Pictorial Works
The works noted below are examples only. Valuable visual images appear as accompaniment to text in such general works as * The armed forces of Canada, 1867-1967, listed with General Military Histories, John Marteinson's We stand on guard, listed with Land Forces histories, and even in such specific works as 100 years: The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1883-1983, by Ken Bell and C.P. Stacey, listed with Corps, Branch and Regimental Histories.
Chartrand, René. Canadian military heritage. - Volume I: 1000-1754. - Volume II: 1755-1871. - Volume 3: 1872-2000. - Montreal: Art Global, 1993-2000. - 3 vol. - Also published in French under the title: Le patrimoine militaire canadien: d'hier à aujourd'hui
- This series, published as part of the official history of the Canadian Armed Forces, presents both text and contemporary illustrations.
Foster, J.A. - Muskets to missiles: a pictorial history of Canada's ground forces. - Toronto: Methuen, 1987. - 251 p.
Fryer, Mary Beacock. - Battlefields of Canada. - Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1986. - 273 p.
_____. - More battlefields of Canada. - Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1993. - 184 p.
Halliday, H.A. - Through artists' eyes: war art in Canada- [S.l.]: National Museum of Man and National Film Board of Canada, [s.d.]. - 28 p. and 30 slides (some col.). - (Canada's visual history, volume 59). - Title on added t.p.: L'art militaire du Canada
Robertson, Peter. - Irréductible vérité: les photographes militaires canadiens depuis 1885 = Relentless verity: Canadian military photographers since 1885. - Québec, Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. - 233 p. - (Public Archives of Canada series)