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Banner: Engine of Immortality: Canadian Newspapers from 1752 until Today
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Foreign Intelligence

Venice, Octo. 7. They write from Constantinople, That the Inhabitants who retired into the Country to avoid the Plague, are far from being secure, as the Air is infected for twenty Leagues round.
From the Halifax Gazette, March 23, 1752, p. 1

Other valuable information on the Halifax Gazette and the history of the first printing press in Canada may be found on the following sites:

The Oldest Newspaper in Canada
A compendium of articles on the first Nova Scotia newspapers, which includes, at the bottom of the page, an article on the Halifax Gazette. The article explains the change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.

Significant Historical Happenings: 1752
Peter Landry's site sets the historical context for the printing of the Halifax Gazette.

Print Culture in the Maritimes
An excellent historical guide to early print sources. It was prepared as part of the celebration of Canada's print culture by Patricia Belier, Gwendolyn Davies, Bertrum H. MacDonald, Karen Smith, and Eric Swanick, in May 1997 (revised August 1997) and is accompanied by a bibliography.

Nova Scotian Newspapers
Compiled by the Nova Scotia Genealogy Network Association. The site also lists currently published daily and community newspapers in the province, including contact addresses and additional details.

News and Newspapers
Developed for primary, junior and intermediate grades by Myra Junyk, Metro Toronto Separate School Board. It gives a number of activity suggestions for teachers and students to increase their knowledge of newspapers and newspaper sources.

Halifax and Its People / 1749-1999
Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management's virtual exhibit to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Halifax.

History of the Royal Gazette
The Halifax Gazette set in the historical context of its origins as an official government publication.

The First Ten Newspapers in America (1690 to 1732)
Produced by R.J. Brown, Editor-in-Chief, Newspaper Collectors Society of America, this site describes some of the North American newspapers that were forerunners to the Halifax Gazette.

Foreign Intelligence includes pointers to many different information sources. Library and Archives Canada makes every effort to ensure the links are accurate and current. All links to remote sites are checked on a regular basis. Some of these sites may be temporarily overloaded or unavailable for short periods. Sites may also move or disappear completely. Library and Archives Canada has no control over the availability of remote sites and is not responsible for the information found at those sites. The inclusion of a site in Foreign Intelligence does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Library and Archives Canada.

John Bushell (as his name appeared in the first issue) was also referred to by newspaper historians as John Bushel, John Bushell or John Bushnell.