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Aboriginal Newspapers

AN   AMICUS document number [ ]   incomplete holdings/issues missing °   published currently

This list is arranged alphabetically with see references. It includes print and microform holdings only.
  • AMMSA : Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.40 -- AN 4024388
    March 18, 1983 - March 7, 1986
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1355 -- AN 9468124
    March 18, 1983 - March 7, 1986

    Continued by Windspeaker. Edmonton, AB

  • Acimowin. Winnipeg, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.61 -- AN 14411333
    April 1995

    Continued by Acimowin. Winnipeg, MB

  • Alberta native news. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.44 -- AN 5670811
    February / March 1985 - December 2003
  • Alliance : la voix des Métis et Indiens sans statut du Québec = the voice of the Métis and non-status Indians of Quebec. Hull, Québec
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.26 -- AN 8756218
    October 15, 1984 - 1987

    Continues The Alliance journal. Val d'Or, Québec

  • The Alliance. Val d'Or, Québec
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.26 -- AN 36411
    February 1974 - [1976] - [1978]

    Continued by The Alliance journal. Val d'Or, Québec

  • Anishinabek. Union of Ontario Indians. North Bay, Ontario
    PRINT PER.REG.4208 -- AN 9685318
    Vols. 1-2, 1988-1989

    Continued by Anishinabek news. Union of Ontario Indians. North Bay, Ontario

  • Anishinabek news. Union of Ontario Indians. North Bay, Ontario
    PRINT J-29-1 -- AN 9685368
    [v. 2, March 1990 + ]

    Continues Anishinabek. Union of Ontario Indians. North Bay, Ontario

  • Athabaska echo. Athabasca, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.59 -- AN 15333572
    March 15 - October 21, 1996
  • Atsimoowin. Ile à la crosse, SK
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.4 -- AN 3472116
    [1981] Missing July 1981
  • Atuaqnik [Kuujjuaq]. Kuujjuaq, Québec
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.18 -- AN 903942
    January 1979 - June / July 1980
  • Awa'k'wis. Port Hardy, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.48 -- AN 12587090
    Spring 1990 - [1995 - May 15, 1996]
  • Bear Hills native voice. Hobbema, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.27 -- AN 8214887
    December 1971 - June 1972; December 1, 1977; [1980 -1981, 1984 - 1988]
  • Beaver. Beausejour, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.53 -- AN 7433188
    [December 15, 1964 - January 29, 1975]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1915 -- AN 7433072
    August 6, 1974 - January 29, 1975

    Continued by Manitoba beaver. Beausejour, MB

  • The Calumet. Toronto, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.12 -- AN 558500
    September 30, 1968 - February 1970
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1203 -- AN 3986672
    September 30, 1968 - February 1970

    Filmed with Petaubun = Peep of day. Sarnia, ON

  • Caribou. St. George's, NL
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.6 -- AN 5892502
    December 15, 1983; February 29, 1984; June 15, 1985 - March 15, 1986; December 23, 1986; January 30 - March 30, 1987
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2254 -- AN 15067216
    December 15, 1980 - March 30, 1987
  • Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council news. Brandon, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.11 -- AN 4024359
    July / August, December 1980 / January - February 1981, June / July / August 1981

    Continued by D.O.T.C. news. Brandon, MB

  • D.O.T.C. news. Brandon, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.11 -- AN 4024356
    March - May, July / August 1982; February 25, 1983 - April 1984; November 1985; December 1986 / February 1987; March / April 1987

    Continues Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council news. Brandon, MB

  • Dauphin Métis newspaper. Dauphin, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.13 -- AN 2536313
    May 29 - July 8, 1980

    Continued by The Métis newspaper. Dauphin, MB

  • *Deh cho drum. Fort Simpson, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.63 -- AN 16976027
    August 18 - September 8, 1994; August 14 - 21, 1997; January 8, 1998+
  • Dene express. Fort Good Hope, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.16 -- AN 7525140
    December 1976 - August 1977
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2310 -- AN 13554615
    January 1975 - June 1977

