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L'Exploration de l'Arctique et la Recherche du Passage du Nord-Ouest pendant la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle :

L'Exploration de l'Arctique et la Recherche du Passage du Nord-Ouest

de Parry & Ross jusqu'au dernier voyage de Franklin : Guide des sources de première main conservées à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada

Ouvrages contemporains concernant la recherche du passage du nord-ouest pendant la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle (par ordre chronologique)

Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm von. Die westliche arctische Welt. Leipzig : G. Fleischer d. jüng., [1804?] (Taschenbuch der Reisen / E.A.W. von Zimmermann ; 3. Jahrg.)
G623 Z5 1804 Reserve

Barrington, Daines. The possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted. New ed. with an appendix containing papers on the same subject and on a north west passage by Colonel Beaufoy ; illustrated with a map of the North Pole according to the latest discoveries. London : Printed for T. and J. Allman , W.H. Reid, and Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818.
G615 B36 1818 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] New ed. ... New-York : J. Eastburn, 1818. G615 B36 1818b Reserve

-- Second ed., New ed. ... London : Printed for T. and J. Allman , W.H. Reid, and Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818. G615 B36 1818a Reserve

Barrow, John. A chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions : undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a north-east, north-west, or polar passage between the Atlantic and Pacific : from the earliest periods of Scandinavian navigation, to the departure of the recent expeditions, under the orders of Captains Ross and Buchan. London : J. Murray, 1818.
G620 B23 Reserve/Magasin de livres

-- [Traduction française] Histoire chronologique des voyages vers le Pôle arctique. Paris : Gide, 1819. G620 B2314 1819 Reserve

O'Reilly, Bernard. Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean : illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817 : with charts and numerous plates from drawings of the author taken on the spot. London : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818.
G650 1817 O6 fol. Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] New York : J. Eastburn, 1818. G650 1817 O62 Reserve

Porden, Eleanor Anne. The Arctic expeditions : a poem. London : J. Murray, 1818.
PR5189 P35 A8 1818 Reserve

Wyld, James. Voyages that have been attempted to discover a northern passage to the Pacific Ocean. [Londres] : Printed from stone in the Quarter Masr. General's Office, Horse Guards, 1818.
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Defauconpret, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste. Voyage vers le pôle arctique dans la baie de Baffin, fait en 1818, par les vaisseaux de Sa Majesté l'Isabelle et l'Alexandre : commandés par le capitaine Ross et le lieutenant Parry, pour vérifier s'il existe un passage au nord-ouest de l'océan Atlantique dans la mer Pacifique . Paris : Gide, 1819.
FC3205 .1 D4 Reserve

M'Keevor, Thomas. A voyage to Hudson's Bay, during the summer of 1812 : containing a particular account of the icebergs and other phenomena which present themselves in those regions ... London : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips, 1819.
FC3961 .2 M35 1819 Reserve

Ross, John. A letter to John Barrow Esq. on the subject of the polar expeditions, or, The reviewer reviewed. London : J. Ridgway, 1819.
Archives de la Colombie-Britannique, Victoria

Description of Messrs. Marshall's grand peristrephic panorama of the polar regions, which displays the north coast of Spitzbergen, Baffin's Bay, Arctic Highlands, &c.; : now exhibiting in the large new circular wooden building, George's Square, Glasgow : painted from drawings taken by Lieut. Beechey, who accompanied the polar expedition in 1818; and Messrs. Ross and Saccheuse, who accompanied the expedition to discover a northwest passage. Leith [Écosse] : W. Heriot, 1821.
Casey I 1117

Knight, Edward. Canadian airs : collected by Lieutenant Back during the late Arctic expedition under Captain Franklin : with symphonies and accompaniments by Edward Knight Junr. ; the words by George Sloane. London : J. Power, [1823-1833?]
M1678 K55 fol. MusRare (photocopie)

Histoire des deux voyages entrepris par ordre du gouvernement anglais : l'un par terre, dirigé par le capitaine Franklin, l'autre par mer, sous les ordres du capitaine Parry, pour la découverte d'un passage de l'océan Atlantique dans la mer Pacifique : traduit de l'anglais ; avec une carte des régions polaires où se trouvent tracées les routes de ces deux voyageurs, et leurs découvertes. Paris : Gide, 1824.
FC3961 .2 H58 Reserve/FC3961 .2 P3514 1822 Reserve

