (1976); #93/94 (1978); #108/109 (1986) - #123 (Oct 1994) -
Jubilee Philatelist Smith's Falls, Ontario, Canada : The Jubilee Stamp and Publishing Co., 1899-1900. Continued by: Jubilee Philatelist and Mount Royal Stamp News. v.1, #1-3 (Oct-Dec 1899); #4-9 (Jan-Jun 1900);
Jubilee Philatelist and Mount Royal Stamp News Smith's Falls, Ontario, Canada : The Jubilee Stamp and Publishing Co., 1900. Continues: Jubliee Philatelist. v.1, #10-12 (Jul-Sep 1900); v.2, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1900).
Judaica Philatelic Journal Bronx, New York, U.S.A : Judaica Historical Philatelic Society. v.2, #6 (June 1966); v.22, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1986).
Judaica Post Detroit, Michigan, USA : Judaica Associates, 1960-1979. v.1, #1 (Jan 1960) - v.3, #5-6 (May/Jun 1962). v.4, #1-6 (Jan/Feb - Nov/Dec 1976) - v.7, #6 (Nov/Dec 1979). Also have: Reprint ed. bound together : v.1, #1 - v.3, #?
Jugoposta : Journal of the Yugoslavia Study Group Earlston, United Kingdom : Yugoslavia Study Group. #5 (Sept 1985) - #23 (Mar 1990) -
Junge Sammler Luxemburg, Germany, 1970-1977. #1, 2, 4-6, 11 (Jan, Feb, Apr-June, Nov 1970); #5, 6, 10-12 (May, Jun, Oct-Dec 1971); #1, 3, 4, 6-9, 11, 12 (Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun-Sep, Nov, Dec 1972); #2-4, 6-10 (Feb-Apr, Jun-Oct 1973); #2-6, 8 (Feb-Jun, Nov 1974); #1-8 (Jan-Nov 1975); #2-4, 6 (Feb-May, Aug 1976); #1 (Jan 1977).
Junior Philatelist North Vancouver, Canada : Young Canadians Philatelic Society, 1947-1949. v.1, #2-7 (Feb-Jul 1947); #9-12 (Sep-Dec 1947); v.2, #2-5 (Feb-May 1948); #7-9, 11 (Jul-Sep, Nov 1948); v.3, #1-3 (Jan-Mar 1949).
Junior Stamp Collector St. Peterburg, Florida : J.B. Mazzie. v.1, #10 (Jan/Feb 1951).
Kaw Chief Stamp Journal Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A. v.4, #29 (Sept 1935); v.9, #11 (Nov 1940); v.10, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1941); v.11, #1-9 (Jan-Sept 1942).
Kenmore Kollector Kenmore, N.Y. : Kenmore Stamp Co. v.2, #11 (Nov 1937); v.3, #12 (Dec 1938); v.4, #1-8, 11 (Jan-Aug, Nov 1939); v.5, #1-6 (Jan-June 1940); v.6, #1, 6, 11, 12 (Jan, Jun, Nov, Dec 1941); v.7, #1-8 (Jan-Aug 1942).
Keystoner Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Western Pennsylvania Precance Society. v.23, #10 whole #249 (Dec 1971).
Kingston Stamp News Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1922-1924. Continued by: The Western Collector v.1, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1922); #3, 5-10 (Jan, Mar-Dec 1923); #11 (Jan/Feb 1924).
Kirchenstast mit Vorphilatelie und Vatikanstaat Hamburg, Germany. #107-110 (Jan, Apr, July, Oct 1986).
Kitte Kenkyu Tokyo, Japan : Institute of Philately. In Japanese #12 whole #305 (Dec 1977); #2, 4, 6, 9, 12 (Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep, Dec 1978); #3, 5, 8, 11 (Mar, May, Aug, Nov 1979); #3, 6, 10 (Mar, Jun, Oct, 1980); #1, 5, 8, 11 (Feb, May, Aug, Nov, 1981); #10, 12 whole #327 (Oct, Dec 1982).
Kiwi : Journal of the New Zealand Society of Great Britain Northumberland, UK : New Zealand Society of Great Britain. Previous title: Kiwi: Official organ of the New Zealand Society of Great Britain. v.37, #5 (Sept 1988) - v.39, #4, 6 (Jul, Nov 1990) - v.44, #6 (Nov 1995); v.49, #3 (May 2000) -
Kiwi Stamp News Christchurch, New Zealand, 1953- #1 (Oct 1953).
Knox's Interlude Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1934 v.1, #2 (May 1934).
Korean Stamp Review Seoul : Korean Philatelic Centre v.3, #4 (Sept 1978); v.4, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Jun, Sept 1979); v.5, #1, 2 whole #16 (Jan, Apr 1980); v.8, #2, 3 (Apr, Jun 1984); v.9, #1 (Jan 1985) - v.12, #3 (July 1988); v.13, #2, 3 whole #42 (Apr, Jul 1989); v.28, #1-4 (2001);
Korean Stamps Seoul, Korea : The Philatelist's Union of the Democratic People's, 1971-1980. Same review in French = Timbres Coréens (Les) #44-48 (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1971); #49 (Feb 1972); #55-58, 60 (Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Dec 1973); #63 (Jun 1974); #79 (Jul 1975); #85, 87-90, 94, 95 (Jan, Mar-Jun, Oct, Nov 1976); #97, 98, 102 (Jan, Feb, Jun 1977); N.S. #1-5 (Jan-May 1980).
Kungl. Generalpoststvrelsens Bibliotek. Facklitteratur Sweden, 1945-1957 Jan 1945-Dec 1948; Jan 1950-Dec 1957. Bound
Lahitte philatélie Place Gailleton, Lyon. Sept 26, 1995; Nov 26, 1996;
Lakehead Stamp Club. Annual Report Thunder Bay, B.C., Canada. 1985/86-1987/88;
Latin American Post : For the Study of Latin American Philately Hinton, Alberta, Canada : Latin American Philatelic Soc., 1977- v.1, #1 (Apr 1977) - v.3, #3 (Oct 1979); v.4, #1 (Apr 1980) - v.7, #3 (Oct 1983); v.8, #1 (Apr 1984) - v.14, #2 (Apr/June 1990); v.14, #4 (Oct/Nov 1990) - v.20, #2 (Apr-June 1996).
Lethbridge Philatelic Society Newsletter Lethbridge : Lethbridge Philatelic Society v.1, #1 (March 2002) -
Let's Talk Parachutes Houston, Texas : The Parachute Study Group. v.3, #1-4 (Mar-Dec 1977); v.5, #1, 2 (Mar, Jun 1978).
Letter Box Study Group United States : The Letter Box Study Group. #13 (Mar 1979).
Liaison aérophilatélique Bruxelles, Belgique : Société Aérophilatélique Belge. #315 (fév 1973); #423 (nov 1983).
Line Canceller [Dorval, Québec : Line Cancellation Study Group], 1981-1986. Continued by: Machine Canceller, with #15 (Jan 1987). #1 (June 1981) - #14 (Dec 1986).
Linn's Stamp News Sidney, OH : Linn's Stamp News. See also Linn's Weekly Stamp News. v.60, #3038 (Jan 1987); v.60, #3080 (Nov 1987); v.61, #3087- 3089 (Jan 1988); v.61, #3092 (Feb 1988) - v.61, #3106 (May 1988); v.61, #3108 (May 1988) - v.62, #3142 (Jan 1989); v.62 (Feb 1989) -
Linn's U.S. Stamp Yearbook : A Comprehensive Record of Technical Data, Background and Stories Behind All of the Stamps ... / By Fred Boughner and the Staff of Linn's Stamp News Sidney, OH : Linn's Stamp News 1983 - 1985; 1992; 1994; 1995; 1998;
Linn's Weekly Stamp News Columbus, Ohio [Linprint, inc.] : Sidney Printing and Pub. Co., 1967- . Continued by: Linn's Stamp News. v.40 (Jul 1967) - v.41/42 (Aug 1969). Previous years are on microfilm.
Linn's Weekly Stamp News [Microform] Sidney, Ohio : Sidney Printing and Pub. Co., 1928-1969. Continued by: Linn's stamp news. v.1, #1 (Nov 1928) - v.55, #2825 (Dec 1982);
Linn's World Stamp Almanac Sidney, OH : Amos Press 1st ed. 1977; 3rd ed. 1980; 4th ed. 1982; 5th ed. 1989; 6th ed. 2000 -
Linn's Yellow Pages for Stamp Collectors Sidney, OH : Linn's Stamp News 1997/98; 2000/01-
List of Post Offices In Canada with the Names of Postmasters. Québec, Canada : Lovell & Lamoureux, 1854-1874. Former title: Table of Post Offices in Canada. Absorbed by: Canada. Post Office. Dept. Canada Official Postal Guide. v.1 (Jan 1854) - v.21 (Jan 1874). All vol. bound.
Literarur-Nachrichten (L.N.) : Der Bundesstelle Philat Literatur des Bundes Deutscher Philatelisten.../ München : Bundes deutscher Philatelisten, 1951-1983. Publisher varies. #1 (Jan 1951) - #67/68 (Jan 1978/79). Bound
London Philatelist London, England : Royal Philatelic Society. v.1, #1 (Jan 1892) -
Long Island Philatelist Woodhaven, NY. United States : Beecher Ogden Inc., 1892-1893 v.1, #1 (Mar 1892) - v.2, #1 (Aug 1893).
Long Island Postal History Society Journal United States : Long Island Postal History Society. #4 (Apr 1982).
Longley Auctions [Auction Catalogue] Waterdown, Ont : Longley Auctions #1 (June 24/July 15, 2000) -
Loupe Berne : La Poste Suisse #1 (janv 2000) -
Luftpost Berlin, Germany. #5-6 (May-Jun 1979).
Lupe Bern : Die Schweizerische Post #98/4 (Oct 1998); #99/1 (Jan 1999);
Luren. Norwegian Revenue Paper Los Angeles, California : Scandinavian Collectors Club. v.12, #3, 12 whole #130, 139 (Mar, Dec 1980).
Luxembourg Philatelist. Journal United States : Luxembourg Philatelic Study Club, 1950- v.1 Index 1950-1960. v.13, #1, 2 (May, Jun 1962);
Macdonald's Monthly Messenger Hamilton, Ontario : MacDonald's Stamp Shop. #2 (Sept 1935).
Machine Cancel Forum United States, 1974-1986. #1 (May 1974) - #71 (Mar 1980); #73 (May 1980) - #130 (Aug 1986). Bound
Machine Canceller [Lachine, Québec : Line Cancellation Study Group], 1987. Continues: Line canceller, with #14 (Dec 1986). #15, 16 (Jan, Feb 1987).
MACSA. Journal of the Maximum Card Society of America New York, N.Y., 1950. v.1, #2 (Nov 1950).
Madrid Filatelico Espagne, Madrid.Revista mensual. v.64, #738, 744/745 (Jan, Jul/Aug 1970); v.65, #757 (Jul/Aug 1971); v.66, #763, 765, 766, 773 (Feb, Apr, May, Dec 1972); v.68, #778 (Mar 1974); v.69, #803 (June 1975); v.70, #813/814 (Apr 1976); v.71, #833 (Dec 1977); v.73, #850, 856 (May, Nov 1979); v.75, #873-875, 879 (Apr-Jun, Oct 1981); v.76, #887 (Jun 1982); v.77, #900 (Jul/Aug 1983); v.80, #932, 933, 935, 936, 938-941 (Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sept-Dec 1986); v.81, #942-944 (Jan-Mar 1987); v.82, #958 (May 1988); #987 (Oct 1990).
Mail Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Corporation, 1987 April, June (1987).
Mail Bag Vancouver, B.C., Canada : The Vancouver Postal Club, 1954- . Continued by: Vancouver Postal Club News. (1964-65?) Continues: 'The Mail Bag' again from Oct 1965. v.7, #11, 12 (Apr, May 1954); v.8, #1-3, 5 (Jun-Aug, Oct 1954); #8-11 (Jan-Apr 1955); v.9, #1-3 (May-Jul 1955); #9-12 (Jan-Apr 1957); v.11, #1-3, 5-7 (May-Aug, Sep-Nov 1957); #9, 10 (Jan, Feb 1958); v.12, #1-8 (Apr-Dec 1958); #9-12 (Jan-Apr 1959); v.13, #1-7 (May-Nov 1959); #9 - v.14, #4 (Aug 1960);#6 - v.15, #5 (Sept 1961); #7 - v.16, #2 (Jun 1962); #10-12 (Feb-Apr 1963); v.17, #3, 5, 7 (Jul, Oct, Nov/Dec 1963); #11, 16 (May, Nov/Dec 1964). N.S. v.1, #1-3 (Oct-Dec 1965); v.2, #1-11 (Feb-Dec 1966); #13-16 (Feb-Apr, Jun 1967);
Mail Coach New Zealand : Postal History Society of New Zealand Inc., 1964- v.1, #1 (Sept 1964) - v.3, #2 (Oct 1966); #4 (Dec 1966) - v.8, #12 (Aug 1972); v.9, #3 (Nov 1972); #5-9, 11, 12 (Jan-May, Jul, Aug 1973); v.10, #1, 2 (Sept, Oct 1973); v.11, #2-4 (Oct-Dec 1974); #5, 6, 8, 9 (Jan, Feb, Apr, May 1975); v.14, #1 (Sept 1977) - v.15, #7 (Mar 1979); #9 (May 1979) - v.16, #4 (Dec 1979); #6 (Feb 1980) - v.19, #3 (Feb 1983); v.20, #2 (Dec 1983); v.22, #1 (Oct 1985) - v.24, #2 (Dec 1987); #4 whole #231 (Apr 1988) - v.31, #3 (Feb 1995).
Mainsheet. Quarterly Journal of the Spanish Main Inc. Great Britain : Spanish Main Inc., 1972- v.1, #1 (Sept 1972) - v.4, #15 (Mar 1976); 1-12 bd. v.5, #16 (Jul 1979) - v.6, #23 (Jul 1981); v.7, #25-28 (Jan-Nov 1982); #30 (Apr 1983) - v.13, #52 (Nov 1988). Index 1-43.
Malawi Post Office Stamp Bulletin Blantyre, Malawi : Malawi Post Office, Philatelic Bureau. #10, 11 (Jun, Jul 1984); #14-16 (Mar, May, Jul 1985); #22, 24 (May, Oct 1987); #25 (Feb 1988); #33, 34 (Apr, Aug 1990); #38, 39 (Sept, Dec 1991); #40 (Apr 1992);
Malta : Study Circle Papers London, England : Malta Study Circle. #14 (Sept 1973); #25 (Feb 1975); #37 (Aug 1976).
Manager / Canada Post Corporation Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1985- . Continued by: Manager Newsletter (Ottawa, Ont.) v.1, #1 (Mar 1985) - v.2, #6, 10 (July/Aug, Dec 1986); v.3, #1 (Jan 1987) - v.7, #1 (Winter 1991);
Manager Newsletter / Canada Post Corporation [Ottawa ?] : Canada Post Corporation. Superseded by: Interaction. v.1, #2 (Aug 1991) - v.5, #1 (Apr 1995).
Maneapa. Bulletin Chicago, Illinois, USA : Tuvalu Philatelic Society, 1981- . Continues: Tuvalu Hi-Spots, with v.3, #1 (Winter 1980/81) v.3, #1 (Winter 1980/81) - v.4, #4 (Dec 1982); v.5, #2 (June 1983) - v.15, #2 (Feb 1995).
Manitoba Result Producer Roland, Manitoba, Canada : Buffy's Mailing Service. v.2, #12 (Feb 1934).
Map Stamp Study Group (BNAPS) Newsletter Kitchener, Ontario, Canada : W.L. Bradley, 1982- v.1, #1 (Nov/Dec 1982) - #21 (Nov/Dec 1990);
Maple Leaves London : Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain v.2, #1 (Oct 1947) - v.10, #2 (Aug 1965); v.12, #1 (Oct 1967) - v.24, #10 (Oct 1996); v.25, #2 (Apr 1997); v.25, #4 (Aug 1997) - v.27, #5 (Jan 2002); Index: v.26
Mapp-Rap Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Toronto Metro Postal District, 1973-1979 v.1, #1 (Dec 1973); #2-4, 7 (Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Oct 1974); v.2, #4, 5, 7, 10 (Apr, May, Jul, Dec 1975); v.3, #1, 2, 4 (Jan/Feb, Mar, May 1976); v.4, #1, 5-11 (Jan, May-Dec 1977); v.5, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1978); v.6, #1 (Jan 1979);
Marconi's Monthly Stamp News United States : Marconi Publishing Company, 1933- . Formerly: Marconi's Advertiser. v.4, #4 (Dec 1935) - #6-10 whole #43 (Feb-Aug 1936); v.5, #44, 47 (Sep, Dec 1936); v.6, #55, 58 (Sep, Dec 1937); #61-63 (Mar-May 1938); v.7, #67-70 (Sep-Dec 1938); #74 (Apr 1939); n.s. v.5, #51, 57 (Apr, Oct 1966).
Marcophile Paris, France : E.H. de Beaufond, 1947-1960. #1 (Jan 1947) - #81 (May 1960); #1-60 bd in 2 vols.
Mare Nostrum : Journal New York, USA : Italy and Colonies Study Circle. v.4, #1 (Fall 1984); #2, 3 (Winter, Spring 1985); #4 (Spr 1987); v.5, #1, 3 (Summer, Winter 1991); #4 (Spring 1992); v.6, #2 (Fall 1992);
Maresch by Mail. Mail Bid Auctions [Catalogue] Toronto : R.Maresch & Son Auctions Ltd. #4 (July 31, 1990); #10 (Aug 1993); #17 (May 1998);
Marian Philatelist California, USA : The Marian Philatelic Study Group. v.5, #1 whole #28 - #5 whole #32 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1967).
Maritime Philatelist Yarmouth, N.S., Canada : James J. Wallis, 1891. v.1, #1-3 (Feb-Apr 1891). Bound
Martin Fairhurst. Philatelists [Catalogue] Cambridge, UK : Martin Fairhurst [1990?];
Masonic Philatelist New York, United States : Masonic Stamp Club of New York, 1944- v.2, #6 (Nov 1945); v.2, #9 (Feb 1946); v.3, #6 (Nov 1946); v.6, #2 (Apr 1950); v.13, #9 (May 1957); v.14, #1, 2 (Sept, Oct 1957); #5, 6, 8, 10 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun 1958); v.15, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1958); #5-8, 10 (Jan-Apr, Jun 1959); v.16, #1 (Sept 1959) - #8 (Apr 1960); v.17, #10 (June 1961); v.41, #2, 4 (Jun, Dec 1985); v.42, #3, 4 (Sep, Dec 1985); v.43, #1 (Mar 1987) - v.46, #3 (Sept 1990); v.47, #1 (Mar 1991) -
Maximaphiles français Paris : [s.n.] #451-454 (2001).
Maximaphilia Athens, Greece. Text in Greek #13/14, 15/16 (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec 1985); #17/18, 19/20 (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec 1986);
Maximaphily : Journal of the Maximum Card Study Unit United States : Miximum Card Study Unit. v.8, #1 (Jan-Mar 1988); v.13, #3 (Jul 1993);
Maximaphily Usa [United States] : Maximum Card Study Unit. Continued by: North American maximaphily, with v.21, #2 (Apr-June 2001). v.21, #1 (Jan/Mar 2001).
Mayflower. Journal of the American Stamp Club of Great Britain. London, England : The American Stamp Club of Great Britain, 1954-1982. #1 (Oct 1954) - #100 (Aug 1982). Complete. Bound + Index #1-50.
Meditheme [U.K.] : Medical Philately Study Group v.20, #1-4 (2001).
Mekeel's and Stamps Magazine John F. Dunn. Continues Mekeel's weekly stamp news v.182, #11 (Mar 1998);
Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News Portland, Maine, USA : Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co., 1991-1996. Continued by: Mekeel's and Stamps Magazine. v.1, #50 (Dec 1891); v.7, #1 (Jan 1896) - v.164, #1 (Jan 6, 1989); v.168, #19 (May 10, 1991);
Menelik's Journal Milwaukie, OR : Ethiopian Philatelic Society #57-60 (1999); #65-68 (2001).
Mercury Stamp Journal New York, N.Y. : Mercury Stamp Company, 1947-1962. v.1, #1 (Feb 1947) - v.6, #62 (May 1962). Bound.
Messages - Canada Post Corporation. (Head Office) [Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Canada Post], 1983-1986. Text in English and French Merged with: Canada Post Corporation. Rideau Press. v.1, #2, 4-9 (May, Jul-Dec 1983); #10-12 (Jan-Mar 1984); v.2, #1-12, 14, 15, 18 (Apr-Sept, Oct-Dec 1984); #20-24 (Jan-Mar 1985); v.3, #2, 4-8, 10-18 (Apr-Dec 1985) + supplement; #19-24 (Jan-Mar 1986);
Messages des Postes et Télécommunications Paris ; [s.n.]. Fait suite de: Messages des Postes, et Télécommunications #409 (nov 1991).
Messages des Ptt Paris : Secrétariat d'Etat aux Postes et Télécommunications et à la Télédiffusion. Fait suite à: Messages de la poste, des télécoms et des techniques de communication. Suivi de: Messages des postes et télécommunications #296, 297 (sept, oct 1980).
Meter Stamp Society. Bulletin Wading River, N.Y. : Meter Stamp Society. #125 (Sept 1969); #128 (Jan 1970) - #158 ( May 1977); #176 (Jan 1982) - #190 (Oct 1985); #198 (Dec 1987); #201 (Dec 1988).
Metropolitan Philatelist. Monthly Magazine New York, United States : John Walter Scott, 1890-1898. v.1, #1 (Apr 1890) - v.8, #12 (Mar 1898). Bound.
Mexicana : Journal of the Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society International San Pedro, CA : Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Soc. International. v.2, #1 (Jan 1953) - v.4, #4 (Oct 1955); v.5, #2 (Apr 1956) - v.6, #2 (Apr 1957); v.9, #1 (Jan 1960) - v.26, #1 (Jan 1977); v.27, #1 (Jan 1978) - v.31, #4 (Oct 1982); v.32, #2 (Apr 1983) - v.47, #1 (Jan 1998);
Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society International. Membership Directory Elmhurst Philatelic Society International 1994/96;
Michel Automatenmarken-Spezial-Katalog : Ganze Welt Munchen: Schwaneberger 1994;
Michel Benelux-Katalog ... Belgien, Niederlande, Luxemburg Munchen: Schwaneberger 1979-1980 ; 1982
Michel Bildpostkarten- und Motivganzsachen-Katalog Deutschland Munchen: Schwaneberger 1985; 1989; 1991; 1993;
Michel Block-Katalog Deutschland und Europa-West Munchen: Schwaneberger 1985; 1988/89;
Michel Briefe-Katalog Deutschland Munchen: Schwaneberger 1983;1985; 1986/87; 1989; 1992/93;
Michel CEPT/UNO-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1982 - 1993/94 - 1994/95;
Michel Deutschland-Katalog. Michel Briefmarken-Katalog Deutschland München : Schwaneberger Verlag GMBH. Cover title: Michel Briefmarken-Katalog Deutschland. 1966-1969; 1971; 1977-1979; 1982-1983; 1985/86; 1987/88- 1992/93; 1994/95;
Michel Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1938; 1964/65; 1967/68; 1970 - 1974; 1977 - 1993;
Michel Europa-Katalog. Michel Europa-Katalog West. Michel Europa-Katalog Ost Issued in three parts: v.1-2 Europa-Katalog West; v.3 Europa-Katalog Ost. Starting 1993, issued in 2 vols. (West). 1984 (v.1 West, v.2 Ost); 1985 (v.1-2 West, v.3 Ost) - 1993/94 (v.1-2 West) -
Michel Ganzsachen-Katalog Deutschland Munchen: Schwaneberger 1975; 1979; 1982; 1985; 1987; 1989; 1991; 1993;
Michel Ganzsachen-Katalog Europa West Munchen: Schwaneberger 1983, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1994/95.
Michel Grossbritannien-Spezial Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1983; 1985; 1988; 1990
Michel Handbuch-Katalog Rollenmarken Deutschland Munchen: Schwaneberger 1982/83; 1985; 1987; 1989; 1991
Michel Junior-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1976-1979; 1983; 1985- ;
Michel Osterreich-Spezial-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1977/78 - 1993 - 1994;
Michel Privatganzsachen-Katalog : Bundersrepublik Deutschland - Berlin... Munchen : Schwaneberger 1987; 1994;
Michel Rundschau Müchen, Germany : Schwaneberger Verlag, 1973- #5 (May 1973); #1, 6 (Jan, June 1974); #4 (Apr 1976) - #11 (Nov 1979); #1, 3-8, 10-12 (Jan, Mar-Aug, Oct-Dec 1980); #1, 4-11 (Jan, Apr-Nov 1981); #2 (Feb 1982) - #12 (Dec 1989); #1-5 (Jan-May 1990) -
Michel Schweiz/Liechtenstein-Spezial-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1979, 1982 - 1994;
Michel Skandinavien-Katalog Munchen: Schwaneberger 1979; 1982; 1984; 1986 - 1994/95;
Michel Telefonkarten-Katalog Deutschland Munchen, GR : Schwaneberger Verlag GMBH 1990-1991; 1991/92; 1992; 1993/94;
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 1 München : Schwaneberger, 1956- 1984/85; 1988; 1991; 1995
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 2 Munchen : Schwaneberger 1984/85; 1988; 1992; 1995
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 3 Munchen : Schwaneberger 1982/83; 1985/86; 1989; 1993; 1996
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 4 Munchen : Schwaneberger 1982/83; 1985/86; 1990; 1994;
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 5 Munchen : Schwaneberger 1983/84; 1986 (5/II); 1987; 1989/90 (5/II); 1994 (2 vols.);
Michel Übersee-Katalog. Band 8 Munchen: Schwaneberger 1999-
Michel Ubersee-Katalog. Band 9 Munich : Schwaneberger Verlag Gmbh 1999-
Michel USA-Spezial-Katalog Munchen : Schwaneberger. 1983/84; 1985/86; 1989; 1992
Midwest Precancel News Lebanon, Indiana : Earle F. Gillette. Before v.3, #6 see 'The Precancel Hornet'. v.3, #7 whole #34 (Mar 1936) - v.7, #2 whole #67 (Oct 1939).
Mijn Stokpaardje Utrecht, NL : B.V. Uitgeverij. v.45, #9-12 (Aug/Sept-Dec 1989); v.46, #2 (Feb 1990) - v.48, #11 (Nov 1992); v.49, #1 (Jan 1993) -
Military Postal History Society. Bulletin Feasterville, PA : Military Postal History Soc. Formerly "War Cover Club." v.31, #1 (Oct-Dec 1991) -
Mill City Logue (Microfilm) Mill City, Oregon, USA : A.N. Merrill, 1926-1933. After Reel #2, see 'Western Stamp Collector'. Reel, #1 (Aug 1926-Apr 1929); Reel, #2 (Apr 1929-May 1933).
Minkus New World-Wide Postage Stamp Catalog New York, N.Y. : Minkus Publications, [19--] - . Title change a little: Minkus new world wide stamp catalog in 1980. v.1, 2 (1961); v.1, pt.1-3 (1980-1981);
Minkus Stamp and Coin Journal New York, United States : Minkus Stamp Journal, 1980-1994. Continues: Minkus Stamp Journal, with v.15, #3 (July 1980). v.15, #3 (July 1980) - v.17, #4 (Oct 1982); v.18, #3 (Jul 1983) - v.31, #4 (Oct 1994).
