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Guide de recherche sur l'histoire du travail au Canada


Directory of labour organizations in Canada / Répertoire des organisations de travailleurs au Canada. -- [Ottawa] : Labour Canada, Labour Data Branch / Travail Canada, Direction des données sur le travail, 1980+. -- Annual / annuaire.-- ISSN 0711-1703
HD6523 T87 Ref.

Tobin, Jack (John J.). -- Guide to human rights research. -- Cambridge, Mass. : A publication of the Harvard Law School Human Rights Program, c1994. -- ISBN 1879875020
Z7164 L6 T63 1994 fol. Ref.

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Canadian civil liberties, 1900-1983 : a bibliography. -- Edited by Frank Winter. -- [Saskatoon : F. Winter, 1994].
Z7164 L6 C33 1994 fol.Ref.

The Canadian women's movement, 1960-1990 : a guide to archival resources. -- Edited by Margaret Fulford [for] Canadian Women's Movement Archives / Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960-1990 : guide de ressources archivistiques. -- La directrice de la rédaction, Margaret Fulford [pour] Archives canadiennes du mouvement des femmes. -- Toronto : ECW Press, c1992. -- ISBN 1550221566
Z7963 F44 C36 1992 fol. Ref.

Gilbert, Victor Francis. -- Labour and social history theses : American, British, and Irish university theses and dissertations in the field of British and Irish labour history, presented between 1900 and 1978. -- London : Bronx, New York : Mansell Publications;1982. -- ISBN 0720116473
Z7164 L1 G55 1982 fol. Ref

Hoerder, Dirk. -- The immigrant labor press in North America, 1840s-1970s : an annotated bibliography. -- Edited by Dirk Hoerder ; Christiane Harzig, assistant editor. -- New York : Greenwood Press, 1987. -- 3 vol. : v. 1. Migrants from northern Europe - v. 2. Migrants from eastern and southeastern Europe - v. 3. Migrants from southern and western Europe. -- ISBN 0313246386 (v. 1); ISBN 031326077X (v. 2); ISBN 0313260788 (v. 3)
Z6953.5 A1 H63 1987 Ref.

Perry, Elizabeth. -- Bibliography of doctoral and masters theses on Canadian industrial relations, 1978-1985/86. -- Toronto : Jean & Dorothy Newman Industrial Relations Library, 1991.
Z7164 L1 P47 1991 fol. Ref.

Perry, Elizabeth. -- Bibliography of masters and doctoral theses on Canadian industrial relations from 1967 to 1978. -- Toronto : Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, 1981.
Z7164 L1 P47 fol. Ref.

Rioux, Bernard. -- Travail, syndicalisme: bibliographie. -- Par Bernard Rioux [et Lise Bernier]. -- 2 v. -- Montréal: Conseil de développement social du Montréal metropolitain, 1972.
Z7164 L1 R56 fol. Ref.

Tremblay, Louis-Marie. -- Bibliographie des relations du travail au Canada, 1940-1967. -- Montreal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Faculté des sciences sociales. Département de relations industrielles, 1969. -- ISBN 840501315
Z7164 L1 T7 fol. Ref.

Vaisey, G. Douglas. -- The labour companion : a bibliography of Canadian labour history based on materials printed from 1950 to 1975. -- Compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey ; with the assistance of John Battye, Marie DeYoung and Gregory S. Kealey. -- Halifax, N.S. : Committee on Canadian Labour History,1980.
Z7164 L1 V35 Ref.

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Alternative press index. -- [College Park, Md., etc.] -- Alternative Press Centre. Quarterly, with annual cumulations. -- [1]-[5]-13,15+ ; 1969+. -- Indexes Atlantis; Briarpatch; Canadian Dimension; Fuse; Human Rights Internet Reporter; Kick It; Labour / Le Travail, Labour, Capital and Society; Our Generation and / et Our Time -- ISSN 0002-662X
AI3 A27 fol. Per. Ref.

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Renseignements Juridiques

Adams, George W. -- Canadian labour law. -- Aurora, Ont. : Canada Law Book, c1993+. -- 2nd ed., (loose-leaf). -- ISBN 0888041292
KE3109 A74 1993 fol.

