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The New Books Service (NBS) is your source for the latest information on current and forthcoming Canadian books. The NBS database contains bibliographic information for thousands of English- and French language books announced by Canadian publishers over the past six months. In addition to publication data, records may include supplementary material such as cover art, tables of contents, sample text, background about authors and illustrators and reviews.

The NBS database is derived from information received directly from publishers through the Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program. Through this cooperative program between publishers and LAC, bibliographic information about books is prepared and distributed, before the books are published. This prompt distribution of cataloguing information serves the Canadian publishing community by making its books better known and serves Canadian libraries in assisting its acquisitions and cataloguing functions. For more information on LAC's Cataloguing in Publication program please visit the CIP site at: www.collectionscanada.ca/cip/index-e.html.

Features of New Books Service

Users may browse this month's new releases by subject, search for recent books, locate Canadian booksellers to order titles, search a database of Canadian publishers and connect to the AMICUS database for a broader search of LAC's complete online catalogue.

Browse new books: New This Month provides a list of current titles arranged by subject. New books include a Dewey Decimal Classification, from 000 (Generalities) to 900 (Geography, Travel, History). The list includes an additional category for juvenile titles, as well as English and French Canadian literature. Subject classifications may be explored in more detail by clicking Alphabetical Index at the top of the listing page. An archive of previous issues can be searched from this page.

Search recent titles: Search and Advanced Search allow the database to be searched by title, author name, publisher, subject or general keywords. Search permits a search of a single category, while Advanced Search allows searching of up to three categories at once.

Find a retail outlet: Order Information provides a link to the Canadian Booksellers Association, which provides a database of mainly English-language bookstores, and the Association des Libraires du Québec, which lists booksellers in Quebec.

Locate a publisher: Publishers Directory provides a link to LAC's Canadian ISBN Publishers' Directory and to the Bottin des Éditeurs Francophones Canadiens, which provide details on English- and French-language publishers in Canada.

Search a larger database: Can't find what you're looking for at NBS? Click AMICUS to link to LAC's AMICUS catalogue, which contains over 30 million bibliographic records from LAC, Library of Congress, and 1300 libraries across Canada.