Minkus Stamp Journal New York, United States : Minkus Stamp Journal Inc., 1966-1980. After v.15, #2 see 'Minkus Stamp and Coin Journal'. v.1, #1 (Jan 1966) - v.5, #4 (Oct 1970); v.6, #4 (Oct 1971) - v.14, #4 (Oct 1979); v.15, #2 (Apr 1980).
Minutes of the General Meeting of the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada : The Society, 19---19--]. Frequency: Monthly (irregular) (Jan 1955) - 1960 bd. in 2 volumes. (Jan 1961-1969); (Apr, May, Dec 1970); (May, Jun, Sep, Dec 1971); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec 1972); (Jan-Jun, Oct-Dec 1973); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1974); (Jan-Mar, May, Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec 1975); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Dec 1976); (Jan-Jun, Sep-Dec 1977); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec 1978); (Jan-Jun, Sept, Nov, Dec 1979); (Jan, Feb, May, Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec 1980); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1981); (Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1982); (Jan-Jun, Oct, Dec, 1983); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1984); (Jan, Oct-Dec 1985); (Mar, Jun-Sep, Nov, Dec 1986); (Jan-Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec 1987); (Jan-Apr 1988);
Miscellaneous Cancels and Markings Study Group College Station, TX : Clint Phillips. 2000- #1 (Jan 2000) -
Missouri Philatelist St. Louis, Mo. : Conrath Stamp and Pub. Co. v.1, #3 (Dec 1891); v.2, #5 (Aug 1892).
Mitteilungen des Postmuseums Berlin DDR, Berlin : Postmuseum. #2 (Feb 1967); #3/4 (Mar 1970).
Modern Philatelist Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : Jacques J. Laroche, 1974 v.1, #1 (Apr 1974).
Modern Postal History Journal Chappaqua, NY : Modern Postal History Society, 1982- v.1, #1 (Fall 1982) - #5 (Fall 1983); v.2, #1-3 (3rd quarter 1984); v.8, #3 (3rd quarter 1990) - v.13, #1 (1st quarter 1995).
Monde des philatélistes Paris, France : Monde des Philatélistes, 1951- . With #550, merged with Timbroscopie, et Timbroloisirs et devient Timbres magazine #1 (avril 2000). v.10, #104, 107-109 (juin, sept-nov 1960) v.11, #114 (avr 1961); v.13, #135-138, 141 (jan-avr, juil 1963); #144 (oct 1963) - #157 (nov 1964); v.15, #159 (jan 1965) - v.28, #308 (avr 1978); #310 (juin 1978) - #328 (fév 1980); #330-334 (avr-sept 1980); #336 (nov 1980) - #340 (mars 1981); #342-345, 347 (mai-sept, nov 1981); #350 (fév 1982); #354 (juin 1982) - #361 (fév 1983); #363 (avr 1983); #365 (juin 1983) - #380 (nov 1984); #382, 384, 386-387 (jan, mars, mai-juin 1985); #389 (sept 1985) - #394 (fév 1986); #396, 397 (avr, mai 1986); #399 (juil/août 1986) - #415 (jan 1988); #417, 419-420, 422-424 (mars, mai, juin, sept-nov 1988); #426 (jan 1989); #428 (mars 1989) - #452 (mai 1991); #454 (juil 1991) - #499 (sept 1995); #516 (mars 1997);
Monde des philatélistes : Brochures Paris, France, 1954-1982 #4 (jan 1954); #7, 10 (jan, avr 1955); #15, 18 (avr, juil 1956); #19 (jan 1957); #21 (jan 1958) - #32 (avr 1960); #34, 35 (jan, fév 1961); #38 (mai 1961) - #50 (fév 1963); #52-56, 58 (avr-août, oct 1963); #59, 60, 62-65 (jan, fév, avr-juil 1964); #67 (sept 1964) - #75, 77, 78 (juin, août, sep 1965); #79-82, 84, 86-89 (jan-avr, juin, août-nov 1966); #90-92, 94, 95 (jan-mars, mai, juin 1967); #96-100 (jan-mars 1968); #103, 105-113 (jan, mars-nov 1969); #115-118, 120 (mars-juin, août 1970); #121 (jan 1971) - #157, 159, 160, 162 (juil, sept, oct, déc 1973) - #172, 174 (nov, déc 1974) - #220 (jan 1978); #222 (mars 1978) - #255 (nov 1982);
Money Talks Beverly Hills, Ca. : Superior Stamp and Coin, Inc. v.7, #1-3, 4, 5-7, 8 (Jan-Mar, May, Jul-Sep, Nov 1977). Bound + Price list (winter 1977).
Moniteur du collectionneur Luxembourg : Fédération des sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. #2 (mars 1974); #1 (jan 1978) -
Monitor Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 1891 v.2, #3 (Nov 1891).
Montevideo Filatelico Montevideo, Uruguay. #20, 21 (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun 1972); #23/24 (Oct 1973).
Monthly Circular Chicago, Illinois : WM.C. How & Co., 1876-1877. v.1, #2-3 (Dec 1876 - Jan 1877).
Monthly Collector Sudbury, Ontario : J. Tarasko; S. Tarasko, [1978]- . Not published May-Sept. 1978. v.1, #11, 12 (Jun, Jul 1979); v.2, #2, 3 (Sep/Oct, Oct/Nov 1979).
Monthly Echo Englishtown, Nova Scotia, Canada : J.C. Mclean, [1883-1884] v.1, #1, 3-6 (Jan, Mar-Aug 1883); v.2, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1884).
Monthly Supplement to Canada Official Postal Guide Ottawa, Ontario : King's Printer, 1914-1965. Continues: Supplement to Canadian Official Postal Guide. Nov 1914 - Nov 1965. Complete and bound.
Monthly Visitor Haverhill, Massachucetts, USA : F.H. Smith. v.5, #5, 8 (May, Aug 1892).
Montreal Philatelist Montréal, Québec, Canada : Montreal Philatelic Pub. Co., [1898-1902]. v.1, #1 (Apr 1898) - v.4, #12 (June 1902). Bound.
Montréal Timbres et Monnaies [Vente aux enchères] Montréal : Montréal timbres et monnaies 7, 9-10, avr 1991; 4-5, juin 1991; 17-18, sept 1991; sept 1993; déc 1995; sept 1996;
Mount Royal Stamp News Montréal, Québec : Holmes Stamp and Pub. Co., 1900. Absorbed by: Jubilee philatelist and Mount Royal stamp news. v.1, #1 (Apr 1900).
Mundo Filatelico Argentina : Mundo Filatélico Inc. v.4, #23 (May 1970); #51 (Aug 1978); #53, 54 (Oct, Nov 1981); #57 (June 1982);
Musée de la poste, Paris, Bibliothèque : Nouvelles acquisitions Paris, France, 1981-1991? (sept/oct 1981) - (mars/avr 1991);
Museo Filatelico de Medellin Colombia, 1979-1983. v.1, #1-4 (Jan, Feb, Aug, Oct 1979) - v.2, #8 (Oct 1980); v.3, #10 (Apr 1981) - v.5, #17, 18 (Jan, Apr 1983).
Museum Post United States : Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Inc., 1978-1980. Before : See C.S.P.M Bulletin. Continues: After June 1980 see Museum Post Rider. (Sept 1978?); v.17, #2-8 (Mar-Dec 1979); v.18, #1-5 (Jan-June 1980).
Museum Post Rider United States : Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Inc., 1980-1988. Before July 1980 see The Museum Post. v.18, #6-11 (Jul 1980) - v.21, #9 (Sept 1983); #11 (Nov 1983) - v.24, #9 (Sept 1986); #11 (Nov 1986) - v.25, #5, 8, 12 (May, Aug, Dec 1987); v.26, #2, 4 (Feb, Apr 1988).
Muskoka Postal History Study Group. The Muskoka Post Mark Edmonton, Ontario : S. Sheffield, 1996- #1 (Nov 1996) - #21 (Nov 2001); #25 (Nov 2002) -
N.Y. Eesti Filatelistide Seltsi. Bulletaan New York : New York Estonian Philatelic Society. #17, 18 (May, Dec 1979); #20 (Nov 1980); #21 (Apr 1981); #23, 24 (July, Nov 1982); #39, 40 (May, May 1991); #42 (Sept 1992); #43 (May 1993); #45 (Sept 1994);
National Philatelic Collection. NPC Newsletter Washington, USA : Smithsonian Institution. v.2, #1-4 (1990); v.3, #2 (Apr-June 1991);
National Philatelic Museum Books : A Checklist Philadelphia, U.S.A. : George T. Turner 1948-1957. v.1, #1-10 (Jan 1948) - v.8, #1-36 (Jan 1957). bound. Collection is complete except for #16.
National Postal Museum (Great Britain). The Philatelic Year London : National Postal Museum. Continued by: National Postal Museum (Great Britain). Review of � 1988-1991.
National Stamp Shopper Warren, Ohio, United States : Lloyd L. Kessler, 193-? v.1, #12 (Mar 1931).
Nautical Times : Newsletter of the Canadian Inland Waterways Study Group, British North America Philatelic Society Canadian Inland Waterways Study Group (BNAPS) #1 (March 1999) -
NCPHS Newsletter. Journal of the North Carolina Postal History Society Newell, North Carolina, U.S.A. : Postal History Society, [1982- v.5, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1986).
Nebraska Stamp Central City, Nebraska, 1892 v.1, #2 (Sept 1892).
Netherands and Colonial Philately : Index United States, 1934-1961. Index : v.1-25, 1934-1961. Index v.1-25 (1934-1961).
Netherlands Philatelist Great Britain : Netherlands Philatelic Circle, 1950-1995 v.1, #3 (Apr 1950) - v.2, #3 (Jan 1952); v.3, #8 (Mar 1957) - v.5, #2 (Aug 1959); #4 (Feb 1960) - v.14, #1 (Sept 1981); v.15?, #3 (Mar 1983); #6 (Mar 1986) - v.20, #3 (Mar 1995).
Netherlands Philately Montclair, NJ : American Society for Netherlands Philately. v.3, #1-4 (Jan 1977-Feb 1978); v.10, #1 (May 1985) - v.15, #1, 4 (1991) - v.19, #1 (Sept 1994);
New Hampshire Philatelist Lake Village, New Hampshire. v.1, #4 (May 1891).
New Mexico Philatelist Santa Fe, N.M. : New Mexico Philatelic Association. v.22, #6 whole #114 (June/July 1970) - v.29, #6 (May/June 1977); v.43, #4 (Jan/Feb 1991) - v.44, #6 (May/June 1992); v.45, #2, 3 (Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1992);
New Orleans Collector United States : Cresent City Stamp Club, Inc. v.25, #1, 3 (Jan-Feb, May-Jun 1972).
New Precancel Bee Omaha, NE : Gloeb Pub. Co. Continues: Precancel bee (Omaha, NE). Continued by: Precancel Bee (Verona, NJ), with v.6, #6 (Feb 1933). v.5, #5, 8-12 (May, Aug-Dec 1931); v.6, #1-4 (Apr, Jun, Jul, Oct 1932).
New Southern Philatelist Richmond, Va, U.S.A. : The Dietz Printing Co. v.6, #1 (Nov 1929).
New Zealand Junior Stamp Club. Newsletter New Plymouth, NZ : New Zealand Junior Stamp Club. #24 (Dec 1975); #30, 32 (May, Dec 1977) - #35 (Sept 1978); #38, 39 (June, Sept 1979); #42 (June 1980) - #48 (Dec 1981); #51 (Sept 1982) - #61 (Mar 1985); #63 (Sept 1985); #65-67 (Mar, Jun, Sept 1986); #71 (Sept 1987); #75 (Sept 1988) - #94 (June 1993).
New Zealand Philatelic Federation. Newsletter Palmerston North, New Zealand. Continues: Federation of New Zealand Philatelic Societies Inc. Newsletter. #9, 12 (Apr, Dec 1986); #13, 14 (Mar, Jul 1987); #16 (Jan 1988).
New Zealand Stamp Collector Wellington, New Zealand : Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand. v.66, #1 (Mar 1986) - v.73, #2 (June 1993).
Newfie Newsletter / Newfoundland Study Group of BNAPS Washington : C.A. Stillions, 1985- #1 (July/Aug 1985) - #14 (Nov/Dec 1987); #16 (Mar/Apr 1988)-
Newfoundland Hobby Trader St. John's, Newfoundland. v.2, #1-4 (Jan-Dec 1959); v.3, #1, 2 (Jan-Mar, Jul-Sept 1960).
Newfoundland Post Office Circular / Dept. of Posts and Telegraphs St. John's, Nfld. : The Department, 1936-1948 1936-1948;
Newfoundland Stamp Collector St. John's, Newfoundland : R.C. Rose. v.2, #2-5 (Feb-May 1928-29?).
Newfoundland Stamp Dealer St. John's, Newfoundland : R.C. Rose, 1930- v.1, #1 (Jul 1930). N.S. v.1, #1 (Jun 1934).
News Bulletin : Journal of Writers Unit No. 30 of the American Philatelic Society Memphis, TN : Midland Stamp Co., 1973- . Continues: News Bulletin (American Philatelic Society). Continued by: Philatelic Communicator. v.6, #2-4 whole #23-25 (Jul, Oct, Dec 1973); v.7, #3 whole #28 (Nov 1974); #4 whole #29 (Feb 1975); v.8, #2, 3 (Jul, Dec 1975); v.9, #2, 3 (Jul, Sep 1976); v.10, #1-4 (Mar-Dec 1977); v.11, #1-4 (Mar-Dec 1978); v.13, #2 whole #50 (Apr 1980); v.14, #1, 2, 4 (Mar, Jul, Oct 1981); v.15, #1 (Jan 1982); v.16, #2 whole #60 (Apr 1983) - v.18, #3 whole #69 (Jul 1985); v.19, #1-4 whole #71-74 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1986);
Newsletter / Nova Scotia Study Group [Halifax?] : Nova Scotia Study Group #1 (Mar 1989) - #36 (Apr 1995). Index: #1-40.
Newsletter / Postal History of Grey, Bruce, Dufferin and Simcoe Counties Thornbury, Ontario, Canada : J. (Gus) Knierim, 1998- v.1, #1-4 (Feb, May, Jul, Oct 1998); v.2, #1 (Nov 1998); #3-6 (Mar, May, Jul, Sept 1999); v.3, #1 (Nov 1999); #2-6 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept 2000) - v.5, #1 (Nov 2001) -
Newsletter / World Philatelic Congress of Israel Holy Land Judaica Societies Montréal, Québec : World Philatelic Congress of Israel HolyLand Jucaica Societies, 1986. W.P.C. Newsletter & World Philatelic Congress have the same no. as the above title. #41 (June 1986) - #48-51 (Mar-Dec, 1988); #52, 53/54 (1989); #57, 58 (June, Sept 1990); #60 (Mar 1991); #65 (Mar 1992);
Newsletter of the Guelph Stamp Club Guelph, Ontario : G.S.C. Newsletter, 1957-1969 v.1, #1 (Aug 1957) - v.6, #3 (Apr 1963); v.7, #3 (Aug 1963) - v.13, #7-8 (Mar/Apr 1969).
NFT Nordisk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift Stockholm, Danmark. v.93, #1-4 (Feb, May, Sept, Dec 1986); v.94, #1-4 (Feb, Jun, Sept, Oct 1987); v.95, #1 (Feb 1988).
Niagara Falls Philatelist Niagara Falls, ON : Niagara Falls Pub. Co., 1887-1889. v.1#1-11 (Aug 1887-Sept 1889).
Ninon Kitte Katarogu. Oru Kar A-Ban = Japanese Postage Stamp Catalogue [Tokyo] Nihon Y ubin Kittesh o Kumiai. 1972 ed.
NJPHS : the Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society Bound Brook, NJ., New York : New Jersey Postal History Society. v.5, #1, 2, 5 whole #21, 22, 25 (Jan, Mar, Nov 1977).
Nordisk Filateli Sweden. v.41, #5 (May 1977).
Nordisk Post Tidskrift Stockholm, Danmark. v.69, #8 (Oct 1971); v.74, #3 (Mar 1976); v.76, #5-8 (May-Aug 1978).
Norsk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift Trondheim, Norway. v.44, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1985); v.45, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1986).
North American Collector Crossfield, Alberta, Canada : Canam & Mewhort. v.1, #1-6 (May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec 1908); #7 (Jan 1909).
North American Maximaphily [United States] : Maxim Card Study Unit. Continues : Maximaphily USA, with v.21, #2 (Apr-June 2001). v.21, #2 (Apr/June 2001) - v.22, #1 (Jan/Mar 2002).
North American Philatelic Yearbook Kitchener, Ont. : Stamp Herald Pub. Co. 1927
North Atlantic Philately Sweden. #1 (Jan 1987); #1, 2 (Jan, Oct 1988); #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1989) #2 (Apr 1990);
North Toronto Stamp Club. Bulletin Toronto : North Toronto Stamp Club. #89 (Nov 1971) - #114 (May/June 1974); #157, 158, 163, 164 (Jan, Feb, Sep, Oct 1980).
North Toronto Stamp Club. Newsletter Toronto : North Toronto Stamp Club. 92-4; 93-3;
Northeastern Philatelist Rhode Island, U.S.A. : Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs. v.7, #2 (Apr 1985).
Northern : Newsletter of the Northern Canada Study Group Victoria, BC : G. Scrimgeour. Continued by: Northerner : newsletter of the Northern Canada Study Group, with #19 (Aug 1997). #1 (Mar 1994) - #18 (June/July 1997).
Northerner : Newsletter of the Northern Canada Study Group Victoria, B.C., Canada : Gray Scrimgeour, 1997- . Continues: Northern : newsletter of the Northern Canada Study Group, with #19 (Aug 1997) #19 (Aug 1997) -
Northland Stamp Monthly and Airmail News Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. #1, 2 (Mar, Apr 1933); #2, 4 (Apr, Jun 1934).
Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs. Bulletin Garden Bay, British Columbia, Canada. #72, 74, 75 (Aug, Oct, Dec 1978); #76, 77 (Mar, May 1979); #127, 130 (May, Nov/Dec 1991); #133, 134 (May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1992); #149 (Apr 1996);
Noticias Filatelico Portugal. #52, 53 (Oct, Nov 1970); #62, 64, 65 (Aug, Oct, Nov 1971); #69-73, 77 (Mar-Jul, Nov 1972); #84, 86, 87 (Jun, Aug, Sept 1973); #93 (Mar 1974).
Notiziario : Storico, Filatelico, Numismatico Lucci, Italy : Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Lucchese ? Continues: Notiziario Filatelico. v.15, #10 whole #161 (Oct 1975) - v.26, #232, 232 (Jan, Dec 1986); v.27, #235, 236 (Feb, Oct 1988); #237, 238 (Mar, Oct 1989); #239 (maggio 1990) - #244 (otto 1993).
Notiziario Filatelico Lucca, Italy, 1970-1972. After vol.13 see Notiziario Storico Filatelico Numismatico. v.10, #1-4, 6-8 whole #105-112 (Jan-Apr, Jun-Aug 1970); v.11, #9-11 whole #124-126 (Sept-Nov 1971); v.12, #1-8 whole #128-134 (Jan-Aug 1972);
Notiziario Tematico Firenze Novoli [Italy] : C.I.F.T. #139-142 (2001).
Nouveautés philatéliques. Journal Paris : L. Bernard, 1913-1914. #1 (jul 1913) - #11 (juin 1914). bound.
Nouvelles philatéliques = Philatelic News Montréal, Québec : Barclay Press, 1947. Supplément au catalogue BRIMONT #4 (mai 1974).
Nova Scotia Postal Historian Halifax : Nova Scotia Postal History Study Group, 1997. Continues: Nova Scotia Postal History Study Group [newsletter], with v.6, #3 (Oct 1995). v.6, #3 (Oct 1995) -
Nova Scotia Stamp Club. Newsletter Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : Nova Scotia Stamp Club. v.6, #43 (Feb 1973) - v.7, #55 (Apr 1974); #58 (Aug 1974) - v.8, #63 (Feb 1975); #65 (May 1975) - v.25, #209 (1990); #211 (1990) - #217 (1991); #219 (1991) - #227 (1992); #229 (1992); #232 (1992) - #289 (Aug 1998);
Nova Scotian Philatelist Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada : The Nova Scotian Philatelic Publishing Co., 1893-1894 v.1, #2-4, 6-9 (Mar-May, Aug-Dec 1893); #10 (Jan 1894).
Nuovo Corriere Filatelico [Firenze, Italy : Societa di Studi Filatelici e Storico Postali], 1975-1984. Text in English, French, German or Italian. v.1, #1 (Oct 1975) - v.4, #6 (Dec 1978); v.5, #2 (Apr 1979) - v.9, #2 (Apr 1983); #4 (Aug 1983) - v.10, #5 whole #55 (Oct 1984). All vols. bd.
Nutmeg Stamp Sales Danbury, CT : Nutmeg Stamp Sales #15, 16 (April 13, 14, 1999).
O.T. Line = Overland Telegraph Line Sydney, Australia : The Australian Post Office. (Aug 1972).
Ohio Postal History Journal [Elyria, Ohio] : Ohio Postal History Society. v.2, #1-4 (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 1977).
Old Curiosity Shop Jamestown, N.Y. : Will M. Clemens, 1887-1889 v.1, #10 (Mar 1897); v.6, #33, 34 (Sept, Oct 1887); v.8, #40, 41 (Nov, Dec 1888); #44, 9 (Mar, Jun 1889).
Old World Archaelogist. Bulletin New York, U.S.A., 1978-1984. v.2, #1-4 (Jan-Oct 1978) - v.7, #3 (Jul 1983); #4 (May 1984); v.8, #1, 2 (Jul, Oct 1984).
Old World Archaeologist : Journal of the Old World Archaeology Study Unit [Florence, OR : The Unit, 19--?]- #65 (Nov 1998) - #68 (Dec 2000).
OMPA News. (Okanagan Mainline Philatelic Association) Penticton, B.C., Canada : Okanagan Mainline Philatelic Association, 1977- v.1, #1 (Nov 1977); #2-4 (Jan, Mar, May 1978); v.2, #1 (Sept 1978) - v.5, #4 (May 1982); v.6, #2 (Nov 1982); #3, 4 (Mar, May 1983); v.7, #2 (Nov 1983); #4, 5 (Mar, May 1984); v.8, #1, 3/4 (Sept, Nov 1984); #4, 5 (Mar, May 1985); v.9, #2 (Nov 1985); #3, 4 (Jan, Mar 1986); v.10, #2 (Nov 1986);
One Dime Salem, Indiana : Charles W. Peugh. Absorbed by: International Philatelist. v.4, #9 (Aug 1891).
Ontario Philatelist St. Catharines, Ont., Canada : Widdicombe & Beatty, [1896-1898]. After Sept. 1898 consolidated with The Stamp Reporter. v.1, #1-9 (Mar-Dec 1896); #10, 11/12 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1897); v.2, #1-7 (Mar-Sept 1898). Bound.
Ontario Stamp Journal Niagara Falls South, Ont. : M.H. Bigger, [1888] v.1, #1 (Oct 1888). Bound.
Orient philatélique Cairo, Egypt : Philatelic Society of Egypt. Golden jubilie 1929-1979. #130, 131 (nov/déc 1978). Golden Jubilie (1929-1979). (jan/fév 1979);
Original Papers on Philatelic Themes Presented by Invitation / American Philatelic Congress [s.l., s.n.] Continued by: American Philatelic Congress Book. 1940; 1941; 1944-1948; 1950; 1952; 1953; 1955.
Osterreichische Postrundschau Wien. #284, 285 (May, Jun 1972); #286, 296, 302 (Apr, May, Nov 1973); #304, 309, 310, 312-314 (Jan, Jul, Aug, Sep-Nov 1974).
Ottawa Philatelist Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : W.J. Sabourin, 1892-1893. v.1, #1-3 (Oct-Dec 1892); #4 (Apr 1893). #1 bd.
Ottawa Stamp Auctions [Catalogue] Ottawa : Ottawa Stamp Auctions. 1978- #1 (Apr 1978) - #84 (Nov 1984); #88, 89 (Mar 1985); #91-96 (Apr-Sept 1985); #98 (Dec 1985) - #109 (Feb 1987); #113 (May 1987); #137 (Aug 1989) - #162 (May 1991); Bypex 91 (Nov 1991); #180 (may 6/95); #192 (Apr 25/98);
Our Calendar Iowa City, Iowa : Western Philatelic Agency, 1892. v.1, #1 (Jan 1892).
Oxcart : Quarterly Publication of the Society of Costa Rica Collectors Wichita, Kansas, USA : Society of Costa Rica Collectors. v.17, #68 (Sept 1977) - #120 (Fall 1990); #122 (Spring 1991) -
P.J.G.B. Advertiser Salisbury, Great Britain : P.J.G.B. Advertiser, 1896-1897. v.1, #1, 3 (Oct, Dec 1896); #4, 7, 9 (Jan, Apr, Jun 1897).
Pacifica. Journal of the Pacific Islands Study Circle of Great Britain [Cheltenham, England?] : Pacific Islands Study Circle. v.15, #58 (Jan 1977) - v.19, #77 (Oct 1981). v.15-18 Bound.
Pakkeposttakst Danmark : International Postal Affairs. #1 (Jan 1977); #1, 2 (Jan, Jul 1978).
Panorama : Journal du Club des jeunes de l' UPM Montréal, Québec, Canada : Union philatélique des jeunes de Montréal, 1972-1980 v.1, #1 (déc 1972); v.2, #1, 2, 5, 8, 9 (jan, mars-mai 1973); v.2, #9, 10 (mars, avr 1974); v.3, #1, 3, 5, 6 (sept-déc 1974); v.3, #7, 8, 9, 10/11, 12 (jan-mars, mai 1975); v.4, #1, 2, 3, 4 (sept-nov 1975); v.4, #5, 6, 8, 9 (jan, mars, avr 1976); v.5, #3-7 (sept-nov 1976); v.#9-12 (jan, fév 1977); v.6, #4, 5 (fév, mai 1978); v.7, #3, 4 (oct 1978, déc 1978/jan 1979); v.7, #5 (fév-mars 1979); v.8, #1-3 (sept-nov 1979); v.8, #4, 5 (jan, fév 1980);
Pantograph of Postal Stationery Redlands, CA : United Postal Stationery Society, 1972- v.2, #1 (Feb 1973) - v.5, #2 (Apr 1976); #4 (Aug 1976) - v.8, #4 (Aug 1979); v.15, #1 (Feb 1986) - v.16, #2 (Apr 1987); #4 (Aug 1987) - v.27, #6 (Dec 1998);
Par Excellence Cheyenne, WY : Unicover Corp., [1980] v.1, #1 (Jun-Jul 1980);
Paris postal Paris, France, 1891- #5 (Oct 1891);
Pat Paragraphs New Jersey, N.Y., United States : Elliott Perry, 1931- (Jul 1931); (Jan 1932); #15 (Jun 1933); #22 (Apr 1935); #58 (Feb 1958);
Pemungut Setem Malaysia = The Malaysian Philatelist Malaysia : The Philatelic Society of Malaysia. v.6, #1 (Sept/Oct 1974) - v.13, #2 (Nov/Dec 1981); #3/4 (Mar-Aug 1982); v.14, #1 (Oct/Nov 1982); v.16, #1 (Sept-Nov 1984) - v.17, #3/4 (Mar-Aug 1986).