Canada. Accident Prevention and Compensation Branch. -- Labour legislation in Canada as existing December 31. -- Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1917-1953. -- 27 v. in 6. -- Consolidations issued as of Dec. 31, 1915, 1920, 1928, 1937, and 1948, with annual or biennial supplements to bring the consolidations up to date. Each supplement contains a consolidated index covering the basic volume and the supplements. No annual supplement issued for 1927 or 1947. Supplements for the years, 1944, 1945 and 1946 issued by the Legislation Branch of the Department of Labour.

Canada. Ministère du travail. -- Législation ouvrière au Canada telle qu'elle existait au 31 décembre 1920 [et suppléments annuels]. -- [Ottawa : Impr. du Roi, 192-- ].

Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Labour, Employment and Immigration. -- Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Standing Committee on Labour, Employment and Immigration / Procès-verbaux et temoignages du Comité permanent du travail, de l'emploi et de l'immigration. -- [Toronto] : Micromedia, [19--]+ -- Parl.33; Sess.1; no.13 (1985:MAR / mars 5) - Parl.34;Sess.3;no.21 (1992:AUG / ao 23). Index Parl.34; Sess.3; no.1/31 (1991/1993) -- ISSN 0838-9802
COP.CA.4.FI.1. 1987

Canadian master labour guide : a guide to Canadian labour law. -- Don Mills, Ont. : CCH Canadian Ltd., 1986+ -- Annual. Canadian labour law reporter series. -- ISSN 0827-6900
KE 3109 C354 1995 Ref.

Employment standards legislation in Canada / La Legislation en matiere de normes d'emploi au Canada. -- [Ottawa] : Labour Canada, / Travail Canada, [1989?]+ -- Annual / Annuel. -- ISBN 06601158930 and / et ISBN 0660949121
KE3244 A13 E46 Dernière éd. Réf.

Études en droit du travail : à la mémoire de Claude D'Aoust. -- Sous la direction de Gilles Trudeau, Guylaine Vallée, et Diane Veilleux. -- Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1995. -- ISBN 2894510306
K1705 .6 E88 1995

Industrial relations legislation in Canada / La Législation en matière de relations industrielles au Canada. -- [Ottawa] : Labour Canada / Travail Canada, [1989]+ -- Began with 1989 issue; biennial 1993/94+ ; Annual 1989-1991 / Parait depuis 1989; biennal 1993/1994+ Annuel 1989-1991. -- ISBN 0660158921 and / et ISBN 0660949113
KE3244 I54 Dernière éd. Réf.

International labour conventions and recommendations, 1919-1995 : arranged by subject-matter. -- Geneva : International Labour Office / Genève : Bureau international du travail, 1996. -- ISBN 922109192-9
K1702 I5 I562 1996 Ref.

Les lois du travail, 1994 : lois et règlements du Québec et du Canada. -- Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1994. -- ISBN 2890739562
KEQ642 A3 1994

Snyder, Ronald M. -- The annotated Canada Labour Code. -- Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell, [c1992]+ -- Annual (irregular) -- ISSN 1202-0206
KE 3104.57 S68 1995 Ref.

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Sources générales contenant de vastes bibliographies ou des notes complémentaires

On a sélectionné ces titres en raison de la couverture historique qu'ils offrent du travail, des syndicats ou de la classe ouvrière au Canada. Les chercheurs devraient remarquer qu'il existe de vastes sources en français, concernant surtout la vie ouvrière au Québec, ainsi que des sources portant sur des événements précis touchant l'histoire du travail, des représentants du monde du travail et des syndicats ou des mouvements ouvriers en particulier. Les chercheurs peuvent aussi trouver utile de vérifier les documents figurant sous les numéros de la classification générale de la Library of Congress HD 6524 et HD 8014-08108, que l'on peut consulter par l'entremise des systèmes bibliographiques en direct de la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada.

