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Graphical element Graphical element Amor de Cosmos
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Graphical element Graphical element Amor de Cosmos (1825-1897), born William Alexander Smith, was a newspaper editor and poet. He moved from Halifax to California in 1851 in search of gold and set up a photo studio. He settled in Victoria in 1858 and started the “British Colonist”. He served in the Vancouver Island colonial assembly from 1863 to 1866. De Cosmos played a major role in bringing British Columbia into Confederation and advocating for responsible government. In 1867 he was elected to the British Columbia legislature and was also elected a member of Parliament in Ottawa. He served as premier of British Columbia from 1872 to 1874. Responsible government is a type of government in which political decisions are made by leaders who are elected by the people. The political party that has the most people elected makes up the government. Before Confederation many of the colonies were run in part by leaders the British put in power, or by a few powerful rich people.
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Graphical element Number of Pages
Graphical element Graphical element 1
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Graphical element Creator
Graphical element Graphical element William James Topley
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Graphical element Date
Graphical element Graphical element September 1874
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Graphical element Graphical element Photograph
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Graphical element Place
Graphical element Graphical element British Columbia, Ontario
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Graphical element Theme
Graphical element Graphical element Confederation
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Graphical element DAPDCAP 23765
Amor de Cosmos
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