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Canadian Military History: An Overview
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Northwest Campaign
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Northwest Campaign
Troops and Traditions

The Military Campaign

The several small battles of the Northwest Campaign are more than adequately covered, although their tactical importance and interest are still being examined. In Telegrams of the North-West Campaign, Desmond Morton and Reginald H. Roy have collected and edited the voluminous orders and messages passed between Ottawa and the field forces, and between Middleton's scattered columns. The comprehensive introduction to the volume includes much of the content of Morton's The last war drum.

Walter Hildebrandt in The battle of Batoche provides a new examination of the battle within the context of British military doctrine for small wars in 19th-century imperial campaigns. Robert Caldwell has built upon this work in his M.A. thesis to contrast the doctrine of the militia with the warring traditions of the Métis.

Caldwell, R.H. - Butcher or bolt : responses to nineteenth century war in the Canadian North West in 1885. - Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1988. - 3 microfiches - (Canadian theses on microfiche). - M.A. thesis, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ont., 1987

* Canada. Parliament. - Report of Major General Laurie, commanding bases and lines of communication, upon matters in connection with the suppression of the rebellion in the North-West Territories in 1885. - Sessional paper, no. 9d. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1887. - 39 p. - Reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 32298. - Also published in French: Document de la session, no 9d

* Canada. Parliament. - Report of the Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police Force, 1885. - Sessional paper, no. 8a. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1886. - 125 p. - Also published in French: Document de la session, no 8a

* _____ . - Report upon the suppression of the rebellion in the North-West Territories, and matters in connection therewith, in 1885. -- Sessional paper, no. 6a. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1886. - 384 p. - Reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 92682. Also published in French: Document de la session, no 6a

Dunn, Jack. - The Alberta Field Force of 1885. - Calgary : Privately printed, 1994. - 293 p.

* Hildebrandt, Walter. - The battle of Batoche : British small warfare and the entrenched Métis. - Rev. ed. - Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1989. - 120 p. - (Studies in archaeology, architecture and history). Also published in French under the title: La bataille de Batoche : une petite guerre britannique contre des Métis retranchés

McCourt, Edward. - Buckskin brigadier : the story of the Alberta Field Force. - Toronto : Macmillan, 1955. - 150 p.

Morton, Desmond; Roy, Reginald H., eds. - Telegrams of the North-West Campaign. - Toronto : Champlain Society, 1972. - 431 p. - (Publications of the Champlain Society, XLVII)

Oppen, William A., comp. - The Riel rebellions : a cartographic history = Le récit cartographique des affaires Riel. - [Toronto] : University of Toronto Press in association with the Public Archives of Canada and the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 1979. - 109 p.

* Stacey, C.P., ed. - Introduction to the study of military history for Canadian students. - 6th ed., 4th rev. - [S.l.] : Directorate of Training, Canadian Forces Headquarters, [s.d.] - P. 75-85. - Also published in French under the title: Introduction à l'étude de l'histoire militaire à l'intention des étudiants canadiens

  • This short work contains excellent introductions to various aspects of Canadian military history including the Northwest Campaign.

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