Abella, Irving. -- The Canadian labour movement, 1902-1960. -- Ottawa : Canadian Historical Association, 1975. -- Historical booklet. Canadian Historical Association ; no. 28. -- ISBN 0887980287
F5000 C24 no. 28

Abella, Irving. -- Nationalism, communism, and Canadian labour: the CIO, the Communist Party, and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1935-1956. -- Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. -- ISBN 0802002331
HD8106 .5 A22

Avery, Donald. -- "Dangerous foreigners" : European immigrant workers and labour radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932. -- Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, c1979. -- The Canadian social history series. -- ISBN 0771008260
HD8108 .5 A2 A94

Block, Richard N. -- Unionization, collective bargaining, and legal institutions in the United States and Canada. -- Kingston, Ont. : Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1993. -- Queen's papers in industrial relations. -- ISBN 0888863721
HD6961 Q42 fol. no.1993-4

Canadian and Australian labour history : towards a comparative perspective. -- Edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Greg Patmore. -- [Sydney] : Australian Society for the Study of Labour History (ASSLH), and the Committee on Canadian Labour History (CCLH), in association with Australian-Canadian Studies, [1990]. -- Includes bibliographical references. -- ISBN 0969206070
HD8104 C34 1994

Canadian labour history : selected readings.Edited by David J. Bercuson. -- Toronto : Copp Clark Longmans, c1994. -- 2nd ed. -- Includes bibliographical references: p. [407]-415. -- ISBN 077305376X
HD8104 C36 1994

The Canadian worker in the twentieth century. -- Edited by Irving Abella and David Millar. Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1978. -- ISBN 0195402502
HD8106 C35

Canadian working class history : selected readings. -- Edited by Laurel Sefton MacDowell and Ian Radforth. -- Toronto : Canadian Scholars' Press, 1992. -- ISBN 0921627718
HD8104 C36 1992

The Character of class struggle : essays in Canadian working-class history, 1850-1985. -- Edited by Bryan D. Palmer. -- Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, c1986. -- The Canadian social history series. -- ISBN 0771069464
HD8104 C45 1986

Craig, Alton W. J. -- The system of industrial relations in Canada, Instructor's manual. -- By Alton W.J. Craig and Norman A. Solomon. -- Scarborough, Ont. : Prentice-Hall Canada, 1996. -- 5th ed. -- ISBN 0134586212 (pbk.)
HD8106 .5 C632 1996 fol.

Dargie, Donald. -- The moilers. -- St. George, Ont. : Hystarg Associates, c1991. -- ISBN 0889410275
HD8106 D37 1991

Essays in Canadian working class history. -- Edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Peter Warrian. -- Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, c1976. -- The Canadian social history series. -- ISBN 0771044771
HD8106 E88

Forsey, Eugene A. -- The Canadian labour movement, 1812-1902. -- [Ottawa] : Canadian Historical Association, 1974. -- Historical booklet. Canadian Historical Association ; no. 27.
F5000 C24. no. 27

Fryer, John. -- The Canadian labour movement in the 1990s : challenges and opportunities. -- Kingston, Ont. : Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, [1990]. -- "The Don Wood Lecture in Industrial Relations delivered on 8 November 1990 at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario." -- ISBN 0888862989
HD8106.5 D65 1990

Heron, Craig. -- The Canadian labour movement : a short history. -- Toronto : J. Lorimer, 1989. -- ISBN 1550281933
HD6524 H47 1989

Jamieson, Stuart. -- Times of trouble : labour unrest and industrial conflict in Canada, 1900-66. -- Ottawa : Task Force on Labour Relations, 1968, c1971. -- GOVTDOC NO. CP32-6.1967-22. --

Jordan, Mary V. -- Survival : labour's trials and tribulations in Canada. -- Toronto : McDonald House, 1975. -- ISBN 0889429553
HD8104 J67

Kealey, Gregory S. -- Workers and Canadian history. -- Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c1995. -- Collection of 12 essays. Includes bibliographical references and index. -- ISBN 0773513523
HD8104 K42 1995

Klee, Marcus. -- The communication of class [microform] : CBC National Labour Forum and the struggle for working-class control of radio broadcasts during the Second World War. -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1993. -- 2 microfiche. --
Mic.F. TH-76339

Labour unions in Canada. -- Prepared in the Labour Data Branch, Labour Canada. -- Ottawa : External Information Programs Division, Dept. of External Affairs, 1980. -- Reference series. --

Langdon, Steven. -- The emergence of the Canadian working class movement, 1845-1875. -- Toronto : New Hogtown Press, 1975.
HD8105 L34 fol.

