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The Hon. Henry Ruttan (1792-1871), ca. 1840, attributed to Paul Kane
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The Hon. Henry Ruttan (1792-1871), ca. 1840, attributed to Paul Kane

Henry Ruttan was a soldier, businessman, legislator, author and inventor who grew up on a farm near Adolphustown, Ontario. He joined the militia during the War of 1812. In 1814, he was severely wounded at Lundy's Lane, the toughest and most bitterly fought battle of the war.

Ruttan served two terms in the Upper Canada House of Assembly and was the Sheriff of Northumberland and Durham Counties for 30 years. He devised heating and ventilation systems for houses and railway coaches which were probably the first air conditioners and were used widely throughout North America. He also collaborated with Sir Sandford Fleming in the design of some of Canada's early stamps.

Oil on canvas