Pennsylvania Philatelist Reading, PA : [C.W. Kissinger, 1891-1898]. Absorbed the Eagle philatelist, Philately, and Kissinger's philatelic postal card, Jan 1894; and Collector (Baltimore) Nov 1894. Merged into the Perforator. v.1, #1 (Dec 1891); #2 (Jan 1892); v.2, #1, 4 (Jun, Sept, 1892); v.3, #1 (Dec 1892).
Pennsylvania Postal Historian : Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Postal History Society Paupack, PA : Pennsylvania Postal History Society. v.21, #4 whole #124 (Nov 1994);
Perfins Bulletin Memphis, Tennesse, USA : The Perfins Club. v.30, #7, 10 whole #301, 304 (Jul, Nov 1977); v.31, #4-10 (Apr-Nov 1978); v.32, #1-7 (Jan-July/Aug 1979); v.34, #10 whole #344 (Nov 1981) - v.38, #8 whole #382 (Sept 1985);
Perforator Federalsburg, Md. : Kissinger & Stowell, [1897-1901] Continued by: Leve's New Perforator, with v.20, #4 (Oct 1901); which later changed name to Perforator, with March 1902. v.1, #3 (May 1897); v.21#8(Dec 1902);
Performance (National Ed.) Ottawa : Canada Post. v.1-14: bilingual. Starting v.15, published separately in French. v.2, #6 (July 15, 1986); v.2, #12 (Oct. 7, 1986); v.2, #13 (Oct. 21, 1987); v.3, #5-10 (June 1-Sept. 21, 1988); v.3, #13-14 (Nov. 23-Dec. 14, 1988); v.3, #18-19 (Mar. 15-29, 1989);v.4, #1-16 (Apr. 12-Dec. 11, 1989); v.4, #18-19 (Feb. 19-Mar. 26, 1990); v.5, #1-4 (May 7-Aug. 19, 1990); v. 5, #7-9 (Dec. 1990-Mar. 1991); v.6#1-7, (May 1991-Feb. 1992); v.7, #1-8 (Apr./May 1992-Feb./Mar. 1993); v. 8, #1-8 (Apr./May 1993-Fe./Mar. 1994); v.9, #1-8 (Apr./May 1994-Feb./Mar. 1995)
Performance : Atlantic Division (Canada Post Employee Newsletter) Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Corporation, 1986- . Text in English and French. Absorbed by: Canada Post Corporation Performance. v.1, #3-12 (May-Nov 1986); #14/15 (Dec 1986); #17/18, 19/20, 21/22 (Jan, Feb, Mar 1987); v.2, #1/2, 3/4, 5, 7 (Apr-Jul 1987);
Performance : Foothills Division Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1988 v.1, #1 (Apr 9, 1986) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); v.2, #8-9 (July 29-Aug 26, 1987); #11 (Sept 23, 1987); #14 (Nov 4, 1987); v.2, #16 (Dec 2, 1987); #19-20 (Jan 27-Feb 10, 1988); #22-23 (Mar 9-23, 1988); v.3, #1-4 (Apr 6-May 18, 1988);
Performance : Head Office and Rideau Division (Canada Post Employee Newspaper) Ottawa, Ontario : Corporate Communications, Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1990. Text in English and French on inverted pages, 1986-1999; text in English only, 2000- v.1, #1 (Apr 9, 1986) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); #7 (June 29, 1987); #12 (Sept 27, 1987) - #16 (Dec 2, 1987); #18-23 (Jan 13-Mar 23, 1988); v.3, #1-4 (Apr 6-May 18, 1988) - v.5, #1 (May 1990);
Performance : Huron Division Ottawa, Ont., Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1988. Text in English and French. v.1, #1-6 (Apr 9-May 21, 1986); #8-21 (Jul 16 1986-Feb 11, 1987); v.1, #23 (Mar 11, 1987) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); #7-10 (July 3-Sept 9, 1987); #15-17 (Nov 18-Dec 16, 1987); #19-23 (Jan 27-Mar 23, 1988); v.3, #1-4 (Apr 20-May 18, 1988);
Performance : Mid-West Division Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : Canada Post Corporation v.1, #3-18 (May-Dec 1986); #19-24 (Jan-Mar 1987); v.2, #1-5, 7 (Apr-Jun, Jul 1987);
Performance : Montréal Division Montréal, Québec, Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1987 v.1, #3-5 (May 7-21, 1986); #7 (July 2, 1986) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); #7 (July 29, 1987);
Performance : Pacific Division Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1987. v.1, #3-13 (May 7, 1986-Oct 22, 1986); #15-22 (Dec 3, 1986-Mar 25, 1987); v.2, #1-4 (Apr 8-May 3, 1987); #7 (July 29, 1987); #14 (Nov 4, 1987);
Performance : Promouvoir l'excellence chez les employés de la SCP Ottawa : Société canadienne de postes. v.1-14: bilingue; Starting v. 15, published separately in English. v.15, #4; v. 15, #6-
Performance : Québec division Québec, Canada : Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1988 v.1, #3 (May 7, 1986) - #15 (Nov 7, 1986); #17 (Dec 3, 1986) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); #7, 11 (July 29-Sept 23, 1987); #17 (Dec 16, 1987); #20, 21, 23 (Feb 3, 26, Mar 24, 1988); v.3, #1-4 (Apr 6-May 18, 1988).
Performance : York Division Canada Post Corporation, 1986-1987 v.1, #3 (May 7, 1986) - v.2, #5 (June 3, 1987); #7 (Jul 29, 1987); #13 (Nov 4, 1987);
Periodicals (Greek) Athens, Greece. #38, 39 (Jan, Feb 1986); #40 (Jan 1987);
Permit Patter / Mailer's Postmark Permit Club Akron, OH : Mailer's Postmark Permit Club v.21, #1-6 (1999).
Perspective CUPW Ottawa : Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Continued by: CUPW perspective = Perspective SPC, with v.18, #1 (Jan/Feb 1988). v.14, #1 (Jan/Feb 1984) - v.15, #3 (July-Sept 1985); v.16, #1-4 (Jan/Feb - July-Sept 1986); v.17, #1-3 (Jan/Feb - Nov/Dec 1987).
Peru Postal Lima, Pérou : Enrique A. Martinez, 1932-1935. v.1, #1 (Nov 1932) - #9 (Mar-Jun 1934). Bound
Pet Philatelist Berlin [Kitchener], Ont. : E. Moyer, [1894]. v.1, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1894). Bound.
Phil Sofia, Bulgarie : Philatelen Pregled, 1978. In Greek #1-4 (Jan, May, Sept, Dec 1978);
Phil' et Caux : Bulletin de liaison [France : Association philatélique de Dieppe no.8 (oct 1998) - no.11 (janv 2000); numéro spécial (avril 1999).
Philadelphia Stamp News Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA : Percy McGraw Mann, 1910-1915. Combined in 1915 with Stamp Journal v.1, #1 (Apr 1910) - v.6, #1 (Mar 1915). v.1-4 bd; v.5-6 pt. bd.
Philafran Cap Rouge, Québec, Canada : Cercle Philatélique Saint-François. v.1, #1 (janv-fév 1973).
Philamatic Center Quarterly Boys Town, Nebraska, United States, 1980-1983. v.1, #1 (Oct 1980); #3 (Apr 1981); v.2, #1 (Oct 1981); #2, 4 (Jan, Jul 1982); v.3, #1 (Oct 1982); #2-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1983); v.4, #1 (Oct 1983).
Philandorre Paris : Sociéte d'étude philatélique et postale de l'Andorre #40 (mai 1997) - #45 (nov 1999).
Phila-Presse Montréal, Québec, Canada : Fédération des sociétés philatéliques du Québec, 1975-1980.. v.1, #1, 2 (mars, avr 1975); v.2, #1, 2 (oct, déc 1975); #3 (janv 1976); n.s. v.1, #2, 4 (mars, août 1978); v.3, #4 (déc 1979); #5-7 (janv-mars 1980); (juin-juil 1980).
Philareport Germany, 1981- v.1, #4, 8-12 (May, Sep-Dec 1981); v.2, #1-4, 7-11 (Jan-Apr, Jun-Nov 1982); v.3, #8 (Aug 1988).
Philas News Sydney, Australia : Philatelic Assoc. of N.S.W. #22 (July 1977); #24 (May 1978) - #27 (Apr 1979); #29 (Aug 1979) - #71 (Dec 1989) -
Philat'Eg National Paris : Groupement philatélique du personnel des industries électrique et gazière #88-91 (2001).
Philateli Graphics Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.A. : Graphics Philately Association. v.10, #1-4 whole #37-40 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1986).
Philatélia Montréal : C.R. Fiset v.1, #1 (déc 1935) - v.3, #5 (mai 1938).
Philatelia Chimica United States : (American Topical Association), 1979 v.1, #1, 3, 4 (May, Sept, Oct 1979).
Philatelia Fennica : Postimerkkilehti Frimärksbladet Helsinki : [s.n., 19--]- v.20, #1 (Jan 1970) - v.21, #5 (May 1971); v.21, #8 (Aug 1971) - v.24, #2, 5, 8-9, 11, 12 (Feb, May, Aug-Sep, Nov, Dec 1974); v.25, #1 (Jan 1975) - v.35, #2 (Feb 1985); v.36, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1986);
Philatelia Medica [Germany : s.n.] #122 (Juni 2001) - #125 (März 2002).
Philatelia Vaticana. Monthly Bulletin New York, United States : Rev. Alois Sterle. v.2, #5, 7-8, 9, 10 (May, Jul-Aug, Sep, Oct 1964);
Philatelic Advertiser. Monthly Newspaper Horsforth, London, England, : The Beeston Printing Co. v.2, #3 (Jun 1911); N.S. v.1, #4 (Sept 1971); v.2, #10, 11, 13, 15-18 (Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug-Nov 1972); v.3, #21, 22 (Feb, Sept 1973);
Philatelic Adviser Cheltenhem, England, U.K. v.6, #1 whole #30 (Mar 1938) - v.8, #1-6 whole #40-45 (Jan-Dec 1940).
Philatelic Advocate Berlin, Ontario, Canada : Starnaman Bros., [1896-1901]. Absorbed by: Canada Stamp Sheet and Energy. v.1, #1 (Sept 1896) - v.11, #3 (Sept 1901).
Philatelic Bulletin Seaforth, Ont. : Philatelic Bulletin #1 (Apr 1935).
Philatelic Bulletin / Canada Post = Communiqué philatélique / Postes Canada Ottawa, Ont., Canada, 1978-1982. Text in English and French in parallel columns. [v.1, #1-4 (Jan-Oct 1978)]; v.2, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Jul, Oct 1979); v.3, #1 (Jan 1980); n.s. #81-2 - #81-3 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1981); #82-1 (Jan 1982).
Philatelic Bulletin. (Australia) [Melbourne : Australian Postal Commission, etc.], 1954-1978. After no.137 (Sept 1978) see 'Australian Stamp Bulletin'. #9 (Dec 1954); #10, 11, 13 (Feb, Apr, Aug 1955); #16 (Feb 1956) - #30 (Jun 1958); v.6, #1 whole #31 (Aug 1958) - v.15, #3 whole #87 (Dec 1967); #5 whole #89 (Apr 1968); v.17, #6 whole #102 (Jun 1970); v.18, #2 (Oct 1970) - v.26, #1 whole #137 (Sept 1978). v.19-26 bound.
Philatelic Bulletin. (Great Britain) Great Britain : The British Post Office, 1963- . After v.20, #6 see 'British Philatelic Bulletin'. #2040 v.3, #1 (Sept 1965) - v.20, #6 (Feb 1983).
Philatelic Bullets & Bulls Eyes Edmonton, Canada. v.1, #1/2, 10/11, 13/14-23/24 (Jan, May/Jun, Jul-Dec 1931).
Philatelic Canadian Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Walter McMahon, [1896-1897]. Official Organ of the Dominion Philatelic Association. v.1, #1 (Dec 1896); #2-4 (Jan-Mar 1897).
Philatelic Chronicle and Advertiser Handsworth, Birmingham [England : s.n.] Continued by: Philatelic Chronicle and Advertiser and Philatelic Times, with v.6, #8 (1897). v.1, #3 (Dec 16, 1891).
Philatelic Chronicle and Michigan Philatelist Charlotte, MI : H.E. Williams, [1889-1901] v.3, #1 (Nov 1900).
Philatelic Classics New York, N.Y., United States : Phillips, Charles James, 1927-1931[s.n., 1927]- v.1, #1, 2, 4, 7 (Mar, Apr, Jun, Dec 1927); #8, 9, 10 (Mar, May, Sept 1928); #11 (Oct 1929); #12 (Apr 1930); v.2, #14 (Jun 1931).
Philatelic Club of Montreal. Newsletter Westmount, Québec : Philatelic Club of Montreal, 1978- v.4, #6 (Feb 1979); #8 (Apr 1979) - v.7, #8 (Apr 1982); #10 (June 1982) - v.10, #9 (Jun 1985); v.11, #2, 3 (Nov, Dec 1985); #4, 6, 8 (Feb, Apr, Jun 1986); v.12, #1 (Sept 1986) - v.13, #2 (Oct 1987); #4 (Dec 1987); v.14, #1 (Oct 1988); #2 (Jan 1989); v.15, #1 (Sept 1989);
Philatelic Collections Newsletter / British Library London : British Library, 1997- #1 (Spring 1997) - #3 (Spring 1998); #5 (Autumn 1999) -
Philatelic Communicator : Writers Unit No. 30 of the American Philatelic Society Memphis, TN, Midland Stamp Co., 1987- . Continues: News Bulletin from v.20, #1 (1987) v.20, #1 whole #75 (Jan 1987); v.21, #4 whole #82 (Oct 1988); v.22, #1-3 whole #83-85 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1989); v, 27, #2 whole #104 (Apr 1994);
Philatelic Congress of Great Britain. Yearbook [United Kingdom : The Congress, 1928] - 1976. After 1976 see "British Philatelic Federation Congress Handbook". 15th ed. (1928) - 58th ed. (1976).
Philatelic Courier and Stamp Collector's Journal Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : Henry Hechler, 1881-1885. v.1, #1 (Sept 1881); #2, 3, 4 (Jan, Apr, Dec 1882); v.2, #5, 6 (Jul, Oct 1883); #7, 8 (Jan, Apr 1884); v.3, #9, 10 (Jul, Oct 1884); #11 (Jan 1885). Bound.
Philatelic Courier and Stamp Collector's Journal. Supplement Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : Henry Hechler, 1882-1889. (Apr, Dec 1882); (Oct 1884); (Jan, Apr, Jul 1885); (Mar, Jun 1887); (Apr, Nov 1888); (Aug 1889).
Philatelic Digest Vancouver, British Columbia : R.A. Brooks. v.1, #32 (Oct 1931).
Philatelic échos philatéliques Montréal, Québec : Union philatélique de Montréal, 1966-1979. Fait suite à: Echos, avec v.34 (1966). Suivi de: Echos philatéliques, avec v.47, #2 (oct 1979). v.33, #1 (oct 1965) - v.40, #2? (déc 1973); [v.41 (mai 1973) - v.45 (mai 1977)] (incomplet) v.46, #1 (sept 1978) - v.49, #8 (sept 1982); v.50, #6, 7 (avr, sept 1983); c.2: (sept 1977-mars 1978); v.46, #1, 4 (sept, déc 1978); #10 (mai-août 1979).
Philatelic Era Portland, Maine, U.S.A : W.W. Jewett, 1891-1893. After 1894, see "Weekly Philatelic Era." v.5, #1 (Sept 1891) - v.6, #2 (Oct 1892); (v.5, #1-12 bd.) v.6, #5, 6 (Jan, Feb 1893); v.7, #3, 8 (Oct, Dec 1893).
Philatelic Exhibitor [Shawnee Mission, KS] : American Assoc. of Philatelic Exhibitors, 1986- v.1, #1 (Sept 1986); #2 (Jan 1987); v.2, #1 (Oct 1987); v.3, #2-4 (Jan, Apr, July 1989); v.4, #2 (Jan 1990) - v.10, #1 (Jan 1996); (The Best of v.1-10, 1986-1996) -
Philatelic Exporter [Radlett, Hertfordshire, England, etc., Philatelic Exporter Ltd., etc.], 1964- . Absorbed: Philatelic trader Mar 1964; Jan-Aug 1970; Oct 1970-Sept 1971; Jan, Mar, May 1972-Feb 1974; Jul-Sept, Nov 1974; Feb-Apr, Jul-Sept 1975; Nov, Dec 1975-Mar 1978; May, Jul-Sept, Nov.Dec 1978; Jan 1979; Mar 1979-Sept 1981; Jan-Oct, Dec 1982; May-Sep, Nov 1983; Jan 1984; May 1985; Mar 1986; Jan, Feb 1988.
Philatelic Express Regina, Saskatchewan : JCM Publications, 1979. v.1, #1, 2, 3 (Apr, May/Jun, Aug 1979).
Philatelic Flyer [Urbana, Ill.] : Philatelic Flyer, [1968-19--] v.4, #1 (Jan-Feb 1971); v.5, #3 (May-Jun 1972).
Philatelic Folio Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., 1952- v.1, #1, 2, 3, 4 (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec 1952); v.2, #1-2 (Mar-Jun 1953); v.4, #2 (Dec 1957); #3 (Jan 1958).
Philatelic Foundation Quarterly New York : The Philatelic Foundation, 1983- v.1, #1 (Sep-Nov 1983); v.2, #1, 3 (Mar-Jun, Oct-Dec 1984); v.3, #2 (Apr-Jun 1985) - v.5, #1/2 (Jan-Jun 1987); v.8, #1-4 (Jan/Mar-Oct 1990);
Philatelic Free Lance Belaire, Ohio, USA : Harry R. Taylor, 1896 v.1, #6 (Nov 1896).
Philatelic Gazette New York, U.S.A. : Nassau Stamp Co., 1910-1919 v.1, #2-10 (Oct 1910-Jun 1911); v.2, #1 (Sept 1911) - v.3, #16 (Dec 1913); v.4, #1-8, 11 (Jan-Aug, Nov 1914); v.5, #1, 3, 4, 7 (Jan, Mar, Apr, Jul 1915); v.7, #3 (Mar 1917); v.8, #3 (Mar 1918).
Philatelic Gazette. (Altoona, Pa) Altoona, PA : Edwin C. Mann. Formerly: The Stamp and Coin Gazette v.3, #32 (Feb 1887).
Philatelic Guide Hereford, England : H. Garratt-Adam & Co., 1961- v.1, #1 (Mar-May 1961); #2/3 (Dec 1961-Jan/Feb 1962).
Philatelic 'Gusher' Texas, United States. v.2, #1 whole #29 (Jun 1962) - #12 whole #40 (Nov 1963); v.3, #1-3 whole #41-43 (Sep, Oct, Dec 1964); v.4, #2 whole #54 (Mar 1967).
Philatelic Index Normal, Ill. : C.A. Burner [1917-1920] v.2, #27 (Jun 1919).
Philatelic Inter-Ocean Waterloo, Iowa : J.A. Cook, [1899-1907] v.6, #15, 16 whole #48, 49 (Nov, Dec 1903); v.7, #2, 7, 8 whole #51, 56, 57 (Feb, Jul, Aug 1904).
Philatelic Investor and Market Report United States, 1966-1968. After 1968 changed to "The Philatelic Reporter and Market Guide". v.6, #6, 13 (Apr, Nov 1966); v.7, #5 (Apr 1967) - v.8, #12 (Dec 1968).
Philatelic Journal of America : An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Stamp Collecting St. Louis, Montana, USA : Everett M. Hackett, 1885-1893. Continued by: Mekeel's Stamp Collector. "Ran 4 issues; Was consolidated with "International Philatelist." as per v.1, #8 (May 1893). v.1, #1-4 (Mar-Jun 1885); #6 (Aug 1885) - v.10, #107 (Nov 1893); v.11, #109 (Jan 1894) - v.13, #126 (Jun 1895); 2nd series, v.21, #10 (Nov 1910).
Philatelic Journal of Canada London, Ontario, Canada : Philatelic Journal of Canada Pub. Co., 1892-1893 v.1, #1, 2 (Oct, Nov 1892); #3, 4 (Feb, Mar 1893).
Philatelic Journal of Great Britain London, Great Britain : Kirkpatrick and Pemberton [etc.], 1891-1980. Merged with: The Philatelist, to become: The Philatelist and PJGB. v.1, #1 (Feb 1891) - v.48, #568 (Apr 1938), bound; n.s. v.58, #685-690, 694-696 (Jan-Jun, Oct-Dec 1948); v.59, #706 (Dec 1949); v.60, #707, 708, 715-717 (Jan, Feb, Jul-Sept 1950); v.61, #724 (Apr 1951) - v.67, #795 (Mar 1957); v.69, #826-828 (Oct-Dec 1959); v.70, #829-840 (Jan-Dec 1960); v.74, #855 (Jul 1964); v.75, #860 (Dec 1965); v.76, #1 whole #861 (Mar 1966) - v.90, #4 whole #918 (Dec 1980).
Philatelic Journal of India Bombay : Philatelic Society of India, [1897]- v.62, #4, 11 (Apr, Nov 1958); v.64, #1-3, 5-10, 12 (Jan-Mar, May-Oct, Dec 1960); v.65, #2-5, 7-10, 12 (Feb-May, Jul-Oct, Dec 1961); v.66, #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1962); v.79, #7/8 (Jul/Aug 1975);
Philatelic Journalist New York, N.Y., United States : Society of Philaticians. v.2, #1 (Feb 1972); v.3, #4-6 (Aug, Oct, Dec 1973); v.4, #4-6 (Aug, Oct, Dec 1974); v.5, #1, 3-6 (Feb, Jun-Dec 1976); v.6, #1, 2, 4, 6 (Feb, Apr, Aug, Dec 1976); v.7, #1-6 (Feb-Dec 1977); v.8, #1, 2.4 (Feb, Apr, Aug 1978); v.9, #1, 5 (Feb, Oct 1979); v.10, #2, 4, 6 (Apr, Aug, Dec 1981); v.13, #6 (Dec 1983); v.16, #1 (Feb 1986);
Philatelic Leader Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : Gordon K. Weldon, 1960-1961. After #12 (Jul 1961) see Canadian Philatelic & Numismatic Leader. v.1, #1-7 (Jun-Dec 1960); #8-12 (Jan/Feb-Jun 1961).
Philatelic Literature Tauton, Mass. : Kirby & Benton, 1896-1898 v.1, #1 (Nov 1896); #2, 3 (Jan, Jun 1897); #6 (Jun 1898).
Philatelic Literature Review State College, Pa., United States : American Philatelic Research Library, 1942- v.1, #1 (Sept 1942) - v.6, #2 (July 1947); #4 (Jan 1948) - v.7, #3 (Jan 1949). 2nd series: v.1, #1 (Sept 1950) - v.5, #4 (Sept 1955); v.7, #2 (June 1957); v.12, #1, 2 whole #40, 41 (June, Oct 1963); v.13, #1 whole #42 (Mar 1964) - v.39, #1 (Jan 1990) -
Philatelic Magazine London, Great Britain : Harris Publications Limited, 1911-1984. After June 1984 incorporated in Stamp News. #235 (Sept 1924); v.16, #261 (Sept 1925); v.24, #1-13 (Jul-Dec 1929); v.30, #7, 11, 14 (Sept, Nov.Dec 1932); v.33, #12 (Jun 1934); v.38, #13 (Dec 1936); v.39, #9 (Apr 1937); v.40, #4, 5, 7, 8, 10 (Aug-Nov 1937); v.41, #7, 12 (Apr, Jun 1938) - v.70, #3 (Feb 1962); v.72, #13 (Jun 1964); v.74, #4 (Feb 1966); v.75, #2, 7, 9, 11, 13-15 (Jan, Mar-Jul 1967) - v.92, #9 (Jun 1984). v.#79-92 Bound.
Philatelic Messenger Oak Hill, New Brunswick, Canada : M.R. Knight, 1896-1899. Continued by: The Philatelic Messenger and Monthly Advertiser. v.1, #1 (Oct 1896); #2, 3, 4 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1897); v.2, #1-3 (Oct-Dec 1897); #4, 5-9 (Jan, Apr-Aug 1898); v.3, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1898); #3 whole #16/17 (Jan 1899).
Philatelic Messenger and Monthly Advertiser Boiestown, New Brunswick, Canada : Matthew R. Knight, 1899-1901. Before #18 see The Philatelic Messenger v.4, #18 (Apr 1899); v.6, #21-24, 26 (Jul-Oct, Dec 1899); #27, 29-31, 33, 35 (Jan, Mar-May, Jul, Sept 1900); v.7, #37, 39, 44 (Jan, Mar, Aug 1901).
Philatelic News (Pakistan) Quetta, W. Pakistan, 1970-1971. v.1, #1 (Apr-Jun 1970); #2 (Oct-Dec 1970); v.2, #1 (Jan-Mar 1971); #2 (Apr-Jun 1971).
Philatelic News / Guernsey Post Office Guernsey, UK : Guernsey Philatelic Bureau. v.4, #11 (Nov 1987); #12, 13, 15 (Feb, May, Nov 1988); #16, 18, 19 (Feb, Sept, Nov 1989); v.5, #1 (May 1989); #5 (Oct 1991); #7 (May 1992); #11 (Nov 1993); #12-14 (Feb, Jun, Oct 1994); #15, 17 (Feb, Oct 1995).
Philatelic News / Papua New Guinea [Port Moresby : Philatelic Division of the Postal Administration of Papua New Guinea] v.27, #1 (Mar 1981).
Philatelic News : Youth Philatelics (India) Banglore, India : S.S. Holla, 1973 v.1, #1 (Jan 1973)
Philatelic News Reporter London, Great Britain. v.4, #1 (Feb 1973).
Philatelic Nuncio Hartford, United States : International Guild of Vatican Philatelists, 1979 v.1, #1 (May/Jun 1979).
Philatelic Observer State College, PA : Junior Philatelists of America. v.24, #2 (Mar/Apr 1987).
Philatelic Paraphernalia : Journal of the Philatelic History Society Sevenoaks, England : Philatelic History Society, 1984-1992 #1 (Oct 1984) - #29 (1992);
Philatelic Record London, England : Pemberton, Wilson & Co. [etc.], 1879-1914. Parallel title: Philatelic record and stamp news v.18-21. v.1, #1 (Feb 1879) - v, 17, #204 (Jan 1896); NOTE : v.18-21 (Philatelic Record and Stamp News) v.22, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1900) - v.23, #12 (Dec 1901); v.25, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1903) - v.36, #12 (Dec 1914), Bd.
Philatelic Record (Montréal) Montréal, Québec : Arthur R. Magill, 1901. v.1, #1-6 (Jan-Jun 1901); v.2, #1 (Jul 1901).
Philatelic Record and Stamp News London, England : Wilson & Co., 1897-1899. Before v.18 and after v.21 see The Philatelic Record. v.19, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1897) - v.20, #11 (Dec 1898); v.21, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1899).
Philatelic Register Ringwood [England] : Stanley Gibbons 1996; 1997;
Philatelic Report New York, U.S.A. : A.R. Tigey, 1947 v.1, #1 (Dec 1947).