Lectures in Canadian labour and working-class history. -- Edited by W.J.C. Cherwinski and Gregory S. Kealey. -- St. John's, Nlfd. : Committee on Canadian Labour History & New Hogtown Press, 1985. -- ISBN 0969206003
HD8104 L43 1985

Lipton, Charles. -- The trade union movement of Canada, 1827-1959. -- Toronto : NC Press, 1978. -- 4th ed. -- ISBN 0919600204
HD6524 L5 1978

Minville, Esdras. -- Pages d'histoire. -- Édité par François-Albert Angers ; preface et notes introductives par François-Albert Angers. -- Montreal : Presses H.E.C., 1987. -- ISBN 2762113466
HD6529 Q8 M56 1987

Montero, Gloria. -- We stood together : first-hand accounts of dramatic events in Canada's labour past. -- Toronto : J. Lorimer, 1979. -- ISBN 0888622686
HD8104 M66

Morton, Desmond. -- Labour in Canada. -- Toronto : Grolier, 1982. -- ISBN 0717218201
HD6524 M67

Morton, Desmond. -- Working people . -- By Desmond Morton and Terry Copp. -- Ottawa : Deneau, 1984. -- Rev. ed. 1984. -- ISBN 0888790988
HD8104 M67 1984

On the job : confronting the labour process in Canada. -- Edited by Craig Heron and Robert Storey. -- Kingston, Ont. : McGill-Queen's University Press, c1986. -- ISBN 0773505989
HD8104 O52 1986

Osborne, Kenneth. -- Canadians at work : labour, unions and industry. -- Scarborough, Ont. : Prentice-Hall Canada, 1984. -- The Canadians scrapbook series. -- ISBN 0131141414
HD8104 C82 1984 xfol.

Palmer, Bryan D. -- Working-class experience : rethinking the history of Canadian labour, 1800-1991. -- Toronto : McClelland & Stewart, c1992. -- 2nd ed. -- ISBN 0771069456
HD8104 P35 1992

Pentland, H. Clare. -- Labour and capital in Canada, 1650-1860. -- Edited and with an introduction by Paul Phillips. -- Toronto : J. Lorimer, 1981. -- ISBN 0888623798
HD8105 P46 1981

Robin, Martin. -- Radical politics and Canadian labour, 1880-1930. -- Kingston, Ont. : Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, c1968. -- Research series, no. 7.
HD8108 R6

Sangster, Joan. -- Dreams of equality : women on the Canadian left, 1920-1950. -- Toronto : McClelland & Stewart, c1989. -- ISBN 077107946X
HQ1236.5 C2 S25 1989

Scott, Jack. -- Sweat and struggle : working class struggles in Canada. -- Vancouver : New Star Books, 1974.
HD8104 S37

Seymour, Edward E. -- An illustrated history of Canadian labour, 1800-1974. -- Ottawa : Canadian Labour Congress, 1976.
HD6524 S4 fol.

Le syndicalisme canadien : une réévaluation. -- Quebec : Presses de l'Université Laval, 1968.
HD6524 C6 1968

Les Syndicats ouvriers au Canada. -- Texte redigé par la Direction des données sur le travail du Ministère du travail. -- Ottawa : Direction des programmes d'information à l'étranger, Ministère des affaires exterieures, 1980.

Woods, Harry D. -- Labour policy and labour economics in Canada. -- By Harrry D. Woods, Sylvia Ostry, Mahmood A. Zaidi. -- New York : St. Martin's Press, 1973+. -- 2d ed.
HD8106 W65 1973

Work, ethnicity, and oral history. -- Edited by Dorothy E. Moore and James H. Morrison. -- Halifax, N.S. : International Education Centre, St. Mary's University, c1988. -- Issues in ethnicity and multiculturalism series "Proceedings of a conference at the Alexander Graham Bell Museum, Baddeck, Nova Scotia, October 15-18, 1986, organized by the Society for the Study of Ethnicity in Nova Scotia, the Atlantic Oral History Association, and the Canadian Oral History Association." -- ISBN 0921793022
HD8108 .5 A2 W67 1986

The workingman in the nineteenth century. -- Edited by Michael S. Cross. -- Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1974. -- ISBN 0195402200
HD8104 C7

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