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Les almanachs dans la collection de
la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada

The farmer's almanack. Halifax : E. Ward, 1883.
The farmer's almanack. Halifax : E. Ward, 1883.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZIntrod.

Calendrier de bureau (Montréal)

AY 417 C35 fol.

Calendrier de l'année (Montréal)

AY 420 Q8 C32

Calendrier de Montreal (Montréal)

AY 420 Q8 C325

Le calendrier judiciaire, agricole, municipal et commercial de la province de Québec (Québec)

AY 420 Q8 C34

Calendrier pour Québec (Québec)

CE 61 C2 C35 xfol.
1797, 1814

Der Canada calender (Berlin, Ont.)
Variantes du titre :
Neuer gemeinnütziger Canada calender (1842)
Der neue Canada calender (1844)

AY 418 C36
OOA: AY 418 G4 C3
1841-42, 1844, 1849-54, 1858-59

Suivi de :
Canada kalender

The Canada farmer's almanac (Montréal : Bryson)

AY 419 F3 B7
OOA: AY 419 F3 B7

Suivi de :
Bryson's Canadian farmers' almanac

The Canada farmers' almanac (Montréal : Harrison)

AY 419 F3 C25
OOA: AY 419 F3 C3

Canada kalender (Berlin, Ont.)

AY 418 C36
OOA: AY 418 G4 C3
1871, 1874, 1876, 1878-79, 1882, 1884-86, 1888, 1892, 1894, 1906

Fait suite à :
Der Canada calender

The Canada Life Assurance Company's Almanac and repository of useful knowledge (Hamilton, Ont.)

AY 81 I6 C32

The Canadian almanac and miscellaneous directory (Toronto)

AY 414 C2
OOA: AY 414 C2
1895-1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907-1911, 1912-1926

Fait suite à :
The Canadian almanac and repository of useful knowledge

The Canadian almanac and repository of useful knowledge (Toronto)

AY 414 C2
OOA: AY 414 C2

Fait suite à :
Maclear & Co.'s Canadian almanac, and repository of useful knowledge
Suivi de :
The Canadian almanac and miscellaneous directory

Canadian family almanac (Berlin, Ont.)


The Canadian farmers' almanac (Montréal)

AY 419 F3 R2
OOA: AY 419 F3 M5

Fait suite à :
Miller's Canadian farmers' almanac (1864-1873)

Suivi de :
Miller's Canadian farmers' almanac (1882-19--)

The Canadian farmers' almanac (Sherbrooke ; Stanstead, Québec)

AY 419 F3 C3
OOA: AY 419 F3 C35
1836-41, 1844, 1847

Canadian Gleaner almanac (Huntingdon, Québec)

AY 420 Q8 C36
OOA: AY 415 H8 C3
1901, 1908

The Canadian mercantile almanack (Niagara, Ont.)

AY 419 C75 C36
1844, 1847

The Canadian repealer's almanac (Toronto)

FC 472 M255

The Caroline almanack, and American freeman's chronicle (Rochester, N.Y.)

F 5074 C3
OOA: Casey 1-1769

Carters' Prince Edward Island almanac and miscellaneous directory (Charlottetown, I.-P.-É.)

AY 420 P7 C45
OOA: AY 420 P7 P7

Fait suite à :
Chappelle's Prince Edward Island almanac
Suivi de :
The Prince Edward Island almanac and miscellaneous directory

The Catholic almanac of Ontario and clergy list (Toronto)

BX 1419 C283

Fait suite à :
The illustrated Catholic almanac of Ontario

Chappelle's Prince Edward Island almanac (Charlottetown, I.-P.-É.)
Légères variantes dans le titre.

AY 420 P7 C45
OOA: AY 420 P7 C48
1877, 1880-84, 1886-93

Suivi de :
Carters' Prince Edward Island almanac and miscellaneous directory

C.H. Kathan's Canadian farmers' almanac (Rock Island, Québec)

1882, 1910

The Christian remembrancer (Montréal)

AY 419 R5 C5

The churchman's almanac (Londres, Angleterre)

AY 758 R5 C4
OOA: AY 758 R5 C48

The churchman's almanac (Toronto)

AY 419 R5 C58
OOA: AY 419 R5 C48

The clergyman's almanac (Boston)

AY 81 R5 C55
OOA: AY 81 R5 C5

The Court and city kalendar, or, Gentleman's register (Londres, Angleterre)

JN 106 C72

Suivi de? :
The Court and city register, or, Gentleman's complete annual calendar

The Court and city register, or, Gentleman's complete annual calendar (Londres, Angleterre)

JN 106 C72

Fait suite à? :
The Court and city kalendar, or, Gentleman's register

Cresswell's Canadian farmers' almanac
Voir D.T. Cresswell's Canadian farmers' almanac

Cunnabell's Nova-Scotia almanac (Halifax, N.-É.)

AY 420 N69 C86
OOA: AY 420 N6 C8
1842-45, 1847, 1850

Fait suite à :
The Nova-Scotia almanack
Suivi de :
Cunnabell's Nova Scotia almanac, and farmer's manual

Cunnabell's Nova Scotia almanac, and farmer's manual (Halifax, N.-É.)

AY 420 N69 C86
OOA: AY 420 N6 C8
1851, 1853-54, 1856-58

Fait suite à :
Cunnabell's Nova-Scotia almanac