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Section title: For Archivists

National Archival Development Program

The National Archival Development Program (NADP) provides financial assistance to Canadian archives and related organizations to increase their capacity to preserve and make accessible unique archival materials about Canada and Canadians.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the National Archival Development Program are to:

  • Increase access to Canada's archival heritage through the national catalogue;
  • Increase awareness and broaden use of Canada's archives;
  • Increase the representation of Aboriginal peoples and under-represented ethno-cultural groups in Canada's archives;
  • Increase the capacity of archival networks to undertake strategic and development activities; and
  • Increase the capacity of archival institutions to preserve Canada's archival heritage.

Applicant Eligibility

Applicants for funding must meet the description of one of the four following categories of recipients:

  • The Canadian Council of Archives (CCA);
  • Provincial or territorial archives councils or equivalents;
  • National, provincial, territorial or regional associations of archivists, and
  • Canadian archival institutions that are accessible to the public and members of a provincial or territorial archives council.

NADP Management

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) will provide contribution support to the CCA to enable it to provide leadership and services supporting the development of archival institutions and organizations across Canada. The CCA will also serve as third party deliverer of contributions to archival institutions and organizations.

With advice from the CCA, LAC will approve strategic approaches towards the achievement of the objectives, set priorities annually, and approve program criteria and guidelines to be used by the CCA in adjudication. LAC will assess annually the progress that is being made towards program objectives.

NADP Components

NADP financial assistance is available under two components:

The Canadian Council of Archives is eligible to receive funding under the National Council component of the program. The Council will submit annually for the approval of Library and Archives Canada a business plan in support of program objectives. A description of the National Council component of the NADP is also available.

Archival institutions, organizations, and provincial and territorial councils are eligible to receive funding under the Archival Projects component of the program. Library and Archives Canada has delegated to the Canadian Council of Archives power to solicit project proposals annually and to manage a process of peer review of the proposals. The CCA also administers contribution funding for archival projects on behalf of LAC.

NADP Funding History

The National Archival Development Program comes into effect on 1 April 2006. Each year a list of approved projects will be posted here.

NADP Application Process

Applications are reviewed competitively once each year.

For information about the process through which the Canadian Council of Archives applies for funding from Library and Archives Canada, see the National Council component.

For information about applying for funding under the Archival projects component, consult the CCA Secretariat (cca@archivescanada.ca) or your Provincial or Territorial Archives Council (www.cdncouncilarchives.ca/provcouncils.html)

Program Guidelines, Application Form, and Other Documents