Philatelic Reporter and Market Guide United States, 1969-1973.Before 1969 see Philatelic Investor and Market Report. After 1973 title change: Philatelic Reporter and Digest v.9, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1969); v.10, #1-11 (Jan-Dec 1970) - v.11, #11 (Dec 1971); v.12, #1-10 (Jan-Dec 1972); v.13, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1973);
Philatelic Society of Malta Magazine Malta : The Philatelic Society of Malta. v.7, #3 (Nov 1977); v.8, #2, 3 (Mar, Nov 1978); v.9, #1-3 (Jan, Mar, Nov 1979).
Philatelic Spectator Berlin [Kitchner], Ontario, Canada : G.E. Mueller, [1899-1900]. Continued by: The Philatelic record. v.1, #2, 3 (Nov, Dec 1899); v.2, #1-6 (Jan-Jun 1900); v.3, #1, 3, 4 (Jul, Sep, Oct 1900).
Philatelic Standard Halifax, Nova Scotia : Standard Publishing Co., 1924 v.1, #3 (Mar 1924).
Philatelic Times L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada : S. Fraser, 1901 v.1, #1-4 (Mar, Apr, Jul, Sept 1901).
Philatelic Trader London, Great Britain : Harris Publications Ltd. v.12, #133 (Jun 1910); v.28, #5 whole #329 (May 1926); v.64, #1-23 (Jan-Nov 1960); v.65, #1-3, 11, 15-17 (Jan-Feb, May, Jul/Aug); #19, 21-26 (Sept-Dec 1961); v.66, #1 (Jan 1962); v.74, #9 (May 1970); v.78, #17, 21, 24 (Aug, Oct, Dec 1974); v.79, #1 (Jan 1975);
Philatelic Visitor New York, N.Y. : W.F. Gregory, 1891 v.1, #1 (Sept 1891).
Philatelic West Superior, NE : Nebraska Philatelic Society. Continues: Philatelic West and Camera news, with [v.13?] (1901?). Title page is several pages into the issues. Cover title varies. v.21, #1 (Oct 1902); v.32, #1-3 (Feb, Mar, Jul 1906); v.35, #2 (Jan 1907); v.39, #2 (Feb 1908); v.40, #2 (May 1908); v.41, #3 (Sept 1908); v.42, #2 (Nov 1908).
Philatelic West and Camera News Superior, NE : [L.T. Brodstone?] Continued by: Philatelic west, with [v.13? (1931)]. v.8, #2 (Dec 1898).
Philatelica (Germany) Frankfurt, Germany : Hans Groth. After #6 1987 merged with Brief Marken Spiegel v.5, #2 (Feb 1971); v.10, #1 (Jan 1976) - v.18, #7 (Jul/Aug 1984); v.18, #9 (Sept 1984) - v.19, #11 (Nov 1985); v.20, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1986); v.21, #1-3, 5, 6 (Jan-Mar, May, Jun 1987).
Philatelica (Hungary) Budapest, Hungary, 1986 #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1986).
Philatélie (France) France, Paris, 1967-1978. v.1, #1 (sept 1967) - v.2, #13 (oct 1968); v.3, #17 (fév 1969) - v.5, #40 (mars 1971); #42 (mai 1971) - v.8, #78 (sept 1974); #80 (nov 1974) - v.12, #122 (sept 1978);
Philatelie (Frankfurt, West Germany) Frankfurt, Germany. Frequency varies #95-97 (Jan, Apr, July 1972); #99 (Jan 1973) - #126 (July 1979); #135, 136 (Jan, Mar 1981); #138 (July 1981) - #143 (May 1982); #145 (Sept 1982); #147, 149, 152 (Jan, May, Nov 1983); #154, 158 (Mar, Nov 1984); #159 (Jan 1985) - #165 (Jan 1986); #169 (Sept 1986) - #192 (July 1990); #194-200 (Nov 1990-Nov 1991); #202-204 (Mar-July 1992); #207-208 (Jan-Feb 1993); #211, 212, 214-216 (May/June, July/Aug, Oct-Dec 1993); #220-228 (Apr 1994-Feb 1995); #230, 233-235 (Apr, Sept-Nov 1995); #237 (Jan 1996) - #256 (Dec 1997); #259 (Mar 1998) - #270 (Apr 1999); #276, 277 (Dec 1999-Jan 2000); #280, 282 (Apr, July/Aug 2000) -
Philatelie (Netherlands) Rijswijk, Netherlands, 1970- Title varies: Filatelie. v.47, #1 (Jan 1970) - v.50, #12 (Dec 1973); v.51, #1-3, 5, 10, 12 (Jan-Mar, May, Oct, Dec 1974); v.52, #1 (Jan 1975) - v.59, #6 (June 1982); #9 (Sept 1982) - v.67, #11 (Nov 1990); #1 (1991) - #7 (1999); #10-11 (1999); #6 (2000) -
Philatélie au Québec Montréal, Québec, Canada : Fédération des Sociétés Philatéliques du Québec, 1975-1983. Avant 1975 voir Philatélie au Québec = Philately in Québec. Après décembre 1983 voir Philatélie Québec. v.1, #3-5 (fév, avr, juin 1975); v.2, #1 (oct 1975) - #4 (juin 1976); v.3, #1 (sept 1976) - v.4, #6 (fév 1978); v.5, #1 (sept 1978) - v.9, #10 (juin 1983); v.10, #1-4 whole #81-83 (sept-déc 1983);
Philatélie au Québec = Philately In Quebec Montréal, Québec, Canada : Fédération des Sociétés Philatéliques du Québec, 1971-1974. Après 1974 voir Philatélie au Québec (La) v.3, #5-8 (juil-déc 1971); v.4, #2 (fév 1972); v.5, #3 (mars 1973); v.6, #2? (juil 1974); n.s. v.1, #1, 2 (oct, déc 1974);
Philatélie francaise France, Paris : La Fédération des Sociétés Philatéliques Françaises. #91-93, 95 (avr-juin, sept 1960); #99, 100, 103, 109 (jan, fév, mai, déc 1961); #110 (jan 1962); #191-193 (juin, juil/août, sept 1969); #197 (jan 1970) - #208 (jan 1971); #210, 211, 213-218 (mars, avr, juin-déc 1971); #219 (jan 1972) - #430 (avr 1990) -
Philatélie populaire (Praga, France) Praga, France : L'Union Philatélique Internationale. #187-188 (mars/avr 1970) - #204, 206, 207 (mai/juin, oct/nov, déc 1972); #209, 212-216, 218 (fév, mai-oct, déc 1973); #219, 226, 227 (fév, oct, nov/déc 1974); #229 (fév 1975); #231 (avr 1975) - #240 (mars 1976); #289, 291-294 (mars, mai, juin/juil, août/sept, oct 1981); #297, 303, 306 (jan, juin/juil, déc 1982); #307, 309, 312, 313 (jan, mars, juin/juil, août/sept 1983); #340, 341 (avr, mai 1986).
Philatélie Québec Montréal : Editions Phibec, 1984 - . Poursuit Philatélie au Québec, avec le #84 (1984). v.10, #84 (jan 1984) - v.19, #3 (nov 1992); #5, 6 (fév-mars 1993) - #203 (1996); #207 (déc 1996) -
Philatélie thématique France, Paris : Association Française de Philatélie Thématique. #89 (oct 1983), #106 (jan 1988) - #138 (1996).
Philatelie und Postgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1967- #1-3 (Apr, Jul, Oct 1967); #4-7 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, 1968); #8 (Oct 1969); #9, 10, 12 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1970); #13, 14 (Jan, Apr 1971).
Philatelist London, England, Robson Lowe [etc.], 1934?- . Continues: Philatelist and the raconteur, Philatelic Journal of Great Britain. After Feb. 1981, see The Philatelist and PJGB. v.4, #1 (Oct 1937) - v.45, #1 whole #642 (Oct 1978); v.46, #6-10 whole #657-661 (Apr-Aug 1980);
Philatelist (Denver, Colorado) Denver, Colorado, United States, 1893 v.1, #1-4 (Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug 1893).
Philatelist and PJGB London, New York : Pall Mall Stamp Co., 1981- . Ceased publication with v.18, #3 (Dec 1998). Formed by the merger of: Philatelist; and Philatelic Journal of Great Britain. v.2, #1 (Jan 1982) - v.4, #1 (Jan 1984); v.4, #5 (Sept/Oct 1984) - v.10, #1 (Jan/Feb 1990) - v.18, #3 (Dec 1998). Index: Vol.41 (1974-75)-v.47 (1980); v.1 (1981)-v.10 (1990)
Philatelist and Raconteur London : Regent Stamp Co. Continues: Raconteur and Philatelist, with v.3, #1 (Oct 1936). Continued by: Philatelist [London], with v.4, #1 (Oct 1937). v.3, #1-12 (Oct 1936-Sept 1937). Bound as "Raconteur and philatelist"
Philatéliste chrétien Ottawa, Ontario : Cercle Philatélique St-Gabriel, 1966- v.1, #1-4 (jan, avr, sep, nov 1966); v.2, #1 (jan 1967).
Philatéliste Croix-Rouge Neauphle-le-Château, France : Club Thématique Croix-Rouge #80-83 (2001).
Philately (Great Britain) London, Great Britain : the British Philatelic Association Ltd., 1947- Merged with 'Stamp News and Postal History' from June 1981. v.1, #4 (Jan/Feb 1947); v.5, #4 whole #55 (Jul/Aug 1954) - #10 (Jul/Aug 1955); v.6, #7 (Jan 1957) - v.7, #7 (Jan 1959); v.8, #2, 5 (Mar, Sept 1960); #7-10 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul 1961); v.9, #1 whole #100 (Jan 1962) - v.12, #5 whole #140 (Sept 1968); #7 (Jan 1969) - v.13, #11 whole #158 (Sept 1971); v.14, #1 (Jan 1972) - v.15, #4 whole #174 (Oct 1975); v.16, #1, 2, 4 whole #175, 176, 178 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1976); N.S. v.17, #1, 2, 3 (Feb, May, Oct 1977); v.18, #1 (May 1978); #4 (Jan 1979); v.19, #1, 3 (Mar, Sep 1979); v.20, #1-6 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov 1980); #7 (Jan 1981); v.21, #2, 3 (Mar, Apr/May 1981).
Philately (Nepal) Kathmandu, Nepal : The Nepal Philatelic Society. v.4, #11 (Jul 1977); v.6, #1, 2 (Jan, Jul 1979) - v.8, #1 (Jan 1981).
Philately (Saint Louis, Mo.). The News Magazine of Stamp Collecting Saint Louis, Montana, USA : Comfort Press, Inc., 1946-1947. v.1, #1-9 (Aug-Sep 1946); v.2, #1-13 (Oct-Dec 1946) - v.5, #10 (Sept 1947); v.6, #10 (Dec 1947).
Philately (UK) London, England : Epic Publishing Ltd (UK), Publishing International Inc.(USA), 1947-1981 Absorbed by: Stamp news (London, England). Frequency varies......B/M to Monthly and so on. v.1, #4 (Jan-Feb 1947); v.5, #4 (Jul/Aug 1954) - #10 (Jul/Aug 1955); v.6, #7 (Jan/Feb 1957) - #12 (Nov/Dec 1957); v.7, #1 (Jan/Feb 1958) - #7 (Jan/Feb 1959); v.8, #2 (Mar/Apr 1960); #5 (Sept/Oct 1960); #7-10 (Jan/Feb - Jul/Aug 1961); v.9, #1 (Jan/Feb 1962) - v.11, #12 (Dec 1967); v.12, #1 (Feb 1968) - v.15, #4 (Oct 1975); v.16, #1, 2, 4 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1976); v.17, #1-3 (Feb, May, Oct 1977); v.18, #1 (May 1978); #4 (Jan 1979); v.19, #1, 3 (May, Oct 1979); v.20, #1 (Jan/Feb 1980) - #7 (Dec 1980/Jan 1981); v.21, #2, 3 (Mar, Apr/May 1981);
Philately (USA) United States : Herbert Rosen, 1964 After no.10 see 'Philately and Numismatics'. v.1, #1-10 (Jan-Oct 1964)
Philately : The Stamp Magazine for the Discrimination Collector New York, N.Y. : Herbert Rosen, 1964. v.1, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1964).
Philately and Numismatics United States : Herbert Rosen, 1964-1965 Before no.11-12 see 'Philately'. After v.2, #6-7 see 'The Stamp and Coin Collector'. v.1, #11-12 (Nov/Dec 1964); v.2, #1-3, 5-7 (Jan-Mar, May-Jul 1965).
Philately From Australia Australia : Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria. v.25, #4 (Dec 1973); v.29, #2, 4 (June, Dec 1977); v.34, #1 (Mar 1982) - v.46, #3 (Sept 1994);
Philately In Japan Tokyo : Japan Philatelic Co., 1977- v.1, #1, 2 (Aug, Dec 1977); v.2, #1, 2 (Sept, Nov 1978); #3 (Jan 1979); v.4, #2, 3 (Mar, May 1981); v.5, #2 (Mar 1982); v.6, #2, 3 (Mar, May 1983); v.7, #2 (Mar 1984); v.9, #4 (Oct 1986) - v.14, #2, 4 (1991) -
Philatopic Magazine Toronto, Ontario : Empire Stamp Company, 1952 - Continues: Philatopic Monthly, with v.11, #4 (Sept/Oct 1951) v.11, #4 (Sept/Oct 1951) - v.31, #2 (Feb 1972).
Philatopic Monthly Toronto, Ontario : Empire Stamp Co. Continued by: Philatopic Magazine, with v.11, #4 (Sept/Oct 1951). v.1, #1 (Feb 1940) - v.11, #3 (June 1951). Bound
Philexfrance Tokyo, Japan : Japan Philatelic Publications, 1982-1991. In Japanese v.7, #232 (Jul 1982) - v.8, #241 (Apr 1983); #243 (Jun 1983) - v.16, #335 (Sept 1991).
Philiography Canada Nepean, ON : Paul M. Burega. Continues: Philateliography Canada, with v.1, #3 (Dec 1991). v.1, #3 (Dec 1991) - v.5, #1 (Jan-July 1995);
Philippine Philatelic Society Journal London, England, 1975-1978. v.1, #1 (Sept/Oct 1975) - v.2, #2 (Dec 1976); #4 (Jun 1977); v.3, #2 (Dec 1977); #3 (Mar 1978).
Phillips (London) [Stamp Auction Catalogue] Phillips Son & Neale #21452 (1977); [#22889 (1980 - (1990)] incomplete holdings; Sept 1990 - Feb 1996; Mar 1997;
Philoteleia = Philotelia. Journal of the Hellenic Philotelic Society Athens : Hell_enik_e Philotelik_e Etairia. v.63, #516-521 (1986); v.78, #606-611 (2001);
Philotelic Echo = Philatelic Echo Peiraieus, Athens, Greece : Philatelic Society of Pireaus. In Greek v.12, #97 (Jan-Feb 1976) - v.14, #110 (Feb-Apr 1978);
Phily Brantford, Ontario, Canada : The Brantford Stamp Club. v.5, #1 (Sept 1963).
Picture Postcard Collectors Gazette [Ludlow, England] : Postcard Collectors Center v.2, #3 (Jul 1975).
Picture Postcard Monthly Nottinghamshire, England : Reflections of a Bygone Age. Continues: Reflections of a Bygone Age, with no.12. #15 (Jul 1980) - #21 (Jan 1981); #24-29 (Apr-Sept 1981); #32 (Dec 1981) - #133 (May 1990) - #160 (Aug 1992) - #167, 168, 176 (Mar, May, Dec 1993).
Picture Postcards Annual Keyworth (Nottinghamshire), England : Reflections of a Bygone Age Jan 1980 - Jan 1985.
Pitcairn Islands Study Group. Newsletter United States : Pitcairn Islands Study Group, 1973-1974. After September 1974 see Pitcairn Log. v.1, #1, 2 (Sep, Dec 1973); #3, 4 (Mar, Jun 1974); v.2, #1 (Sep 1974).
Pitcairn Log / Pitcairn Island Study Group United States : Pitcairn Islands Study Group, 1974-1984. Before Dec. 1974 see Pitcairn I.S.G. Newsletter. v.2, #2 (Dec 1974) - v.11, #3 (Mar-May 1984).
Pitney-Bowes : Annual Report Stamford, Conn., U.S.A. : Pitney-Bowes Inc., 1963-1972. Jan 1963 - Jan 1972. Complete.
PMCC Bulletin Elkhart, IN : Postmark Collectors Club. v.27, #12 whole #312 (Sep 1974) - v.37, #4 whole #414 (Jan 1984); v.52, #1-11 (Jan-Dec 1999); Has membership list also.
Polar Post Portsmouth, England : Polar Postal History of Great Britain, [19--]- v.3, #54 (Jul 1963) - v.4, #62 (Jul 1965); #67/68 (Oct 1966); #72 (Jan 1968); v.19, #1 whole #132 (Mar 1987); + Directory of members of PPHS G.B.
Polar-Philatelist Frankfurt, Germany. Frequency varies v.5, #25 (Jul-Aug 1973); v.6, #28 (Jan-Feb 1974).
Polish POW and DP Camps Philatelic Study Group. Newsletter United States, 1975- v.1, #1 (Apr 1975) - v.7, #35 (May 1982); #37 a&b; (Sept-Nov 1982) - #39 (Mar-May 1983).
Polonus Philatelic Society. Bulletin Chicago, United States : Polonus Philatelic Society, 1942- #1 (Aug 1942) - #369 (Dec 1978); #371 (Feb 1971) - #381 (Jul 1980); #383 (Nov 1980) - #385 (Mar/Apr 1981); #387 (Jul/Aug 1981) - #420 (Jan/Feb 1987); #422-424 (1987); #426 (Jan/Feb 1988) - #468 (Nov/Dec 1994); Has Index 1942-1963
Po'Oleka O Hawaii Honolulu : HI : Hawaiian Philatelic Society, 1975- Not published between Jan 1987 and Apr 1994. #12, 13 (July, Oct 1978); #22 (Jan 1981) - #28 (Jul 1982); #30 (Jan 1983) - #35 (Apr 1984); #37 (Oct 1984) - #46 (Jan 1987); #47 (Apr 1994) -
Popular Filateli / Manedsblad for Frimerkesmlere Viby, Denmark : Popular Filateli, [1939] -In Danish v.37, #9-12 (Sept-Dec 1975) - v.46, #11 (Nov 1984); v.47, #1 (Jan 1985) - v.48, #12 (Dec 1986).
Popular Stamp Review New York : Popular Hobbies v.1, #2-4 (Mar-May 1937).
Popular Stamps. (Rural Canadian Stamp Club) Cobden, Ontario, Canada : J.L. McCready, 1938-1958. v.1 (Jan-Jul, Oct-Dec 1938); v.2, #1-6 (Jan-Dec 1939); v.3, #1-5 (Jan-Dec 1940); v.4, #1 (Feb 1941) - v.21, #2 whole #204 (Mar 1958). All vols. bound.
Portucale 77. Selos & Moedas Portugal : Clube Dos Galitos. v.16, #53 (Apr 1978) -
Portu-Info : Official Journal of the International Society for Portuguese Philately Yonkers : NY : The Society, 1962-[19--?] v.1, #1 (Jul 1962) - v.4, #3 (Jan 1966); v.5, #1, 2 (Jul, Nov 1968); #3 (Mar 1969); v.6, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1970); v.7, #1 (Jul 1971) - v.11, #1 (Jul 1975); Cumulative index 1962-65.
Post Leipzig, Germany : Baumbach & Co., 1894 v.1, #8 (Aug 1894).
Post Card Collector's Magazine Palm Bay, Florida, USA : Postcard Enterprises, 1976- v.1, #1 (Jan 1976); v.2, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, May, Jul 1977); v.3, #2 (Mar-Apr 1978); n.s. #87 (Jul 1986);
Post Card Echo Toronto, Ontario : R.A. Austin, 1910- Continued by: Canadian Collector, with v.2, #1 (Jan 1911). v.1, #3-5 (Jan, July, Oct 1910).
Post Card Matters BNAPS Post Card Study Group v.1, #1 (Jan 2000) -
Post Echo Bruxelles, 1971- #3, 5 (Apr, Jul 1971); #48 (Mar 1975); #61 (Dec 1976).
Post Office Stationary Study Group [Richmond, B.C.] : The Group v.1, #1 (Dec.28, 1994).
Post Office Weekly Bulletin Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Post Office Department, 1921-1970. Continued by: Bulletin / Canada Post = Bulletin / Postes Canada, 1970. Title change & started publishing in French & English on inverted sides from v.48, (1969) - v.49, (1970); v.2, #82, 95 (1922); v.3, #110, 119, 125, 130, 147 (1923); v.4, #190, 193 (1924); v.5, #200, 202, 211, 213, 216, 220, 223, 224, 226, 230, 231, 240, 243, 247, 251 (1925); v.6, #252, 255, 259, 261, 266, 271, 273, 277, 281, 286 (1926); v.7, #314, 339 (1927); v.8, #360, 401 (1928); v.9, #416 (1929); Inventory to be completed.C1102
Post Office. Journal New York, United States : Post Office Publishing Co., 1891-1897. v.1, #1-9 (Apr-Dec 1891); v.2, #11-13 (Feb-Apr 1892); #15 (Jun 1982) - v.4, #36 (Mar 1894); #38, 41, 42 (May, Aug, Sep, 1894); v.5, #52, 55 (Jul, Oct 1895); v.6, #69 (Dec 1896); v.7, #76 (Jul 1897).
Post Rider Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Society of Russian Philately, 1977- #1 (Sept 1977) - #27 (Nov 1990); #29 (Dec 1991); #31 (Dec 1992);
Post Script (Canada) Canada : New Westminister Postal Employees Social Club. v.1, #6 (Apr 1948);
Post Script (Florida) Jacksonville, FL : Post Script, INC. v.1, #1 (Fall 1981) - v.14, #3 (Summer 1995).
Post Scripts St. John's Newfoundland, Canada, 1974-1983 (June, Sept 1974); (Dec 1975); (Feb, May, Sept, Dec 1976) - (Nov, Dec 1977); (May-Jun 1978); n.s. v.1, #5 (Feb 1979); v.4, #1, 2-5 (May, Sept-Dec 1982); #6 (Jan-Feb 1983);
Post West Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : [Western Canada Postal History Society, 1974-1977. v.1, #1-6 (Jan-Nov 1974) - v.2, #4 whole #10 (Oct 1975); v.3, #1 (Jan 1976); #2-4 whole #12-14 (Jan-Mar 1977). All vols. complete and bound.
Posta : A Journal of American Postal History Lake Oswego, Oregon, USA : La Posta Publications, 1984- v.17, #1 whole #97 (Mar 1986) - v.18, #2 (Apr 1987); #4 (Aug 1987) - v.20, #2 (May 1989); #4 (Sept 1989) - v.26, #6 (Jan 1996).
Posta es Belyegmuzeumi Szemle Hungary : Postamuzéum és a Bélyegmuzaum Tajékoztatoja. v.3, #1, 2, 3 (Jan, Jun, Oct 1971).
Posta Espanola Madrid. #355, 361, 362 (May, Nov, Dec 1971).
Postage Stamp London : Pitman & Sons, [1907-1929] v.5, #1-26 (Oct 1909 - Mar 1910) bd.; v.14, #1-26 (Apr-Sept 1914); v.15, #1-26 (Oct 1914-Mar 1915).
Postage Stamp Prices of the United States, United Nations, Canada and Provinces Boston, Mass. : H.E. Harris & Co., 1977- Continues: Stamps of the United States, United Nations and Canada and Provinces. 1977 (spring/summer ed.); 1977-1978 (fall/winter ed.); 1978 (spring/summer ed.); 1978-1979 (fall/winter ed.); 1979 (spring/summer ed.); 1980-1981 (fall/winter ed.); 1982 (winter/spring ed.); 1983 (fall/winter ed.); 1983-1984 (fall/winter ed.); 1984 (spring/summer ed.); 1985-1986 (fall/winter ed.); 1986 (spring/summer ed.); 1988 ed.; 1989 ed.;
Postage Stamps Japan : Japan Stamp Publicity. #968-970, 973 (Sept-Oct 1971); #1001, 1032 (Apr, Nov 1972); #1040, 1065 (Jan, Jul 1973).
Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. [Cambridge] : Dr. R. Ceresa Pt. 1-5A; 1-5B; 8-12A; 13-16A; pt.6-7C1; pt.6-7C2.
Postal Bell [Cupertinino, CA] : Japanese American Philatelic Society. v.15, #1, 3-6 (Jan, May-Nov 1966); v.16, #3 (May 1967) - v.24, #1 (Jan 1975); v.25, #4-6 (Jul, Sept, Nov 1976); v.26, #1, 2, 4-6 (Jan, Mar, Jul-Nov 1977); v.27, #3 (May 1978); v.28, #1, 2 (Jan, Mar 1979).
Postal Bulletin Washington, United States : Post Office Department. Instructions and information for postal employees. v.90, #20679 - #20736 (Jan-Dec 1969).
Postal Card N.J., New York, USA. v.4, #91, 92, 94 (Feb, Mar, May 1892).
Postal Card Specialist Boston : Jack Gardner. v.5, #6 (Nov-Dec 1976);
Postal Covers [Catalogue] New York, United States : Theo Van Dam. Apr, July, Oct 1980; Jan, Apr, Sept, Nov 1982; Feb, Apr, May, July, Sept, Dec 1983; Feb, May, July, Oct 1984; Jan, Apr, June, Sept, Dec 1985; Feb, May, July, Nov 1986; Mar, June 1987; Feb, June, Oct 1988; Feb, Apr, June, Sept 1989; Feb, June-Aug, Nov 1990; June/July 1991;
Postal Current Stonewall, Manitoba : Ira Stratton, 1904-1908 Published with the authority of the Manitoba & Northwest Postmaster's Association. v.1, #2-4, 10 (Apr-Jun, Dec 1904); #12 (Feb 1905); v.2, #1, 4-6, 8-10 (Mar, Jun-Aug, Oct-Dec 1905); #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1906); v.3, #1, 3 (Mar, May 1906); #11 (Jan 1908); v.5, #1 (Mar 1908).
Postal Digest Huntsville, Ontario, Canada : Muskoka Mailers, 1958-1961 v.1, #4 (Dec 1958); #6 (Apr 1959); #49, 50 (Jan, Feb 1961); June 1961;
Postal Histo-Mine London, Ontario, Canada : Postal History Society of Ontario, 1972-1975 Continued by: The Postal History Society of Ontario Journal. v.1, #1, 2 (Sept, Dec 1972); #3, 4 (Jul, Oct 1974); #5-8 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Sept 1975). Bound & Complete.
Postal History (USA) New Jersey, New York : Postal History of the Americas, 1952 v.1, #1 (May 1952).
Postal History : Journal of the Postal History Society [London] : Postal History Society, 1968 - Continues: Postal History Society Bulletin, with #152 (1968) #152 (Jan/Feb 1968) - #210 (June 1979); #214 (Mar 1980) -
Postal History Digest New York, United States : The Postal History Society of America, 1963- v.1, #1 (Nov 1963); v.4, #2 (May 1966); v.5, #1, 2 (Mar, Oct 1967); v.6, #1 (Mar 1968);
Postal History Digest: For Cover and Postmark Collectors London, England : Anne Dorian. v.61, #1-7 (Jan-Jul 1961)?