    Continues Hare express. Fort Good Hope, NWT

  • Dene Nation newsletter. Yellowknife, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.3 -- AN 3154401
    1981; [1982 -1985]
  • The drum. Inuvik, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.62 -- AN 7525219
    [January 6, 1966] - [1968 - 1971] - [1973 - 1974] - April 5, 1978. Not published March 15 - April 30, 1969

    Continued by The Inuvik drum. Inuvik, NWT

  • *Drum. Scanterbury, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.34 -- AN 22118769
    December 1998 +
  • Eastern Arctic Star. Frobisher Bay, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.24 -- AN 7634845
    March 2, September 7, 1970 - April 5 - 12, June 28, December 20, 1971; January 3 -17, 1972. Not published June 29 - December 19, 1971
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2312 -- AN 13554802
    October 17, 1969 - January 17, 1972
  • *The Eastern door. Kahnawake, Québec
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.51 -- AN 12314009
    January 31, 1992+
  • The First Citizen. Vancouver, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.33 -- AN 834758
    November 1969 - 1972

    Continued by The First Citizen profiles. Vancouver, BC

  • The First Citizen profiles. Vancouver, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.33 -- AN 834760
    June 1973

    Continues The First Citizen. Vancouver, BC

  • Gigmanag. Charlottetown, PE
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.28 -- AN 1481027
    [March 1976 - September 1990]
  • *Ha-Shilth-Sa. Port Alberni, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.42 -- AN 4316697
    February 19, 1974+
  • Hare express. Fort Good Hope, NWT
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2310 -- AN 13547341
    June 9, 1969 - December 1974

    Continued by Dene express. Fort Good Hope, NWT

  • Iklulik qakutikut = The Iglooik irregular. Iglooik, Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 13547139
    November 15, 1991 - December 13, 1991
  • Ikpiarjukmit pivaliayuit = Arctic Bay news. Ikpiarjuk (Arctic Bay), Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2313 -- AN 13547182
    March 1975
  • Imianik = Cambridge echo. Cambridge Bay, Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2315 -- AN 13547156
    [April 8 - November 30, 1971]
  • The Indian voice. Vancouver, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.9 -- AN 139588
    [1969 - 1970] - [1972] - [1983]
    MICROFORM P.FI.1.1452 -- AN 11481348
    1969 - 1981
  • Indians of Quebec = Indiens du Québec. Caughnawaga, Québec
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.21 -- AN 1687167
    1977 - [1979 - 1980] - 1982
  • Inuksuk. Inukshuk. Iqaluit, Nunavut
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.41 -- AN 39908
    February 9, 1973 - [1974] - June 30, 1976

    Continued by Nunatsiaq news. Nunatsiark. Iqaluit, Nunavut

  • The Inuvik drum. Inuvik, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.62 -- AN 7738241
    April 12, 1978 - [1979] - [1982 - 1983] - [1985] - [1987 - 1989] - [1994] - February 22, 2001

    Continues The drum. Inuvik, NWT

  • Kainai news. Standoff, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.29 -- AN 104856
    February 15, 1968 - [1975] - [1981 - 1982]- [1986 - September 19, 1991]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.731 -- AN 2944558
    1968 - 1991
  • Kenomadiwin news. Port Arthur [Thunder Bay], ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.8 -- AN 981806
    October 15, 1968 - [1969 - 1971] - June 30, 1972
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1203 -- AN 3642990
    October 15, 1968 - June 30, 1972

    Filmed with Petaubun = Peep of day. Sarnia, ON

  • Kinosao Sipi journal = Norway House Cree Nation journal. Norway House, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.61 -- AN 18511345
    May 1998; July 1998; June 1999; September 1999; April 24, 2002

