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News Release


Launch of The Fun of Reading Writing Contest for Children

Ottawa, February 4, 2003 - The Library and Archives of Canada is pleased to announce the official launch of The Fun of Reading writing contest for children. This contest is part of the International Forum on Canadian Children's Literature, which will take place June 26-29, 2003, as part of the National Library of Canada's 50th anniversary celebrations. The purpose of the Forum is to promote Canadian children's literature and to strengthen its presence in Canada and throughout the world.

The contest is for children nationwide between the ages of 8 and 12. Children can enter individually or with their class. They may write an original story (either fiction or non-fiction) of up to 1 000 words or a poem of up to five stanzas, in English or French, based on the theme The Fun of Reading. The stories are to be submitted by regular mail or by e-mail no later than March 31, 2003. Results will be announced on June 26, 2003. 

Thousands of people will be able to read the winning entries, since they will be posted on the Library and Archives of Canada Web site, which receives nearly 20 000 visitors every day. The children also have a chance to win a library of books for their class, electronic equipment and other great prizes! As well, this contest enables teachers and children to reflect on the magic of reading and on a positive learning experience!

For more information about The Fun of Reading writing contest for children, please consult the International Forum on Canadian Children's Literature Web site at www.collectionscanada.ca/forum/.

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Pauline Portelance, Media Relations Officer
Library and Archives of Canada