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Banner: Detecting the Truth: Fakes, Forgeries and TrickeryBanner: Detecting the Truth: Fakes, Forgeries and Trickery

Educational Resources

The Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada Learning Centre

The Bank of Canada connects students to "real world" issues in business, economics, civics, mathematics, history, geography and social studies, through its Currency Museum. Teachers and students can access a range of fun-filled educational resources, available in both English and French, that offer interactive learning methods and tie-ins with today's curricula. Created by teachers and banknote experts, they include the Counterfeit Detection program, the Inflation Busters interactive DVD, and the FREE What is Money? teacher's kit. To order the teacher's kit, please email: museum-musee@bankofcanada.ca or call 613-782-8914.

Critical Thinking Model: A Challenge
Is it a fake or a forgery? Did it matter then? Does it matter now?

The resource is being field-tested and is subject to revision.

Critical thinking is primarily concerned with developing sound judgment. Although the teacher nurtures the ability and inclination of students to think critically in answering questions, the students are, however, expected to think for themselves. The teacher will help students to appreciate the criteria for judging various options set before them, and to build their vocabulary about thinking and reasoning. As well, teachers will provide students with instruction on developing strategies for organizing and focusing their thinking, and for instilling mental habits such as openness to new ideas and intellectual perseverance. Students will necessarily acquire some knowledge of the topics of their research and analysis.

Curriculum Tie-ins

Provincial Links

British Columbia and Yukon 10 History of Canada, 1815 to 1914
Alberta 7 Canada: Origins, Histories, and Movement of People
9 Canada: Opportunities and Challenges
Saskatchewan 9 The Roots of Society
Manitoba 11 Canada: A Social and Political History
Ontario 8 Confederation; Changing Society
10 Canadian 20th Century History
12 History: Canada
Quebec 10 History of Quebec and Canada
New Brunswick 12 Canadian History
Nova Scotia 8 19th and 20th Century Canada
11 Modern History; Canadian History
Prince Edward Island 7 Canadian History: Pre-Contact to 1814
8 Canadian History: 1814 to 1900
Newfoundland and Labrador 10 Canadian History; Canadian Issues
Nunavut and Northwest Territories 9 The Growth Of Canada

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