Across the Channel - Timeline - Through A Lens: Dieppe in photograph and film - Library and Archives Canada
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Through A Lens
Timeline German Newreels Canadian Army Newreels Classrooms Resrouces
Chronology of Battle
Original Plan: Operation RUTTER Revised Plan: Operation JUBILEE Across the Channel The Raid on Dieppe


Across the Channel


18 August 1942

Troops Embark.

Troops move to the ports of departure on the south coast of England.

The troops board the landing ships that were to take them across the English Channel. To ensure their safe passage, warships and planes escort them.

Personnel landing craft draw
away from a motor torpedo
boat to start their approach to
the beaches during the raid
on Dieppe.

Unidentified Hunt Class
destroyer of the Royal Navy bombarding Dieppe during Operation Jubilee.

Douglas Boston aircraft
of the Royal Air Force taking
part in the raid on Dieppe.


Landing craft taking part
in the raid on Dieppe.
H.M.S. Calpe laying a smoke
screen off Dieppe. The smoke
screen offered additional
protection to the Allied Forces
since it helped conceal their
movements from the German
Troops in landing craft
preparing to disembark
at Dieppe.