The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered. London : A.J. Valpy, 1824.
F5959 S3 Reserve

Northern regions : a relation of Uncle Richard's voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage, and an account of the overland journies of other enterprizing travellers. London : J. Harris, 1825.
G614 N87 1825 Reserve

-- 2e éd. London : J. Harris, 1826. G614 N87 1826 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] Northern regions, or, Uncle Richard's relation of Captain Parry's voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage, and Franklin's and Cochrane's overland journeys to other parts of the world. New York : O.A. Roorbach, 1827. G614 N87 1827 Reserve

Ross, John. A letter to John Barrow, Esq. F.R.S. on the late extraordinary and unexpected hyperborean discoveries. London : W. Pople, 1826.
Université Queen's, Kingston; Université York, Toronto

Dennett, John Frederick. The voyages and travels of Captains Parry, Franklin, Ross and Mr. Belzoni : forming an interesting history of the manners, customs and characters of various nations visited by enterprising travellers. London : J. Jaques and W. Wright, 1827.
FC3205 .1 D42 1827 Reserve

-- The voyages and travels of Captains Ross, Parry, Franklin and Mr. Belzoni ... London : W. Wright, 1835. FC3205 .1 D42 1835 Reserve

-- The voyages and travels of Captains Ross, Parry, Franklin and Mr. Belzoni ... London : W. Wright, 1837. FC3205 .1 D42 1837 Reserve

[In-plano] Roberts' moving diorama of the Polar Expedition : being a series of views representing the progress of His Majesty's ships the Hecla and Fury in their endeavours to discover a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean ... [Londres : s.n., 1829] ([Londres] : Printed by W. Reynolds)
FC3961 .2 R63 1829 fol. Reserve

Claughton, Thomas Legh. Voyages of discovery to the polar regions : a prize poem, recited in the theatre, Oxford, July 1, MDCCCXXIX. [Oxford? : s.n., 1829?]
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Murray, Hugh. Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America : including the United States, Canada, the shores of the Polar Sea, and the voyages in search of a north-west passage : with observations on emigration. London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1829.
FC70 M8 Reserve

Arctic travels, or, An account of the several land expeditions to determine the geography of the northern part of the American continent. Dublin : T.I. White, 1830.
FC3961 .2 V95 1830 Reserve

-- London : Printed for C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1831. FC3961 .2 V95 1831 Reserve

Leslie, John. Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd ; London : Simpkin & Marshall, 1830.
G620 L59 1830 Reserve

-- 2e éd., enl. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd ; London : Simpkin & Marshall, 1831. G620 L59 1831 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] New York : J. & J. Harper, 1831. G620 L59 1831a Reserve

-- 3e éd., rév. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1832. G620 L59 1832 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine en stéréotypie] New York : J. and J. Harper, 1833. G620 L59 1833 Reserve

-- 4e éd., rév. and enl. Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; London : Simpkin, Marshall, 1835. G620 L59 1835 Magasin de livres

-- [Éd. américaine en stéréotypie, reimprimée] New-York : J. & J. Harper, 1832 [i.e. 1835] G620 L59 1835b Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine en stéréotypie, reimprimée] New-York : Harper, 1836. G620 L59 1836 Reserve

-- 5e éd., rév. and completed to the present time. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd ; London : Simpkin & Marshall, 1845. G620 L59 1845 Reserve

-- 6e éd. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, [ca 1846] G620 L59 1846 Reserve

-- [20e éd.] The polar seas and regions : with a narrative of the recent expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. London : T. Nelson, 1855. G620 L59 1855 Reserve

-- [2-? éd.] Discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions : with a narrative of the recent expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. London : T. Nelson, 1857. G620 L59 1857 Reserve

-- [2-? éd.] Discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions : with a narrative of the recent expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin, including the Voyage of the Fox, and the discovery of the fate of the Franklin expedition by R.M. Ballantyne. London : T. Nelson, 1860. G620 L59 1860 Magasin de livres

Voyages in the Arctic seas, from 1821 to 1825, for the discovery of a North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean. Dublin : R. Napper, 1830.
FC3961 .2 V952 Reserve

-- London : Printed for C.J.G. & F. Rivington, booksellers to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1831. FC3961 .2 V952 1831 Reserve