Postal History International Brighton, Great Britain : Proud-Bailey Company Ltd., 1972-1980. v.1, #1 (Jan 1972) - v.9, #6 (Jun 1980). Bound.
Postal History Journal Pikesville, MD : Postal History Society. v.1, #1 (May 1957) - v.32, #80 (Oct 1988); v.33, #82 (June 1989) - v.39, #102 (Oct 1995). Cumulative Index 1957-1993.
Postal History News London, England : Postal History Society Great Britain. #1 (Mar 1976) - #11 (Sept 1978); #13 (Mar 1979); #18 (Jun 1980) - #22 (Sept 1981).
Postal History Public Auction (Abraham Siegel) New York : Abraham Siegel #164, 165 (Mar, June 1990); #166 (Dec 1990) - #169 (Aug 1991); #170 (Sept 1991) - #176 (Mar 4, 1993); #197 (Nov 15, 1998) -
Postal History Society Annual Auction Hants, England : Postal History Society May 16, 1981; Sept 24, 1982; Oct 2, 1983; Sept 12, 1995; Oct 11, 1998; Oct 3, 1999.
Postal History Society of Canada. Journal Cambridge, Ontario : P. Wiedemann, 1977-1981 Formerly Postal History Society of Ontario Journal. After #28 see PHSC Journal. #14 (Aug 1977) - #28 (Dec 1981).
Postal History Society of Canada. PHSC Auction [List] / Mail Bid Auction Elora, ON : Postal History Society of Canada Jan 1991;
Postal History Society of Canada. PHSC Journal Postal History Society of Canada, 1982- Continues: Postal History Society of Canada. Journal, with #29. #28 (Dec 1981) - #34 (June 1983); #61, 62, 66 (Mar, June, Sept 1990); #65, 67 (Mar, Sept 1991); #69-71 (Mar-Sept 1992); #76 (Dec 1993); #78, 79 (June, Sept 1994); #81 (Mar 1995) - #85 (Mar 1996); #89 (Mar 1997) - #93 (Mar 1998); #95 (Sept 1998); #97-100 (Mar-Dec 1999); #104 (Dec 2000); #105 (Mar 2001); #108 (Dec 2001) - Index: #1-80 (2c.); #81-100;
Postal History Society of Ontario Journal Cambridge-Galt, Ontario, Canada : Postal History Society of Ontario, 1976-1977. Continues: The Postal Histo-Mine. Continued by: Postal History Society of Canada Journal. #9 (Jan 1976) - #13 (June 1977). Bound
Postal History Society of the Americas. News-Letter. New York, N.Y. : Postal History Society Americas. 1969 ???
Postal History Society. Bulletin London, England : Postal History Society, 1936-1968 Continued by: Postal History : Journal of Postal History Society, with #152 (1968) #1 (Jan 1936) - #11 (Jun 1939); #13 (Jan 1940) - #151 (Nov/Dec 1967).
Postal History United States of America Crete, Nebraska : J-B Publishing Company, 1972- Absorbed: 4th Class Cancellation Club Newsletter. v.5, #2 (Jun 1976).
Postal Label Bulletin West Midlands, Great Britain, 1977-1978 v.1, #1 (Feb 1977) - #8 (Nov 1978). + Index
Postal Life Washington, D.C. : U.S. Postal Service, 1967-1993 v.1, #1 (Jul-Aug 1967) - v.2, #2 (Sept-Oct 1968); #4 (Jan-Feb 1969) - v.5, #2 (Sept-Oct 1971); #4, 6 (Jan, May 1972); v.6, #1 (Jul 1972) - #5 (Mar 1973); v.8, #5 (Mar 1975) - v.9, #5 (Mar-Apr 1976) - v.24, #5, 6 (Oct, Nov-Dec 1990); v.25, #2 (Mar-Apr 1991); #5 (Sept-Oct 1992);
Postal Progress [Ottawa, Ontario : Canada Post Office], Operational Research Br., 1974- Publication bilingue. v.1, #1 (Jan 1974) - v.3, #3 (Mar 1976); v.4, #1-4 (Jan-Apr 1979);
Postal Review Ottawa, Canada : Post Office Department, 1946-48. Issued also in French under title: Revue postale. v.1, #1-10 (Aug 15-Dec 31, 1946); v.2, #1-3 (Jan-Feb 15 1947); #5-24 (Mar 15-Dec 31, 1947); v.3, #1-6 (Jan 15-Mar 31, 1948); c.2: v.1, #1-10; v.2, #1-3, 5-18, 20-21, 24
Postal Service Today Taiwan, China : Postal Service Today, 1958- #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1958); #25 (Jan 1960); #27 (Mar 1960) - #40 (Apr 1961); #42, 43, 45, 48 (1961); #50, 58 (1962); #76, 77 (Apr, May 1964); #98, 102 (1966); #143 (Nov 1969); #145, 148, 151, 152, 154 (1970); #163, 164, 166-168 (1971); #169-171, 178 (1972); #196, 201 (1974); #206, 210, 212-214, 216 (1975); #217, 219, 228 (1976); #234, 238, 240 (1977); #241-243, 245, 249 (1978); #260 (Aug 1979); #265, 270, 272-276 (1980); #277, 288 (1981); #289-294, 296-300 (1982); #301 (Jan 1983) - #315 (Mar 1984); #322-324 (Oct-Dec 1984); #334, 336 (Oct, Dec 1985); #339 (Mar 1986) - #389 (May 1990); #391 (Aug 1990) - #417 (Sept? 1992); #419 (Nov 1992) -
Postal Stationery Bloomington, IL : United Postal Stationery Society, 1948 -- v.3, #1 (Jan 1955); #6 (June 1956?); v.6, #1 (Jan 1959); v.8, #1, 3-4 (1963); v.8, #7, 10-12 (1964); v.9, #1 (Jan 1965) - v.21, #6 (Nov 1979); v.28, #1 (Jan 1986) -
Postal Stationery Collector : Journal of the Postal Stationery Society of Australia [Canberra] : Postal Stationery Society of Australia v.7, #1 (May 2001) -
Postal Stationery News (Notes) British North America Philatelic Society. Title varies; Numbering change? v.1, #1 (Nov 1981) - #4, 6 (Sept, Dec 1987) - v.9, #4 (Oct 1990); #6 (Feb 1991) -
Postal Technical Cooperation Berne, SW : International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union #3/4 (1989 - 8 c.);
Postal Tribune = La Tribune postale Montréal, Canada : Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Montréal Local, 1953- Relationships: Tribune postale. Montréal, Syndicat des postiers du Canada, Local de Montréal v.21, #1 (Jan 1953); v.31, #2-6, 8-12 (Feb-May, Aug-Dec 1963); v.32, #1, 2, 4-6, 8-12 (Jan, Feb, Apr-Jun, Aug-Dec 1964); v.33, #1-3, 5 (Jan-Mar, May 1965) - v.35, #12 (Dec 1967); v.36, #3-5, 7, 9, 10/11 (Mar-May, Jul, Oct, Nov 1968);
Postal World Seaforth, Ontario, Canada : A.D. Sutherland, [19--?]- v.1, #6 (Feb 1911).
Postales de Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia : La Federacion Filatélica Boliviana, 1982 #44, 45 (mars, juin 1982); #49, 51 (juin, déc 1983).
Postalk Vancouver, British Columbia, 1975-1978. v.1, #1-5 (Jul-Nov 1975); v.2, #3-10 (Mar-Nov 1976); v.3, #1-5, 7-9 (Jan-May, Aug, Sep, Nov/Dec 1977); #10 (Jan 1978).
Postas Argentinas Argentina : Secretaria de Comunicaciones, 1970-1983 In Spanish #341 (Nov/Dec 1970); #344 (May/June 1971); #347 (Mar 1972); #360 (Jan/Feb 1974); #366 (Jan/Feb 1974); #368-371 (May/Jun - Nov/Dec 1975); #372, 374, 375 (Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1976); #380 (May/Jun 1977) - #385 (Mar/Apr 1978); #387, 388 (Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct 1978); #391, 392 (Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1979); #404, 405 (May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1981); #414, 416 (Feb, May/June 1983).
Postcard Collectors Gazette London, England : Post Collectors Gazette Ltd., 1978-1980 v.5, #10-12 (Oct-Dec 1978); v.6, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1979); v.7, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1980).
Postcard Mail London, England : B.R.D. Publishing Ltd., 1978-1979. #1 (Nov 1978); #4-7 (Feb, Apr-Jun 1979).
Poste e Telecomunicazioni Italy : Nello Sviluppo Della Societa, 1979-1984 v.47, #5/6 - 9/10 (May/Jun - Sept/Oct 1979); v.48, #5/6 (May/Jun 1980); #9/10 (Sept/Oct 1980) - v.51, #11/12 (Nov/Dec 1983); v.52, #3-5 (May/Jun - Sept/Oct 1984);
Poster : Official Publication of the Local Post Collectors Society Littlerock, CA : Local Post Collectors Society v.29, #1-4 (2001).
Postes canadiennes. Communiqué Ottawa, Ontario : Direction de L'Information et des Relations extérieures, 1968- Text in English: Canada Post Corporation. News Release. sept 1968; fév 1990 -
Postes et Telecommunications Paris : Ministère des postes et télécommunications, 1963- Continues: Bulletin d'information des postes et télécommunications. Continued by: Messages des postes et télécommunications. v.9, #102 (juin 1964);
Postforbindelsen Til Udlandet Danmark, 1977-1978. May-Aug, Oct-Dec 1977; Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul-Dec 1978.
Postfrisch Gütersloh (Germany) : Deutsche Post Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, July/Aug 1998; Nov/Dec 1998 - Jan/Feb 1999;
Postgeschichte. Histoire Postale Zurich, Frankfurt, Germany, 1981-1982. v.2, #8 (Dec 1981); v.3, #12 (Dec 1982);
Posthorn. Official Publication of the Scandinavian Collectors Club [Lawrence, Kan.] : Scandinavian Collectors Club, 1943- v.1, #1 (Nov 1943); #2 (Apr 1944) - v.27, #2 (Jun 1970); v.28, #1 whole #105 (Mar 1971) - v.46, #4 whole #180 (Nov 1989).
Postmagazin; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Bundespost Bonn, Frankfurt : Bundesminister Fur Post und Telekommunikation, 1985- No volume nos. Numbering restarts each year. #2 (Feb 1985) - #1 (Jan 1987); #3 (Mar 1987) - #4 (Apr 1990);
Postman's Knock Saint John, N.B. : Excelsior Stamp Association, [1866-1870] Suspended as of 1867 issue; resumed with Oct 1869 issue. v.1, #1-4, 7, 8 (May-Aug, Nov, Dec 1866); #10, 11 (Feb, Mar 1867); v.2, #19, 20 (Oct, Nov 1869); #21 (Mar 1870).
Postmark (Saskatoon) [Saskatoon : Public Affairs Branch, Saskatchewan Postal District, [1975?-198-?] Frequency: Varies. v.1, #1-3 (Mar, Jun, Sept 1975); v.2, #1-4 (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1976); v.3, #1-5 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Sep, Nov 1977); v.4, #1-5 (Jan, Mar, Jun, Sep, Nov 1978); (Oct-Dec 1982);
Postmark. Canada. Post Office Dept. [Ottawa, Ontario : Queen's Printer, etc., 1939]-1969. Other editions available: Cachet postal. [Ottawa : Ministère des postes]. v.1, #1-5 (Aug-Dec 1939) - v.23, #3 (Mar 1969);
Postmasters Advocate [Alexandria, Va., etc. : National League of Postmasters], 19-- v.73, #1 (Jul 1967);
Postmasters Gazette [Alexandria, VA, etc.] National Association of Postmasters of the United States. v.37, #7 (Jul 1959); v.45, #7 (Jul 1967).
Postrundschau Austria, 1975-1979 In German language. #5 (May 1975); #11 (Nov 1976); #7, 9, 11, 12 (Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1977); #1, 4, 6, 8, 12 (Jan, Apr, Jun, Aug, Dec 1978); #6, 9, 10, 12 (Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1979).
Postryttaren : Postmusei Arsbok Stockholm, Sweden : Postmuseum v.26 (1976) - v.31 (1981); v.35 (1985); v.39 (1989) - v.40 (1990); v.43 (1993);
Postscript [Wynantskill, NY : a Gatherin' c1977] Continued by: P.S. (Wynantskill, N.Y.), with #3 (Aug 1977). #1 & 2 (Feb & May 1977).
Postscript to the Postal Historian : A Newsletter of the Society of Postal Historians Teddington, Middlesex, England : Society of Postal Historians, 1951- v.1, #1 (Apr 1951) - v.45, #4 (Nov 1995); v.48, #1 (Apr 1998); v.49, #1 (Apr 1999); v.50, #1 (Mar 2000) -
Postzegel revue Belgique, 1977- Jun 1977; #8 (Aug 1982); #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1986);
Potinière philatélique Paris, France, 1929-1932 oct 1929 - déc 1930; fév-déc 1931; jan-fév, mars/avr, août/sept 1932.
Prairie Postmark Press Viscount, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, 1974-1978 v.3, #2-10, 12 (Feb-Oct, Dec 1974) - v.6, #6 (Jun 1977); #9-12 (Sept-Dec 1977); v.7, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1978).
Pratique. Newsletter London, Great Britain : Disinfected Mail Study Circle, 1974- v.1, #1 (Aug 1974) - v.8, #1/2 (June 1982); v.12, #1/2, 3 (Jun, Sept 1986); v.13, #1/2 (June 1987) - v.18, #1/2 (Nov 1993); v.20, #1, 2, 3/4 (Apr, Jul, Dec 1995).
Precancel Bee Omaha, NE. Continued by: New precancel bee, with v.5, #3 (Mar 1931). v.2, #1-8 (Jan-Dec 1928); v.3, #1-4, 7-12 (Jan-Apr, Jul-Dec 1929); v.4, #4, 6, 9, 10 (Apr, Jun, Sept, Oct 1930); v.5, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1931).
Precancel Forum Wichita, Kansas : Precancel Stamp Society Inc., 1940-1985 Includes "The Precancel Optimist" from v.22. v.1, #1 (Jan 1940) - v.38, #12 (Dec 1977); Bound v.39, #5 (May 1978); v.40, #2-11 (Feb-Nov 1979); v.41, #2 (Feb 1980) - v.45, #1 (Jan 1984); #8 (Aug 1984) - v.46, #8 whole no.548 (Aug 1985).
Precancel Hornet Lebanon, Indiana : Earle F. Gillette, 1935-1936. After Feb. 1936 see 'Midwest Precancel News'. v.3, #4 (Dec 1935); #5, 6 (Jan, Feb 1936).
Precancel Optimist Chicago, Illinois : Precancel Stamp Society Inc., 1936-1949. Combined in 1941 with "Precancel Bee" #5100 from #146 Combined with "The Precancel Forum" in 1949. v.3, #1/2, 3/4, 7/8-11/12 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug-Nov/Dec 1936); v.4, #1 (Jun 1937) - v.5, #5/6 (Nov/Dec 1938); v.6, #1/2-9/10 (Jan/Feb-Nov/Dec 1939); v.7, #1/2, 3/4, 4/5 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Aug 1940); n.s. v.14, #6 whole #146 (Feb 1941) - v.20, #4 whole #216 (Dec 1946); #6 whole #218 (Feb 1947) - v.22, #12 whole #247 (Nov/Dec 1949).
Precancel Post Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States : Carl H. Green, 1978 v.9, #1, 2, 3 whole #33-35 (Jan, Apr, Jul/Aug 1978).
Precancels : Newsletter of the Precancel Stamp Society - Great Britain Great Britain : Precancel Stamp Society of Great Britain, 1954 - v.1, #1 (Oct 1954) - v.2, #7 (Apr 1956); #9 (June 1956) - v.12, #1 (Oct 1966); #5-6, 8-9 (Jun/Jul, Aug/Sept, Dec 1967/Jan 1968, Feb/Mar 1968); v.13, #1 (Mar 1969); v.16, #8 (Apr 1972) - v.29, #5 (Aug 1985); v.30, #1 (Dec 1985); #3 (Apr 1986) -
Precancels/Canada : The Official Newsletter of the Canada Precancel Study Group [s.l.] : BNAPS Precancel Study Group Special ed. -
Priced Catalogue of Postal Stationery of the World Pasadena, California : Higgins and Gage, 1964-1974 Section 1, 2 (1964); #3-6 (1966); #7-9 (1967); #10-12 (1968); #13-14 (1969); #15 (1970); #16 (1971);
Prifix Luxembourg: Banque du Timbre. 1984 - 1989; 2000;
Prince Edward Island Philatelist Charlottetown, P.E.I. : P.E.I. Philatelist, [1888]. v.1, #1 (Apr 1888).
Private Post London, England : Cinderella Stamp Club, 1977-1984. "Publication of the Cinderella Stamp Club for the British Private Post Study Group of the Club." N.S. #1 (Jan-Dec 1977) - #7 (Jan-Dec 1984);
Proof Strikes of Canada Kelowna, BC : Robert A. Lee Philatelist Ltd. v.1 - v.38
Province philatélique Paris, France, 1930-1935. Après no 26 voir "Bulletin philatélique Bourcevet". v.1, #1 (nov 1930) - v.3, #24 (juin 1934); #26 (mars 1935).
PS : A Quarterly Journal of Postal History Wynantskill, NY, United States, 1977-1993. Après no 26 voir "Bulletin philatélique Bourcevet". #3 (Aug 1977) - #7 (Feb 1979); v.8, #1-4 (Jan-Oct 1986) - v.13, #2-4 (1991); v.14, #2/3/4 (1992) - v.15, #4 (1993?). Complete set: #1 (1977) - #60 (1993).
PTT (Suisse) Bern, Suisse : Entreprise des PTT. v.14, #4 (avr 1963); v.20, #1, 2, 5, 11, 12 (jan, fév, mai, nov, déc 1969); v.21, #3-6 (mars-juin 1970); v.22, #6, 8 (juin, août 1971); v.25, #2, 5-8, 10 (fév, mai-août, oct 1974); v.28, #7, 9, 10 (juil, sept, oct 1977); v.29, #1-3, 10-11/12 (jan-mars, oct-nov/déc 1978);
PTT (Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia : Jugoslovenskih Posta, Telegrafa I Telefona. v.3, #6 (Nov-Dec 1961); v.5, #1 (Jan-Feb 1963); #20 (Jan 1976/77) - #24 (Jul 1986); #26 (Jul 1989);
Quaker City Philatelist Philadelphia, Pa. : Quaker City Philatelic Society, 1886-1894. v.1, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1886) - v.9, #6 (Jun 1894). Bound Bound with vol.1
Quarterly Journal of Royal Sydney Philatelic Club Sydney, Australia : The Sydney Philatelic Club. v.2, #2-4 (Jun, Sept, Dec 1973); v.3, #1, 2 (Mar, Jun 1974);
Queen City Auctions Limited. Public Auction Toronto: Queen City Auctions Ltd. Nov 1977; Apr, June, Nov 1978; #3 (Sept 1979); #5-8 (Feb, June, Sept, Nov 1980); #10 (June 1981); #14-16 (Apr, June, Oct 1982); #25 (June 1985); #56 (Feb 1995); #58 (Dec 1995) - #63 (Aug 1997);
Qui Federazione Crema, Italy : Socita Filateliche Italiane, 1982- #5 (May 1982); #7, 8 (Jul, Sept 1983); #12, 13 (Jul, Oct 1984); #16, 17, 19 (May, Jul, Nov-Dec 1985); #20, 21 (Mar, May 1986); #27 (Nov-Dec 1987); #28, 31 (Jan-Feb, Oct 1988); #33, 34 (Aug, Dec 1989);
R. Maresch & Son. Auction Sale [Catalogue] Toronto : R. Maresch & Son #26/27 (Oct 1963) -
R.P. Stamps of Canada and BNA Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : R.P. Stamps (R. Poulin). v.1, #1 (Mar 1984)???
R.P.S.C. Chapter News Letter Canada : The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, 1964 v.1, #1 (Apr 1964);
Ra Stamp Club News Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Recreational Association Stamp Club, 1954- v.1, #1, 2/3 (Nov, Dec 1954); v.2, #1-3 (Jan, Mar, Oct 1955); v.3, #1 (Jan 1956).
Raconteur London : Robson Lowe Ltd. v.1, #2 (1934).
Raconteur and Philatelist London : Halcyon Book Co. Continues: Raconteur, with v.2, #1 (Oct 1935). Continued by: Philatelist and Raconteur, with v.3, #1 (Oct 1936). v.2, #1 (Oct 1935) - v.2, #12 (Sept 1936). Bound
Raflet Stamp Club. Bulletin Alford, UK : Raflet Stamp Club, 1990 Mar 1990;
Railway Mail Clerk = Le Commis ambulant Ottawa, Canada : Dominion Railway Mail Clerk's Federation. v.16, #5-7 (May, Jun-Jul, Aug 1944) - v.37 (Sept 1958);
Railway Philatelic Group Newsletter Scotland. Mar 1975;
Railway Philately Nottingham, England : The Railway Philatelic Group, 1966-1982 v.1, #1, 2 (Oct, Dec 1966); #3, 4 (Mar, Jun 1967); v, 2, #1 (Dec 1967) - v.17, #1 whole #64 (Dec 1982).
Ranger Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Worldwide Philatelic Club. v.4, #16 (Apr-Jun 1934);
RCI - Coin des timbres = RCI Stamp Corner Montréal, Québec, Canada : Radio Canada Internationl, 1978. For English version see "RCI Stamp Corner". #363-369 (mars-juil 1978); #370, 372 (sept, oct 1978);
RCI Stamp Corner Montréal, Québec, Canada : Radio Canada Internationl, 1972- For Franch version see "RCI-Coin des timbres". #247 (Jan 1972); #286-293, 298 (Jul-Oct, Dec 1973); #299/300 (Jan 1974); #337, 338/339 (Jul, Aug 1975); #341 (Mar 1976); #348 (Feb 1977); #350-360 (Mar-Dec 1977); #361, 362 (Jan, Feb 1978); In French version #363-370, 372 (Mar-Sep, Oct 1978);
Record of Philately Harpenden, England : E.F. Hurt, 1935. v.1, #1-3 (Mar-May 1935).
Redfield's Stamp Weekly Smethport, Pa. : Redfield Pub. Co., 1909- v.4, #18 whole #96 (Apr 1909); v.6, #20, 23-24 (Apr, May 1910); #25-26 (Jun 1910); v.7, #1-26 (Jun-Dec 1910); v.8, #1-3 (Dec 1910);
Redfield's Weekly Philatelic Post Smethport, Pa. : Nunundah Stamp & Pub. Co., 1900-1901. v.2, #5-12 (Nov-Dec 1900); #13-20 (Jan-Feb 1901).
References Paris, France : Ministère des PTT. #8 (déc 1984);
Reflections of a Bygone Age Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, England : Brain & Mary Lund, 1979-1980. Continued by: Picture Postcard Monthly, with #15/1980 #5, 8 (Apr-May, Oct-Nov 1979); #9 (Dec 1979-Jan 1980); #10-12 (Feb-Apr 1980).
Reflets de la philatélie au Québec Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1976-1977. v.1, #1-4 (mars-Juin 1976); v.2, #1 (fév 1977).
Registry : Newsletter of the BNAPS Registration Study Group Ottawa : David Handelman #1 (1999)-
Relais : Revue des Amis du Musée de la poste Paris, France : Société des Amis du Musée de la Poste, 1983- Supersedes: Société de la musée de la poste. Bulletin (Mar 1983). #1 (mars 1983) - #30 (juin 1990); #32 (déc 1990) - #60 (déc 1997); #62 (juin 1998) - #67 (sept 1999); #69-72 (2000);
Renseignements postaux / Ministère des postes Ottawa, Ontario : Le Ministère, 1924-[1961?] 1924 - [?]; 1929; 1930.
Reply Coupon Collector Somers, WI : Society of Reply Coupon Collectors. v.6, #4 (April 1960); v.18, #1-6 (Jan-June 1972); v.20, #5-8 (May-Aug 1974); v.23, #1-3 (Jan-Mar 1978); v.28, #1-3 (Jan-Mar 1983); v.30, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1985); v.31, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1985); v.32, #1-6, 7-12 (Jan-Jun, July-Dec 1986); v.36.#3 (Jul-Dec 1990); v.37, #1 (Jan-Jun 1991) - v.39, #2 ((Jul-Dec 1993);
Revealer : Quarterly Journal of the Eire Philatelic Association Universal City, TX : Eire Philatelic Association v.27, #1 (July 1977) - v.28, #3 (Jan 1979); v.37, #1 (July 1987) - v.40, #2 (Fall 1990); v.40, #4 (Spring 1991) -
Review of ... National Postal Museum (Great Britain) London : National Postal Museum. Continued by: National Postal Museum (Great Britain). Review of � 1992; 1994 -
Revista del Centro Filatelico del Paraguay Asuncion, Paraguay, 1979- v.23, #31/32 (May 1979)
Revista del Club Filatelico de Caracas Caracas, Venezuela. #69/70 (Sept 1976); #78 (Jul 1979); #80 (Mar 1981)
Revista Filatelica Paraguaya Paraguaya. #5 (Sept 1951)
Revista FMF Mexico : Federacion Mexicana de Filatelia. v.6, #1 (Feb 1977).
Revista Postal México, D.F. : Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Obras Publicas. "Organo informativo del Servicio Postal Mexicano." In Spanish v.29, #216 (Mar 1971)
Revue de l'échangiste carto-philatéliste Paris, France, 1971- #1, 4 (jan, oct 1971);
Revue des postes belges [Bruxelles : Administration centrale des postes]. v.32, #1 (jan 1973); v.33, #10 (déc 1974); v.34, #3, 4 (avr, mai 1975); v.35, #1, 10 (jan, déc 1976); v.36, #2 (mars 1977); v.37, #2 (mars 1978); v.38, #3 (avr 1979); v.39, #2, 4, 5 (jan, juin, juil 1980);
Revue des PTTde France Paris, France : Ministère des postes et télécommunications. v.29, #3 (nov 1974); v.33, #3, 5, 6 (mai, sept, nov 1978); v.34, #2 (mars 1979);
Revue du timbre : Journal philatélique mensuel Belgique : Phila Club. v.27, #3 whole #286 (nov 1977); #5-10 (jan-juin 1978); v.28, #3 (oct 1978); #5-7, 10, 11 (jan-mars, juin, juil 1979); v.29, #1 (sept 1979) - v.32, #2 (oct 1982); #4 (déc 1982) - v.33, #2 whole #351 (oct 1983); v.36, #5, 8 whole #387, 390 (jan, avr 1987);
Revue philatélique Paris, France : Société Philatélique Francaise et Société Francaise de Timbrologie, 1890-1908 v.1, #1 (avr 1890) - v.12, #130 (déc 1901); v.16, #164-174 (jan-déc 1905); v.18, #186-190 (jan-Juin 1907); #192 (sept 1907) - v.19, #205 (déc 1908).
Revue postale. (Belgique) Belgium = Belgique : Académie de Philatélie de Belgique, 1960-1982 Continued by Belgica with # 113. N.S. #36 (Mar-Apr 1960) - #81 (Jan-Feb 1971); #83 (Dec 1971) - #112 (Aug-Sept 1982).
Revue postale. (Ottawa) Ottawa, Ontario : Ministère des postes, 1946-1947 Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Postal Review. v.1, #2-5 (31 août-15 oct 1946); #8-9 (30 nov-15 déc 1946); v.2, #3 (28 fév 1947); #6-7 (31 mars-15 avril 1947).
