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Graphical element Graphical element “British North America: An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and the Government Thereof; and for Purposes Connected Therewith”
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Graphical element Description
Graphical element Graphical element At the end of the London Conference and after several years of constitutional debates, the “British North America Act” was passed March 29, 1867. The Act, also known as the “Constitution Act”, united the Province of Canada with the colonies of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, legalizing the 72 resolutions of the Québec Conference. The “British North America Act” had to pass through the British Parliament -- the House of Lords and the House of Commons -- before being signed by Queen Victoria and officially proclaimed on July 1, 1867.
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Graphical element Graphical element Unknown
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Graphical element Graphical element March 29 1867
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Graphical element Graphical element Text
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Graphical element Place
Graphical element Graphical element New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec
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Graphical element Graphical element Confederation
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Graphical element MIKAN 122007
“British North America: An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and the Government Thereof; and for Purposes Connected Therewith”
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