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List of Poets
- Allan, Peter John (1825-1848) -- 62 poems
- Allen, J. A. Rev. -- 1 poem
- Ascher, Isidore G. -- 4 poems
- Auclair, J., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Baldwin, Miss -- 1 poem
- Baldwyn, Augusta -- 1 poem
- Beauchemin, Nérée -- 3 poems
- Beaudet, H., R‚v. -- 2 poems
- Beauregard, Alphonse (1885-1924) -- 12 poems
- Benson, Nathaniel A. -- 2 poems
- Blewett, Jean -- 6 poems
- Breakenridge, John -- 1 poem
- Bureau, J. A., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Burpee, Lawrence J. (1873-1946) -- 1 poem
- BussiŠres, Arthur de (1877-1913) -- 29 poems
- Call, Frank Oliver -- 1 poem
- Cameron, George Frederick -- 3 poems
- Campbell, Wilfred -- 7 poems
- Carman, Bliss, (1861-1929) -- 302 poems
- Chapman, E. J. -- 3 poems
- Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier -- 5 poems
- Cleworth, T., Rev. -- 1 poem
- Cl‚ment, M., TrŠs R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Coleman, Helena -- 5 poems
- Crawford, Isabella Valancy (1850-1887) -- 93 poems
- Crémazie, Octave (1827-1879) -- 34 poems
- Cumming, Leonie M. -- 1 poem
- Dantin, Louis -- 32 poems
- Darnell, H. F., Rev., M.A. -- 2 poems
- Dewart, Edward Harley -- 5 poems
- Drummond, William Henry (1854-1907) -- 35 poems
- Evanturel, Eudore (1852-1919) -- 21 poems
- Fafard, Am., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Faulkner, Rhoda A., Mrs. -- 5 poems
- Ferland, Albert (1872-1943) -- 40 poems
- Finch, Robert -- 2 poems
- Fiset, Louis-J.-C. -- 4 poems
- Ford, Samuel Payne -- 5 poems
- Fréchette, Louis -- 16 poems
- Garneau, Alfred -- 2 poems
- Garneau, François-Xavier -- 4 poems
- Garneau, Saint-Denys, (1912-1943) -- 29 poems
- Gingras, Apollinaire L'Abbé -- 4 poems
- Gingras Ner‚‚., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Glasgow, Louise C. -- 1 poem
- Haight, Jennie E. -- 6 poems
- Haney, P. L., Mrs. -- 1 poem
- Hawley, W. H. -- 1 poem
- Heavysege, Charles -- 12 poems
- Hodgins, George J. -- 1 poem
- Johnson, E. Pauline -- 84 poems
- Johnson, Helen M. -- 9 poems
- King, J. H. -- 1 poem
- Kirby, W. -- 2 poems
- Klein, A. M. -- 2 poems
- Lalibert‚, Napol‚on, R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Lampman, Archibald (1861-1899) -- 248 poems
- Lemay, Léon-Pamphile -- 7 poems
- Lenoir, Joseph -- 2 poems
- Leprohon, J. L., Mrs. -- 5 poems
- Lett, William, P. -- 1 poem
- Loranger, Jean-Aubert (1896-1942) -- 19 poems
- Lozeau, Albert (1878-1924) -- 355 poems
- MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts -- 3 poems
- MacDonald, Wilson -- 1 poem
- Machar, Agnes Maule (1837-1927) -- 1 poem
- MacIntosh, James -- 1 poem
- MacKay, L. A. -- 1 poem
- Mair, Charles (1838-1927) -- 34 poems
- Marceau, A. H., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Marquis, J., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Martel, Antoine, R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Martin, George -- 4 poems
- Massie, John -- 1 poem
- May, John, Rev., M.A. -- 1 poem
- M'Carroll, James -- 7 poems
- McCrae, John (1872-1918) -- 30 poems
- McGee, Thomas D'Arcy (1825-1868) -- 3 poems
- McLachlan, Alexander (1818-1896) -- 11 poems
- M'Coll, Evan -- 4 poems
- M'Donnell, John F. -- 7 poems
- M'George, R. J., Rev. -- 1 poem
- M'Intosh, Donald -- 1 poem
- Montgomery, L. M. -- 3 poems
- Moodie, J. W. D. -- 1 poem
- Moodie, Susanna (1803-1885) -- 4 poems
- Morriset, F., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- M'Queen, Thomas -- 2 poems
- Murray, Miss -- 1 poem
- Nantel, A. [Antonin] (1839-1929) -- 1 poem
- Nelligan, Émile (1879-1941) -- 108 poems
- O'Grady, Standish (1793-1841) -- 3 poems
- Patterson, Robert Stuart -- 2 poems
- Pickthall, Majorie L. C. -- 3 poems
- Pickthall, Marjorie -- 2 poems
- Plamondon, J. B., R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Poisson, Adolphe -- 6 poems
- Procter, J. J. -- 4 poems
- Racine, Antoine, R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Racine, Dominique, R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Ramsay, J. R. -- 2 poems
- Reade, John -- 7 poems
- Ridley, Hilda M. -- 1 poem
- Riel, Louis David (1844-1885) -- 9 poems
- Roberts, Charles G. D. (1860-1943) -- 68 poems
- Roddick, Lady Amy Redpath -- 1 poem
- Routhier, A.-Basile -- 10 poems
- Sangster, Charles -- 17 poems
- Scoble, John -- 1 poem
- Scott, Duncan Campbell (1862-1947) -- 46 poems
- Scott, Frederick George -- 5 poems
- Sirois Joseph, R‚v. -- 1 poem
- Smith, William Wye -- 5 poems
- Stringer, Arthur -- 1 poem
- Stringer, Arthur (1874-1950) -- 5 poems
- Sweeney, Robert -- 1 poem
- Sweeny, Robert -- 1 poem
- Trudelle, Charles, R‚v. -- 5 poems
- Vining, Pamelia S. -- 8 poems
- Walker, Annie L. -- 6 poems
- Wallace, D. J. -- 3 poems
- Werum, Florence Ralston -- 2 poems
- Wetherald, Ethelwyn (1857-1940) -- 4 poems
- Wilkins, Harriett Annie -- 4 poems
- Wilkinson, Caroline Eleanor -- 1 poem
- Wright, Frederick -- 1 poem