    Continues Norway House Cree Nation journal. Norway House, MB

  • Kinatuinamot illengajuk. Nain, NL
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.43 -- AN 3471393
    February 17, 1975; [1978 - 1980] - [1983] - [1985 - 1986] - [1988] - Fall 1993
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.915 -- AN 5337014
    [March 8, 1972 - 1977] - 1993
  • *Kivalliq nipivut = Kivalliq news. Yellowknife, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.64 -- AN 16972129
    December 21, 1994; January 11 - 18, 1995; January 2, 1997+
  • Mackenzie times. Fort Simpson, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.47 -- AN 7970371
    [October 31, 1989 - April 13, 1994]
  • The Manitoba beaver. Beausejour, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.53 -- AN 7559305
    [February 5, 1975 - December 21, 1994]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1915 -- AN 7433281
    February 5, 1975 - 1988

    Continues Beaver. Beausejour, MB

  • Le Métis. Winnipeg, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.10 -- AN 41774
    [November 1974 - 1978]. Not published April 1978 - October 1985

    Continues News - Manitoba Métis Federation. Winnipeg, MB

  • The Métis monitor. Blind River, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.5 -- AN 859551
    [December 9, 1977 - November 28, 1978]
  • The Métis newspaper. Dauphin, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.13 -- AN 2536304
    July 22, 1980 - April 28, 1981

    Continues Dauphin Métis newspaper. Dauphin, MB

  • *Micmac MaliseetNation news. Truro, NS
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.52 -- AN 10346199
    1991 +

    Continues Micmac Nation news. Truro, NS

  • Micmac Nation news. Truro, NS
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.52 -- AN 10346184
    November - December 1990

    Continued by Micmac Maliseet Nation news. Truro, NS

  • Micmac news. Sydney, NS
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.1 -- AN 7648588
    [1965 - 1966; 1971] - [1982 - 1984] - June 1992. Not published October 1990 - February 20, 1991
  • The Midnight sun. Igloolik, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.31 -- AN 7501294
    May 1969 - April 1974. Not published November 1973 - January 1974
  • *N'Amerind Friendship Centre newsletter. London, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.46 -- AN 7624347
    1988 +
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1699 -- AN 10308580

    Continues N'Amerind news. London, ON

  • N'Amerind news. London, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.46 -- AN 3403933
    [1980 -1982] - [1985] - [1987]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1699 -- AN 10308467
    [1980 -1982] - [1985] - [1987]

    Continued by N'Amerind Friendship Centre newsletter. London, ON

  • Nations' ensign. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.30 -- AN 3724457
    February (?) 1982 - August 12, October 1983

    Continues Native ensign. Edmonton, AB

  • The Native ensign. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.30 -- AN 3724461
    September 1980; July 1981

    Continued by Nations' ensign. Edmonton, AB

  • Native journal. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.67 -- AN 20916962
    December 1991 / January 1992; October 2002
  • The Native people. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.7 -- AN 102314 1968; [1969] - [1972] - [1976] - [1978 - 1979] - [1982]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1530 and NJ.FM.2880 -- AN 1588109 and AN 24609894
    July 1968 - September 1978 January 11, 1974 - December 25, 1981
  • Native press. Yellowknife, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.56 -- AN 1703986
    [January 14, 1971 - 1974] - [1980 - 1983] - [October 26, 1990]
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.729 -- AN 2913548
    May 1971 - 1974; [1975 - 1976]; 1977 - 1990

    Continued by The Press independent. Somba k'e (Yellowknife), NWT

  • Native times. Toronto, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.23 -- AN 7799115
    October / November 1971 - February 1973
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.728 -- AN 8715725
    October 1971 - February 1973

