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Religious Archives

Parish Registers and other documents drawn up by religious authorities can contain valuable information for genealogists. Below is a list of the main religious archives Web sites for Canada. Information about holdings and how to contact those archives can be found on each Web site.

Keep in mind that many church archives do not have the resources to offer genealogical research services. Church archives are considered as private archives and researchers must follow access rules established by the repository.

The Canadian Encyclopedia Online [www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/] will help you to learn more about religious denominations and church history in Canada.

You can search for other archives in the Canadian Council of Archives' Directory of Archives [www.cdncouncilarchives.ca/directory.html].

To find the names and addresses of churches in a specific community, you can search by place name in the Canadian Church Directory [www.churchdirectory.ca].

Anglican (Church of England)

Archives in the Anglican Church of Canada [www.anglican.ca/about/departments/General-Secretary/archives/archives-list.htm]
Anglican Church Archives Network in British Columbia [http://aabc.bc.ca/aabc/anglican.html]
Anglican Diocese of Huron Archives (Ontario) [www.diohuron.org/archive/]
Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Archives (Ontario) [www.ottawa.anglican.ca/archives.shtml]
Quebec Diocesan Archives: Bishop's University - Old Library - McGreer Hall [www.ubishops.ca/library_info/lib-old.htm]


Atlantic Baptist Archives (Acadia University) [http://library.acadiau.ca/archives/genresearch.html]
The Canadian Baptist Archives [http://divinity.mcmaster.ca/academics/resources/baptistArchives]

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints [www.familysearch.org/]


Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches [www.cecconline.com]


Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada [www.jhcwc.org/archives.htm]
Ontario Jewish Archives
Ottawa Jewish Archives [www.jewishottawa.org/content_display.html?ArticleID=60972]


Lutheran Historical Institute [www.lccarchives.ca/]
Central District Archives [www.lutherancentraldist.org/archives.htm]
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada [www.elcic.ca/index.html]


Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies [www.mbconf.ca/mbstudies/holdings/index.en.html]
Mennonite Archives of Ontario [http://grebel.uwaterloo.ca/mao/]
Mennonite Heritage Centre Archives [www.mennonitechurch.ca/programs/archives/]


See United Church of Canada


Presbyterian Church in Canada: Archives and Records Office [www.presbyterian.ca/archives/genealogy.html]
See also United Church of Canada

Roman Catholic

Archdiocese of Halifax [www.catholichalifax.org/]
Library and Archives: Archdiocese of Halifax [www.catholichalifax.org/resourcentre.html#archives]
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto [www.archtoronto.org/sec/map.htm]
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. John's (Newfoundland) [www.stjohnsarchdiocese.nf.ca/archives.asp]
Archdiocese of Regina Archives [www.archregina.sk.ca/Archives.htm]
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Winnipeg [www.manitobacatholic.net/info/misc/genealogy.html]
Canadian Catholic Webs [www.oblates.ca/anthony/cathweb.htm]

United Church of Canada

United Church of Canada Archives Network [www.united-church.ca/archives/]

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