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Writing Matters: Creative Writing Activities

Assessment Criteria

Program Area: Language, Reading

Criterion: Demonstrate an understanding of the process of creativity from primary sources to published works.

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The student detects changes to primary manuscripts, and assesses the value of those changes.
  • The student reveals an understanding of common literary terms, such as mood, tone, viewpoint.
  • The student analyzes artistic elements that influence a writer's content and style.
  • The student recognizes the form of various genres, and explains their unique qualities.

Program Area: Language, Writing

Criterion: Select and use an appropriate analytic and/or creative form to reveal an understanding of this literary manuscript study.

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The student uses any artistic form with written accompaniment to demonstrate any concept expressed by one of the writers.
  • The student analyzes a work by one of the writers to reveal an understanding of the relationship of his or her primary sources to the published work.
  • The student writes a roman à clefs using ideas on autobiographical writing acquired in this study.
  • The student explores one of the literary genres, including TV and radio plays, to explain its unique qualities.

Program Areas: Language, Oral Work, Editing, Sharing

Criteria: Share work, edit and revise.

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The student forms a group to share his or her work with classmates.
  • The student explains a work-in-progress to his or her groupmates, sharing sources and suggestions.
  • The student edits and proofreads his or her own work-in-progress, correcting errors with the help of others (spellchecker, teacher, classmates, etc.).

Program Area: Language, Oral and Visual Communication

Criterion: Use listening and communication skills.

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The student demonstrates an ability to listen and to respond to the insights of others.
  • The student builds on the ideas contributed by others on the subject of creativity.
  • The student investigates the relevance of archival records to current situations.
  • The student understands and shares orally the insights gleaned from this archival study.