Arctic voyages : being an account of discoveries in the north polar seas, in the years 1818, 1819, & 1820 : with an account of the Esquimaux people : compiled from the most authentic sources. Dublin : R.D. Webb, 1831.
G608 A6 Reserve

-- London : Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1848. G608 A6 1848 Reserve

Bell, Solomon. The polar regions of the western continent explored : embracing a geographical account of Iceland, Greenland, the islands of the frozen sea, and the northern parts of the American continent ... together with the adventures, discoveries, dangers and trials of Parry, Franklin, Lyon, and other navigators in those regions. Boston : Printed for W.W. Reed, 1831.
G606 B45 1831 Reserve

[Playbill advertising a dramatic spectacle commemorating Captain Ross's Arctic discoveries and adventures, in Vauxhall Gardens] [London : W. Wright, printer, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 1833] [Playbill advertising 16 pageants or acts, the item concerning Ross described as follows: «16. Interior of Vauxhall Gardens, in which will be exhibited in seven sections, the Polar Expedition ...,» the 7 sections are then listed]
FC3961 .1 R68 P4 1833 xfol. Reserve

The three voyages of Captain Parry, in quest of a North-West passage to Asia. Philadelphia : T.K. Greenbank, 1833.
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Bishop, W.H. The voyages and expeditions of Captains Ross, Parry, & Franklin, in search of a North-West Passage. 2e éd. London : Dean & Munday, [1834]
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Captain Ross : an estimate of the sum required to enable His Majesty to make a grant to Captain Ross ... [Londres : s.n., 1834?]
Metro Toronto Reference Library

Huish, Robert. The last voyage of Capt. Sir John Ross, R.N., Knt., to the arctic regions, for the discovery of a north west passage, performed in the years 1829-30-31-32 and 33 : to which is prefixed an abridgement of the former voyages of Captns. Ross, Parry, & other celebrated navigators to the northern latitudes : compiled from authentic information and original documents, transmitted by William Light. London : J. Saunders, 1835.
FC3205 .1 H8 Reserve

-- London : J. Saunders, 1836. FC3205 .1 H8 1836 Reserve

-- The last expedition of Capt. Sir John Ross, R.N. London : G. Virtue, [1836?] FC3961 .2 H85 1836 Reserve

-- [Traduction allemande] Captain Sir John Ross zweite Entdeckungsreise nach den Gegenden Nordpols, 1829-1833. Berlin : G. Reimer, 1835. McMaster University, Hamilton

W. & T. Fordyce (Firme). A new edition of Captain Ross's voyage to the North Pole : [extracts from a projected edition]. Newcastle : W. & T. Fordyce, [ca 1835?]
FC3961 .2 R696 1835 Reserve

Williams, Edwin. Narrative of the recent voyage of Captain Ross to the Arctic regions in the years 1829-30-31-32-33, and a notice of Captain Back's expedition : with a preliminary sketch of polar discoveries, from the earliest period to the year 1827. 1st American ed. New York : Wiley & Long, 1835.
FC3961 .2 W54 1835 Reserve

Williams, Edwin. Narrative of the recent voyage of Captain Ross to the Arctic regions in the years 1829-30-31-32-33, and a notice of Captain Back's expedition : with a preliminary sketch of polar discoveries, from the earliest period to the year 1827. 1st American ed. New York : Wiley & Long, 1835.
FC3961 .2 W54 1835 Reserve

D'Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines. Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Amériques : résumé général de tous les voyages de Colomb ..., Franklin, Parry, Back, Phipps, etc. Paris : L. Tenré, 1836.
F2223 O65 fol. Reserve/Magasin de livres

Lebrun, Henri. Abrégé de tous les voyages au Pôle nord : depuis Nicolo Zeno jusqu'au capitaine Ross (1380-1833). Bruxelles : Société nationale pour la propagation des bons livres, 1837.
G623 L427 1837b Reserve

-- [Autre éd. belge] Bruxelles : Meline, Cans, 1837. G623 L427 1837 Reserve

-- [Éd. française] Tours : A. Mame, 1838. G623 L427 1838 Reserve

Arctic travels, or, An account of the several land expeditions to determine the geography of the northern part of the American continent / revised by the editors. New York : Published by T. Mason and G. Lane, for the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1838.
FC3961 .2 V95 1838 Reserve

Kelly, Christopher. Selections of voyages and travels ... from the days of Columbus to the late voyages of Captains Parry, Ross, Back, and others ... London : T. Kelly, 1838.
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Simpson, Alexander. The life and travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic discoverer. London : R. Bentley, 1845.
F5954 .9 S56 S56 Magasin de livres

