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For Students
The EvidenceWeb

Welcome Students!

You'll find lots of information here that has been collected just for you! If you have ideas for what you'd like to see on these pages, please use the "Comments" button to tell us.

Do you enjoy surfing the Web? "Great Sites" has plenty of wonderful websites with useful and fascinating information. Some of these sites may help you with your schoolwork. Whether you need the information for a special project or you're just having a look for fun, one thing's for sure, all the sites listed here are sure-fire boredom-busters!

Looking for a great book to read? Let us help you out! "Award-winning Books" has lots of suggestions for you, and every book you find listed here has won an award, or two, or three ...

Have a project due? Are you looking for pictures to add to your report? If so, go to "The EvidenceWeb." This database is crammed with historical photos, maps, illustrations, letters, diary entries, political cartoons, newspaper articles, and printed and recorded music. Not only will they add to your project, they will help you decide for yourself the way things were in the past.

Want to learn what primary and secondary sources are and how to use them? Ever wonder where you could find information on developing better Internet research skills? Take a look at the guides on these and other topics in the "Toolkit."

Great Sites

This section has a listing of recommended websites for children and young people, selected for their educational quality. The list contains sites produced by Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and other reliable sources.

Award-winning Books

Discover quality books for children and young people. This section lists books that have won Canadian book awards.