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Banner: AACR - Rule Interpretations


These rule interpretations of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, second edition, 2002 revision and its updates are used in cataloguing for Canadiana, the national bibliography. They are being issued for the information of libraries that use catalogue records produced by Library and Archives Canada or follow Library and Archives Canada cataloguing practice in their own institutions.

Additional Library and Archives Canada rule interpretations as well as revisions to existing ones will be added to this site, with the most recent changes noted on the Rule Interpretations Updates page.

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Comments or questions concerning these rule interpretations should be directed to:

Standards, IMO
Library and Archives Canada
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4
Fax: 819-934-4388
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca

The banners on this web site are details of the mural entitled "The Alphabets" by Alfred Pellan. Source: Library and Archives Canada (LAC). © LAC.