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The Preservation of Recorded
Sound Materials


ANSI/AES Work Group II. -- Environmental Storage Conditions (Draft 2). January 25, 1991.

Archiving the Audiovisual Heritage, a Joint Technical Symposium. -- FIAF (Fédération International des Archives du Film), FIAT (Fédération International des Archives de Télévision), IASA (International Association of Sound Archives). -- Berlin: Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, 1988.

Association for Recorded Sound Collections, Associated Audio Archives Committee. -- Final Performance Report: Audio Preservation: A Planning Study. -- Silver Spring, Maryland: Association for Recorded Sound Collections, 1987.

Borwick, John --  Sound Recording Practice, Third Edition. -- Oxford University Press, 1989.

Bradshaw, R.; Bhushan, B.,; Kalthoff, C.; Warne, M. -- "Chemical and Mechanical Performance of Flexible Magnetic Tape Containing Chromium Dioxide". -- IBM Journal of Research Development. Vol. 30, No. 2, March 1986. pp. 203-216.

Brown, Daniel W.; Lowry, Robert E.; Smith, Leslie E. -- Prediction of the Long Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media. NBSIR 83-2750. -- US Department of Commerce, August 1983.

Brown, Daniel W.; Lowry, Robert E.; Smith, Leslie E. -- Prediction of the Long Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media. NBSIR 82-2530. -- US Department of Comerce, June 1982.

Committee on Preservation of Historical Records, et al. -- "Magnetic Recording Media" in Preservation of Historical Records. -- Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986, pp. 61-69.

Cuddihy, E.F. -- "Aging of Magnetic Recording Tape". -- IEEE Transaction on Magnetics. Vol. 16, No. 4, July 1980. -- pp. 558-568.

Cuddihy, E.F. "Stability and Preservation of Magnetic Tape". -- Proceedings of the International Symposium: Conservation in Archives. -- Conseil international des archives 1989, pp. 191-206

Fontaine, Jean-Marc. -- "Conservation des Enregistrements Sonores sur Bandes Magnétiques, Étude bibliographique". -- Analyse et Conservation des documents graphiques et sonores. -- Paris, France: Éditions du centre de la recherche scientifique. 1984.

Fontaine, Jean-Marc. -- Degradation de L'Enregistrement Magnetique Audio/Degradation of Magnetic Audio Recording.--  1987. (unpublished) [An English translation, Degradation of Magnetic Audio Recording, was prepared by the National Library of Canada.]

"The Handling & Storage of Magnetic Tape". -- Sound Talk. Volume III No. 1, 3M, 1970.

Jorgensen, Finn-- The Complete Handbook of Magnetic Recording: 3rd Edition--Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Professional and Reference Books-- 1988.

Kalil, F., (Ed.) -- Magnetic Tape Recording for the Eighties: NASA Reference Publication 1075. -- Tape Head Interface Committee, 1982.

Lehn, Anna. -- Appendix IV "Recommended Procedures for Handling Audiovisual Material" -- Final Report: Working Group on the Preservation of Recorded Sound Recordings. -- Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1990. [Unpublished].

Morgan, John. -- Conservation of Plastics: An introduction to their history, manufacture, deterioration, identification and care. London, England: Plastics Historical Society; The Conservation Unit, Museums & Galleries Commission, 1991.

Moncrieff, Anne; Weaver, Graham. -- Science for Conservators: Cleaning. -- London: Crafts Council, 1983.

Pickett, A.G.; Lemcoe, M.M. -- Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings. -- Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1959.

Pohlmann, Ken C. -- The Compact Disc: A Handbook of Theory and Use. -- Madison, Wisconsin: A-R Editions Inc, 1989.

Preservation and Restoration of Moving Images and Sound. -- FIAF (Fédération International des Archives du Film), 1986.

Smith, Leslie E.; Brown, Daniel W.; Lowry, Robert E. -- Prediction of the Long Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media. NBSIR 86-3474. -- US Department of Commerce, June 1986.

Storage of Magnetic Tapes and Cinefilms. -- European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre, Brussels, 1974.

Wheeler, Jim; -- Increasing the Life of Your Audio Tapes. -- Ampex Corporation, 1987.

Woram, John M. -- The Recording Studio Handbook.-- Plainview, New York: Sagamore Publising Company Inc., 1980.


Bob Barclay and Scott Williams, Canadian Conservation Institute; Morgan Cundiff, International Piano Archives, University of Maryland; Gerald Gibson, Larry Miller, William Nugent, Library of Congress; Dr. R. Pisipati, Mobay Chemical Company; David Williams, Nimbus Records; Dietrich Schuller, Phonogrammarchiv, Vienna; Paul Toraka, Stanton Magnetics Incorporated; Jean-Marc Fontaine, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, France; Michel Bourbonnais, National Archives of Canada; Dr. Floyd Toole, National Research Council; Dr. Frank Ma, Union Carbide Canada Limited.

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