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Oscar Peterson - A Jazz Sensation
Biography Honours O.P. & Friends Photo Gallery

Introduction | Background | Musical Training | Influences

For most of the last six decades, Oscar Peterson has been Canada's leading jazz artist. A highly accomplished pianist, polished in his technique and insightful in his artistry, he is internationally renowned as a soloist, group member and accompanist. Probably best known for his work with the trios he has led over the years, he has also accompanied such jazz greats as Ella Fitzgerald, Stan Getz, Dizzy Gillespie and Billie Holiday and made a major impact as a solo artist. Despite suffering a stroke in 1993, he continues to perform and is active in jazz education and as an advocate for racial equality. His musical mastery has been recognized by an extraordinary number of awards, including several Junos, Grammys and a Genie. He is also a Companion of the Order of Canada (1984), holds the George Peabody Medal (1987) along with numerous other national and international honours.

Oscar Peterson
© Frans Schellekens, Amsterdam

Introduction | Background | Musical Training | Influences