Rhodesian Study Circle. Journal Great Britain : Rhodesian Study Circle. v.14, #3 whole #54 (Dec 1964); v.19, #4 whole #68 (Dec 1969); v.20, #3, 4 (Sep, Dec 1970); v.21, #1, 3, 4 (Mar, Sept, Dec 1971) - v.26, #4 (Dec 1976); v.27, #4 (Dec 1977) - v.30, #1 (Mar 1980); v.30, #3, 4 (Sep, Dec 1980) - v.34, #4 whole #128 (Dec 1984);
Rivista dei Francobolli Sassone, Italy. #17 (Dec 1971) - #32 (Apr 1973); #34, 35, 38, 39 (Jun, Jul, Nov.Dec 1973); #41, 42, 44 (Feb, Mar, May 1974);
Rivista Filatelica d'Italia Italy, Rome. #6/7 (Jun-Jul 1933);
Robert A. Lee. Public Auction [Catalogue] Kelowna, BC : Robert A. Lee Philatelist Ltd. Continues: Jim Miller Ltd., with #5 (Oct 1978) #5 (Oct 1978) - #82 (Sept 1996); #89 (June 1998); #94 (May 1999) -
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. [Auction Catalogue] New York : Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. [#217 (1959) - #719 (1989)] incomplete holdings; #720, 721 (1990); #731 (1990) - #735 (Mar 1991); #737-739 (Apr, June, Sept 1991); #741, 744 (Jan, Oct 1992); #749 (Mar 1993); #756 (Nov. 21-22, 1993); #759 (Apr 1994) -
Roland Stamp Journal Roland, Manitoba, Canada : Buffy's Mailing Service. v.2, #9, 10 (Mar, Apr 1934); v.4, #6 (Feb 1936);
Romanian Philatelic Studies Jamaica Estates, N.Y. : Romanian Philatelic Club, 1977-1985 v.1, #1-3 (Jan, Apr, Jul 1977); v.2, #1 (Jan 1978) - v.9, #3 (Jul 1985);
Ron Leith Auctions. Public Auction Abbotsford, BC : Ron Leith Auctions #1 (Feb 18, 1989); #5 (June 3, 1990); #8 (June 9, 1991) -
Round Up Annex : Squared Circle Study Group Newsletter Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : The Squared Circles Study Group, 1976- v.1, #1 (Oct 1976) - v.7, #4 whole #38 (Nov 1984); v.8, #2, 3 (Apr, Aug 1985); v.18, #2/74 (Nov 1996) -
Rural Mail Delivery Service In Canada, as Approved By the Postmaster General. [Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 19--?-] Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages (1968?-). 1908, 1914, 1919, 1927, 1947, 1954, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1975, 1977.
Russian Zone Handoverprint Study and Research Group. Bulletin New York, United States. #21, 24, 25 (Jan, Aug, Sept 1960) - #41 (Apr 1963); #49-58 (Apr 1965-Nov 1966); #60, 61 (Mar, May 1967);
SA Philatelist = South African Philatelist Johannesburg, South Africa : Philatelic Federation of Southern Africa, 1910- Bilingual. Continued by / or as "South African Philatelist". v.3, #7, 11 (Aug, Dec 1925); v.4, #1 (Feb 1926); v.27, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1951) - v.32, #3 (Mar 1956); #5-10 (May-Oct 1956); v.27-30 bound. v.52, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1976) - v.55, #7, whole #651 (Jul 1979); v.62, #10 (Oct 1986);
Sakura Catalog of Japanese Stamps. Tokyo : Japan Philatelic Society. 1986 -
Sammler Express Berlin : Transpress Verlagspostamt. Numbering schedule changed in 1991 - now numbering restarts each year. v.23, #21, 24 (Nov, Dec 1969); v.24, #1-3, 9-15, 18, 19, 21, 23 (1970); v.25, #1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24 (1971); v.26, #3-8, 10-14, 19, 20 (Feb-Jul, Oct 1972); v.27, #6, 8, 21 (Mar, Apr, Nov 1973); v.28, #19 (Oct 1974); v.29, #18, 23, 24 (Sept, Dec 1975); v.30, #1, 9, 19, 23 (Jan, May, Oct, Dec 1976); v.31, #1-3, 5-24 (Jan-Feb, Mar-Dec 1977); v.32, #1 (Jan 1978) - v.34, #10 (May 1980); #13/14 (July 1980) - v.43, #24 (Dec 1989); v.44, #3-6 (Feb-Mar 1990); #10, 12 (May, Jun 1991); #17 (Sept 1992);
Sammler-Dienst : Fachblatt für die Gesamte Philatelie Coburg ; Bayern : [s.n. c.19--?-19--?] Numbering changes often. #24 (Nov 1964); #2/3, 9, 19/20, 21 (Jan, Apr, Sept, Oct 1965); #15 (Jul 1967); v.20, #23/24 (Nov 1969); v.21, #2-5, 7, 9-11, 13-26 (Jan 15-Mar, Apr, May, Jun-Dec 1970); v.22, #1-4, 6-10, 16, 18-20, 22-26 (Jan-May, Aug-Dec 1971); v.23, #1-5, 7 (Jan-Mar, Apr 1972) - v.29, #9 (Apr 1978); v.29, #11 (May 1978) - v.32, #16 (Aug 1981); v.32, #18 (Sept 1981) - v.36, #12 (Jun 1985).
Sammler-Lupe Dusseldorf, Germany, 1970-1972 Issues: First and third week of the month. v.25, #1-2 (Jan-Apr 1970); #1-2 (Jul-Dec 1970); v.26, #1-2 (Jan-May 1971); #1-2 (Jul-Dec 1971); v.27, #1-2 (Jan-Nov 1972);
San Marino Philatelist San Marino, Italy. #9 (Sept 1892);
Sanabria's Airpost Catalogue New York, United States : Nicolas Sanabria Co., 1950- 1950-1960
Sanabria's Airpost News New York : Nicolas Sanabria, Inc. v.15, #1 (Jun 1950); #2/3 (May 1951);
Sanders' Philatelic Journal Southampton, England : J. Sanders, 1955-1964 v.1, #1 (Mar 1955) - #12 (Feb 1956); Index - vol.1 v.9, #10 (Dec 1963); #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1964); v.10, #1, 2, 4-7 (Mar, Apr, Jun-Sept 1964);
Santo Domingo Filatelico y Numismatico Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, 1970-1971 v.1, #1, 5 (Jan, May 1970); v.2, #8/9 (Jan/Feb 1971);
Sarawak Journal : Organ of the Sarawak Specialists Society Lancing, UK ; London : "The Sarawak Specialists' Society, ". v.31, #1 whole #121 (Autumn 1977); v.43, #1 whole #169 (Autumn 1989) - #4 whole #172 (Summer 1990);
Saskatoon Philatelic Society Bulletin Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada : Saskatoon Philatelic Society, 1934- v.1, #1 (Dec 1934); #3-6, 8-12 (Feb-May, Jul-Nov 1935); v.2, #1 (Dec 1935); #2 (Jan 1936);
Saskatoon Stamp Club Newsletter Saskatoon, SK : Saskatoon Stamp Club Aug 2001 -
Saviez-Vous. Journal philatélique Ancienne Lorette, Québec, Canada : Club Philatélique Laurentien, 1974- v.1, #1, 3 (avr, août 1974); #6-11 (jan-juin 1975);
Sbornik Postovniho Muzea Praha, Prague : Postovni Muzeum Praha, 1978- Summaries in French, German, and Russian. 1980-1987; 1989/90; 1991;
SBZ : Schweizer Briefmarken Zietung = Journal philatélique suisse Zurich : Verband Schweizerischer. Volume inside back cover. v.82?, #5 (May 1969); v.87, #5 (May 1974?); v.88, #2, 6/7, 9, 10 (Feb, Jun/Jul, Sep, Oct 1975); v.90, #9-11 (Sept-Nov 1977); v.91, #3, 5-12 (Mar, May-Dec 1978); v.92, #3-8, 11-12 (Mar-Aug, Nov/Dec, 1979) - v.101, #6 (June 1989); #8 (Aug 1989) - v.102, #1-4, 6/7 (Jan 1990-June/July 1990)-
Scalpel and Tongs. American Journal of Medical Philately St. Petersburg, Fla. : ata Medical Subject Unit, (1957?)- v.22 (Jan/Feb 1978) - v.25 (May 1981); Jul-Sept 1981; Nov 1981 - v.26 (Dec 1982); (Jan-Mar, Jun 1983);
Scandinavian Contact Great Britain : Scandinavian Philatelic Society. v.10, #3 whole #109 (Jun 1980) - v.13, #3 whole #139 (Dec 1987);
Scandinavian Scribe Washington, D.C., United States : Scandinavian Collectors Club, 1965-1975 Official Publication of North Jersey Scandinavian Collectors Club v.1, #8-14 (Jul-Dec 1965); v.2, #1-13 (Jan-Dec 1966); v.3, #1-11 (Jan-Dec 1967); v.4, #1-14 (Jan-Dec 1968); v.5, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1969); v.6, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1970); v.7, #1-7, 8-10 (Jan-Jul, Sep, Oct/Nov, Dec 1971); v.8, #1-6, 7 (Jan-Jun, Sep 1972); v.9, #1-7 (Jan-Jul/Aug 1973); v.10, #1-6 (Jan-Jun 1974); v.11, #12 whole #123 (Dec 1975);
Schriftenreihe Neues Handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde Frankfurt am Main, 1960- #1-51 (1960-1980).
Scotian (Halifax) Halifax, Canada : Nova Scotia Postal District, [197--1982] v.4 (Feb 1973); v.5 (Jun/Jul, Oct-Nov/Dec 1973); v.6 (Dec 1974); N.S. #18-20 (May, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1977); (Jan 1978); v.1, #1, 2 (Jun/Jul, Sep/Oct 1978); v.5, #3 (Aug 1982);
Scott ... "By Topic" Stamp Annual : Topical Index of Worldwide Stamps Sidney, OH : Scott Publishing Co. 1990; 1991
Scott Catalogue spécialisé des timbres canadiens Unitrade Suivi de: Unitrade catalogue specialisé des timbres canadiens. 1987; 1989
Scott Chronicle of New Issues New York, N.Y. : Scott Publishing Co., c1982- Continues in part: Scott's monthly stamp journal (1975)#4589 Scott stamp monthly 0737-0741, #1842 v.1, #1 (Nov 1982) - #12 (Oct 1983).
Scott Monthly Journal. Scott Stamp and Coin Company New York, N.Y. : Scott Publishing Co., 1971-1975. Continues: Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal. Continued by: Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal (1975) v.52, #5 (Aug 1971) - v.57, #1 (Dec 1975);
Scott Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps Unitrade Continued by: Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps. Continues: Scott Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps and Covers. 1987-1989; 1991
Scott Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps and Covers Toronto : Unitrade Press Continued by: Scott Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps. 1982-1985; 1987
Scott Specialized Catalogue of U.S. Stamps New York, USA : Scott Publishing Co. 1974; 1979; 1986-1991; 1993
Scott Stamp Market Update New York, United States : Scott Publishing Co., 1978- July 1979 is *Supplement to #1 v.1, #1 (Nov 1978); v.2, #1 (Jul 1979)
Scott Stamp Monthly New York, N.Y., United States : Scott Publishing Co., 1982- Supersedes: Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal with 1982. Previous titles also include: Scott's Monthly Journal. v.1, #1 (Nov 1982) - #6 (Apr 1983); #8 (June 1983) - v.2, #5 (Mar 1984); #7 (May 1984) - v.7, #3 (Jan 1989); bound. v.7, #5 (Mar 1989) - v.8, #3 (Jan 1990) -
Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue New York : Scott Pub. Co. Continues: Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. #1-2 (1986); #1-4 (1987); #1-4 (1988); #1-2 (1989); #1-2 (1991); #1-4 (1992); #1-4 (1993); #1-5 (1994).
Scott's - "For the Record" Omaha, Newbraska, United States : Scott Publishing Co., 1968-1974 Catalogue Jan-Dec 1968 - Jan-Dec 1974.
Scott's Monthly Journal. Scott Stamp and Coin Company New York : Scott Publishing Co., 1920- After v.41, #5 see Scott's M/S/J. Before March 1970 see Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal v.1, #1 (Mar 1920); v.4, #1 whole #37 (Mar 1923); v.7, #10 whole #94 (Dec 1927); v.8, #8, 9 (Oct, Nov 1928); v.9, #11, 12 (Jan, Feb 1929); v.12, #3 whole #135 (May 1931); v.13, #9, 10 whole #153, 154 (Nov, Dec 1932); v.14, #1, 3 whole #157, 159 (Mar, May 1933); v.15, #9, 10 (Nov, Dec 1934); v.16, #4, 8-10 whole #184, 188-190 (Jun, Oct-Dec 1935) - v.31, #8 (Nov/Dec 1950); #10 (Feb 1951) - v.32, #7 (Oct 1951); #9 (Jan 1952) - v.33, #9 (Jan/Feb 1953); v.34, #1 (Mar 1953) - v.35, #8 (Jan/Feb 1955); v.36, #1 (Mar 1955) - v.40, #9 (Dec 1959); v.41, #1-5 whole #465 (Mar-Jul/Aug 1960). v.51, #1 (Mar 1970) - #11 (Feb 1971), bound. v.52, #5 (Aug 1971) - v.57, #1 (Dec 1975), bound.
Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal New York, United States : Scott Publishing Co., 1960-1982. Before v.41, #6 see Scott's Monthly Journal. After v.50, #11 see Scott' Monthly Journal #4588. Note: v.51 called Scott's Monthly Journal Continued by: Scott stamp monthly (1982) #1842. v.41, #6 (Sep 1960) - v.50, #11 (Feb 1970); v.52, #1-4 (Mar-Jun 1971); v.57, #2 (Jan 1976) - v.63, #9 (Sep-Oct 1982), Bound.
Scott's Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps New York, United States : Scott Publications, Inc., 1957? 40th ed., 1962- ??
Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue New York : Scott Pub. Co. Continued by: Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. 1897-1898, 1900-1904; 1906-1912, 1914, 1916-1917, 1919-1920; 1922-1923; 1925-1934; 1936-1942; 1943 (v.1); 1944 (v.1); 1945; 1946 (v.1); 1947-1949; 1950 (v.1); 1951-1972;
Seaposter United States : Maritime Postmark Society. v.10, #1 (Jan 1948); #324 (Nov/Dec 1991) - #329 (Sept/Oct 1992);
Selezione Filatelica Internationale Rome, Italia : Antonio Prudenzano. #2-5 1972;
Semeur (de bonnes annonces philatéliques) France, Paris. #20 (Dec 1922).
Setempe Hatfield, SA : Philatelic Services of the South African Post Office v.1, #3 (Nov/Dec 1996) - v.5, #3 (May 2000).
Shoebox : Newsletter of the Lakeshore Stamp Club Inc. Pointe-Claire, Québec : The Club v.2, #2 (Nov/Dec 1994) - v.2, #4 (Mar/Apr 1995); v.4, #1 (Sept/Oct. 1996) - v.4, #3 (Jan/Feb 1997); v.5, #1 (Fall 1997) -
Signet. Quarterly Journal of the Philatelic Congress of India Hyderabad, Culcutta : Philatelic Congress of India. v.9, #1 (Apr-Jun 1986); v.12, #1 (Apr-Jun 1989).
Sissons B.N.A. News Toronto, Ontario, Canada : J.N. Sissons, 1947-1949 v.1, #1 (Dec 1947); #2, 3 (Mar, Aug 1948); v.2, #1, 2 (Jan, Sept 1949);
Sissons Stamp Auction Toronto : J.N.Sissons Inc. Feb, May, Oct-Dec 1948; Apr, Nov 1949; Mar, Apr, Sept, Nov 1950; Feb, Apr, June, Sept-Dec 1951; Jan-Apr 1952; #75-76 (May 1952) - #589 (Mar 1998); #591, 592 (July/Aug 1998);
Sixth Sense Axbridge, Somerset, England : Murray Payne Ltd. #31-36 (2001).
Slogan Box : Newsletter of the British North America Slogan Cancel Study Group British North America Slogan Cancel Study Group v.9, #1 (May 1996) -
Small Queen Newsletter of the Canadian Small Queen Study Group (BNAPS) Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : Don Fraser, 1976-1986. Many issues photocopied back-to-back. v.1, #1 (Feb 1976) - v.11, #3 (Nov 1986).
Small Queens Study Circle Newsletter Clarkston, Glasgow : Canadian Philatellic Society of Great Britain, Small Queens Study Circle #1 (March 1984) - #11 (Oct 1989).
Société des amis du Musée de la poste. Bulletin Paris, France : Société des amis du musée de la poste, 1963-1982 À partir de mars 1983 voir 'Relais' #1 (mars 1963) - #62 (juin 1979); #65-69 (mars 1981-sept 1982). Relié.
Société d'histoire postale du Québec. SHPQ bulletin Montréal : Société d'histoire postale du Québec Continué par Bulletin d'histoire postale et de marcophilie, avec le no 42 (janvier 1992) v.1, #1 (sept 1980) - #36 (juil 1990); #38 (jan 1991) - #41 (oct 1991); c.2, v. 2, #3 Index: #1 (1980) - #49 (1993).
Société philatélique de Québec. Bulletin de la Société philatélique de Québec [Québec] : Société philatélique de Québec, 1974-1980 Après mars 1980 voir Sous le signe de la marque Bishop. v.11, #17, 18 (mai 1974); août (1974); v.12, #6 (déc 1974) - #16 (mai 1975); v.13, #1 (sept 1975) - v.14, #17 (juil 1977); v.15, #1 (sept 1977) - v.16, #9 (juin 1979); v.17, #1-4 (sept-déc 1979); #5-7 (jan-mars 1980).
Société philatélique francaise d'Amérique / Bulletin Montréal, Canada : Université de Montréal, 1949- #2 (juil 1949); #4 (juin 1950);
Society of Philatelic Americans Journal = S.P.A. Journal Parma Heights, Ohio [etc.], USA : Society of Philatelic Americans [etc.], 1939-1983 Includes: Membership Directory 1948-1972. v.4, #1/2, 3 (Oct, Nov 1941); #5, 6 (Jan, Feb 1942); v.5, #1, 3, 4 (Sep, Nov, Dec 1942); v.6, #2, 3 (Oct, Nov 1943); #8-10 (Apr-Jun 1944); v.7, #4 (Dec 1944); #6 (Feb 1945); v.8, #2 (Oct 1945); v.9, #1 (Sep 1946); #5, 7, 8, 10-12 (Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun-Aug 1947); v.10, #1 (Sep 1947) - v.11, #1 (Sep, 1948); #3 (Nov 1948) - v.24, #4 (Dec 1961); #6, 7, 9, 11 (Feb, Mar, May, Jul 1962); v.25, #5 (Jan 1963) - v.29, #5 (Jan 1967); #7 (Mar 1967) - v.35, #10 (Jun 1973); #12 (Aug 1973) - v.46, #4 (Dec 1983).
SOS Signal. Bulletin of the Stamps On Stamps - Centenary Unit Los Angeles, CA : American Topical Association. v.18, #5 (Sept-Dec 1977);
Sotheby's (New York) Auction Catalogs Title varies? 1977-1995
Sotheby's and Corinphila in Association [Auction Catalogues] Hong Kong : Sotheby's and Corinphila in association Oct 1997;
Sotheby's Hong Kong. Auction Catalogues Hong Kong : Sotheby's Hong Kong Ltd. May 4, 1995;
Sous le signe de la marque Bishop Québec, Canada : Société Philatélique de Québec, 1980- Avant avril 1980 voir Société Philatélique de Québec. Bulletin. Absorbé par: Philatélie au Québec. v.17, #8-10 (avr-juin); v.18, #1 (sept 1980) - #10 (juin 1981); v.19, #1 (sept 1981) - #10 (juin 1982); v.20, #1 (sept 1982).
South Atlantic Chronicle St.Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Philatelic Society. Continues: St. Helena and Dependencies Philatelic Society newsletter. v.10, #3 whole #39 (Jul 1986) - v.13, #4 (1989); v.15, #2 (Apr 1991) -
Southern Philatelist Charleston, S.C. : Southern Stamp & Publishing Co. v.2, #11 (Aug 1891) - v.3, #15 (Dec 1892); v.4, #1-9 (Jan-Sept 1893).
Souvenir Collection of the Postage Stamps of Canada / Canada Post Corp. = Collection-souvenir des timbres-poste du Canada / Société canadienne des postes Ottawa : Canada Post Corp. Continued by = Continué par: Collection of the postage stamps of Canada = Collection des timbres-poste du Canada, 1993. 1974 - 1992.
Spain Great Britain : Spanish Philatelic Society. v.8, #1 (Jan 1975);
Spanish-American Philatelist = El Filatelista Hispano-Americano New York, N.Y. : S. Serebrakian Inc., 1979-1980 v.1, #5 (Feb-Mar 1979); v.2, #2 (Aug-Sept 1979); v.3, #2 (Aug-Sept 1980);
Spec Sheet / Bulletin of the Building Series Study & Research Group Germnay Philatelic Society. Continues: Building Series Study and Research Group. #5 (Mar 1964); #14 (Jul 1966);
Spink (Stamps) - Auction Catalogue New York : Christies Group Continues: Christies Robson Lowe (all locations?) Mar 26, 1997 -
Springbok Great Britain : South African Collectors' Soc., 1953- v.1, #1 (Jan 1953) - v.23, #6 (Nov 1975); v.24, #5 (Sept 1976); v.25, #2, 5, 6 (Mar, Sept, Nov 1977) - v.35, #2 (Mar/Apr 1987); #4 (July/Aug 1987) - v.37, #3 (May/Jun 1989); #5 (Sept/Oct 1989) - v.40, #1 (Jan/Feb 1992);
Springfield Philatelist Springfield, Illinois : J.W. Schmitt & Hamilton's Booth. v.2, #11 whole no. 16 (Nov 1895).
St. Helena and Dependencies Philatelic Society Newsletter Columbus, Ohio, USA : The Society, 1978-1986. Continued by: South Atlantic Chronicle. (v.10, #3, 1986) v.2, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1978) - v.10 #2 (Apr 1986).
St. Martin's-Le-Grand: The Post Office Magazine London, England : W.P. Griffith, 1894- Continues: Blackfriars Magazine. Continued by: Post Office Magazine v.4 (Jan-Dec 1894). Bound
Stamp & Coin Collector United State : Herbert Rosen, 1965-1966 Before v.2, #8-9 see Philately and Numismatics. v.2, #8-12 (Aug-Dec 1965); includes a 33 1/3 RPM record for #11. v.3, #2, 3 (Feb, Mar 1966).
Stamp = Rpammatoehmo. Bimonthly Philatelic Magazine Athens, Greece : Philatelic Society of Athens. #8 (Nov 1983); #18, 19 (May-Jun, Jul-Sept 1985);
Stamp Advocate Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1875 v.1, #2 (Mar 1875)
Stamp and Cover Collecting Richmond, Va., United States : The Dietz Press, 1933-1936. Continued from: The New Sothern Philatelist. v.1, #1 (Nov 1933) - v.3, #12 (Oct 1936).
Stamp Argus St. John, New Brunswick : R.J. Melvin, 1865. Ceased after 5 issues. v.1, #1 (Jul 1865).
Stamp Auction News Tucson, Arizona : Stamp Auction News. v.4, #10 (Dec 1983); v.5, #1, 3 (Jan, Mar 1984) - #11 (Nov 1984).
Stamp Auction Reports U.S.A, 1983-1985 v.3, #6 (Nov 1983); v.4, #2-4 (Apr, Jul, Oct 1984); v.5, #1 (Jan 1985).
Stamp Bulletin (Australia) Melbourne, Australia : Australian Stamp Bulletin. Continues: Australian Stamp Bulletin, with 181? (Nov 1985) which continues: Philatelic bulletin (Australia). #181 (Nov 1985) - #206 (Aug/Sept 1990); #208-212 (Jan/Feb-Nov/Dec 1991); #213, 214 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1992); #215 (June-July 1992);
Stamp Club Tokyo, Japan : Japan Philatelic Publications. In Japanese v.52, #1-12 (Jan-Dec 1977);
Stamp Collecting London, England : Stamp Collecting Ltd., 1913-1984 Publisher varies. Relationships: Stamp Review. London and World of stamps. v.21 (Oct 1923) - v.28 (Apr-Sept 1927); v.30 (Apr 1928) - v.34 (Apr 1930); v.39, #12 (Dec 1932) - v.68, #10 (May 1947); v.69-71, #1 (Mar 1948) - v.93, #9 (Nov 1959); v.98, #13, 22 (Jun, Aug 1962); v.99, #14 (Dec 1962); v.101, #3 (Sep 1963); v.103, #7 (Oct 1964); v.106, #12 (May 1966); v.107, #26 (Feb 1967); v.109, #3-26 (Sept 1967-Feb 1968) - v.149, #12 (Jun 1984). (some issues are missing).
Stamp Collecting [Microfilm] Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. : University Microfilms International, 1975-1984. Ceased publication June 1984. v.124/125 (Feb 1975) - v.131/132 (May 1975); v.136/137, 138/139 (1975); v.147 (Mar 1984);
Stamp Collector Albany, Oregon, USA : Van Dahl Publications, 1976- Continues: Western stamp collector #5300 Sept 25 (1976); Feb 5-May 28 (1977); Sept 1 (1979); Sept 17, (1981); Jan 3-May 2 (1983); May 16 (1983) - Dec 31 (1984); Jan 7 (1984); Jan 21, (1985) - Apr 18 (1987); May 2 (1987) - Apr 18, 1992; May 2, 1992 -
Stamp Collector [Microfilm] Albany, Oregon, USA : University of Oregon. Before 1980 see Western Stamp Collector (Microfilm). Reel, #43 (Feb 1981) - (Mar 6, 1993), (6 reels).
Stamp Collectors' Annual Great Britain : Harris Publications, 1933- 1933-1939; 1947, 1950-1954; 1956-1961; 1963, 1965; (no ed., year only).
Stamp Collectors' Bulletin Great Britain : F. Hugh Vallancey, 1947-1950 Formerly "V.P." Bulletin #1 (Jan 1947) - #13 (Jan-May 1950).
Stamp Collector's Chronicle St. John, New Brunswick : W.H. Bruce, [1872-1873] v.1, #1, 2 (Nov, Dec 1872); n.s. v.1, #2, 3 (Jun, Sept 1873).
Stamp Collectors Companion St. Louis, MO : Stamp Colls Publishing Co., 1891. v.1, #2, 3 (Nov, Dec 1891).
Stamp Collector's Digest Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : L.W. Bentham, 1950. "A monthly magazine devoted to philatelists." v.1, #1 (Feb 1950).
Stamp Collector's Exchange Club Seaforth, Ontario, Canada : The Club, 1950-1957. See The Stamp Collector's Exchange Club Magazine for details. v.15, #3 whole #87 (Nov 1950) - v.22, #2 whole #128 (Sept 1957).
Stamp Collector's Exchange Club Magazine Seaforth, Ontario, Canada : N.C. Carmichael, 1935-1961. *With v.15, #3(87) to v.22, #2(128) it was called 'Stamp Collectors' Exchange Club.' v.1, #1 (Apr 1935) - #6 (Feb 1936); v.2, #1(7) (Apr 1936) - v.24, #2 whole #140 (Sept-Dec 1959); #3 (Jul 1960); #4 whole #142 (Jan 1961).
