Defence Policy and Military Policy
Byers, R.B. - Canadian security and defence: the legacy and the challenges.- London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1986. - 88 p. - (Adelphi papers, 214)
Donneur, André; Pariseau, Jean, éds. - Regards sur le système de défense du Canada.- Toulouse, France: Presses de l'Institut d'études politiques de Toulouse, 1989. - 238 p. - (Centre d'études et de recherche sur l'Armée série: bilan et perspectives)
Eayrs, James. - In defence of Canada. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1964-1983. - 5 vol. - (Studies in the structure of power; decision making in Canada)
Haglund, David G., ed. - Canada's defence industrial base: the political economy of preparedness and procurement. - Kingston, Ont.: R.P. Frye, 1988. - 261 p.
Haglund, David G., Sokolsky, Joel J., eds. - The U.S.-Canada security relationship: the politics, strategy and technology of defense. - Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1989. - 306 p. - (Studies in global security)
Haycock, Ronald G. - The evolution of Canadian national security policy. - Kingston, Ont.: Centre for National Security Studies, National Defence College, 1994. - 17 p. - (Distinguished lectures 1-94)
Hunt, R.D.; Haycock, Ronald G., eds. - Canada's defence: perspectives on policy in the twentieth century. - Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1993. - [277] p. - (New Canadian readings)
Morton, Desmond. - Canada and war; a military and political history.- Toronto: Butterworths, 1981. - 228 p. - (Political issues in their historical perspectives)
_____. - "Defending the indefensible: some historical perspectives on Canadian defence 1867-1967". - International journal. - vol. 42 (Autumn 1987). - p. 627-644
* Stacey, C.P. - Arms, men and governments: the war policies of Canada, 1939-1945. - Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1970. - 681 p. - Also published in French under the title: Armes, hommes et gouvernements: les politiques de guerre du Canada, 1939-1945
_____. - The military problems of Canada: a survey of defence policies and strategic conditions past and present.- Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1940. - 184 p.
Stacey, C.P., ed. - The arts of war and peace, 1914-1945.- Toronto: Macmillan, 1972. - 656 p. - (Historical documents of Canada, volume V)