    Continues TNT. Toronto native times. Toronto, ON

    Continued by Toronto native times. Toronto, ON

  • The Native voice. Vancouver, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.54 -- AN 130610
    1946 - [1950] - [1954 - 1967] - [1979] -[1986] - [1988] - September / October 1997
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.730 -- AN 3823975
    1946 - 1968; 1970 - 1980 / 1981; 1985 -1994; 1996 - 1997
  • Nesika. Vancouver, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.22 -- AN 7948842
    September 1972 - [1975] - Summer / Early Fall issue, 1977
    MICROFORM E78 C2 N43 -- AN 4758234
    October 1972 - [1974 - 1975] - Summer / Early Fall issue, 1977
  • New breed. Regina, SK
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.45 -- AN 3814953
    [1970 - 1972] - [1980] - 1982. Not published February - August 1974
    MICROFORM N/J FICHE -- AN 5038832
    [1970 - 1979]. Not published February - August 1974

    Continued by New breed journal. Regina, SK

  • New breed journal. Regina, SK
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.45 -- AN 4519845
    September 1982 - February 1984

    Continues New breed journal. Regina, SK

    Continued by New Breed magazine. Saskatoon, SK

  • New breed magazine. Saskatoon, SK
    PRINT C-306-6 -- AN 13512999
    [1993 - 1994]

    Continues New breed. Regina, SK

    Continued by Newbreed. Saskatoon, SK

  • The new nation. Winnipeg, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.20 -- AN 7534186
    [1972 - 1973] - [1975] - [1977 - 1978] - [1980 -1982]
  • Newbreed. Saskatoon, SK
    PRINT PER.REG.953 -- AN 16186488
    May / June - July / August 1996;January / February 2000 - November / December 2001; May / June 2002 - January / February 2003; May / June 2003 - September / December 2003

    Continues New breed magazine. Saskatoon, SK

  • News - Manitoba Métis Federation. Winnipeg, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.10 -- AN 13714
    November 1972; June 1973 - September 1974

    Continued by Le Métis. Winnipeg, MB

  • Nicola Indian. Merritt, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.17 -- AN 1705638
    [1979 - March 1982]
  • The northern star. Yellowknife, NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.56 -- AN 12947575
    April 28, 1993 - January 5, 1994
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2358 -- AN 17293227
    v. 24, January 5, 1994

    Continues The Press independent. Somba k'e (Yellowknife), NWT

  • Northwest eagle. Meadow Lake, SK
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.50 -- AN 9491197
    December 1987 - May 1995
  • Norway House journal. Norway House, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.61 -- AN 14706527
    July 1995

    Continues Acimowin. Winnipeg, MB

    Continued by Acimowin (1996). Norway House, MB

  • *Nunatsiaq news. Nunatsiark Iqaluit, Nunavut
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.41 -- AN 39914
    July 7, 1976 - [1978 - 1984] - [1986] - [1989 - 1990] - [1995] +
    MICROFORM NJ.FICHE -- AN 6971796
    1985 - December 24, 1993; January 7 - December 23, 1994; January 13 - December 22, 1995; January 5 - December 20, 1996

    Continues Inuksuk. Inukshuk. Iqaluit, Nunavut

  • Ontario birchbark. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.66 -- AN 27134366
    April 2002 +

    Continues Windspeaker Ontario. Edmonton, AB

  • Pangnirtung. Pangnirtung, Nunavut
    PRINT D-465 -- AN 125700
    October 4 - November 3, 1971
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 16615167
    October 4 - November 3, 1971

    Continued by Ukalimagat = News and views. Pangnirtung, Nunavut

  • Pangnirtung news. Pangnirtung, Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 16615282
    November 1986
  • Petaubun = Peep of day. Sarnia, ON
    PRINT NJ.SECTION 13 -- AN 7688221
    March, August 1862
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.1203 -- AN 7688116
    March, August 1862
  • Peter Ballantyne acimowin. Prince Albert, SK
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.58 -- AN 19365366
    [October 1994 - March 15, 2000]
  • Piasuarusirmi pivatliayat mitimatalikmi. Pond Inlet, Nunavut
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.2 -- AN 29479
    January 21, 1972; October 1972; March - April 1973
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 16614550
    March 17, 1972 - April 1973

