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IntroductionExplore the Communities
  Section title: Doukhobor
Graphical element: Doukhobor father and son   Introduction
Daily Life


The name Doukhobor means "spirit wrestler" or one who wrestles with the Spirit of God against evil. Doukhobors were Russian Christians who were punished for their beliefs, especially for their refusal to fight in wars. They came to Canada in 1899 seeking a better life. These hard-working people settled first in the district of Saskatchewan. Many moved to British Columbia in 1907. In 1916, the Doukhobors established a new colony in Alberta.

The Doukhobors farmed and lived in communal groups that encouraged simple living. They depended on themselves for almost everything they needed to live. Most couldn't read when they came to Canada and passed along their beliefs and traditions orally, in stories and songs. They sang religious songs called psalms, as well as hymns.

Today, Doukhobors still live mainly in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, but can be found in many other provinces as well.

The Doukhobors' motto is "Toil and a Peaceful Life."