Stamp Collectors Guide Philatelic Literature Sidcup, Great Britain : Ramsay Stewart, 1946-1950 Formerly "V.P." Bulletin. Publisher: Ramsay Stewart is successor to F. Hugh Vallancey. #1 whole #28 (Jan-Mar 1946) - #14 whole #41 (Jun 1949-May 1950).
Stamp Collectors' Herald Kitchener, Ontario, Canada : Kitchener-Waterloo Philatelic Society, 1953-1954 v.1, #1 (Apr 1953); v.2, #1 (Jan 1954).
Stamp Collectors' Journal London, England : C.H. Nunn, Graves & Co. v.10, #109 (Nov 1887) - v.21, #252 (Oct 1899).
Stamp Collector's Magazine London, England : E. Marlborough & co., 1863-1874. v.1 (Jan-Dec 1863) - v.12 (Jan-Dec 1874). Bound
Stamp Collector's Magazine (New York) Richmond, Virginia, United States : The Philatelic Publishing Co., 1924-1932. v.1, #1, 5, 8 (Apr, Aug, Nov 1924); #10, 11 (Jan, Feb 1925); v.2, #1, 2, 7, 9 (Apr, May, Oct, Dec 1925); #11 (Feb 1926); v.3, #1, 3, 7, 8 whole #32 (Apr, Jun, Oct, Nov 1926); v.4, #2, 5, 7, 9 whole #45 (May, Aug, Oct, Dec 1927); #11, 12 (Feb, Mar 1928); v.5, #1-3, 7 (Apr-Jun, Oct 1928); v.6, #12 whole #72 (Mar 1930) - v.8, #12 whole #95 (Mar 1932).
Stamp Collector's Monthly Gazette St. John, New Brunswick : [G. Stewart, Jr., 1865-1867]. v.1, #1 (Jun 1865) - v.2, #24 (May-Jun 1867). Bound Plus supplement.
Stamp Collector's Record Montréal, Québec, Canada : Samuel Allan Taylor, [1864]. Library has original and reprint #1 (Feb 1864).
Stamp Dealer. The Philatelic Business Magazine San Diego, CA : Hentzell Publications. v.7, #8, 10 whole #77, #79 (Aug, Oct/Nov 1983);
Stamp Digest Culcutta, India : Bibhash Gupta, 1969-1978 v.1, #4 (Oct 1969); v.2, #3, 9 (Mar, Sept 1970); v.3, #4, 7 (Apr, Jul 1971); v.9, #11/12 (Nov/Dec 1977); v.10, #1 (Jan 1978);
Stamp Digest and Philatelic Adviser Vancouver, B.C : Official Organ of the International Philatelic Society, 1947-1949 v.1, #1, 2 (Jun, Jul 1947); #4 (Sept 1947) - #12 (May 1948); v.2, #2-4, 6 (Jul-Sept, Nov 1948); #8-10 (Jan-Mar 1949);
Stamp Exchange Boston, Mass., USA, 1899 v.1, #1 (Apr 1899);
Stamp Fair London, England : Stamp Fair Press, 1949 v.4, #12 whole #48 (Oct 1949);
Stamp Herald Indianapolis, Ind., USA : B.G. Bushnell, 1916-1928. Frequency: Varies Began in Canada with v.7, #6 (1922). v.1, #1 (Apr 1916) - v.7, #5 (Jan 1922).
Stamp Herald. Canada Kitchener, Ontario, Canada : Stamp Herald Co., 1922-1928. Frequency varies. Formerly published at Indianapolis, Ind., USA. Began in Canada with v.7, #6 (1922). v.7, #6 (Feb 1922) - v.11, #2 (Oct 1925); #4/5 (Nov 1925) - v.13, #17 (May 1928).
Stamp Journal United States : The Stamp Journal Publishing Co., 1908-1915. Beginning March - April 1915, combined with 'Collectors Blue Book'. v.1, #1 (Jan 1908) - v.8, #2 whole #86 (Feb 1915). Bound.
Stamp Lore New York, N.Y. : Globus Stamp Co. v.3, #2 (Jun 1937);
Stamp Lore. Berlin Berlin, Ontario, Canada : F.J. Weaver and Co., 1906 v.1, #1-6 (Mar-Aug 1906).
Stamp Lover London, Great Britain : Junior Philatelic Society, 1908 - v.1, #1 (June 1908) - v.56, #6 (June 1964); v.57, #6 (Nov 1965) - v.60, #6 (Nov 1968); v.61, #4 (July 1969) - v.64, #2 (Mar 1972); #4 (July 1972) - v.80, #4 (Aug 1988); #6 (Dec 1988); v.81, #6 (Dec 1989); v.82, #2 (Apr 1990); v.84, #1 (Feb 1992) - v.93, #2 (Apr 2001)-
Stamp Magazine Croydon, Great Britain : The Link House Group, 1934- v.1, #1 (Oct 1934) - v.3, #4 (Dec 1936); #7 (Mar 1937) - v.22, #259 (Aug 1956); v.23, #269 (Jun 1957); v.24, #280, 286 (May, Nov 1958); Oct 1960; v.28, #314 (Mar 1961); Sept 1961; Mar, June 1962; v.29, #337-341 (Mar-July 1963); v.30, #348, 353 (Jan, June 1964); v.31,
Stamp Mail Essex, United Kingdom : British Philatelic Federation, 1988- v.1, #1 (Mar 1988) - v.5, #7 (Sept 1992);
Stamp Memoranda Providence, R.I., USA : A.B. Slater, 1893 This Pamphlet is relating to any and all stamps ever issued in the United States, B.N.A. Provinces & Sandwich Islands. v.1, #1 (Nov 1893).
Stamp Monthly London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 1970-1977. Continues: Gibbons' Stamp Monthly from 1970. Continued by: Gibbons' Stamp Monthly after 1977 as well. v.1, #1 (Jun 1970) - v.7, #12 (May 1977).
Stamp New York New york, N.Y., United States : Grevning & Spooner, 1892-1895. Numbers 1-4 were called 'The New York Stamp' v.1, #1 (Apr 1892) - v.2, #10 whole #22 (Jan 1894); #12 (Mar 1894) - v.4, #6 whole #42 (Sept 1895). Bound.
Stamp News London, England : Theodor Buhl & Co. v.6, #43 (Dec 1889); #45-48 (Feb-May 1890); v.8, #68-75, 77-79 (Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec 1892) - v.9, #89 (Oct 1893); v.10, #92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 102 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Aug, Sep, Nov 1894);
Stamp News & Postal History London, England : Epic Publishing Ltd., 1981- Beginning with v.3, #1 magazine format replaces paper format. Before June 1981 see Philately Great Britain. #1 (Jun 1981); #2, 3, 4 (Jul, Dec 1981); #5-25 (Jan-Dec 1982) - #52 (Jun 1983); v.3, #1-12 (Jun-Dec 1983);
Stamp News (London) London, England, 1938. Only 2 issues. v.1, #1, 2 (Apr, May 1938).
Stamp News Austalasia Dubbo, N.S.W. : Macquarie Publications. Continues : Stamp News. Dubbo, N.S.W., Review Publications Pty, with v.37, #5 (May 1989). Continued by: Stamp News (Dubbo, N.S.W.), with v.39, #5 (May 1991). v.38, #1, 8, 10 (Jan, Aug, Oct 1990)
Stamp News USA Washington, D.C. : U.S. Postal Service. #86, 90, 92-96 (1985); #38, 44, 45 (1987); #33, 50, 52, 53, 80 (1988); #59 (Sept 7, 1989);
Stamp News. (Australia) Dubbo, Australia : Macquarie Print. Publishers varies. Title change from v.38, #1 (Jan 1990) to Stamp News Australasia. v.3, #1, 2, 8-11 (Apr, May, Aug-Nov 1948); n.s. v.16, #11 (Nov 1969); v.17, #1 (Jan 1970) - v.18, #3 (Mar 1971); #5, 6, 7-12 (May, Jun, Aug-Dec 1971); v.19, #1, 2, 4, 6-12 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun-Dec 1972); v.20, #1-4, 6-10, 12 (Jan-Apr, Jun-Oct, Dec 1973); v.21, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Mar, Apr 1974); v.24, #6, 11 (Jun, Nov 1977); v.25, #6 (Jun 1978); v.26, #6, 11 (Jun, Nov 1979); v.27, #1 (Jan 1980) - v.30, #11 (Nov 1982); v.31, #2, 4, 11, 12 (Feb, Apr, Nov, Dec 1983); v.33, #10 (Oct 1985); v.35, #5, 9, 12 (May, Sep, Dec 1987); v.36, #7 (Jul 1988);
Stamp News. (Glasgow) Glasgow : Ian B. Pollack. Succeded Philatelic Phanfare. v.3, #8-11 (Aug-Nov 1948);
Stamp News. (London) [London : Stamp News Ltd.]. Absorbed: Stamp & Postal History News; Stamp collecting; Philatelic Magazine; and Philately (London : Epic Publishing). v.4, #1 (Feb 1984) - v.6, #17 (Oct 1986).
Stamp News. Dubbo, N.S.W. Dubbo, N.S.W. : Review Publications Pty. Ltd Continued by: Stamp news Austalasia, with v.37, #5 (May 1989). v.16, #11 (Nov 1969); v.17, #1 (Jan 1970) - v.19, #2 (Feb 1972); v.19, #4, 6-12 (Apr, June-Dec 1972); v.20, #1-4, 6-10, 12 (Jan-Apr, June-Oct, Dec 1973); v.21, #1, 3, 4 (Jan, Mar, Apr 1974); v.24, #6, 11 (June, Nov 1977); v.25, #6 (June 1978); v.26, #6, 11 (June, Nov 1979); v.27, #1 (Jan 1980) - v.30, #11 (Nov 1982); v.31, #2, 4, 11 (Feb, Apr, Nov 1983); v.33, #10 (Oct 1985); v.35, #5, 9, 12 (May, Sept, Dec 1987); v.36, #7 (July 1988).
Stamp Preview. Australia Post Philatelic Service Melbourne, Australia : The Service. #2 (Feb 1972); #3, 4, 6, 7 (Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul 1973); #1-5, 7, 8 (Jan-May, Jul, Aug 1974); #3-8 (Mar-Aug 1975); #1-9 (Jan-Sept 1976); #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1977);
Stamp Radar Japan : Stamp Radar Inc. In Japanese v.25, #1 whole #212 - #12 whole #223 (Jan-Dec 1977).
Stamp Reporter St. Catherines, Ontario : Bradley & Oswald, [1897-1899]. Frequency: varies...Monthly then Weekly. Amalgamated with "The Philatelic Advocate", June 1899. v.1, #1, 3, 4 (Aug, Nov, Dec 1897); #5 (Jan 1898) - v.2, #6 (Feb 1899). N.S. v.1, #1-6 (Apr-May 1899).
Stamp Review (Great Britain) London, England : Philatelic Press, 1937-1939. Absorbed by: Stamp Collecting. v.1, #1-8 (Apr-Dec 1937); v.2, #1-8 (Jan-Aug 1938); v.3, #1 (Sept 1938) - #12 (Aug 1939). Bound
Stamp Review (USA) Larchmont, N.Y., United States : West Rock Show Associates, Inc. Before #83, see 'Stamp Show News and Philatelic Review' v.6, #83 (July 1982) - v.8, #91 (Apr 1983); #93-95, 97 (Jun-Sep, Nov 1983).
Stamp Review / Spink London : Spink Spring 2000.
Stamp Show News and Philatelic Review Larchmont, N.Y., United States : West Rock Show Associates, Inc., 1976-1982.After #82, see 'Stamp Review'. v.1, #8 (Mar 1976) - v.2, #18, 21-24 (Jan, Apr-Jul 1977); v.3, #25, 26, 28, 29 (Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1977) - #33(Apr 1978); #35 (Jun 1978) - v.5, #67 (Feb 1981); #69 (Apr 1981) - v.6, #82 (Jun 1982).
Stamp Specialist New York, United States : H.L. Lindquist, 1939-1948. v.1, #1 (Jan 1939) - (Dec 1947).
Stamp Trade International Larchmont, N.Y. United States : STI Publishing Inc., 1979- Frequency: Varies. Monthly to Weekly. v.1, #2, 4 (Jul, Sept 1979); #81-87, 90, 91, 96-103, 105, 106 (Mar-Aug 1982);
Stamp Wholesaler Albany, Oregon : Van Dahl Publications, 1940- v.4, #44 (Jan 1940) - #128 (Jan 1944); #130-139 (Feb-June 1944); #397 (Oct 1956); #543, 546, 547 (Oct-Dec 1963); #551 (Feb 1964) - #589 (Dec 1965); #611 (Jan 1967); #654, 656 (Jan, Feb 1969); #674-677, 679-685, 687-690, 694 (1970); #695-699, 703-706, 708, 709, 714 (1971); #716 (Jan 1972); #719 (Feb 1972) - #855, 857-859 (Aug, Sept-Oct 1978); #861 (Nov 1978) - #866 (Feb 1979); #869-879 (Apr-Sept 1979); #900, 904, 905 (July, Sept, Oct 1980); #915, 916, 918-926, 933 (Feb-July, Nov 1981); #940-957, 960, 961, 963 (Feb-Dec 1982); #964-966, 968-972 (Jan-May 1983); #974 (June 1983) - #999 (May 1984); #1010, 1011 (Oct, Nov 1984); #1017 (Jan 1985) - #1079 (Mar 1987); #1081-1089 (May-Aug 1987); #1091 (Sept 1987) - #1197 (Aug 1991); #1212 (Jan 1992) - v.58, #1301 (Mar 1995).
Stamp World (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Brooklyn, N.Y., United States : Stamp World, Inc., 1961-1963. v.1, #2-12 (Feb-Dec 1961); v.2, #1-5, 7-9 (Jan-May, Jul-Nov 1962); v.3, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb/Mar 1963).
Stamp World (London) London, England : Lieuse Publications, 1987 v.1, #1-14 (May-Nov 1987). Bound
Stamp World (Sidney, Ohio) Sidney, Ohio, United States : Amos Press Inc., 1981-1983. v.1, #1 (May 1981); v.2, #1, 2, 11 (Jan, Feb, Nov 1982); v.3, #3, 8 (Mar, Aug 1983).
Stampazine United States. #1098 (1966); 1107 (1967); #1160 (1974); #1170 (1976); #1173 (1977) - #1192 (1981); #1195-1200 (1982); #1201, 1203-1206 (1983); #1207-1210 (1984); #1212-1216 (1985); #1217-1222 (1986); #1223-1228 (1987); #1230-1233 (1988); #1237 (1989); May 1, 1993;
Stamper Monthly Magazine Boynton Beach, Florida, USA : Baynton Capital Corporation. v.16, #173 (Apr/May 1990);
Stamping Ground New Zealand, Australia : Macquarie Valley Philatelic Society. #57 (Nov 1982);
Stamp-Lore. London London, Ontario, Canada : The Commercial Printing Co., 1896-1897. v.1, #1-4 (Jun, Jul, Nov, Dec 1896); #5 (Jan 1897).
Stamp-Month Burlington, Vermont : Lucius Jackson, 1940 Combined with 'Kaw Chief'. Successor to 'Philatelic Recreation' v.1, #7-10 (Aug-Nov 1940).
Stamps and foreign Stamps [Peterborough, Essex, U.K. : EMAP National Publications. Continues: Stamps (Brentwood, England) Continued by: Stamps (Peterborough, England) (Nov, Dec 1983); (Feb 1984) - (Oct 1985); (Dec 1985) - (Apr 1986);
Stamps Auction News Hornell, NY : H.L. Lindquist Pub. Oct, Nov 1988; Nov 1990 - v.18, #10 (Oct 1995).
Stamps of Canada Catalogue Darnell Publishing 1987; 1990; 1994;
Stamps of Hungary Herts, UK : Hungarian Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Numbering changed in 1986. v.3, #1 (Sept 1977) - #9 (Sept 1979); #11 (Mar 1980) - #24 (Jun 1983); v.4, #1 (Sep 1983) - #6 (Dec 1984); #8-12 (Mar-Dec 1985); #84 (Mar 1986) - #95 (Dec 1988); #97 (June 1989) - #101 (June 1990); #103 (Dec 1990) - #105 (June 1991); #107 (Dec 1991) - #127 (Dec 1996); #130 (Sept 1997); #132-134 (Mar-Sept 1998); #137, 139 (June, Dec 1999) -
Stamps of the United States, United Nations and British North America Boston, Mass., United States : H.E. Harris & Co., 1968-1972. Continues: Stamps of the United States, United States Possessions and British North America. Continued by: Stamps of the United States, United Nations and Canada and Provinces. 1968 (new ed.); 1969 (2nd ed.); 1970 ed.; 1970/71 ed.; 1971 ed.; 1972 ed.;
Stamps of the United States, United Nations and Canada and Provinces Boston, Mass. : H.E. Harris & Co., 1972-1977. Continues: Stamps of the United States, United Nations and British North America. Continued by: Postage Stamp Prices of the United States, United Nations, Canada and Provinces. 1972-1973 ed.; 1973 ed.; 1973-1974 ed.; 1974 ed.; 1974-1975 ed.; 1975 ed.; 1975-1976 ed.; 1976 (spring/summer ed.); 1976-1977 (fall/winter ed.).
Stamps of the United States, United States Possessions and British North America Boston, Mass. : H.E. Harris & Co., 1951-1967 Continues: United States Stamps, U.S.Possessions and British North America. [193-?]-[195-?]. Continued by: Stamps of the United States, United Nations and British North America. 1951 ed., 1958 (1st ed.; 2nd ed.); 1963 (1st ed.; 2nd ed.); 1965 (2nd ed.); 1966 (1st ed.; sum./fall ed.); 1967 ed.
Stamps: The Magazine for All Collectors (London) Peterborough, London, England : EMAP National Publications Ltd. Continues: Stamps and Foreign Stamps. Publisher & Place varies from v.7 to v.10 v.10, #6 & 8 are called "Special Features". v.7, #2-13 (Feb-Dec 1987); v.8, #1-9 (Jan-Sept 1988); v.10, #6, 8 (Jun, Sept 1990);
Stamps: The Weekly Magazine of Philately [Hornell, New York : H.L. Lindquist], 1932-1996. Merged with: Mekeel's weekly stamp news. v.1, #1 (Jan-Dec 1932) - v.254, #4 (Jan 1996). Bound
Standard Catalogue of Air Post Stamps New York : Nicolas Sanabria, Inc. Continued by: Sanabria's air post catalogue 1936-1937, 1939
Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Postage Stamp Catalogue London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 1965-1978? Continues: Stanley Gibbons Ltd. "Two Reigns" Priced Catalogue of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II Postage Stamps. Continued by: Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Specialised Catalogue of Modern British Commonwealth stamps. 1965, 1967, 1970-1972.
Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Specialised Catalogue of Modern British Commonwealth Stamps London : Stanley Gibbons Publications Continues: Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Postage Stamp Catalogue. Continued by: Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Catalogue of Modern Commonwealth Stamps, with 1984. 1978 - 1981.
Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Specialised Catalogue of Modern Commonwealth Stamps London : Stanley Gibbons Publications Continues: Stanley Gibbons Elizabethan Specialised Catalogue of Modern British Commonwealth Stamps. 1984; 1985 -
Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal London : Stanley Gibbons & Co., 1890-1927 Continued by: Gibbons' Stamp Monthly. v.1, #1-12 (July 1890 - June 1891); v.3, #3 (June 1892) - v.18, #18 (Jun 1909); N.S. v.1, #1 (Oct 1923) - v.4, #12 (Sep 1927).
Stanley Gibbons New Zealand Auctions Wellington, NZ : Stanley Gibbons (New Zealand) Ltd. Sale #4 (Nov 9, 1996);
Stanley Gibbons Priced Catalogue of Stamps of Foreign Countries London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd. Continued by: Stanley Gibbons Priced Stamp Catalog. pt. 3 (1897); pt. 2 (1904); pt. 2 (1906/7); pt. 2 (1911); pt. 2 (1927); 1929; 1936; pt. 2 Suppl (1941).
Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalog London : Stanley Gibbons Continues: Stanley Gibbons Priced Catalogue of Stamps of Foreign Countries. pt. 2 (1947); pt. 3 (1948); pt. 2 (1952); pt. 3 (1954); pt. 2 (1955); pt. 2 (1957); pt. 3 (1958); pt. 2 (1959); pt. 3 (1960); pt. 2 (1961); pt. 3 (1962); pt. 2-3 (1969).
Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd. 1897-1962 (various years)
Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue. Part 1. British Empire London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd. Continued by: Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue. Part 1. British Commonwealth. 1900; 1906/7; 1919-1920; 1929; 1938; 1940; 1942; 1947; 1949-1950; 1952-1957.
Stanley Gibbons Simplified Catalogue Stamps of the World Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd. v.1 (1986); v.1, 2 (1987); v.1 (1988); v.2 (1989); v.2 (1992); v.1, 2 (1992/93); v.1, 2 (1997);
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue. Part 1. British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd. Continues: Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue. Part 1. British Empire. 1958-1960; 1967-1968; 1972; 1983-1992/93; 1995;
Stanley Gibbons Stamps of the World London, England : Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd., 1971-, . Continues: Stanley Gibbons Whole World Stamp Catalogue Continued by: Stanley Gibbons Simplified Catalogue Stamps of the World. 1971-1972
State Revenue News : Official Journal of the State Revenue Society Arlington Heingrs, IL : Paragon Pub. Co. Continues: State Revenue Newsletter. v.37, #1-4 (1999);
Strand Stamp Journal Great Britain : H.E. Wingfield & Co. v.3, #9 (May 1952); v.5, #3 (Nov 1953); v.9, #5-11 (Feb-Aug/Sept 1958); v.10, #1, 2 (Oct, Nov 1958); #4, 5 (Jan, Feb 1959).
Stratford Stamp Club. Monthly Newsletter Stratford, Ontario, Canada : Stratford Stamp Club, 1969-1975 v.1, #1-4 (Sep-Dec 1969); #5-10 (Jan-Jun 1970) - v.6, #8 whole #58 (Jun 1975);
Strictly US Dunedin, FLorida, United States : Vancrop Corporation. v.2, #5 (Jun 1976); v.3, #1 (Oct 1976) - #6 (Aug 1977);
Studiegroep Ultraviolet Amsterdam : Studiegroep Ultraviolet, 1971. #1 (Jan 1971)
Summers Stamp News Toronto, Ontario, Canada : H.J. Summers. v.32, #7 (Mar 1936);
Supplement to Canadian Official Postal Guide Ottawa, Ontario : King's Printer, 1896-1914. Continued by: Monthly Supplement to Canada Official Postal Guide. Apr, Jul, Oct 1896; Mar/Apr-Jul, Oct 1899; Jan 1900; Jun/Jul 1902; Mar/Apr 1905; Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1907 - Oct 1909; Jul 1910; Jan 1911 - Oct 1914.
Svensk Filatelistisk Tidskrift Stockholm. In Finlandais v.76, #8 (Oct 1975); v.77, #1 (Jan 1976); v.78, #1-6, 7-10 (Jan-Jun, Sept-Dec 1977); v.79, #1, 2, 6-10 (Jan, Feb, Aug-Dec 1978); v.80, #2-5, 7, 10 (Feb-May, Sept, Dec 1979); v.81, #2, 4-6, 7, 10 (Feb, Apr-Jun, Sept, Dec 1980); v.82, #1, 2, 4, 5, 7-10 (Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Sept-Dec 1981); v.83, #1, 3-6 (Jan, Mar-Jun 1982); #9 (Nov 1983);
Swiss Philatelist Woodside Park, London : The Amateur Collector Ltd., 1951-1982 Frequency varies....Monthly then Weekly #1 (Jun 1951) - #46 (Mar 1965); #49 (Jan 1967) - #85 (Jan 1982);
T.P.O. = Travelling Post Offices United Kingdom : Seapost Society, 1947- Frequency varies: 6 times a year to quarterly. v.1, #1-6 (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov 1947) - v.28, #6 (Nov 1974); v.29, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1975) - v.39, #3 whole #209 (Sept 1985); Bound.
Tacro Stamp Club Bulletin Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Tacro Stamp Club, 1950-1951 Before July 1950 see 'Tacrosc Bulletin'. v.1, #6-11 (Jul-Dec 1950); v.2, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1951);
Tacrosc Bulletin Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Tacro Stamp Club, 1950 After June 1950 changed to 'Tacro Stamp Club Bulletin'. v.1, #2, 5 (Mar, Jun 1950).
Tee Time : Journal of the International Philatelic Golf Society [Norfolk, VA] : International Philatelic Golf Society v.5, #1-4 (1999).
Telepost ; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Bundespost Bonn, München, Germany : Suddeutscher Verlag, 1980- No voluming given - numbering restarts each year. #6 (June 1980); #5 (May 1985) - #4 (Apr 1987); #7 (July 1987) - #3 (1991);
Tell Dallas, Texas : American Helvetia Philatelic Society, 1975-1981 v.1, #4 whole #4 (Apr 1975) - v.5, #5 whole #49 (May 1979); #7-11 (Jul-Dec 1979); v.6, #1, 3 whole #58 (Jan, Mar 1980); v.7, #8 (Sept 1981);
Tematica Filatelia e Cultura Brazil : Abrafite. #47 (Jan-Feb 1979).
Texas Philatelist : Journal of the Texas Philatelic Association Dallas, Texas, United States : Texas Philatelist Association, 1964- v.20, #7, 8 (Sept, Oct/Nov 1972); v.21, #1 (Jan/Feb 1973); v.22, #5 (Sept/Oct 1974); v.34, #1-6 (Jan/Feb-Nov/Dec 1986); v.40, # 1-6 (Jan/Feb-Nov/Dec 1992).
Thai Times. Journal of the Thailand Philatelic Society London, England : Thailand Philatelic Society, 1958-1978 v.1, #1-4 (Jan, Mar, Jul, Oct 1958) - v.11, #4 (Jun 1969); v.12, #1, 2 (Sept, Dec 1969); #3 (Mar 1970); v.13, #1 (Dec 1970) - v.20, #1-3 (Apr, Sept, Dec 1978). Contains 4 appendices.
The 'Xtra Winnipeg, Canada, 1909 v.1, #1 (Sept 1909).
Themaphila Belgique : Association Belge de Philatélie Thématique. v.10, #47 (Mar/Apr 1975);
Thematic Magazine Cape Town, South Africa : Thematic Stamp Club. v.19, #2 whole #105 (Jul-Sept 1970); v.20, #2 whole #109 (Sept-Nov 1971); #4 whole #111 (Jan 1972); v.21, #1 whole #112 (Apr-Jun 1972) - #4 whole #115 (Jan-Mar 1973).
Themescene. Journal of British Philatelic Association London : British Thematic Association v.5, #3 (Mar 1989); v.6, #1, 4 (June 1989); v.6, #4 (Mar 1990) - v.7, #2 whole #20 (Oct 1990); v.18, #1-4 (2001);
Themnews : Thematics Southern Africa, Thematika Suidelike Afrika Wierda Park, South Africa : [Thematics SA] v.2, #1-6 (April 2001-Feb 2002).
