The Métis and Indians
There is a long-established literature on the Métis, but much of the 19th-century and early 20th-century work is polemical, both in English and French, playing its part in the English-French discord unleashed by the execution of Louis Riel. Only a few recent, general works are presented here.
The literature on the Indian participants in the Rebellion is more recent. Loyal till death by Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser is the most comprehensive work. The reader should also note the section on autobiography, biography and reminiscence.
Adams, Howard. - Prison of grass : Canada from a Native point of view. - Rev. ed. - Saskatoon : Fifth House Publishers, 1989. - P. 46-120
Views the Rebellion as a struggle against an imperialist, occupying power.
Barron, F. Laurie; Waldrom, James B., eds. - 1885 and after : Native society in transition. - Regina : Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1986. - 306 p.
* Giraud, Marcel. - The Métis in the Canadian West. - Translated by George Woodcock. - Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 1986. - 2 vol. - Also published in French under the title: Le Métis canadien
Hughes, Stuart, ed. - The Frog Lake "Massacre" : personal perspectives on ethnic conflict. - Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1976. - 364 p. - (The Carleton library, no. 97)
Kermoal, Nathalie. - "Les rôles et les souffrances des femmes métisses lors de la Résistance de 1870 et de la Rébellion de 1885". - Prairie forum. - Vol. 19, no. 2 (Fall 1994). - P. 153-168
Lee, David. - "The Métis militant rebels of 1885". - Canadian ethnic studies = Études ethniques au Canada. - Vol. 21, no. 3 (1989). - P. 1-19
Payment, Diane. - Batoche (1870-1910). - Saint-Boniface, Man. : Éditions du Blé, 1983. - 157 p. - (Collection soleil)
___. - "'La vie en rose'? Métis women at Batoche, 1870 to 1920". - In Miller, Christine ; Chuchryk, Patricia, eds. - Women of the First Nations : power, wisdom and strength. - Winnipeg : University of Manitoba Press, 1996. - P. 19-37. - (Manitoba studies in Native history IX)
Sprague, D.N. - Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885. - Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1988. - 204 p.
Stonechild, Blair; Waiser, Bill. - Loyal till death : Indians and the North-West Rebellion. - Calgary : Fifth House Publishers, 1997. - 310 p.
Tobias, John L. - "Canada's subjugation of the Plains Cree, 1879-1885". - Canadian historical review. - Vol. 64, no. 3 (September 1983). - P. 519-548
*Tremaudan, A.-H. de. - Hold high your heads (history of the Métis Nation in Western Canada). Translated by Elizabeth Maguet. - Winnipeg : Pemmican Publications, 1982. - 210p. - Also published in French under the title: Histoire de la nation métisse dans l'Ouest canadien