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National Archives of Canada
MG 30 C 76, Charles Mayer fonds,
vol. 18, file F - Howie Morenz


Howie Morenz
“D’un but à l’autre. Dans les joutes du championnat de la N.H.L.”, March 1928, photographer unknown

Considered to be the first superstar of hockey, Howie Morenz (1902-1937) electrified crowds with his speed and hockey skills. He added to his legendary status when he died of complications from a broken leg sustained during a game at the Montreal Forum in 1937. During the 1928 hockey playoffs, the Montreal daily La Patrie published a popular column where Morenz gave his impressions on the teams involved and the play of his team, the Montreal Canadiens. Interestingly, Morenz did not write in French and the columns were ghostwritten by Charles Mayer, sportswriter for the newspaper.

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