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ArchiviaNet: On-line Research Tool
What Is ArchiviaNet?

ArchiviaNet, the National Archives of Canada's online research and consultation tool, provides access to a variety of information resources related to the actual archival holdings. It allows a number of different means of exploration of the fonds and collections by offering the option of searching by theme or by type of document. Some of the finding aids describe groups of documents, while others describe individual items, of which some are digitized and available online.

Levels of information offered

General Inventory
The General Inventory presents a global view of the fonds, collections, series, files, items and accessions of archives from governmental and private sources and covering all media.

Research Guides
The Research Guides allow the researcher to plan a research strategy on a particular theme. They describe the fonds and collections pertinent to certain themes; such as, aboriginal peoples, philatelic materials, or genealogy.

Detailed Descriptions
Specific finding aids allow exploration at a more specific level. They provide access to descriptions of the contents of small groupings of documents as well as of individual items.

Virtual Exhibits
Research by theme and by type of document also allows the researcher access to related virtual exhibits. These consist of selections of digital images of documents which may be consulted online.

Online Services
Beyond online research and consultation of finding aids and digitized documents, ArchiviaNet also offers a number of Online Services such as microfilm loan and photo-reproduction of documents.

ArchiviaNet also gives access to information and guidance on genealogical research.

To Reach the ArchiviaNet Staff
Send an email to our Reference Services personnel.