    Continued by Suvaguq.. Pond Inlet, Nunavut

  • The Press independent. Somba k'e (Yellowknife), NWT
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.56 -- AN 10323193
    November 2, 1990 - April 1993

    Continues Native press. Yellowknife, NWT

    Continued by The northern star. Yellowknife, NWT

  • Rankin times. Kagikliniap pikkusigit. Rankin Inlet, Nunavut
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.32 -- AN 39777
    October 9, 1973 - March 22, 1976
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2313 -- AN 13571640
    October 9, 1973 - March 22, 1976
  • Sakgeenq news. Fort Alexander, MB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.15 -- AN 7447829
    [November 1, 1963 - April 1977]
  • Senk'l'ip. Vernon, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.49 -- AN 12588690
    December 1991 - [1992] - February, June 1993
  • Stoney echo. Morley, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.25 -- AN 3403916
    April 1, June / July, September / October 1981; April / May, August / September, October / November 1982; January / February 1983
  • Strait arrow. Nanaimo, BC
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.57 -- AN 13916006
    September 20, 1993; November - December 1993; February - August 1994; Winter 1994 / 1995; Spring, June, August, October, December 1995; Winter 1996
  • Suvaguq. Pond Inlet, Nunavut
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.2 -- AN 29484
    February 1974 - June 1976. Not published October 1975 - March 1976
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 16614994
    February 1974 - June 1, 1978

    Continues Piasuarusirmi pivatliayat mitimatalikmi. Pond Inlet, Nunavut

  • TNT. Toronto native times. Toronto, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.23 -- AN 7795404
    April 1969 - September 1971
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.728 -- AN 3823974
    September 1970 - September 1971

    Continued by Native times. Toronto, ON

  • Toronto native times. Toronto, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.23 -- AN 7799249
    [April 1973 - May / June 1981]. Not published March - October 1979
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.728 -- AN 8715805
    March 1973 - 1978. Not published March - October 1979

    Continues Native times. Toronto, ON

  • *Turtle Island news = Okarahsonha kenh Onkwehonwene. Ohsweken, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.65 -- AN 14948153
    October 24, 2001 - April 14, 2004; April 28, 2004+
    MICROFORM NJ.FICHE -- AN 14948134
    January 11, 1995 - 1998
  • Tusautit tusarasat = Tusautit newsletter. Pangnirtung, Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 16615300
    November 25, 1983 - [March 1986]

    Continues Tusarasapit nutat. Pangnirtung, Nunavut

  • Ukalimagat = News and views. Pangnirtung, Nunavut
    MICROFORM NJ.FM.2314 -- AN 13572147
    [December 1971]

    Continues Pangnirtung. Pangnirtung, Nunavut

    Continued by Tusarasapit nutat. Pangnirtung, Nunavut

  • *Wawatay news. Sioux Lookout, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.55 -- AN 13788
    November 1974+
    MICROFORM NJ.FICHE -- AN 8554725
    1985 - [1993 - 1998]
  • Wikwemikong news. Wikwemikong, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.60 -- AN 15191512
    September 1995 - August 2000

    Continued by Wiky news. Wikwemikong, ON

  • *Wiky news. Wikwemikong, ON
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.60 -- AN 25065516
    September 2000 +

    Continued by Wikwemikong news. Wikwemikong, ON

  • Windspeaker Ontario. Edmonton, AB
    PRINT NJ.OR.NA.66 -- AN 26928423
    January - March 2002

    Continued by Ontario birchbark.. Edmonton, AB

Our definition of a newspaper is as follows: "a newspaper is printed and distributed daily, semi-weekly, weekly or at some other regular and short interval. it consists of news, editorials, features, advertising and other matters of current interest." We have excluded those papers solely devoted to a specific subject, industry or interest, e.g. financial, industrial and military papers...Also excluded are magazines, house organs, reviews, alumni publications and supplements. (Union List of Canadian Newspapers held by Canadian Libraries. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1977).
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Aboriginal Peoples

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