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Coach House Press Home Page
New Wave Canada

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Aubert, Rosemary. «Tradition Meets Technology.» Canadian Author & Bookman, vol. 58, no 4 (été 1983) : 6-7.

Bevington, Stan and [http://www.cstudies.ubc.ca/write/write94/w_dg.html]  Dave Godfrey. «Interview.» Canadian Forum, vol. 47 (août 1967) : 107-109.

Bowering, George. «Random Access Coach House.» The Capilano Review, ser. 2, no 5 (été 1991) : 99-105.

Coleman, Victor. «Technical Difficulties.» Artscanada, no 134/35 (août 1969) : 19-20.

Drumbolis, Nicky. 10four between the Tweny/20 Lines : Extenuating Impressions of a Back Lane Community of Mindless Acid Freaks. [Toronto] : Letters, 1991.

Francis, Wynne. «The Little Presses.» Canadian Literature, no 33 ( été 1967) : 56-62.

Knight, Lorna. «Impressions of Coach House Press : The First Ten Years, 1965-1975.» Arc, no 27 (automne 1991) : 33-48.

Manguel, Alberto. «Power of the Small Press.» Toronto Life (May 1988) : 60-71.

McKinnon, Barry. «With Jim Brown : Vancouver Writing Seen in the 60s.» Line, no 7-8 (Spring-automne 1986) : 94-123.

McKinnon, Barry, ed. “B.C. Poets & Print.” Open Letter, ser. 7, no 2-3 (été-automne 1988).

Nichol, bp.»Primary Days : Housed with the Coach at the Press, 1965 to 1987.» Provincial Essays, vol. 4 (1987) : 20-25.

Ondaatje, Michael. «Little Magazines/Small Presses 1969.» Artscanada, no 134/35 (août 1969) : 17-18.

Polk, James. «A Spider's Life Anansi at Fifteen.» Canadian Forum, vol. 62 (June-July 1982) : 19-21.

Price, Kathleen. The Small Literary Press in Canada, 1964-72 : A Communicational Analysis of Alternative Forms and Resistant Practices. Thèse de maîtrise de l'Université McGill, 1984.

Spinks, Sarah. «Dreaming in the Beds of Academe : The Rochdale Experience.» This Magazine Is About Schools, vol. 4, no1 (hiver 1970) : 80-108.

Sutherland, John. Essays, Controversies and Poems. Ed. by Miriam Waddington. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1972.

Tratt, Grace. Check List of Canadian Small Presses, English Language. Halifax : Dalhousie University Libraries and School of Library Service, 1974.

Webb, Phyllis. «The Poet and the Publisher.» Queen's Quarterly, vol. 61, no 4 (hiver 1955) : 498-512.

Whiteman, Bruce. «Contact in Context : The Press and Its Time.» West Coast Line, vol. 25, no 2 (automne 1991) : 11-27.

Woodcock, George. «New Wave in Publishing.» Canadian Literature, no 57 (été 1973) : 50-64.