Théodore Champion Bulletin mensuel Paris, France : C.C.P. Champion. #978-984 (sept 1985-mars 1986); #1034 (juil 1990); #1037 (sept 1990) - #1045 (mai 1991); #1047 (juil 1991) - #1076 (déc 1993); #1079 (mars 1994) - #1122 (oct 1997);
Three Penny Beaver Canada : Canada Post. #7, 9, 10 (Mar, May, Jun 1975);
Timbre : Journal du philatéliste Paris, France : Arthur Lafon. #48 (juil-août 1950) - #192 (sept 1963).
Timbre-poste Paris, France : Librairie Charles Mendel, 1907-1910 #1 (jan 1907) - #45 (déc 1910).
Timbres Belgique : Philatelic Club de Belgique. v.27, #333 (sept 1977); v.28, #334 (nov 1977); #335, 336, 338 (fév, mai, oct 1978); v.29, #339 (nov 1978); #341-343 (mai, août, oct 1979); #345, 346 (jan, mars 1980);
Timbres coréens Seoul, Korea : L'Union des philatélistes de la R.P.D de Corée, 1975 Revue en anglais = Korean Stamps. #4, 5, 8 whole #23, 24, 27 (août, sept, déc 1975);
Timbres de France Montpellier : Bulletin Philatélique du Midi, 1956-1962. v.1, 2 (1956, 1958); v.3-5 (1959-1962);
Timbres magazine Paris : Timbropresse a absorbé: Timbroloisirs; Monde des philatélistes; et Timbroscopie, 2000- 2000 -
Timbres-poste et monnaies Montréal, Québec, Canada : Louis-Phillipe Beaudin, 1963-1964. Avant 1963 et après 1964 voir "Collectionneur de timbres-poste" v.2, #1-10 (jan-oct 1963); v.3, #1-4 (jan, mars, mai, juil 1964).
Timbro journal Paris, France : Timbropresse. #9 (fév 1991) - #41 (déc 1995-jan 1996).
Timbroloisirs : Le magazine des collectionneurs heureux Paris, France : Timbropresse, 1989- Avec le #126, amalgamé avec Le Monde des philatélistes, et Timbroscopie et devient Timbres magazine #1 (avril 2000). #5, 6, 10, 11 (mai, Juin, oct/nov, déc 1989); #12, 15 (jan, mars 1990); jan/fév 1991; #33 (nov/déc 1991); (déc 1993); #35, 50-56 (déc-jan 1994);
Timbromane Montréal, Québec : L'Ami du Timbre. v.2, #28 (nov 1965);
Timbrophile (Montréal) Montréal, Québec, Canada : U. Perrault, 1940 Suivi de: Le Timbrophile Canadien. v.1, #1-3 (avr-juin 1940). Relié
Timbrophile. Journal de la collection timbro-postale & fiscale Paris, France, 1864-1871 v.1, #1 (nov 1864) - v.7, #11/12 (nov-déc 1871).
Timbroscopie Paris, France : Société d'Edition OSIRIS S.A., 1984-2000 Avec #178, fusionné avec Le Monde des philatélistes, et Timbroloisirs et devient Timbres magazine #1 (avril 2000). #1 (mars 1984) - #30 (nov 1986); #32-40 (jan-oct 1987); #42 (déc 1987) - #177 (mars 2000).
Topical Digest Milwaukee, Wisc. : American Topical Association, 1957- Some nos. also have title: ATA Topical Handbook, or Handbook; see 'ATA Handbook' #1-8 (1957-1978); #1 [ATA Topical Handbook, #15] #4 [ATA Topical Handbook, #32]
Topical New Issues Milwaukee, Wisc. : American Topical Association, [19--]- Some nos. also have title: Topical Handbook, or ATA Topical Handbook. 1962-1977, 1982
Topical Time [Johnstown, PA, etc.] : American Topical Association, 1949- Volumes 1-4 are reprints. v.1, #1 (1949) - v.8, #6 (Nov 1957); v.9, #2 (Mar 1958) - v.41, #3 whole #241 (May 1990) -
Topical Woman : The Bulletin of the Women On Stamps Study Unit Santa Monica, CA : Women on Stamps Study Unit v.23, #3 (Summer 2001).
Toronto Journal of Philately Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Toronto Philately Pub. Co., [1892]. v.1, #1, 2 (May, Jun 1892);
Toronto Philatelic Journal Toronto, Ontario, Canada : H. Morell, [1885-1888]. v.1, #1 (Mar 1885) - v.2, #3 (May 1886); #4, 5 (Oct, Nov 1886); #6 (Dec 1887); #7 (Jan 1988) - v.3, #1 (Jul/Aug 1888).
Toronto Philatelic Journal. Second Series Toronto, Ontario, Canada : W.S. Weatherson, [1894]. v.1, #1 2nd series (Jan 1894).
Toronto Stamp Toronto, Ontario, Canada : J.H. Lowe, [1894]. v.1, #1 (Sept 1894).
Trait d'union des collectionneurs Bruxelles : Club L'essor Philatélique. #388-393 (jan-juin 1978);
Transatlantic Study Group. British North America Philatelic Society. Newsletter United States : Dr. J.C. Arnell, 1986- #1 (June 1986) - #70 (August 1999) -
Transit Postmark Collector West Hartford, CT., USA : Mobile Post Office Society. Continues: H.P.O. = (Highway post offices) Notes. v.30, #6 whole #233 (Nov-Dec 1980);
Transport Museums Gdansk, Poland : Centralne Muzeum Morskie (Polish Maritime Museum) v.1 (1974) - v.3 (1976); v.7 (1980); v.13/14 (1986/87) -
Treasure Hunters Ltd. Hong Kong : Treasure-Hunters Ltd. #2 (Nov 1987) - #5 (Oct 1988); #7 (Apr 1989); #11-12 (1990); Prestige Public Auction (Mar 1990); Special Sale (Dec 8, 1990); Special Sale (Feb 21, 1991); #15 (Feb 1991) - #26 (May 1993); #28 (Nov 1993) - #109 (May 1999);
Triangle News (London, Ontario) London, Ontario : Southwestern District, Ontario Postal Region, [196- or 197--198?]. Frequency: Bimonthly (irregular). v.6, #1, 2, 4 (Mar, Jun, Dec 1973); v.7, #1, 2, 5 (Feb, Mar/Apr, Nov/Dec 1975); v.8, #1-4 (Jan/Feb, Apr/May, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1976); v.9, #1-3, 5, 6 (Jan/Feb-May/Jun, Sept, Nov 1977); v.10, #1-6 (Jan-Dec 1978); v.11, #1 (Jan/Feb 1979); v.13, #2 (Apr/May 1981); v.14, #2-4 (Apr-Aug 1982);
Tribuna del Collezionista Gaeta, Italy : Tribuna del Collezionista. Numbering changed to consecutive numbering with Jan 1983. v.3, #5 (May 1977); v.4, #11 (Nov 1978); v.5, #1/2 (Jan/Feb 1979) - v.7, #9 (Sept 1981); #11 (Nov 1981) - v.8, #7 (July 1982); #9, 10, 12 (Sept, Oct, Dec 1982) - v.9, #92 (July/Aug 1983); #94 (Oct 1983) - v.10, #106 (Nov 1984); v.11, #108 (Jan 1985) - v.12, #121 (Mar 1986); #123 (May 1986) - v.13, #132 (Apr 1987); #134 (June 1987) - v.14, #150 (Nov 1988); v.15, #152, 153 (Jan, Feb 1989); #155 (Apr 1989) - #180 (July/Aug 1991); #182 (Oct 1991);
Trident Visnyk Silver Spring, MD : Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society. v.12, #5 (Oct 1983) - v.14, #12 (Dec 1985); v.15, #18 (Dec 1986); v.16, #19 (Feb 1987) - v.20, #46 (July/Aug 1991); v.21, #48-53 (Jan/Feb - Nov/Dec 1992);
Trinidad Philatelic Society. Bulletin Trinidad, West Indies : Trinidad Philatelic Society, 1960- Note: #1-48 mostly photocopies. N.S. #1 (Jan 1960) - #110 (May 1978); #113 (Nov 1978).
Trumpeter Borger, Texas : Croatian Philatelic Society. v.2, #3 (Apr 1974); v.18, #2 (Dec 1989); v.19, #1 (Sept 1990);
Tuvalu and Kiribati Philatelic Society. [Auction Catalogue] San José, CA, USA : Tuvalu and Kiribati Philatelic Society. #4, 5 (Feb, Oct 1984); #6 (Aug 1985); #8, 9 (Feb, Aug 1987); #11 (Aug 1988); #13 (Feb 1990);
Tuvalu Hi-Spots. Bulletin Chicago, Illinois : Tuvalu Philatelic Society, Inc., 1978-1980 Continued by: Maneapa. Bulletin with v.3, #1 (Winter 1980/81). v.1, #1 (Dec 1978); #2, 3 (Mar, Aug 1979); v.2, #1 (Dec 1979); #2-4 (Mar, Jun, Sept 1980).
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society. Membership Directory Naperville, ILL : Wilson Hulme 1997
Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society. Special Publication Chicago : Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society #51 (May 1990); #2, 4 (1992).
Ukraïns'Kyi Filatelist / Soiuz Ukraïns'Kykh Filatelistiv I Numizmatykiv = The Ukrainian Philatelist / Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society New York ; Cleveland : Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society, 1925- Biennial to 1981; annual 1982-1985; semi-annual 1986- Continues: Ukraïns'kyi filatelist : zhurnal soiuzu ukraïns'kykh filatelistiv = Ukrainian philatelist : Journal of the Society of Ukrainian Philatelist Inc., with v.22, #37/38 (June/Dec 1975). v.22, #37/38 (June/Dec 1975) -
Ukraïns'Kyi Filatelist : Zhurnal Soiuzu Ukraïns'Kykh Filatelistiv = Ukrainian Philatelist : Journal of the Society of Ukrainian Philatelist Inc. New York : Society of Ukrainian Philatelist Inc. Continues: Filatelistychni visti Soiuzu ukraïns'kykh filatelistiv, with #1 (June 1963). Continued by: Ukrains'kyi filatelist (Soiuz ukraïn'kykh filatelistiv i numizmatykiv) = Ukrainian Philatelist / Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society, with v.22, #37/38 (June/Dec 1975). v.11, #26 (June 1963) - called #1 - v.21, #36 (Nov 1974).
Ulrich Felzmann (Briefmarken-Auktionen) Dusseldorf, Germany : Ulrich Felzmann #52 (June 1989); #88 (May 1999);
Union Philotelique (In Greek) Athens, Greece. #88 (Mar-Apr 1983); #91 (Jan-Feb 1984) - #107/108 (Sept-Dec 1986);
Union postale Suisse-Switzerland : Union Postale Universelle, 1875- v.1, #1 (oct 1875) - v.46, #11 (nov 1921); v.47, #2 (fév 1922) - v.48, #12 (déc 1923); v.51, #1-12 (1926); v.72, #1 (jan 1947) - v.109, #6 (nov 1984); v.110, #2 (mars 1985) - v.111, #4 (juil 1986); #6 (nov 1986) - v.112, #3 (mai 1987); v.112, #6 (nov 1987) - v.114, #1 (jan-mars 1989); v.114, #4 (oct-déc 1989) - #1 (jan/fév 1992);
United Association Philatelist Washington, D.C. : United Philatelic Association. v.1, #1 (Dec 1891); #3 (Feb 1892);
United Nations Philatelist New York, N.Y. : A. Terins. v.2, #4 (Apr 1958)
United Nations Philately. Supplement and Journal / [Editor Arleigh Gaines] New York, N.Y. : R. & D. Publications, 1981- #1 (Jan 1981) - #38 (Oct 1990); #42 (Feb 1992) - #53 (Oct 1995).
United States Postal Service. Postal News. Stamp News Release [Washington, D.C. : Post Office Dept.], 1955- v.1, #3, 5, 8, 9, 11 (Mar, May, Aug, Sep, Nov 1955); v.2, #1-4, 6, 11, 12 (Jan-Apr, Jun, Nov, Dec 1956); v.3, #1-6, 8-12 (Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec 1957); v.4, #2-4, 6, 8-12 (Feb-Apr, Jun, Aug-Dec 1958); v.5, #1-3, 5-10, 12 (Jan-Mar, May-Oct, Dec 1959); v.6, #1-5, 7, 9 (Jan-May, Jul, Sept 1960); v.7, #3, 4, 6, 7 (Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul 1961).
United States Specialist Belleville, IL., United States : Bureau Issues Association, Inc., 1966-1995. Before v.37, #1 see Bureau Specialist. v.37, #1 (Jan 1966) - v.49, #12 (Dec 1978); v.53, #1-4 (Jan-Apr 1982); #6 (June 1982) - v.54, #5 (May 1983); #7 (Jul 1983) - v.66, #3 (Mar 1995).
Unitrade Catalogue spécialisé des timbres canadiens Toronto : Unitrade Press. Fait suite a: Scott catalogue spécialisé des timbres. 1994-
Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps Toronto : Unitrade Continues: Scott Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps. 1992; 1994-
Universal Collector Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Universal Correspondence Club. #3 (Jan 1910); #7 (Jan 1911); #11 (Jan 1912);
Universal Cover News Ferndale, Califorina, United States : Universal Philatelic Cover Society. v.16, #23 (Oct 1972); v.17, #4 (Dec 1972); #7/8, 10-13, 15-23/24 (Jan-Sept 1973); v.18, #1 (Oct 1973);
Universal Monthly Bulletin Long Branch, Ontario, Canada : George Dron. v.2, #5 whole #17 (Aug 1947);
Universal Postal Union Collectors Long Beach, California, U.S.A. : Universal Postal Union, 1976- v.1, #1 (Sept 1976); #3-5 (Mar, Jun, Sept 1977); v.2, #1, 2 (Jan, Mar 1978); v.4, #1 whole #14 (Jan 1980); v.5, #1 whole #15 (Jan 1981);
Unser Guckloch Arena-Verlag, Wurzburg. #12 (Dec 1956); #1, 2, 6, 8-10, 12 (Jan, Feb, Jun, Aug-Oct, Dec 1957).
Unsu' Philatelic Review Brooklyn, N.Y. : United Nations Study Unit #25, (American Topical Association). v.7, A (Jul-Sept 1969) - v.15, D (Apr-Jun 1978); v.16, B (Oct-Dec 1978); v.17, A (Jul-Sept 1979); v.17, C (Jan-Mar 1980) - v.18, B (Oct-Dec 1980); v.18, D (Apr-Jun 1981); v.19, A (Jul-Sept 1981).
U-Phil Times Kanpur, India : United Philatelists Times. v.3, #3-6 (Jan/Mar, Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1981); v.4, #3/4 (Mar 1982); v.5, #1/2, 11/12 (Jan/Feb, Nov/Dec 1983).
Upland Goose Falkland, Great Britain : Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group, 1970- Founded in 1970. v.3, #1 (Sept 1975) - #8 (Jun 1977).
Uruguay Filatelico Uruguay : Club Filatélico del Uruguay. v.5, #10, 11 (Mar, Aug 1970); v.6, #13 (Aug 1971).
Usca Post Uithoorn : Kontaktorgaan Van de Studiegroep USA-Canada, 1980-1985 Before 1980 see U.S.A-Canada. #1 (Mar 1980) - #24 (May 1985);
USCS Log : Official Organ of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society Hartford, CT : Universal Ship Cancellation Society. v.27, #5 whole #323 (Sept 1960); v.32, #7 whole #384 (Oct 1965); v.36, #4 whole #428 (Jul 1969); v.57, #1-12 whole #674-685 (Jan-Dec 1990);
Useful Instructor Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : Nova Scotia Print. Co. v.1, #1, 2 (Apr, May-Jun 1877).
V.P. Bulletin Sidcup, Great Britain : F.H. Vallancey. After Dec. 1945 see "Stamp Collectors Guide to Literature." NS: #11 whole #21 (Jun-Oct 1942); #12 (Nov 1942-Jun 1943); #13 (Jul-Dec 1943); #14 (Jan-Jun 1944); #15 (Jul 1944-Apr 1945); #17 whole #27 (Dec 1945).
Vaccari Magazine Vignola, Italy : Vaccari Magazine #21, 22 (May, Nov 1999); #25, 26 (May, Nov 2001).
Van Dam's Revenews Peterborough, Ontario : E.S.J. Van Dam. #10 (Jan 1976) - #15 (Mar 1977); #17, 18, 20-27 (Jul 1977-Aug 1979); #30, 31 (Apr, Jun 1980); #47, 49 (Jan, May 1984); #54, 56 (Apr, Dec 1985); #57, 59 (Mar, Oct 1986); #61, 62 (Jun, Oct 1987); #63, 65 (Mar, Aug 1988);
Vance Auctions Ltd. [Auction List] Smithville, ON : Vance Auctions Ltd., #6 (Mar 1974) - #10 (May 1975); #13 (Jan 1976); Nov 1976; #18 (Jan 1977) - #76 (July 1984); #78 (Oct 1984); #83 (May 1985); #85, 86 (Aug, Oct 1985); #88-93, 95 (1986); #96, 100, 101 (1987); #104, 105 (Jan, Feb 1988); #113 (Jan 1989); #115 (May 1989)-#116 (July 1989); #119 (Dec 1989) - #123 (May 25, 1990); #127 (Nov 30, 1990); #132 (July 12, 1991); #134 (Oct 30, 1991); #135 (Dec 6, 1991) -
Van-Cleland's Collector's News Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : Van-Cleland Book and Van Store, 1930. v.1, #1 (Nov 1930);
Vancouver Branch '12' Courier Vancouver, B.C. : Federated Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 12, 1965-1966. Continues: Vancouver Postal Club. Vancouver Postal Club News. Continued by: Vancouver courier, after v.3, #4. v.2, #2 (Jun 1965); v.3, #3, 4 (Apr, May 1966).
Vancouver Courier Vancouver, B.C. : Federation Association of Letter Carriers, 1966-1967 Before v.3, #5 see Vancouver Branch '12' Courier. v.3, #5, 6, 8, 9 (Jun, Jul, Oct, Dec 1966); v.4, #1 (Jan 1967);
Vancouver Postal Club News Vancouver, B.C. : The Club, [1964-65?]. Frequency: Unknown. Continued by: Vancouver Branch 12 courier. v.1, #1, 4, 5 (Jan, Oct, Nov 1964); #6, 8-10 (May, Jul-Sept 1965);
Variety Club News London, England : B. Alan Ltd. v.14, #6 (Spr 1986); v.16, #2, 3, 5 (1987); v.17, #1-3 (Spr-Autumn 1988); v.18, #1 (1989) - v.20, #4 (Winter 1991); v.21, #1-2, 4 (Spring-Summer, Christmas 1992); v.22, #1, 2 (Spring, Autumn 1993); v.23, #1 (Winter 1994);
Vasophilien [St-Zotique, Québec : Le Vasophilien, 1986]- Connu aussi comme: Nouveau vasophilien (v.2, #1 [sept 1985] - v.3, #1 [sept 1986]). v.1, #1-5 (jan-mai 1985); v.2, #1 (sept 1985-juin 1986) - v.4, #10 (juin 1988).
Vatican Notes Virginia Beach, VA, United States : Vatican Philatelic Society, 1953- v.1, #1 (May 1953) - v.2, #6 (Jan 1955); v.7, #2 (Sept/Oct 1958); #4, 6 (Jan/Feb, May/June 1959); v.8, #2 (Sept/Oct 1959) - v.9 #5 (Mar/Apr 1961); v.10, #2, 3 (Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1961); #5 (Mar/Apr 1962) - v.17, #1 (July/Aug 1968); v.24, #6 (May/June 1968); v.25, #5/6 (Mar-June 1977); v.26, #1 (July-Sept 1977); v.40, #1-6 (July 1991-May 1992);
Venezuela Filatelica y Numismatica Caracas, Venezuela. v.4, #3/4, 9/10 (Mar-Apr, Sept-Oct 1971); v.5, #2-5, 7 (Feb-May, Jul 1972).
Victor Stamp News Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Victor A. Trowles, 1909-1910. Continued by: International Collector and Victor Stamp News. v.1, #1-2 (Nov-Dec 1909); #3-10 (Jan-Nov 1910).
Vipostes Québec, Canada : Société canadienne des postes, 1985- v.2, #1, 5-8, 10 (avr, juil-oct, déc 1986); #11-13 (jan-mars 1987); v.3, #1, 2, 5 (avr, mai, août, 1987); mars, avr, 1988;
Virginia Philatelist Richmond, VA., U.S.A : Virginia Philatelic Publishing Co., 1897-1901. v.1, #1 (Oct 1897) - v.4, #12 (Oct 1901). Bound.
Vlastos Philatelic Auctions; [Sales Catalogue] Athens. 1968-1979 incomplete
War Cover Club. Bulletin Festerville, PA ; New York, United States : American Philatelic Society. Continued by: Military Postal History Society. Bulletin v.10, #37 (Apr 1963) - v.15, #11 (June 1974); v.16, #1 (Oct 1974) - v.23, #2 (Apr-June 1983); v.24, #1 (Jan 1984) - v.25, #3 (July 1985); v.26, #1 (Jan 1986) - v.27, #3 (July 1987); v.28, #2 (Jan-Mar 1989) - v.29, #3 (Apr/June 1990); v.30, #1 (Oct 1990); #2, 3 (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun 1991);
War Times : Journal of the World War II Study Group of the British North America Philatelic Society Richmond, BC : The Group, 1998- v.1, #1 (May 1998) -
Washington Philatelist Washington, D.C. : Washington Philatelist Publishing Co., 1892. v.1, #6 (Aug 1892); v.2, #1 (Sept 1892);
Watercraft Philately United States : American Topical Association, Ships on Stamps Unit. v.36, #1-6 (July/Aug 1989-May/June 1990);
Watermark. Journal of Cortlandt Stamp Club New York : Cortlandt Stamp Club. v.7, #6 (Jun 1985);
Way Markings. Journal [United States] : Virginia Postal History Society v.30, #1-4 (1999);
WCAM Aviation Review / Western Canada Aviation Museum Winnipeg, Manitoba : Western Canada Aviation Museum. v.19, #4 (Dec 1993); v.20, #1, 2 (Mar, June 1994).
Weekly Philatelic Era Portland, Maine : W.W. Jewett. Before 1894, see "Philatelic Era." v.10, #125-128 (Oct 1895) - v.18, #565 (Mar 1904).
Weekly Philatelic Gossip Holton, Kansas, United States : Gossip Printery, 1915-1961 #1 (Jan-Dec 1915) - #73 (Jan-Dec 1961). Complete & Bound
Wells, Fargo & Company. Annual Report San Francisco, Calif. : Wells, Fargo & Co. 1979
West Indies Stamps Kingston, Jamaica : F. Aguilar, 1963- v.1, #1, 2/3, 4 (Jan, Apr, Oct 1963); v.2, #1-4 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1964); v.3, #1 (Jan 1965);
West Island Philatelics Ltd. Photo Guide Auction Montreal : West Island Philatellics Ltd. #1 (Sept 1993) - #3 (Feb 1994); #5 (Sept 1994) - #7 (Feb 1995);
West-End Philatelist London, United Kingdom : David Field. Frequency varies v.2, #13 (Mar 1905) - v.3, #36 (Feb 1907); v.33, #383 (Dec 1938); v.44, #446 (Jul/Aug 1954); v.49, #473 (Jan/Feb 1959) - v.50, #480 (Jan 1960); #482 (May/Jun 1960) - #485 (Nov/Dec 1960); v.53, #503 (Nov/Dec 1963); v.54, #504-506 (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1964);
Western Collector Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1922-1932 Not published Apr 1925 - Oct 1929. Continued by: Canadian Collector (McBride, B.C.), with v.3, #11 (Apr 1932) v.1, #1 (Dec 1922) - v.3, #10 (Feb 1932).
Western Express [Oakland, Calif.], U.S.A : Western Cover Society, 1951- v.1, #1, 2 (Jan, Feb 1951); #4 (Apr/May 1951) - v.3, #2 (Mar 1953); #4 (Sept 1953) - v.8, #1 (Jan 1958); v.8, #3 (July 1958) - v.9, #3 (July 1959); v.10, #1 (Jan 1960) - v.14, #4 (Oct 1964); v.16, #1 (Jan 1966) - v.40, #1 whole #157 (Jan 1990);
Western Philatelist Rock Island, Ill., USA : Philatelic Publishing Co. v.2, #1 (Sept 1890); v.3, #2 (Aug 1892);
Western Stamp Collector Albany, Oregon : Van Dahl Publications Continues: Mill City league, with v.7, #337 (Feb 1933) Before 1980, see microfilm. Continued by: Stamp collector (1976). v.50, #5 (Sept 1976).
Western Stamp Collector (Microfilm) Albany, Oregon, U.S.A : University of Oregon, 1933-1981. Before Reel #3, see 'Mill City Logue'. After Reel #42 see 'Stamp Collector (Microfilm) Reel, #3 (Feb 1933) - Reel, #42 (Jan 1981).
Westmount Philatelic Club = Club philatélique de Westmount. Bulletin Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1980- v.1, #1 (Oct 1980); v.2, #8 (May 1981);
Wisconsin Cover Sheet Chicago, USA : American First Day Cover Society. v.7, #1 (Nov 1984);
World Postal Stationery. New Issue Report Huntington Beach, CA. : Higgins & Gage (World Postal Stationery Catalog). #5-7 (Jun, Aug, Oct 1984);
World Stamp Digest London, England : Link House Publications, 1938-1940 Absorbed by: Stamp magazine. Croydon v.1, #1-6 (Mar-Aug 1938) - v.5, #30 (Aug 1940). Bound.
Worldwide Swappers Magazine Alberta, Canada : Rex Stamp Company Wimborne, 1942-1945. v.1, #3/4 (May-Aug 1942); v.2, #2, 5 (Mar-Apr, Sept-Oct 1943); v.4, #3/4 (May-Aug 1945).
Yankee Philatelist Barre, Vt., United States, 1889-1890 v.1, #1 (Oct 1889) - v.2, #1 (Nov/Dec 1890). Complete & Bound
Yemenophile. Journal of Yemen Philatelic Society Ottawa, Canada : Yemen Philatelic Society, 1973-1976. v.1, #1 (Jan 1973) - v.4, #4 (Aug 1976).
Yule Log Cambria, CA. : Christmas Philatelic Club. v.18, #5-6 (Jun-Jul 1987);
Yushu (The Philately) Toshima, Tokyo : Japan Philatelic Publications, Inc., 1960-1998 Completely in Japanese. Some years (1960's - 1980's)? have numbering only, no vol. v.14, #5-11 (May-Nov 1960); v.15, #2-5, 7, 10 (Feb-May, Jul, Oct 1961); v.16, #1, 3-5 (Jan, Mar-May 1962); #10, 12 (Oct, Dec 1969); #1 (Jan 1970) - #6 (June 1971); #8 (Aug 1971) - #1 (Jan 1972); #4 (Apr 1972) - #10 (Oct 1973); #12 (Dec 1973) - #2 (Feb 1974); #4 (Apr 1974) - #12 (Dec 1986); #2 (Feb 1987); #5 (May 1987) - #7 (Jul 1989); #9 (Sept 1989) - v.52, #7, 9 (Jul, Sept 1998);
Zeppelin Post Gps United States : Zeppelin Study Group, 1966-1967 v.1, #3 (Mar 1966); v.2, #5, 7-9 (May, Jul-Sept 1967);
Zip Me. Newsletter Houston, Texas, USA. : Zippy Collectors Club International, 1972-1978 v.1, #1 (Nov 1972) - v.6, #12 (Oct 1978);