Barrow, John. Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time : under the command of the several naval officers employed by sea and land in search of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, with two attempts to reach the North Pole : abridged and arranged from the official narratives, with occasional remarks. London : J. Murray, 1846.
G620 B26 1846 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] New York : Harper, 1846. G620 B26 Reserve

Ross, John. Observations on a work, entitled, «Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions», by Sir John Barrow, Bart, ætat. 82 : being a refutation of the numerous misrepresentations contained in that volume. Edinburgh ; London : Published for the author by W. Blackwood, 1846.
Casey I 2022

Winter in the Arctic regions. London : Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1846. [Concernant la voyage de Parry (1819/20) et la voyage de Back (1836/37)]
FC3961 W55 Reserve

Scoresby, William. The Arctic regions. London : Religious Tract Society, [1849] [Includes a brief account of Arctic exploration from 1819 to 1848, which was not included in earlier eds.]
G742 S43 1849 Reserve

-- [Éd. américaine] Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, [1849?] G742 S43 1849b Reserve

Shillinglaw, John Joseph. A narrative of Arctic discovery, from the earliest period to the present time : with the details of the measures adopted by Her Majesty's government for the relief of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. London : W. Shoberl, 1850.
G620 S55 Reserve

-- 2e éd. London : W. Shoberl, 1851. G620 S55 1851 Reserve

Huish, Robert. The North-West Passage : a history of the most remarkable voyages made in search of the North-West Passage, from the earliest periods [jusqu'à 1839]. [Londres] : M'Gowan, 1851.
FC3961 .2 H853 1851 Reserve

Simmonds, Peter Lund. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions : a narrative showing the progress of British enterprise for the discovery of the North-West Passage during the nineteenth century : with detailed notices of the expeditions in search of the missing vessels under Captain Sir John Franklin. London : Routledge, 1851.
G625 S55 1851b Magasin de livres

-- 2e éd., combining the most recent intelligence. London : Routledge, 1851. G625 S55 1851 Magasin de livres

Hervé, A., ed. Voyages dans les glaces du Pôle arctique à la recherche du passage nord-ouest : extraits des relations de Sir John Ross, Edward Parry, John Franklin, Beeghey, Back, Mac Clure et autres navigateurs célèbres. Paris : Hachette, 1854.
G614 H48 1854 Conservation

-- 5e éd. Paris : Hachette, 1878. G614 H48 1878 Juv Conservation

Parry, Edward. Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Sir W. Edward Parry, Kt., F.R.S., etc., late lieut.-governor of Greenwich Hospital. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1857.
G635 P3 P3 Magasin de livres

-- 2e éd. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1857. G635 P3 P3 1857b Reserve

-- 7th ed. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1860. G635 P3 P3 1860 Magasin de livres

Sargent, Epes, ed. Arctic adventure by sea and land : from the earliest date to the last expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. Boston : Phillips, Sampson ; London : S. Low, 1857.
G620 A65 1857 Reserve

-- The wonders of the Arctic world : a history of all the researches and discoveries in the frozen regions of the North, from the earliest times ... ; together with a complete and reliable history of the Polaris expedition ... by William H. Cunnington. Philadelphia : Philadelphia Book Co., 1873. G620 S37 1873 Magasin de livres

-- The wonders of the Arctic world. St. Louis, [Mo.] : Valley Pub., 1875, c1873. FC3961 .1 A1 S37 1875 Conservation

Smucker, Samuel M., ed. Arctic explorations and discoveries during the nineteenth century : being detailed accounts of the several expeditions to the north seas, both English and American ... New York : Miller, Orton, 1857.
G620 S35 1857 Reserve/Magasin de livres

-- New York : Saxton, 1858. G620 S35 1858 Magasin de livres

-- New York : Saxton, 1859. G620 S35 1859 Reserve

-- New York : Saxton, 1860. G620 S35 1860 Magasin de livres

-- [Autre éd.] New York : Allison, 1886. G620 S35 1886 Conservation

Lebrun, Henri. Le Pôle nord, ou, Voyages et découvertes dans les régions arctiques aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Tours : Mame, 1859.
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

Tours : Mame, 1862. (Bibliothèque des écoles chrétiennes. 2e sér) G620 L43 1862 Reserve

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