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Banner: Backcheck: Hockey for KidsMain Hockey Site
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Section title: Introduction


Curriculum tie-ins

Grade 7
Cultures and societies (Man.)

Grade 8
Connections between past and present (Man.)
Human rights and multiculturalism (Sask.)

Grade 9
Media influence (Alta.)

- cultural diversity (Alta.)
- Francophone presence and influence (Alta.)
- national identity (Alta., Ont.)
- identity and multiculturalism (Man.)
- tradition, shaping culture (N.B.)

The Great Trivia Challenge

It's time to do some research! Everyone in the class is asked to do some reading about hockey. After researching a hockey fact, each student will construct a trivia question and be asked to make a trivia card using the information they have found. The cards will be pooled to create a class set of trivia cards. Once all the cards are finished, the class will plan a trivia tournament.

Students will be competing for the Trivia Challenge Cup, a trophy that the class will create. This cup will be the students' version of the Stanley Cup and can be a serious-looking trophy or a wacky, imaginative version.

Divide the class into teams. Members of each team can come up with a team name of their choosing. The teams will compete for the Trivia Challenge Cup by answering the trivia questions. Students are not allowed to answer the trivia question that they created. One point is awarded for each correct answer. At the end of the allotted time, the team with the most points wins!

Trivia Challenges can be created on a variety of topics throughout the year and the Trivia Challenge Cup can be awarded each time. You may even want to challenge another class to a Trivia Challenge!

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